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Why Didn't the Universe Always Exist?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
No, you are not paying attention. I have been trying to answer you question. Do not assume that others know as little as you do.
Oh, are you implying that you agree with me that there is no beginning or ending to eternal existence, only the manifestation is dualistic? Ancient cultures understood the underlying unity of the apparent duality, the Tao is just another name to represent the same one reality, only the manifestation is dualistic, ying and yang, positive and negative, good and evil, etc..

God is one. I create the light, and the dark, I create the good, and the evil, I the Lord does these things. Isaiah 45:6-7


My own religion
Oh, are you implying that you agree with me that there is no beginning or ending to eternal existence, only the manifestation is dualistic? Ancient cultures understood the underlying unity of the apparent duality, the Tao is just another name to represent the same one reality, only the manifestation is dualistic, ying and yang, positive and negative, good and evil, etc..

God is one. I create the light, and the dark, I create the good, and the evil, I the Lord does these things. Isaiah 45:6-7

Well, I am two. And you are not two as me, but two as you, unless you are God!

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You can do better. You should try to follow along with the conversation. In fact you as much as admitted that you were wrong by dodging a reasonable question multiple times. Go back and reread the posts and try to reason just a little bit.
We agree that there is positive and negative energy which balance each other, what's new?


My own religion
The human body is not what I truly am, it is a manifestation of who I am, but then so are you!

Yeah, I have another version of how truth works. And that one is so wrong and false that you are not reading this and I didn't write it. All this is truly really not happening. It is all truly false!!! ;)
And if you choose to answer, you are not one with God, but wrong!!! ;)

Truth is really funny as it requires in the cogntive sense the duality of false.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Yeah, I have another version of how truth works. And that one is so wrong and false that you are not reading this and I didn't write it. All this is truly really not happening. It is all truly false!!! ;)
And if you choose to answer, you are not one with God, but wrong!!! ;)

Truth is really funny as it requires in the cogntive sense the duality of false.
True understanding is not just understanding understanding, it requires understanding not understanding.


My own religion
True understanding is not just understanding understanding, it requires understanding not understanding.

Yeah, you operate in your justifications with a duality of positive and negative as if that postively matters, because there are versions, that doesn't positively matter.


The Lost One
Space does not have gravity. The universe was created from God, from the fragment floating through space. It took God 100s of years to create the earth. The earth is not 13 billion years old. The earth is 1000 years old.

you do realize that Jesus lived about 2000 years ago?

So if the Earth is only 1000 years old, then Jesus couldn’t have existed as there would be no Earth.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Oh, are you implying that you agree with me that there is no beginning or ending to eternal existence, only the manifestation is dualistic? Ancient cultures understood the underlying unity of the apparent duality, the Tao is just another name to represent the same one reality, only the manifestation is dualistic, ying and yang, positive and negative, good and evil, etc..

God is one. I create the light, and the dark, I create the good, and the evil, I the Lord does these things. Isaiah 45:6-7
No, we can also have an eternal universe with a beginning. I asked you a question to help you to understand this, but you falsely claimed it to be a red herring.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
We agree that there is positive and negative energy which balance each other, what's new?
No, there is no need to any mystic mumbo jumbo. You will probably not get it on your own. First off you need to remember that matter and energy are interchangeable. Matter can become energy and energy can become matter. The simplified version of that is E = mc^2. Second if the total energy of the universe, and that includes both regular matter and dark matter, is zero then the universe starting from a state of no energy does not violate the First Law of Thermodynamics. That is not exactly "nothing' since the physical laws of the universe already existed, but a "universe from nothing" is not physically impossible.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
So who/what created God?
You probably know the rules by now. "God" gets a pass. You do not get to ask the same questions about this alleged deity that is believer ask about the universe. Why? You'll get irrelevant answers. The rules don't apply to the guy who invented them. Why not? Because he's God. Or God doesn't exist in time or space. Why does that change anything? [crickets]. Or God didn't begin to exist but the universe did. How do you know and why would that matter?
That 'all that exists' reality is called 'God' in some cultures and is called 'universe' in scientific culture.
Those other cultures talk to it and perform rituals in hopes of magical results from it. I wouldn't place too much stock in their opinions.
The question "What is south of the South Pole?" is a common logical fallacy known as a Red Herring that some use when their understanding is limited.
You're quick to call fallacy, but don't make any supporting argument. There is nothing about that comment that is fallacious or indicates a lack of understanding. Here come some more:
Band wagon!
Red herring!
Ad hominem!
In every case, that was the entire post, two posted twice each.

