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why do athiest insist they dont need any rules to live by ...when you see the state of mankind today


Agnostic Pantheist
All the atheists I know live by Aristophanes' timeless saying:

“Wise men, though all laws were abolished, would lead the same lives"


Well-Known Member
i mean atheist are always saying we don’t need someone to tell uis what is right and wrong and so on and on .......ummmm i beg to differ ig you look at the human race today , they are lost - children murdering and raping other children , people don’t respect anyone anymore and just the general breakdown of mankind .....i think they really need guidance and rules if you want to govern them .....what do you think of the state of mankind today …it seems clear mankind wants to self destructed

Hang on, in one of your other flame-bait threads you said this:

typical muslim response - you just cant answer the question .........you just keep avoding the answer ....ru you going to use the excuse that i need to bring versus i am an athiest so why should i .....still no reply


Obvious Troll is obvious.



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
i mean atheist are always saying we don’t need someone to tell uis what is right and wrong and so on and on .......ummmm i beg to differ ig you look at the human race today , they are lost - children murdering and raping other children , people don’t respect anyone anymore and just the general breakdown of mankind .....i think they really need guidance and rules if you want to govern them .....what do you think of the state of mankind today …it seems clear mankind wants to self destructed

Actually, not too many atheists reject morals. A few do, IMO a bit thoughtlessly. Most, including me, few instead that God is not particularly helpful a concept where morals are concerned. It really depends on the person. Quite a few realize that religions have often been used for political purposes, not always in a responsible way, and throw the whole lot away.

You seem to sincerely believe otherwise. I'm sorry to disagree, but disagree I must. Morals are hindered by belief in God at least as often as they are helped by it.


See the previous line
i mean atheist are always saying we don’t need someone to tell uis what is right and wrong and so on and on .......ummmm i beg to differ ig you look at the human race today , they are lost - children murdering and raping other children , people don’t respect anyone anymore and just the general breakdown of mankind .....i think they really need guidance and rules if you want to govern them .....what do you think of the state of mankind today …it seems clear mankind wants to self destructed
So you need somebody to draw out guidelines for you to know the difference between right and wrong? You can't discern that for yourself?
Do you really think these atrocities are being committed by atheists? What about Catholic priests? Muslim extremists? Do you think these people are non-religious? It sounds as though you're saying that only religion can guide people to know what is right and wrong.


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
i mean atheist are always saying we don’t need someone to tell uis what is right and wrong and so on and on .......ummmm i beg to differ ig you look at the human race today , they are lost - children murdering and raping other children , people don’t respect anyone anymore and just the general breakdown of mankind .....i think they really need guidance and rules if you want to govern them .....what do you think of the state of mankind today …it seems clear mankind wants to self destructed

Yes, we atheists engage in what is known as independent thought and coming to our own conclusions. We don't need someone to tell us that raping, murdering, etc are bad things. You see, we can think for ourselves (! !) and know that they are bad things! As to your claims about this epidemic of children raping other children, I'd like to know the statistics and the number of these children who were atheists. General breakdown of mankind? Are you serious? Atheist countries are the happiest and least crime infested areas in the world. (norway, sweden, holland, czech rebublic). please explain why it seems clear to you that mankind wants to self destruct.

We have given religion a chance ever since the beginning of civilization. Atheism has only been around a fraction of the time. I would argue that religion has brought us to this dark state that you are talking about and atheism is the only thing that can dig us out of this hole.
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Well-Known Member
What has "atheism" given us? Technological marvels, clean drinking water, food, medical advances. Look at what happened when religion took over: the dark ages. Bad things will always happen no matter who is in charge and the last generation will always think the new generation is going to hell.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
What has "atheism" given us? Technological marvels, clean drinking water, food, medical advances.
Actually, no. That would be science, which is not the same thing at all.

Look at what happened when religion took over: the dark ages. Bad things will always happen no matter who is in charge and the last generation will always think the new generation is going to hell.
Most of the great civilizations have been religious. That should come as no surprise, since most people are religious.


