Sgt. Pepper
All you need is love.
There is another possibility. He read the Bible and he does not care what it says.
One of the key reasons I deconverted from Christianity was because I studied the Bible without the rose-colored glasses of my Christian indoctrination. I quickly learned that the Bible, particularly the stories about Jesus, was not as credible as I had previously believed. It was, however, difficult at first for me to renounce my belief in God, Jesus, and the Bible, but it was without a doubt one of the best decisions I've ever made. I know that other former Christians, like me, are well-versed in the Bible. We read it, studied it, mediated on it, and prayed for spiritual guidance when we were Christians. However, we didn't forget what we had learned when we renounced our Christian faith. We retained that knowledge and are now able to use it to challenge the credibility of the Bible. During the thirty years I was a devout Christian, I believed that reading and studying the Bible every day would strengthen my faith in God and Jesus, but the opposite happened because I essentially studied my way out of believing in God, Jesus, and the Bible. Despite how difficult it was for me to renounce my Christian faith, I'm glad I persevered through that spiritual journey since it has significantly changed my life. I finally have inner peace, which is something I never felt during the forty years I genuinely believed in the biblical God. As I previously shared, I recognized that my faith in God (and Jesus) was nothing more than an emotional crutch. I finally understood that if I was ever going to truly break free and heal emotionally, I needed to let go of this detrimental crutch that was ruining my life. I had to let go of it. Looking back on my life as a Christian, I understand now that Christianity was a prison for me. However, it took me a long time to realize this and understand that the door of my prison cell was always open, and I could leave whenever I wanted.