Nothing is fallacious because you post two words with an exclamation point claiming so. In what you call "scientific culture," which I'll translate to the community of critically thinking empiricists, more is needed than just a claim. Simply uttering these phrases doesn't mean that you understand what they mean or that you can identify fallacies.

Maybe you were hoping otherwise. Believers like to borrow from the unbeliever's nomenclature, but not the culture itself. Hence, they offer faulty reasoning and sciencey sounding objections to give the impression that reason and evidence are important to them and the means by which they arrived at their beliefs, but the words don't stand up to scrutiny as when you make the pronouncements you did above.
Nothing can come from nothing, if you think otherwise, prove it.
He doesn't need to. You need to demonstrate that your claim is correct if you don't want it dismissed.
I said the physicists need to prove that mass can come into existence from nothing
Same answer: no, they don't. They only need to discover what is the case as well as the evidence permits.
a discussion between Pantheists, Orthodox Christians, and Atheists, about the universe is certain to be difficult to find common agreement.
Pantheists and atheists tend to agree, except that the former call reality a god. Spinoza and Einstein used that word but seem to agree with atheists who don't.

Abrahamists can be the same - basically in agreement with atheistic humanists - and some here on RF are, but only if they don't go much further than the pantheists. One can use the word God and even say grace and go to church on Sunday to sing hymns and meet friendly people (for the time he is with them in a church, anyway), but if one gets a liberal education and forms his values from applying reason to the benevolent intuitions of the conscience, he'll arrive at the same place as the atheistic humanist. His religion will not have harmed him.

But go further and start believing that atheists hate God, homosexuals are an abomination, or that science is your enemy, then you've been harmed by your beliefs.
God is one. I create the light, and the dark, I create the good, and the evil, I the Lord does these things. Isaiah 45:6-7
Assuming that you're presenting that as fact or truth, I don't suppose you want to hear which fallacies you committed there. Those are all non sequiturs. Noe are the sound conclusions of reasoned, evidenced arguments.

I Googled it to see which translation you used that makes grammatical errors - "I does" - and got only one hit - this thread.

So I Googled Isaiah 45:6-7 to see what it said. Here's the King James translation:

"that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

It looks like you've taken liberties there. Where do you get "God is one" from that? Did you mean the only god? And it looks like you changed peace to good.

Nevertheless, there is still no reason to believe any of that, but I'm guessing that you do - another logical error.
The human body is not what I truly am
Sure it is, and more. There's also the human mind. That should be enough. It is for me.

If you want to add a soul or spirit and don't mean an aspect of mind, then you're just guessing.

It is much easier to go through life unburdened by all of that. It's harder to get to that point. It requires a degree of education and discipline, but once one has made that investment in himself and learned to view the world without magic and to not believe anything without sufficient justification, the world makes more sense than before making that journey. For example, one doesn't have to wonder why God creates gratuitous suffering (Satan, hell), or why science and Genesis contradict one another, or why carnivores need to kill to survive, or why children get cancer or get raped.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
No, there is no need to any mystic mumbo jumbo. You will probably not get it on your own. First off you need to remember that matter and energy are interchangeable. Matter can become energy and energy can become matter. The simplified version of that is E = mc^2. Second if the total energy of the universe, and that includes both regular matter and dark matter, is zero then the universe starting from a state of no energy does not violate the First Law of Thermodynamics. That is not exactly "nothing' since the physical laws of the universe already existed, but a "universe from nothing" is not physically impossible.
You are considering the eternal aspect of the universe (at least wrt no ending), but not the infinite aspect. Note that in the Taoist symbol that there are smaller Taoist symbols. Consider the 'universe' known to science as existing in a larger 'universe', and these in an even larger universe, etc., etc., to infinity. There was never a beginning to the infinite universe.

