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Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Peace be on everyone.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?

Without belief in a deity would be the default position prior to accepting the claim of a deity. So we return to a more natural state of logical coherence upon the recognition of the lack of evidence.

But morality specifically is a good one. I love this topic.

What makes you think your religion or god would be the source of morality in the first place? Is it also impossible to hold other thoughts or vales other than morality without god? And on the same note and by the same logic provided in your argument, how can I hate without god? How can I be evil or do acts that would be considered "evil" without god? The whole argument seems to reek of the presupposition that human beings are evil by nature without having provided that point in argument or substantiate it with evidence.


Cosmic Clown
Peace be on everyone.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?

Peace be upon you.

Everything, both the seen and the unseen all have the same One Source. I prefer the term Source to the term G_d, although I no longer have any problems using the word G_d. Certain folk who like to be known as religious put me off the word G_d for many years, especially those in fancy dress costumes ;) !!!

I am of the opinion that a Beautiful Intelligence is behind all of what we experience, something way beyond our comprehension. When folk assign a gender to this Beautiful Intelligence it makes me smile because this Beautiful Intelligence is, in my opinion, way, way beyond gender!

The G_d of the Old Testament is a creation of the egoic mind, as the ego loves to lose itself in stories.




Sheppard for the Die Hard
God(s) designed this universe as to lack evidence. Im convinced that if evidence existed to the naked eye than life is utterly useless. Purposeless. Its beautiful, really.


Cosmic Clown
God(s) designed this universe as to lack evidence. Im convinced that if evidence existed to the naked eye than life is utterly useless. Purposeless. Its beautiful, really.

All Life is evidence of something magical, if people want to call it G_d thats fine with me!!!




Admiral Obvious
If god specifically designed this universe in such a manner to so successfully hide from it, why would he then require worship?


Just me
Premium Member
Peace be on everyone.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?

Simply because they don't know what god is.

Morality/moral behavior stems from a sense of right and wrong which can be reduced to social conventions.


Veteran Member
Peace be on everyone.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?
Peace be on you. :)

The traditional definition of god comes from books written long ago by people I did not know.

Why should I accept their words or description of who god is?

What reason do I have to believe them without some proof I can see today?

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?
Morality is socially constructed. If we depended solely on the morality of the bible or Qur'an, we'd all be stoned to death by now.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Peace be on everyone.
I already have enough peace to satisfy a small village, so have some yourself.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?
Possibly because the arguments and appeals of theists aren't quite as good as they like to think? Just saying...

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?
Morality predated all religions... where do you think the different schools of thought got their ideas?


Sheppard for the Die Hard
If god specifically designed this universe in such a manner to so successfully hide from it, why would he then require worship?

We do it without proof of his existence, Ironically, and we have been doing it since the dawn of our time. You may have never praised a God, but it enlightens apart of you, sometimes, that cannot be expressed through words.
Religion to me is nothing but of his Will. None of the available religions, in my opinion, are the correct one. They all, however, all share too much in common, and all have truths about them.

To a Christian, or to a Muslim, Why does it matter to which God you believe in and praise? Wether our souls in the afterlife are as someone had mentioned, a collective conscious, or single entity, or a word for the intellect of the universe it's self, its all pointing UP ^ Monotheism to me suggests that this one God could careless what God you praise, because no matter who, where, or what, its for him. He is God. There is nobody else. This is why I don't get JW's, or why any person of any denomination cares to push their beliefs or denomination on others, because no matter what we praise, God, whether a single entity, collective conscious, or the intellect of the universe; there is only he/it/they. God, despite our individual interpretations, is beyond religion. That leaves me to believe religion serves a purpose of his will alone. If you ask me, this place was designed to point away from God. ;D Doesn't mean he doesn't exist. We all find a way, me, specifically, through Irony and coincidence. Its proof for me because its right in front of my face.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Respectfully, Thruve...
We do it without proof of his existence, Ironically, and we have been doing it since the dawn of our time. You may have never praised a God, but it enlightens apart of you, sometimes, that cannot be expressed through words.
I see it based more on misunderstanding or a misapprehension of reality, to be honest. People don't know what it is that they are "touching" and simply project that therefore it must be god. Well, ain't they special?

