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Why do Christians value the Bible more than science?


Active Member
You do realize that the ancient Hebrews didn't have a monopoly on the concept of god, right?

And? You do realize that being a self admitted heathen, you're missing out on blessings from a loving creator, right?

Also, don't you think attributing our own human emotions and ego to god is not only a bit arrogant and presumptuous but also insulting since it's an attempt to water god down to our level by anthropomorphizing him?

Not if you pray with real intent. God is accessible, Heathen. I know that concept utterly blows your mind, but it's the truth.

If there is a god, your religion only makes a cartoon caricature out of him.

Not true. Your concept of God, on the otherhand, makes Him so inaccessible, that it's like He doesn't even exist.


Jehovah our God is One
Except, of course, in areas where they contradict one another. And the rational thing to do in such instances is to go with whichever has the most evidence supporting it.

there is no battle between science and religion

one explains the physical world, one explains our place in the physical world

If science contradicts the bible, i look at how the bible is being interpreted and think that maybe someone is interpreting it wrong....hence why for over 100 years the WT has consistently taught that the earth is millions of years old...the genesis 'day' being understood in light of science to be 'long periods' or 'eons' of time.

obviously we dont agree with science on every point...such as whether noah and the flood occured or not, but then even scientists dont always agree 100% each other on their own data.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
And? You do realize that being a self admitted heathen, you're missing out on blessings from a loving creator, right?

Not if you pray with real intent. God is accessible, Heathen. I know that concept utterly blows your mind, but it's the truth.

Assuming there is a god, the man-made bureaucracy of self-serving/self-appointed representatives, middlemen, and interpreters that we call religion would not be a necessary intermediate between us and god. Also, if there was/is a god, "he" and science would be in harmony, not in conflict.

There is nothing wrong with believing in a god. The problem lies with believing some of the absurd nonsense mortals attribute to god and the absurd ways they portray "him".

Not true. Your concept of God, on the otherhand, makes Him so inaccessible, that it's like He doesn't even exist.

I base my concept of god on evidence, experience and observation rather than on the absurd and unsubstantiated claims of primitive men.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
.such as whether noah and the flood occured or not

Well, that was obviously a rip-off of The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Not to mention there are countless millions of animal species from every sort of climate, and having two of each on a single boat along with the food to sustain all of them for 40 days? You honestly think that's a possibility? Are people really expected to believe that? Even if they were all able to survive, you would have the problem with a lack of genetic diversity due to inbreeding.

Nope, it's unscientific garbage.
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Active Member
oh so you admit god is insecure...

Wrong. I admit that you do not understand God. :rolleyes:

personally i am not insulted, i'm ashamed. just as any reasonable empathetic person would be ashamed of our history concerning segregation.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Unfortunately, your gushing sensitivity doesn't make the homosexual agenda any less wrong.

are you insulted by proponents of ss marriage?
remember the words of your fearless leader...

like 6:30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you...

do opponents of ss marriage have a control issues perhaps?
what's that saying...
let go...let god
so where is your faith...or does god depend on your help...

You don't understand the scriptures. We are commanded to "do unto others" insofar as we don't let 'the others' guilt us into submission. You want to build a society of sin, and you want us to sit back and watch. That simply will not happen, my friend. :no:


Just the facts Ma'am
I got news for you folks who believe in Noahs flood as a world wide flood covering the intire Earth's surface. Unless you think a substantial amount of water somehow dissapeared from the Earth in the years following Noah's time, IT"S IMPOSSABLE for it to happen with the current amount of water on Earth!!! PERIOD!! Less than 10% of all the water on Earth is tied up in ice and underground. If all of that water (the 10%) were to suddely become liquid on the surface it would not by a very long shot cover cover all of the Earth!!! Period!!!

But for the sake of argument lets say there way enough water to cover the whole Earth. Please tell me where did it all go? If the Earth was completly covered with water, there would be no where for the water to run off too now would there? Can you say "Waterworld" !! So how do we have all the dry land we see today?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
You don't understand the scriptures. We are commanded to "do unto others" insofar as we don't let 'the others' guilt us into submission. You want to build a society of sin, and you want us to sit back and watch. That simply will not happen, my friend. :no:

The bible has no use beyond toilet paper. Even if god existed, the bible would still be nothing more than an embarrassing relic of an ancient, savage culture.


Jehovah our God is One
I got news for you folks who believe in Noahs flood as a world wide flood covering the intire Earth's surface. Unless you think a substantial amount of water somehow dissapeared from the Earth in the years following Noah's time, IT"S IMPOSSABLE for it to happen with the current amount of water on Earth!!! PERIOD!! Less than 10% of all the water on Earth is tied up in ice and underground. If all of that water (the 10%) were to suddely become liquid on the surface it would not by a very long shot cover cover all of the Earth!!! Period!!!