There is no such reality as nothing, nothing does not exist, ever. +1 -1 = 0 in math relates to relativity, in absolute terms, zero represents the reality, depending on the culture, of Tao, or God, etc..

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You are considering the eternal aspect of the universe (at least wrt no ending), but not the infinite aspect. Note that in the Taoist symbol that there are smaller Taoist symbols. Consider the 'universe' known to science as existing in a larger 'universe', and these in an even larger universe, etc., etc., to infinity. There was never a beginning to the infinite universe.

There is no such reality as nothing, nothing does not exist, ever. +1 -1 = 0 in math relates to relativity, in absolute terms, zero represents the reality, depending on the culture, of Tao, or God, etc..
Once again, we are discussing science here, not one's chosen religious beliefs.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Once again, we are discussing science here, not one's chosen religious beliefs.
You mean, because scientists can only study finite reality, it follows that most of the proposed models of the universe will obey finite rules.
I am not knocking the scientific method, it works quite well, just that there is much more to reality than is presently understood confined to finite parameters.

So yes, I suppose you are right, you can leave the bigger picture to those whose discernment, or at least interest, extends beyond the finite.
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You probably know the rules by now. "God" gets a pass. You do not get to ask the same questions about this alleged deity that is believer ask about the universe. Why? You'll get irrelevant answers. The rules don't apply to the guy who invented them. Why not? Because he's God. Or God doesn't exist in time or space. Why does that change anything? [crickets]. Or God didn't begin to exist but the universe did. How do you know and why would that matter?

Those other cultures talk to it and perform rituals in hopes of magical results from it. I wouldn't place too much stock in their opinions.

You're quick to call fallacy, but don't make any supporting argument. There is nothing about that comment that is fallacious or indicates a lack of understanding. Here come some more:

In every case, that was the entire post, two posted twice each.

Nothing is fallacious because you post two words with an exclamation point claiming so. In what you call "scientific culture," which I'll translate to the community of critically thinking empiricists, more is needed than just a claim. Simply uttering these phrases doesn't mean that you understand what they mean or that you can identify fallacies.

Maybe you were hoping otherwise. Believers like to borrow from the unbeliever's nomenclature, but not the culture itself. Hence, they offer faulty reasoning and sciencey sounding objections to give the impression that reason and evidence are important to them and the means by which they arrived at their beliefs, but the words don't stand up to scrutiny as when you make the pronouncements you did above.

He doesn't need to. You need to demonstrate that your claim is correct if you don't want it dismissed.

Same answer: no, they don't. They only need to discover what is the case as well as the evidence permits.

Pantheists and atheists tend to agree, except that the former call reality a god. Spinoza and Einstein used that word but seem to agree with atheists who don't.

Abrahamists can be the same - basically in agreement with atheistic humanists - and some here on RF are, but only if they don't go much further than the pantheists. One can use the word God and even say grace and go to church on Sunday to sing hymns and meet friendly people (for the time he is with them in a church, anyway), but if one gets a liberal education and forms his values from applying reason to the benevolent intuitions of the conscience, he'll arrive at the same place as the atheistic humanist. His religion will not have harmed him.

But go further and start believing that atheists hate God, homosexuals are an abomination, or that science is your enemy, then you've been harmed by your beliefs.

Assuming that you're presenting that as fact or truth, I don't suppose you want to hear which fallacies you committed there. Those are all non sequiturs. Noe are the sound conclusions of reasoned, evidenced arguments.

I Googled it to see which translation you used that makes grammatical errors - "I does" - and got only one hit - this thread.

So I Googled Isaiah 45:6-7 to see what it said. Here's the King James translation:

"that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

It looks like you've taken liberties there. Where do you get "God is one" from that? Did you mean the only god? And it looks like you changed peace to good.

