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Why do christianity get so much hate?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
With crimes against Muslims having increased even more.
You need to substantiate your claim. I do agree that hate crimes against Muslims have increased. But to say they have increased MORE than those crimes against Jews? You gotta back that up, buddy.
And the Jews have it pretty dang good compared to the Muslims.
The evidence I provided indicates the OPPOSITE of this claim. If you have evidence to back up what you are saying, I would love to see it. Here is the evidence to the contrary:

"The Council on American-Islamic Relations also reported an increase in Islamophobic incidents. Between October 7 and December 2, CAIR recorded a 2,171 reports of bias or requests for help — 172% more than the 2022 two-month average."

An increase in Muslim hate crimes of 172%, while it is alarming and unacceptable, it certainly does NOT bring it up to the same levels as hate crimes against Jews. The ADL says that hate crimes against Jews have gone up 337% since 10/7. So no, crimes against Muslims are not even close to the levels against Jews.

US antisemitism up 337% since October 7 in all-time record, ADL says

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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You need to substantiate your claim.
Addressing the very obvious (because it requires
no searching), tens of thousands of dead Palestinians
(nearly all Muslim) at the hands of Israel (The Jewish
I do agree that hate crimes against Muslims have increased. But to say they have increased MORE than those crimes against Jews? You gotta back that up, buddy.
I just did.
The war crimes committed by Jews against Muslims.
There is also the domestic climate, with even The
Wall St Journal attacking Muslims in my state
(Dearborn, MI). Add to this the maiming, &
millions evicted by Israel's genocide.
The evidence I provided indicates the OPPOSITE of this claim. If you have evidence to back up what you are saying, I would love to see it. Here is the evidence to the contrary:

"The Council on American-Islamic Relations also reported an increase in Islamophobic incidents. Between October 7 and December 2, CAIR recorded a 2,171 reports of bias or requests for help — 172% more than the 2022 two-month average."

An increase in Muslim hate crimes of 172%, while it is alarming and unacceptable, certainly does NOT bring it up to the same levels as hate crimes against Jews, even if you use the 2022 levels.
Jews & their apologists portray Jews solely as
victims, never as perpetrators of great wrong.
I don't buy these arguments that ignore the
reality of what Israel does to Muslims.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Addressing the very obvious (because it requires
no searching), tens of thousands of dead Palestinians
(nearly all Muslim) at the hands of Israel (The Jewish
We are discussing hate crimes in the US and you bring up the war in Gaza? Please provide evidence to support your claim that hate crimes against Palestinians IN THE US are more than those crimes against Jews.

Like I said, I'm not interested in debating the Gaza war. That is a topic for another time on another day.

Again, the purpose of my original remarks was to illustrate to the complaining Christian that here in the US, Christians actually have it pretty dang good. My assumption is that you agree with this statement.

I think it is time for us to move on.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
We are discussing hate crimes in the US and you bring up the war in Gaza?
I was addressing both the world, & USA.
Please provide evidence to support your claim that hate crimes against Palestinians IN THE US are more than those crimes against Jews.
So you can discount what's
done to Muslims by Israel?
Currently, world wide islamophobia
is deadlier than anti-semitism.
Like I said, I'm not interested in debating the Gaza war.
It's integral to the subject.
Israel has great control in USA government.
Israel is backed by Christian liberals and
fundamentalists, who have even more control
in government.
Israel has been fomenting censorship of pro
Palestinian speech in US universities.

Again, the purpose of my original remarks was to illustrate to the complaining Christian that here in the US, Christians actually have it pretty dang good.
That raised the issue of how good Jews have it here.
Their lot is not without enduring bigotry, but they
get to live, prosper, survive, & exercise political power.

My assumption is that you agree with this statement.
I agree that Christians have it pretty good.
They have near total control of USA government.
I think it is time for us to move on.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Then why did you defend the Catholic Church after I condemned it for keeping slaves?
All religions, Catholics included, have both good and evil on their historical records. You can't deny the good that was done simply because evil was done as well.

In the case of slavery, it was practiced worldwide. It really seems very bigoted IMHO for you to single out Catholics as offenders.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
All religions, Catholics included, have both good and evil on their historical records. You can't deny the good that was done simply because evil was done as well.

This isn't a matter of "historical records." The Catholic Church operated workhouses staffed by slaves until 1996. There are still many cardinals and bishops from that era who are still in leadership positions in the Catholic Church today. None have been punished for their role in this, AFAICT.

In the case of slavery, it was practiced worldwide. It really seems very bigoted IMHO for you to single out Catholics as offenders.

That's the thing; I'm not singling out Catholics. I'm condemning everyone who kept slaves in the modern era and pointed out that this includes the Catholic Church.


Active Member
More specifically people hate the loudmouth zealots because no matter what religion, they are dangerous, not particularly bright and have no one's best interest at heart.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Well that's odd of you to say, given that the Catholics are the only group you have mentioned.