But for the sake of argument lets say there way enough water to cover the whole Earth. Please tell me where did it all go? If the Earth was completly covered with water, there would be no where for the water to run off too now would there? Can you say "Waterworld" !! So how do we have all the dry land we see today?

one possiblity is that the pre-flood world was flatter with a lot more land. Right now, the oceans cover 70% of the earths surface...so what if the oceans only covered 30% of the earths surface and there was 70% of land before the flood? That would offer an explanation as to why there is so much water covering the earth now. The fact that there are river beds that flow deep down into the oceans is evidence that there was more land at one time.
Also, considering the crust is relatively thin, with so much water pressure, it is possible that the crust changed dramatically during the flood. oceans could have deepened under that pressure...and mountains could have risen. Of course i dont know, im only speculating, but if we simply assume the earth is exactly as it always has been, then perhaps we are just closing our mind to the possibility.

Many Sages One Truth

Active Member
After all, if God created the world directly, with his own hand, which is infallible, but wrote the bible through men, who are fallible, surely science, which looks directly at God's creation, is a superior authority?

Why, then, do many (if not all, at least to some extent) Christians consider the Bible as a greater authority than science, and why do they consider it more valuable?

I don't. I'm aware that the Bible is a religious text and not a science text. Not all Christians do this.


Active Member
The bible has no use beyond toilet paper. Even if god existed, the bible would still be nothing more than an embarrassing relic of an ancient, savage culture.

I was going to respond to your earlier post, but this one is so much more telling. It's people like you that incite some Christians into a harsh defense. I won't give you that satisfaction.
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Active Member
I got news for you folks who believe in Noahs flood as a world wide flood covering the intire Earth's surface. Unless you think a substantial amount of water somehow dissapeared from the Earth in the years following Noah's time, IT"S IMPOSSABLE for it to happen with the current amount of water on Earth!!! PERIOD!! Less than 10% of all the water on Earth is tied up in ice and underground. If all of that water (the 10%) were to suddely become liquid on the surface it would not by a very long shot cover cover all of the Earth!!! Period!!!

But for the sake of argument lets say there way enough water to cover the whole Earth. Please tell me where did it all go? If the Earth was completly covered with water, there would be no where for the water to run off too now would there? Can you say "Waterworld" !! So how do we have all the dry land we see today?

Why don't you ask God? :confused:


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The bible has no use beyond toilet paper. Even if god existed, the bible would still be nothing more than an embarrassing relic of an ancient, savage culture.
Someone needs to grow some common courtesy...


Veteran Member
I was going to respond to your earlier post, but this one is so much more telling. It's people like you that incite some Christians into a harsh defense. I won't give you that satisfaction.


luke 6:21...
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.
22 Blessed are you when people hate you,
when they exclude you and insult you
and reject your name as evil,
because of the Son of Man...

...27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

what's wrong, not up for it?

who ever told you christianity was going to be easy, lied.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what I have come to realize from people who choose one particular faith over anther; they fear so much to find that their superficial vapid beliefs can be proved wrong, and are at times proved wrong. Just some who choose to attack others "just for not agreeing" with them, yet say do unto others as you would have others do unto you:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: Really!!! I have literally studied different religions all of my life (I started to read between age 3 and 4, the Bible was the first religious book) and have yet to have one claim to be the Judge of Humanity and the Ruler of Humanity, but it seems to me that several religion's parishioners believe by just being a part of something, the right as Judge is theirs:(:sorry1: IMO that is sooooo very wrong. It would be refreshing if people would understand that a relationship is between two people, how one person perceives God/Gods is their own business; why are people offended by what others choose to think; how does this have such a dramatic impact on some people (what someone else thinks about something so personal?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Someone needs to grow some common courtesy...

When people start touting that book as the be-all end-all, I shall tell it as it really is. I'm not going to pretend to respect or revere some book that's unworthy of it just to humor others. If there was/is a god, the bible is definitely an insulting slap to "his" face. It was written by ancient, primitive savages that had no more insight into god than your or I. It's okay to believe in god, but it's time to move beyond the silly nonsense that mere mortals have attributed to the concept.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I was going to respond to your earlier post, but this one is so much more telling. It's people like you that incite some Christians into a harsh defense. I won't give you that satisfaction.

When you arbitrary rely upon a book full of irrational and unsubstantiated claims rather than upon reason, you become nothing more than an automaton. God gave you the gift of reason with the intention of you using it. But instead you disavow it and then use some crappy book to put nonsensical words in the mouth of god, presuming to speak on his behalf. Surely you can see why it might appear to be a bit arrogant to but some book above god?
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Active Member

luke 6:21...
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.
22 Blessed are you when people hate you,
when they exclude you and insult you
and reject your name as evil,
because of the Son of Man...

...27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

what's wrong, not up for it?

who ever told you christianity was going to be easy, lied.

You don't understand the scriptures. I can take heat from you people all day. I'm simply avoiding the temptation to stoop to Heathen's level.