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Why did Tim Kaine call for gun control after the Ohio State rampage


Veteran Member
Exactly this.

And of course that tactic works. The "uneducated" put Trump into office, didn't they?
No it was those that have decided that the liberal/progressive policies wasn't working and either voted for Trump directly or indirectly by not voting.
It doesn't take a genius to realize something isn't working just common sense, which some do not seem to have.
You do know that real world experience trumps (pun intended) assumed intelligence.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
No it was those that have decided that the liberal/progressive policies wasn't working and either voted for Trump directly or indirectly by not voting.
It doesn't take a genius to realize something isn't working just common sense, which some do not seem to have.
You do know that real world experience trumps (pun intended) assumed intelligence.
It is indeed a problem that Hillary lacks business experience.
(And no, I don't count fleecing them for money for her foundation.)
This is less of a problem than lack of government experience.


Well-Known Member
I've only run across a minority of Dems who want to ban'm all.
They don't concern me. The real problem is too much wrongful
regulation, & too little attention to effective mitigation.

Which is why I think the NRA's (thus Republicans) stance is insane. They refuse to even talk about regulation, which means that the only time anything changes is when dems have enough power to act without republicans. So the bills we end up with are ludicrous. Look at NYS for an example of what I am talking about.

This could be a serious problem post Trump. If things go as I suspect they will, we will see a pretty large swing to the left over the next 2-6 years in Washington.

I suspect the NRA would prefer bad legislation to legislation that settles the issue for the majority of Americans as it means more members and more donations. But it doesn't mean good things for gun owners.


Well-Known Member
It is indeed a problem that Hillary lacks business experience.
(And no, I don't count fleecing them for money for her foundation.)
This is less of a problem than lack of government experience.

Do you have any actual evidence of fleecing or just rhetoric?


Well-Known Member
Exactly this.

And of course that tactic works. The "uneducated" put Trump into office, didn't they?

Pretty much. esmith is right at least in part. But without the masses of uneducated voters (who in past elections barely have shown up at all) he would not be president elect.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Which is why I think the NRA's (thus Republicans) stance is insane. They refuse to even talk about regulation.....
The NRA has a long history of supporting gun control.
But as more authoritarian & ineffective legislation (eg, Clinton's "assault rifle ban")
became the norm, the NRA moved more in the direction of opposing it.
....which means that the only time anything changes is when dems have enough power to act without republicans. So the bills we end up with are ludicrous. Look at NYS for an example of what I am talking about.

This could be a serious problem post Trump. If things go as I suspect they will, we will see a pretty large swing to the left over the next 2-6 years in Washington.

I suspect the NRA would prefer bad legislation to legislation that settles the issue for the majority of Americans as it means more members and more donations. But it doesn't mean good things for gun owners.
And today, they work to fix many gun law problems which the left ignores, eg, the dangerous patchwork of state gun laws.


Premium Member
They should just issue police an additional weapon in the form of dart gun that will temporarily immobilize a person. I would sign up today just for one of those.


If you can read this, you are as lucky as I am.
No it was those that have decided that the liberal/progressive policies wasn't working and either voted for Trump directly or indirectly by not voting.
It doesn't take a genius to realize something isn't working just common sense, which some do not seem to have.
You do know that real world experience trumps (pun intended) assumed intelligence.

Which policies were not working?

We did have a Repubican majority in congress from 2010-2016. . . this policy problem is at the feet of who?

So assuming you're correct, what policies, [*** staff edit ***] has Trump proposed that will work?
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Oh yeah, I know all about it. We've even talked about it. But I haven't heard anyone claim the charity was scamming people. They do a great deal of good around the planet.
If the claims that the foundation financed Chelsea's wedding, then the donors were scammed.
But I haven't vetted those.
Be careful....there's fake news around.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
For some years I have heard of this, and usually turns out to be based on fake news. Besides Trump foundation already has those issues in real life, with IRS issues for it.
Fake news which makes Clinton look bad from The Atlantic?
Anyway, I don't trust Trump's foundation either.


Well-Known Member
If the claims that the foundation financed Chelsea's wedding, then the donors were scammed.
But I haven't vetted those.
Be careful....there's fake news around.

I hadn't noticed.

As for the wedding thing, it was a wiki-leak email. Who the hell knows if it is true. I haven't seen any sort of corroboration. If I were a betting man I would say it's BS.

On the other hand I have read reports of how many billions have been spent getting medicines to people in need, building roads and medical facilities.... There is no doubt the charity spends mountains of cash helping those in need.

I have yet to see any of those kinds of reports about Trumps Foundation.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Knee-jerk reaction.
It perpetuates a few negative images that Conservatives have regarding Liberals. Unfortunate.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
I'd call for gun control based on this incident.

Another psycho went in a rampage, and not one innocent person died.

Because he didn't have a gun.

The flip side of that is that he chose a soft target. An area where guns were restricted (on campus). Ever wonder why terrorists never strike somewhere like Springville, AL. or Woodridge, TN.? Because they know everyone and their grandmother carries a gun and their plan would come to a screeching halt before it really got started. The liberal, anti-gun areas with high populations are the best targets strategically.


If you can read this, you are as lucky as I am.
The flip side of that is that he chose a soft target. An area where guns were restricted (on campus). Ever wonder why terrorists never strike somewhere like Springville, AL. or Woodridge, TN.? Because they know everyone and their grandmother carries a gun and their plan would come to a screeching halt before it really got started. The liberal, anti-gun areas with high populations are the best targets strategically.

Not true. One quick example.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
Because Kaine is an idiot, but knows shouting gun control could get him noticed by the globalists and perhaps help his self serving career goals.
Oh, and I'm sure your education much surpasses his, right?