I guess you didn't notice the topic of the thread.

As far as I'm aware, no other Christianity denominations have kept slaves in my lifetime. If I'm wrong on this, I'm happy to condemn those other denominations, too.

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
Why is the world almost silent about that christians get persecuted and killed?

It is so wrong. Christians lives matter too

I agree. That said, the Christians that I know in real life constantly talk about their persecution in Asia and the Middle East, so. I don't think it's being ignored by Christians, at least.

The real question is why you don't see so much concern about this outside of Christianity, but, actually, you do. Everyone who pushes for separation of church and state and the secularization of government is doing so precisely due to issues like those. It's just wider-reaching, since it also provides protection for other persecuted groups like Shiites and the Falun Gong.

It's just that religious persecution is happening so often to such a wide range of groups that focusing on any single act can feel like missing the forest through the trees. That doesn't make those acts of persecution any less lamentable or worthy of condemnation, though.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I guess you didn't notice the topic of the thread.

As far as I'm aware, no other Christianity denominations have kept slaves in my lifetime. If I'm wrong on this, I'm happy to condemn those other denominations, too.
I dont' think you can blame the Vatican for what individual Catholics do. It is not uncommon for a religion to teach one thing, and its congregants to do something very different.

"Slavery remained a subject of debate within the Church for centuries, with several Popes issuing bulls on the issue, such as Sublimis Deus. By the 1800s, the Church reached relative consensus in favor of condemning chattel slavery and praising its abolition."

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
It seems some on this thread basically would end up hating 90% of the world's religions because they don't follow post 1960s Western morality.

How bizarre.
It's bizarre that people have moral disagreements with those that don't adhere to the same morality as them? Is it really?

@Starlight @Saint Frankenstein , you actually liked this drivel? Why? Can you explain what I'm missing that makes this seem so deep and insightful to you?


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
It's bizarre that people have moral disagreements with those that don't adhere to the same morality as them? Is it really?
The West has an odd sense of morality compared to other cultures. This is well studied and is owing to the Enlightenment and so on. So yes, it is odd for Westerners to expect others to share their morality. Religions tend to remain fairly conservative, as is the norm globally compared to the West, so berating them for not being liberal is odd, when being liberal is globally the minority position.


Why do christianity get so much hate? It is really frustrating. I am not a christian but I think about christians that get hate just because of the religion they are following. It is so sad
I’d say because Christianity, at least biblical Christianity with the Good news/Gospel message of the Savior Jesus Christ offers the only hope for humanity. God desires to redeem each person for eternity. Satan seeks to destroy each person and inspires in numerous ways hatred toward the message of Christianity…”believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved “.

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
The West has an odd sense of morality compared to other cultures. This is well studied and is owing to the Enlightenment and so on. So yes, it is odd for Westerners to expect others to share their morality. Religions tend to remain fairly conservative, as is the norm globally compared to the West, so berating them for not being liberal is odd, when being liberal is globally the minority position.

I can't tell if you're being intentionally disingenuous or if you just haven't thought this through at all. You know you can condemn someone for something you expect from them, right? Like, I'd expect a serial killer to continue murdering people, but that doesn't mean it's weird for me to condemn them for continuing to do so.

It sounds like some priest or apologist has given you a load of nonsense, you've misinterpreted it, and now you can't even explain your misinterpretation of nonsense. This is what passes as convincing rhetoric these days? Why do I bother?


Veteran Member
.....................And the question is why? Why didn't the millions of true Christians stand up and publicly reject those racist, sexist, bigoted, authoritarians and their religion of violence and hate? Why are they still not standing up against it? This does not speak well for religious Christianity in general when even it's better members can't find the wisdom or courage to stand up for their own professed ideals.
Millions (?) or rather i find the 'few true' - Matthew 7:21-23
Even in Hitler's Germany some of ' the true ' were even executed ( purple triangle )
Jesus took the kingdom message to all he encountered - Luke 4:43
Jesus also sent out his true followers to do the same as he did as we can read at Luke 10:1-5
So, as each person was contacted directly or indirectly the choice to live by what Jesus taught is theirs to make.
The 'few' do have the courage to stand up. Stand up by letting others know to take a stand with Jesus.- John 13:34-35
If every one on earth lived by adopting the Golden Rule and Jesus' New Commandment what would the world be like ?


Active Member
They certainly also like to stick their religion into politics where they absolutely should not have any jurisdiction. Because Muh Gawd Says So! Is never EVER a reasonable, rational license to harm and oppress others. Theocracies of all stripes have been proven to be a very rotten form of government.

And in most parts of the world I can guarantee these people aren't being hated and persecuted. Just in select parts of the world where there are no such things as civil rights.

They are simply telling the loudmouth zealots to sit down, shut up, and learn to at least pretend to be respectful and civil of others rights.
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