Nevertheless, there is still no reason to believe any of that, but I'm guessing that you do - another logical error.

Sure it is, and more. There's also the human mind. That should be enough. It is for me.

If you want to add a soul or spirit and don't mean an aspect of mind, then you're just guessing.

It is much easier to go through life unburdened by all of that. It's harder to get to that point. It requires a degree of education and discipline, but once one has made that investment in himself and learned to view the world without magic and to not believe anything without sufficient justification, the world makes more sense than before making that journey. For example, one doesn't have to wonder why God creates gratuitous suffering (Satan, hell), or why science and Genesis contradict one another, or why carnivores need to kill to survive, or why children get cancer or get raped.
"I am the Lord, there is none else." is a translation of the Hebrew. A different translation has it "Thy Lord God is one." Do you see they mean the same thing?

You obviously like to see reality in finite terms, it is your choice, but others prefer to understand what is beyond the limited domain studied by science.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You mean, because scientists can only study finite reality, it follows that most of the proposed models of the universe will obey finite rules.
I am not knocking the scientific method, it works quite well, just that there is much more to reality than is presently understood confined to finite parameters.

So yes, I suppose you are right, you can leave the bigger picture to those whose discernment, or at least interest, extends beyond the finite.
Why would you think that there is anything other than "finite reality"? By the way, that is what we were discussing. You tried to spout unrelated nonsense. We were discussing what the laws of nature allow.

And please, do not give me that "discernment" BS. If one cannot support a belief they do not have discernment.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Why didn't the universe always exist? Because since God is supposed to be outside of time and is supposed to have always existed, then how could God have used a point in time to start creation? Any thoughts on this?

I tend to assume the universe has always existed because it would be harder to fathom something (the universe) coming from nothing.

Perhaps not in its current form but perhaps in a different form, like pure energy or perhaps light itself is the fundamental building block of the universe that has always existed.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Why would you think that there is anything other than "finite reality"? By the way, that is what we were discussing. You tried to spout unrelated nonsense. We were discussing what the laws of nature allow.

And please, do not give me that "discernment" BS. If one cannot support a belief they do not have discernment.
You want finite proof for the infinite, like what, using a clock to prove eternity. Besides, only very materialistic minds could imagine that there is not more to reality than what can be presently proven using the current limited state of scientific understanding.

Well let's just say that enlightenment does not rely on belief of any kind, but so long as you are content with the finite, go for it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You want finite proof for the infinite, like what, using a clock to prove eternity. Besides, only very materialistic minds could imagine that there is not more to reality than what can be presently proven using the current limited state of scientific understanding.

Well let's just say that enlightenment does not rely on belief of any kind, but so long as you are content with the finite, go for it.
No. You do not seem to understand what you are doing wrong. First off we were originally discussing the natural laws of the universe, which you clearly did not understand. We were not discussing anything woo woo. You brought that up. And since you cannot support it but can only pretend to be superior you really should drop it. The sad thing is that your behavior in this post is evidence against your claims.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
No. You do not seem to understand what you are doing wrong. First off we were originally discussing the natural laws of the universe, which you clearly did not understand. We were not discussing anything woo woo. You brought that up. And since you cannot support it but can only pretend to be superior you really should drop it. The sad thing is that your behavior in this post is evidence against your claims.
But the thread is about the longevity of the universe, and forgive me if I am repeating myself, but nothing can't and doesn't exist, not now, not ever. Therefore, it follows that existence itself never had a beginning and never has an ending. Only finite manifested aspects of existence have beginnings and endings, but the sum total of the essence of their being does not disappear.

Now if I make the claim that nothing doesn't exist, my proof is reality itself, if someone doubts my claim, then I say to them look around, find some, and the truth is that science cannot find any nothing, nor create nothing, not now, not ever. The only woo woo about is the idea that nothing can exist.

Complementary opposite energies within existence may cancel each other out to zero energy, but the underlying essence of this energy does not disappear, it is omnipresent whether in motion or static.