Females aren't immune.
As teens, a female friend and I would occasionally dismiss ourselves to go watch porn.
This would get the guys all excited. "You two actually watch porn?"
"Yeah, Silverchair videos."
They never knew quite how to respond.
I know at that age I would have been interested in this. Don't know if I'd have a good response either at that time. Hindsight and all would probably be the bias to any current claim.
Silverchair? I know of the band, but am not familiar with their work. It is one of those that gets mentioned on occasion, but I haven't followed up with a closer look.
I take it, that porn, being difficult to define, you may be using a lighter meaning from what it is commonly used to reference?
But I think I see your overall meaning. Culture teaches us that girls are the quarry, submissive and uninterested in sex or sexuality of themselves. The reality is much different. Girls and women are interested as a group just as boys and men are. The costs of that interest differ though.