Well-Known Member
i mean atheist are always saying we don’t need someone to tell uis what is right and wrong and so on and on .......ummmm i beg to differ ig you look at the human race today , they are lost - children murdering and raping other children , people don’t respect anyone anymore and just the general breakdown of mankind .....i think they really need guidance and rules if you want to govern them .....what do you think of the state of mankind today …it seems clear mankind wants to self destructed
Atheists don't need freaked out religious whack jobs telling us what is right and wrong and so on and you are not a spokesman for atheists, bets are that you don't even know the secret hand shake.
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While not an atheist, I know for certain that by a wide margin, atheists, just like theists, live by the laws of society. Most, atheists, just like theists, are normal people just trying to make a living and find meaning in life. They simply just don't believe in God or gods. That's it, there is nothing difficult about this idea. Furthermore, I find that it smacks of ignorance to believe that atheists don't live by any rules. If someone believes they need a religion to be a good person, then that person might want to take a closer look at themselves, because if the only thing holding them back from being a terrible person is religion, something is wrong. Of course, there is the little niggling fact that even with religion, some people are still rather terrible... but that's another story.


Intentionally Blank
i mean atheist are always saying we don’t need someone to tell uis what is right and wrong and so on and on .......ummmm i beg to differ ig you look at the human race today , they are lost - children murdering and raping other children , people don’t respect anyone anymore and just the general breakdown of mankind .....i think they really need guidance and rules if you want to govern them .....what do you think of the state of mankind today …it seems clear mankind wants to self destructed

1. Please present a single post from an atheist asserting that people don't need rules.
2. You're right. Society sucks--and it's religious. Maybe that's the problem.
3. I think things are much as always, with a lot more technology and a lot more people.


Intentionally Blank
never said that -----please read the question again waht i am saying is we have to have laws ion society otherwise it will be choas , and mankind is so lost at the monets and seems to be getting wrose and worse as they days go on - and your are telling me mankind does still not need guidance
'I think we can all agree that historically, organized religion has provided a very poor source of that guidance. Maybe we can do better with a different approach.


Intentionally Blank
Do not include muslims if you please. in statistical academia research material it is like an ANT to an ELEPHENT. The Ant being a Secular ant. :D

Back to square 1.

You're right, of course. The violence, terrorism, oppression and evil being perpetrated by Muslims around the world today is like an elephant compared to the ant-size problems of secularism.


Intentionally Blank
but they are bozos becasue they dont follow the relgion like they should

What we often see is that it's necessary for secular authorities and peoples to reign in the utter lawlessness of religious criminals, such as the pedophile syndicate that is the Catholic Church. But for secular authorities, they would still be raping children under penalty of damnation, then covering it up and providing the rapists with a fresh new batch of victims. Where did the evil come from, truth, religion, or secularism?


Intentionally Blank
but they are bozos becasue they dont follow the relgion like they should

What we often see is that it's necessary for secular authorities and peoples to reign in the utter lawlessness of religious criminals, such as the pedophile syndicate that is the Catholic Church. But for secular authorities, they would still be raping children under penalty of damnation, then covering it up and providing the rapists with a fresh new batch of victims. Where did the evil come from, truth, religion, or secularism?

[just for 301] Similarly, it's secular authorities who have to protect us from Islamic terrorists going around bombing innocent people, including other Muslims. Where is the evil coming from, religion, or secularism?


I Fly Space.
Holy non-sequitur, Batman!

What's the point of replying my post when you fail to answer my questions..every time? You just avoid them and give smirk little remarks that don't even pertain to anything I post. Initially I asked how many wars were fought because of atheism, and then how many were fought due to religion? I'm sure you see the point I'm trying to make and that's the reason you completely disregarded this question. Quite alright Robin.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
What's the point of replying my post when you fail to answer my questions..every time? You just avoid them and give smirk little remarks that don't even pertain to anything I post.
Back atcha.

Initially I asked how many wars were fought because of atheism,
No, you asked how many wars were fought BY atheists. Do you see the difference?

and then how many were fought due to religion?
In my inexpert opinion, few if any. They were fought for political reasons, and religion was a handy excuse/ motivator.

Now, with both those points firmly in mind: were I inclined to blame grand, lofty ideals for the actions of those who claim to adhere to them, I could say that the Cold War was a clash between atheism and religion, with atheism equally at fault.

I'm sure you see the point I'm trying to make
Sadly, I can't say the same, so I'll spell it out for you: say what you mean.