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Why do many Muslims believe that God wants them to injure, kill, or imprison homosexuals?


Agnostic Theist
Maybe addressing the subject of homosexuality would lead this somewhere. The persecution of homosexuality is not a religious thing. Take religion out of the equation, and they would still hate homosexuality. The reason is simple, they are different, they are a minority.

By making it a religious matter, you are helping no one, and will get no where.


Well-Known Member
fallingblood said:
Maybe addressing the subject of homosexuality would lead this somewhere. The persecution of homosexuality is not a religious thing. Take religion out of the equation, and they would still hate homosexuality. The reason is simple, they are different, they are a minority.

By making it a religious matter, you are helping no one, and will get no where.

If you are able to convince some Muslims to make homosexuality a secular matter, I will be happy to discuss homosexuality with them from a secular perspective.

Regarding "take religion out of the equation, and they would still hate homosexuality," sure, some religious people would still disapprove of homosexuality if religion was taken out of the equation, but you ought to know that many conservative Muslims, and many conservative Christians for that matter, hold certain positions entirely because of the Bible. Surely the majority of conservative Christians who believe that a global flood occured know very little about geology.

You are welcome to write a book or start a new thread about biblical literalism if you wish.
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Agnostic Theist
I don't believe the Bible is literal. I don't believe that anyone fully thinks the Bible is literal. Let's look at those people who use religion to defend their hatred of homosexuality. Do they refuse to eat pork? Do they stone their children to death if they are disobedient? No, they pick and choose what fits them.

As shown though, you are getting no where with this discussion as it turns into a religious discussion and thus ignores the real problem; bigotry.


Well-Known Member
If you want a better insight on Muslim views of homosexuality visit the Islam DIR forum and look at the circle-jerk gay animals forum. I understand a bit better where their coming from now, but I still vehemently disagree with their ideas on homosexuals.


Well-Known Member
fallingblood said:
I don't believe the Bible is literal.

But man people do believe that the Bible is literal, and they frequently try to legislate the Bible. It is reasonable to disprove the literal claims about the Bible and the Koran.

fallingblood said:
I don't believe that anyone fully thinks the Bible is literal. Let's look at those people who use religion to defend their hatred of homosexuality. Do they refuse to eat pork? Do they stone their children to death if they are disobedient? No, they pick and choose what fits them.

Well of course no one thinks that all of the Bible is literal, not even inerrantists, but millions of Christians believe that a global flood occured, and it is certainly reasonable for skeptics and Christians who disagree with them to discuss the global flood with them.

fallingblood said:
As shown though, you are getting no where with this discussion as it turns into a religious discussion and thus ignores the real problem; bigotry.

No, you are getting no where. The ICR (Institute for Creation Research), and AIG (Answers in Genesis), of course defend the flood partly from a biblical perspective, but they also go to great lengths to use science to try to defend it from a secular perspective. Many Christians place great emphasis on what they call "scientific creationism." The best way to refute the global flood story is obviously with science, as many global flood opponents are doing, certainly not calling flood advocates bigots.

Apparently you want to spend more time having discussions with skeptics than you do with Christians.


Agnostic Theist
Apparently you want to spend more time having discussions with skeptics than you do with Christians.
How far did you get with your discussion of homosexuality? It went no where, as you went back onto the same rants that you have posted numerous times.

I never called flood believers bigots. I never said that I spend my time dealing with just skeptics. Why should I waste my time with people who don't care? You act as if all Conservative Christians are trying to pass all of this ridiculous legislation. That is not what is happening. It's a minority.

It's beginning to sound like a conspiracy theory, that conservative Christians are teaming up to rule the entire world. You do understand that is not the case? That it can not happen?

When you want to debate, I will debate. However, if you continue just to repeat your same rants over and over again, I will not bother with you.


Well-Known Member
fallingblood said:
You act as if all Conservative Christians are trying to pass all of this ridiculous legislation. That is not what is happening. It's a minority.

I refer you to my new thread that is titled "The legislation of religion."


Intentionally Blank
why do you see it as bad to punish a homosexual?

Because it's unjust. Gay people are just people, like you, going about their business, living their lives and not bothering anyone. It is unjust to punish people who are not harming anyone, just because they violate your primitive purity taboos. That would be like Hindus punishing you for eating beef.


Well-Known Member
fallingblood said:
Maybe addressing the subject of homosexuality would lead this somewhere. The persecution of homosexuality is not a religious thing. Take religion out of the equation, and they would still hate homosexuality. The reason is simple, they are different, they are a minority.

