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Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on everyone.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?
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Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Assalamu Alaikum, peace be upon you
false idols
devil (jinn) worshippers
however....just because someone I religious does not make them 'good' people.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Which one? The Abrahamic monotheist God? My doubts came from logically thinking it out and studying theology, the formation of those religions and their actions throughout the world.
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I would say it may not match up with their information and experiences (creating desire for proof) and knowing the world has a history of people claiming to speak for so and so divine being, God, angel, ghost, etc. as a means for prestige, power, money, control, and so on.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Assalamu Alaikum, peace be upon you
false idols
devil (jinn) worshippers
however....just because someone I religious does not make them 'good' people.

I don't think these are the reasons. I know some Atheists who are incredibly pious, chaste, altruistic and generous.

It depends on what you mean by God.
I am a Christian, and I deny the existence of a God who wants to be adored and prayed. I deny the existence of a prideful God that wants anybody to believe in his existence.
I believe in God as Law, as wisdom and as justice. So if an Atheist struggles for justice and love, then they're already a Christian.

God will not sever the believers from the non-believers, on the Doomsday.
God will sever the wicked from among the just.
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Desert Snake

Veteran Member
I don't think these are the reasons. I know some Atheists who are incredibly pious, chaste, altruistic and generous.

Great, but that's only some, those reasons I gave are legit.

It depends on what you mean by God.
Abrahamic God.

I am a Christian, and I deny the existence of a God who wants to be adored and prayed. I deny the existence of a prideful God that wants anybody to believe in his existence.

I'm not really sure what you mean here. You don't have to believe in any deity, but that doesn't affect me at all, your ideas of Jesus aren't mine, anyways.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Abrahamic God.

Good. I deny the existence of the Abrahamic God because he's incompatible with Christianity.
The God of the Gospels is an anthropocentric God.

I'm not really sure what you mean here. You don't have to believe in any deity, but that doesn't affect me at all, your ideas of Jesus aren't mine, anyways.

I do believe in a deity, that is God. But this deity takes form when we love, And Jesus is the proof of that. That is, that man is not human. Man is divine...and I guess Jesus proved it.


رسول الآلهة
I doubt the exist of gods because they lack evidence. On top of this I know they do not exist because not a single coherent concept of a god has been formulated. It overlaps with perceivable reality, abstract ideas and concrete ideas.
Something this flexible has exceeded flexibility and has reach the realm of being the Absolute. If that is the case then pantheism is just fancy atheism on drugs and the Absolute is a better fitting word.

Islam though is a dangerous ideology that serves only 2 purposes, death and conquering. A god that is as incompetent as the gods that came before it yet more so, along with a prophet whose behavior is 'questionable'.
I oppose the belief in the existence of the Islamic god or even the Christian god. I do not deny the existence of this god I simply know they are cognitive symbols for hatred, greed and poor character

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Good. I deny the existence of the Abrahamic God because he's incompatible with Christianity.
The God of the Gospels is an anthropocentric God.

The Scriptures don't back this view up. However that's probably off topic.

I do believe in a deity, that is God. But this deity takes form when we love, And Jesus is the proof of that. That is, that man is not human. Man is divine...and I guess Jesus proved it.

That sounds very vague, but, o.k.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The Scriptures don't back this view up. However that's probably off topic.
I explained the reason why people easily deny the existence of the Abrahamic God. Because it is absurd, I think, to believe in a prideful, jealous God.


Possessed Bookworm
Why do people deny the existence of Zeus? The holy tradition clearly tells us about Him and his like. Without a belief in this noble path, how can they avoid hubris? Clearly it's only pride that prevents them from seeing the force of the mighty Sky god.

When you read the above, what comes to your mind? Chances are that's exactly what people think about your deity as well. You don't believe in Odin, Zeus or Ba'al because you think them unlikely or even silly superstition. I cannot stress enough that years ago people believed in these gods with the same level of seriousness you believe in yours. Just because we're culturally biased in favour of a monotheistic god now doesn't make it any more credible than any other god that came before it. It's often not even about doubt, it's simply seeing no reason for a supernatural being to exist.

What comes to morals, people have had a morality as long as humanity has existed. Part of it is a result of cultural evolution, part biological. A normal healthy person is equipped with the ability to empathise with others and a drive towards altruism and teamwork. The same traits have been observed in elephants. Does this mean elephants believe in God but crows don't, even if they're very intelligent as well?
Peace be on everyone.

السلام عليكم

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

God may not be there at all, therefore people find deep incoherences. Truth is individual and rebellious.

Wikipedia, الحسين_بن_منصور_الحلاج
Wikipedia, صوفية

what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?

It comes from the same source that made our moms love us.
Deeply developed, it evolves into compassion.



Active Member
I think it's pretty obvious that you need to answer this question yourself.

And whatever source of morality is, it sure is not an unknown supernatural unproved deity.


RF's pet cat
When I think of an omni God (with a big g). The more I explored that concept the less I understood it. It creates cognitive dissonance and I can't believe in something that produces that to my mind. On top of that, there's no "proof" of that God... So, the result is that it's impossible for me to believe in it. I can't force myself either.

With some other concepts the contrary happened along with subjective experiences, they seemed more and more plausible to me. These concepts are compatible with my view of the world so even if there's no "proof" of their existence either, I don't experience the dissonance and I like those god(s) concepts.

Like Infinitum, I too recommend you think of a god you don't believe in and observe the thoughts and feelings you have. Why don't you believe in them? Well same reasons as others don't believe in certain or all god concepts.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?

well...I don't think that the non-existence of God implies the absence of morality.
Because man is an autonomous being. Man is capable to distinguish evil from good.
That's why men create laws. And laws are about morality too...given that people in most countries of the world are not allowed to have sex on public streets.
so I guess that, because a secular state define what the common welfare is, it can autonomously create a moral code.
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Secret Chief

Why do people deny the existence of Zeus? The holy tradition clearly tells us about Him and his like. Without a belief in this noble path, how can they avoid hubris? Clearly it's only pride that prevents them from seeing the force of the mighty Sky God

Although Zeus is very wise and compassionate he is also prone to bouts of anger and violence, so he'll probably smite your *** for saying this.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?
It's difficult or impossible to believe in things which cannot be seen,
touched, smelled, heard, tasted, or otherwise verified to exist.

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?
Morality is just what happens as a result of genetics & culture.
Thus, it varies much from place to place, & religion to religion.
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