Religion to me is nothing but of his Will. None of the available religions, in my opinion, are the correct one. They all, however, all share too much in common, and all have truths about them.
One can say this about popular fiction too. Fiction is based on reality, that's why it works. That is why people love a good fiction. In short, because they can relate.

That leaves me to believe religion serves a purpose of his will alone. If you ask me, this place was designed to point away from God. ;D Doesn't mean he doesn't exist. We all find a way, me, specifically, through Irony and coincidence. Its proof for me because its right in front of my face.
My thought is that you are simply seeing reality the way you want reality to behave. Reality is forced through the lens of understanding. So is it any wonder that you perceive what you do? The thing is, if you remove god from the equation, reality would still be what it is. It doesn't need a god to support it.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
I'm a Theist and I will give my thoughts.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

One reason is lack of convincing evidence for God's existence. The view that everything is made of matter following natural laws makes good simple sense.What else could there be beyond matter. Nothing else is 'real'. And the theistic explanations present even more problems.

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?

The desire to better the life of yourself and all others.


I was born with a mind that is only capable of forming fact-based opinions. I'm not kidding. When the other kids said "yikes, there's alligators in the walkway! Better jump over it!" I thought "No there aren't. This is a stupid game". Establishing facts requires evidence.

Given that I only believe things that are factually true, based on a high standard of evidence, all of humanity's various gods simply aren't contenders. Like the alligators in the sidewalk, it is impossible for me even to pretend that they are real.


Now the parable is this, the seed is the Word of God. And those beside the road are those who have heard, then the devil comes and takes away the Word from their heart, so that they may not believe and be saved. Luke 8: 11-12.


رسول الآلهة
I honestly wonder why people do not believe in Thor, Odin, Wotan or Sophia, they seem like logical gods if you ask me.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Now the parable is this, the seed is the Word of God. And those beside the road are those who have heard, then the devil comes and takes away the Word from their heart, so that they may not believe and be saved. Luke 8: 11-12.

dear friend...Atheists don't believe in God's existence. But God's word can be in their hearts, because God is spirit , and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.
That means that you don't have to believe in God to be Christian


رسول الآلهة
dear friend...Atheists don't believe in God's existence. But God's word can be in their hearts, because God is spirit , and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.
That means that you don't have to believe in God to be Christian

If the spirit of a Yahweh is in my heart then I would detest my own heart. This reminds me of the new agey non-denominational fluff that I see going around these days amongst Christians. The very fact you say "God's words can be in their hearts" makes me want to puke

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
If the spirit of a Yahweh is in my heart then I would detest my own heart. This reminds me of the new agey non-denominational fluff that I see going around these days amongst Christians. The very fact you say "God's words can be in their hearts" makes me want to puke

well...I'm accused of being a New-ageist even by Catholics. It doesn't matter. How do you know there isn't any God's spirit in your heart?
Shall I assume you hate people?
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رسول الآلهة
well...I'm accused of being a New-ageist even by Catholics.
Seems very contradictory for Catholics but for non-denoms it seems to be a norm now a days. I like hearing pastors rant about New Age stuff yet they are as New Age as it gets, such hypocrite.
Stuff like this gives a tingle in my spine :)

It doesn't matter. How do you know is there any God's spirit in your heart?
I know so because only blood is pumping, no cardiologist has ever reported god being a part of anybodies heart.

Shall I assume you hate people?

Being a Christian I would ask you the same thing because all I have is people and I love them but on the other hand you should be eyeball high with hate since you hate the very world you live in so much you want a "spiritual" one to exist


Coincidentia oppositorum
Peace be on everyone.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?
They don't believe in God. So it's easy to doubt something they don't believe in. They don't see any evidence of God existing.

It's like Santa Claus. You don't see evidence of Santa Claus really existing, so why shouldn't you doubt his existence?

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?
Social constructs based on human interactions and needs. Morality has changed drastically for several thousand years. It's not okay to go around and kill people in God's name anymore. It's not okay to have slaves. It's not okay to be racist. And many other moralities have been changed. So if morality is absolute, then it shouldn't be changing. But it is because we understand the world, ourselves, and each other a bit better. Morality doesn't come from above, it comes from within.

There are a huge amount of atheists and other non-believers in the world who have very well understood and developed moral sense. That goes to show that morality comes from understanding of our place in society and the world rather than understanding of an ancient religious holy book.