On the contrary, Muslim inerrantists do not believe that they need any evidence other than Muslim writings to oppose homosexuality, or for anything else that Muslim writings condemn. The same argument applies to Christian inerrantists. Most Christian inerrantists do not know very much about geology, but they still believe that a global flood occured. If your argument was valid, Christian inerrantists would still believe that a global flood occured if they were not inerrantists, but that is obviously false. Christian inerrantists sometimes use secular arguments against homosexuality, but they oppose some other things that are not supported by secular evidence. An example is divorce. Jesus said that divorce is only acceptable in cases of adultery. Many conservative Christians follow that teaching even though there is not any secular evidence that married couples are always better off staying married to each other.
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Guardian of Asgaard
Maybe addressing the subject of homosexuality would lead this somewhere. The persecution of homosexuality is not a religious thing. Take religion out of the equation, and they would still hate homosexuality. The reason is simple, they are different, they are a minority.

By making it a religious matter, you are helping no one, and will get no where.

Read posts by Eselam in thsi thread sir, it is religious.

People are indoctrinated to those nasty Christian morals of hatred at a young age. As they age, religion becomes less important but the morals stay the same.

That religion and religious influence on society can cause so much hatred only detracts from its respect, especially when these religions preach love and peace.

People who hate homosexuals are pathetic and deserve to die ahead of homosexuals because their ignorance is a waste of air.


I want Khilafah back
Because it's unjust. Gay people are just people, like you, going about their business, living their lives and not bothering anyone. It is unjust to punish people who are not harming anyone, just because they violate your primitive purity taboos. That would be like Hindus punishing you for eating beef.

according to your laws and beliefs, that statement is correct and veru just. no homosexual is to be harmed.

islam however, views it differently, hence the punishment.


Guardian of Asgaard
according to your laws and beliefs, that statement is correct and veru just. no homosexual is to be harmed.

islam however, views it differently, hence the punishment.

This does my respect for Islam no favours.

Why is it your problem what those people do behind closed doors. Shouldn't they be left alone and in the end, if God exists, deal with him instead of humans?


Well-Known Member
eselam said:
According to your laws and beliefs, that statement is correct and very just. No homosexual is to be harmed.

Islam however, views it differently, hence the punishment.

So if the followers of some religion believed that it was moral to kill Muslims, your opinion would be that it all gets down to who is best able to kill who. If might makes right, if Israel defeats Iran with nuclear weapons, would Israel be right?

What evidence do you have that Islam is the one true religion?

Why do you believe that Muslim writings are inerrant?

I do not believe that a moral God would want people to be injured, killed, or imprisoned because of how they practice sex in private.

What did people who lived in China in 2500 B.C. know about the God of Islam?

If a God inspired the Koran, what justifies what he does?


Intentionally Blank
according to your laws and beliefs, that statement is correct and veru just. no homosexual is to be harmed.

islam however, views it differently, hence the punishment.

And hence we must combat Islam, because it advances evil beliefs.


Intentionally Blank
Maybe addressing the subject of homosexuality would lead this somewhere. The persecution of homosexuality is not a religious thing. Take religion out of the equation, and they would still hate homosexuality. The reason is simple, they are different, they are a minority.

By making it a religious matter, you are helping no one, and will get no where.
eselam begs to differ
eselam said:
islam however, views it differently, hence the punishment.


Intentionally Blank
according to your laws and beliefs, that statement is correct and veru just. no homosexual is to be harmed.

islam however, views it differently, hence the punishment.

Is there an Islamic equivalent of the golden rule? How would you like it if I advocated killing you for something that you do that harms no one, and is no one's business, because of my religious beliefs?


Veteran Member
And hence we must combat Islam, because it advances evil beliefs.

if you combat Islam, you combat all Muslims and give no choice to us. that's the tragedy i witness all along. there, Westerns who see any man with beard as terrorists, there Muslims who perceieve any Western as an enemy of God. now we shall sit down and digest what we've caused ourselves. noone should complaint that it hurts



Agnostic Theist
eselam begs to differ
Does he really differ from what I said? How many Muslims are homosexuals, or find homosexuality alright? BBC even had a show on the subject. There are even scholars who argue that homosexuality isn't against Islam at all, and that it is more of a cultural thing. For instance, they point out that in the Quran, there is no word for gay or homosexuality.

Homosexuality is not a religious issue. And by making it such, it does no justice to the subject, and actually is counter productive.


Veteran Member
Does he really differ from what I said? How many Muslims are homosexuals, or find homosexuality alright? BBC even had a show on the subject. There are even scholars who argue that homosexuality isn't against Islam at all, and that it is more of a cultural thing. For instance, they point out that in the Quran, there is no word for gay or homosexuality.

Homosexuality is not a religious issue. And by making it such, it does no justice to the subject, and actually is counter productive.

from Qur'an we understand homosexuality is a sin. but no verse could be provided by anyone that says gay people should be executed



Intentionally Blank
Here's what I don't get about Islam, extremist Christianity, etc. O.K., your religion prohibits it. Fine. So don't do it. Your religion also prohibits eating pork. So don't eat pork. But surely it's none of your business if someone else eats it. In the same way, it's none of your business if someone else practices homosexuality.

If Islam cannot take this view, it must be eradicated.

That's what I mean by saying we cannot tolerate intolerance. If Islam cannot accept other people's right to practice homosexuality, Islam must go.