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Why do Christians value the Bible more than science?


Yes it is.

Science often provides answers that are speculative at best. God gives me all that I need.

To even compare the great creator with science is an insult to Him.

What answers has God provided to you that is definitive?

In your mind, didn't your creator create the laws of physics for this universe? How would that insult him then?


Active Member
Wrong Adonis. Theology is the study of religion and its influence. I've taken many, many classes that had absolutely nothing to do with your God.

Then you've taken many, many classes that were a complete waste of time. If there was no study of God, there would be no such thing as theology. God is at the center of everything, including the core definition of that word.


Veteran Member
Wrong Adonis. Theology is the study of religion and its influence. I've taken many, many classes that had absolutely nothing to do with your God.

Then you've taken many, many classes that were a complete waste of time. If there was no study of God, there would be no such thing as theology. God is at the center of everything, including the core definition of that word.


Theology is the systematic and rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies, usually at a university or school of divinity or seminary. [1] Without further qualification, the term is generally understood to refer, specifically, to Christian theology.

Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

oh that's right...you know everything...no room for improvement it seems


Active Member
What answers has God provided to you that is definitive?

In your mind, didn't your creator create the laws of physics for this universe? How would that insult him then?

Too personal. To state that he gives answers to those seeking wisdom, is sufficient.

I will rephrase the statement: To use science with the intent to destroy one's faith in Jesus Christ is an insult to God.


Active Member

Theology is the systematic and rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies, usually at a university or school of divinity or seminary. [1] Without further qualification, the term is generally understood to refer, specifically, to Christian theology.

Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

oh that's right...you know everything...no room for improvement it seems

Not quite:

: the study of religious faith, practice, and experience; especially : the study of God and of God's relation to the world

Theology - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

If you insist on dragging encyclopedias into the debate, I believe Webster's is a much more reliable & authoritative source.


Revelation all the time
Science has logic and evidence to support it, whereas theology does not.

Incorrect. Theology allows for evidence and logic. Like science, there is psuedo kinds of theology that may rest on only faith. Then again, science of the materialistic kind rests (entirely) on faith in the physical, without objective evidence for the physical.

The former has practical application whereas the later is merely empty speculation and arbitrary, irrational and unsubstantiated claims.

Again, incorrect. Theology has practical applications that in a world where physical existence is determined 'only reality' and/or is glorified, then, and only then, theology can show up as impractical. Theology has direct implications with regards to self awareness, self perception, world perception, and higher or long term purpose. All of these have practical application that is discernible with a devoted observer.

Again, the basis of a physical world is unsubstantiated, while consensus of a particular, self deceiving, kind can be found 'all around.' Unsubstantiated, and yet, to the less aware, seemingly rational and evidentiary.

Science and scientific methodology could be applied to theology, theosophy and the like, if were not for a particular bias at work, which I've noted is unsubstantiated. Science is like that, it is neutral. Humans (or some of us) are not like that, and want to make irrational claims on the scope of scientific study, and deem that rational, even if it is not (honestly) scientific.

To suggest otherwise is an exercise in willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty.

To suggest the physical world is all that exists, without objective evidence, and then limit all of scientific conclusions for 'rationale' to that paradigm is epitome of willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty. Quite plausible to allow science to not be overly influence by perceptual awareness and self limitation(s).


Revelation all the time
Tell me, how exactly does one carry out studies, examinations and experiments to gather data on god?

Use of scientific method.

Observe - from within (via meditation, contemplation)
Identify - Self and aspects of Self (i.e. thought, judgment, patterns of thinking, feelings, perceived problems)
Experiment - where a guru or guide could come in handy to direct specifically particular (and previously tested) thoughts and understandings within a) own inner experience or b) within subject's relations with 'world around self.'
Theories and conclusions - Deliberation on outcomes of experimentation, coming to fuller understanding of Self and aspects of Self.
Publish findings - not necessary, but may be helpful to others who desire to understand what was experimented with and what the conclusions or results were.

The difference here between introspection and the other aim(s) of science is, one appears to be entirely subjective and not very quantifiable, while the other has illusion of objectivity and is able to quantify data and make predictions. I say, each to his own without judgment, and reality is a) persons can easily practice both, using science and b) practicability will be based on personal beliefs (perhaps of many) rather than on being told what must be deemed practical. Like, why I would care (for practical purposes) the distance between say 2 celestial bodies that no one in my lifetime will ever visit, is beyond me, and seems bizarre that someone would dare call that more practical than reaching state of forgiveness for neighbor I felt wronged by for x amount of time.


Veteran Member
Too personal. To state that he gives answers to those seeking wisdom, is sufficient.

I will rephrase the statement: To use science with the intent to destroy one's faith in Jesus Christ is an insult to God.

i am unable to understand how god can be insulted, unless of course god is insecure...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Wrong Adonis. Theology is the study of religion and its influence. I've taken many, many classes that had absolutely nothing to do with your God.
No, it isn't. that would be "comparative religion" or " church history," or "history of religion." Theology consists of how we construct ideas about God.


Well-Known Member
So you want to Know what I think; the concept of either not being a part of the Divine is quite very insulting:( If you believe in any sort of Knowledge, rather if it is based in Religious Concepts or Science does not make a difference as long as "proof in fundamental Fact" exists.:rolleyes:

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Of course you don't understand. You're an atheist. :areyoucra

Are you insulted by opponents of gay marriage?

You do realize that the ancient Hebrews didn't have a monopoly on the concept of god, right?

Also, don't you think attributing our own human emotions and ego to god is not only a bit arrogant and presumptuous but also insulting since it's an attempt to water god down to our level by anthropomorphizing him?

If there is a god, your religion only makes a cartoon caricature out of him.


Veteran Member
Of course you don't understand. You're an atheist. :areyoucra
oh so you admit god is insecure...

makes perfect sense to me :rolleyes:
Are you insulted by opponents of gay marriage?
personally i am not insulted, i'm ashamed. just as any reasonable empathetic person would be ashamed of our history concerning segregation.

are you insulted by proponents of ss marriage?
remember the words of your fearless leader...

like 6:30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you...

do opponents of ss marriage have a control issues perhaps?
what's that saying...
let go...let god
so where is your faith...or does god depend on your help...
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Jehovah our God is One
After all, if God created the world directly, with his own hand, which is infallible, but wrote the bible through men, who are fallible, surely science, which looks directly at God's creation, is a superior authority?

Why, then, do many (if not all, at least to some extent) Christians consider the Bible as a greater authority than science, and why do they consider it more valuable?

because the word of God gives meaning and purpose to our lives... science doesnt.