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Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Peace be on everyone.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Usually for the same reasons they have doubts about unicorns and fairies.

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?

The same as the source of morality for everyone else: emergent psychological and sociological behaviors and drives shaped by evolutionary biology.


New Member
I believe their doubt is largely due to the fact so many peoples' concept of God is distorted. It's easiest to gather their perception from what they see and all they see are people that think they speak for God. All of the religions that consider themselves Abraham tell their followers to answer to men before God. In fact two of the largest, Catholicism and Islam encourage people to kneel before men or fear them. But this serves more as a mind block for these people. They worship men. And none of them keep the Commandments. And by keep I mean that in their minds they don't start with the Commandments when they measure sins, if you're even supposed to do that. They start with the sins that MEN consider the worst. Furthermore, by worshipping men they create many of the really bad problems on this planet like murder, domestic abuse, and molestation. People commit murder to exert superiority over other people. If they saw themselves as human, they would sympathize for what's human in others and wouldn't be capable of committing such atrocities. If they didn't think women were inferior, they wouldn't be set on beating them down to prove their superiority. And if there weren't men that think they were God, there wouldn't be men that played God on children. It's really quite simple. If people were actually worshipping Abraham's God and keeping His laws, none of this would be happening. Unfortunately, most people are too stubborn and would prefer to think they speak for God when in reality most people seldom mention the Commandments when they approach others to preach God's word. But many, not all, but many threaten with hell which is more in line with the concept of Molech than Abraham's God. I wish someone would explain how I might be wrong bc I can't relate to anyone. Is this entire planet not worshipping men and practicing child sacrifice? Did Jesus die and make it ok to do things that The Old Testament says is wrong? All of the religions are confusing to me, but I know I was happier when I was younger and believed I was worshipping God. I wish someone could get me back to that by explaining how any of the religions weren't designed for men to worship men so that I might know where to go to worship God.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
No, I don't deny that at all.
Firstly, in reference to spirituality, believing in a deity is not typically relevant in my opinion. I know two people who are very spiritual and whos ideas are similar to mine but they are agnostic. They are sane. My spirituality derived off Christianity. Theirs from religion as well, only to become agnostic later on. They have some pretty cool views though about human relations, and paint the picture of all of us being a point or intersection on a grid. It is something they've adopted off Christianity I believe.

Then did you by chance misunderstand what I mean from spiritual experience? And you didn't really answer my question.


I believe their doubt is largely due to the fact so many peoples' concept of God is distorted. It's easiest to gather their perception from what they see and all they see are people that think they speak for God. All of the religions that consider themselves Abraham tell their followers to answer to men before God. In fact two of the largest, Catholicism and Islam encourage people to kneel before men or fear them. But this serves more as a mind block for these people. They worship men. And none of them keep the Commandments. And by keep I mean that in their minds they don't start with the Commandments when they measure sins, if you're even supposed to do that. They start with the sins that MEN consider the worst. Furthermore, by worshipping men they create many of the really bad problems on this planet like murder, domestic abuse, and molestation. People commit murder to exert superiority over other people. If they saw themselves as human, they would sympathize for what's human in others and wouldn't be capable of committing such atrocities. If they didn't think women were inferior, they wouldn't be set on beating them down to prove their superiority. And if there weren't men that think they were God, there wouldn't be men that played God on children. It's really quite simple. If people were actually worshipping Abraham's God and keeping His laws, none of this would be happening. Unfortunately, most people are too stubborn and would prefer to think they speak for God when in reality most people seldom mention the Commandments when they approach others to preach God's word. But many, not all, but many threaten with hell which is more in line with the concept of Molech than Abraham's God. I wish someone would explain how I might be wrong bc I can't relate to anyone. Is this entire planet not worshipping men and practicing child sacrifice? Did Jesus die and make it ok to do things that The Old Testament says is wrong? All of the religions are confusing to me, but I know I was happier when I was younger and believed I was worshipping God. I wish someone could get me back to that by explaining how any of the religions weren't designed for men to worship men so that I might know where to go to worship God.
When my mother stopped taking me to church, she said it was because she felt closer to God in the wilderness than in church. Try that. :)

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
A little off topic from genesis but how about the flood? Plants were underwater for 40 days without sunlight. How does that work?

What's that, some completely literal interpretation of the flood narrative, apparently. Cool, I don't argue Scripture in this manner though, not my thing.


Active Member
What's that, some completely literal interpretation of the flood narrative, apparently. Cool, I don't argue Scripture in this manner though, not my thing.

Since when has the flood not been taken literally? News to me. Seems a lot of Christians on here like to interpret parts of the bible that are obviously false or inconvenient metaphorically to not appear foolish. :clap


Since when has the flood not been taken literally? News to me. Seems a lot of Christians on here like to interpret parts of the bible that are obviously false or inconvenient metaphorically to not appear foolish. :clap

Lots of Christians don't take the entire bible literally. Those who do are a tiny but disproportionately noisy minority.


Sheppard for the Die Hard
Then did you by chance misunderstand what I mean from spiritual experience? And you didn't really answer my question.

Er yea, sorry, I kind of didn't answer your question directly.
The first part, Yes.
The second part, Coincidence and Irony.
Most of the holy scriptures is literal.Some of it is symbolic.There are parables and metaphoric language in it.For instance Jesus literally was killed.In the gospels Jesus used parables to describe things to people in an easy way.In the book of Revelation it speaks of the beast.This is obviously symbolic.There is no beast that is an animal in the book of Revelation.

The beast is a government in opposition to God.Mountains can also mean governments.Like the one that is described in the book of Daniel being thrown at the statue and breaking its feet.Islands can mean far away lands or distant kingdoms.Many waters can refer to many peoples for instance in Revelation 17:15 Then the angel said to me, "The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.

When it speaks of wings carrying off Gods people this is actually describing Gods holy spirit assisting the people to safety.Not that they were literally flown away.Once we learn the symbolic language in the holy scriptures,it becomes easier to decipher it.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Since when has the flood not been taken literally? News to me. Seems a lot of Christians on here like to interpret parts of the bible that are obviously false or inconvenient metaphorically to not appear foolish. :clap

Many Christians don't believe the narrative at all. I personally do believe in a massive flood, and the ark, however I think many animals survived, and the water did not completely cover all the land like some interpret.

O.k. great, is that supposed to mean something to me?
Many Christians don't believe the narrative at all. I personally do believe in a massive flood, and the ark, however I think many animals survived, and the water did not completely cover all the land like some interpret.

O.k. great, is that supposed to mean something to me?
According to the holy scripture not one soul lived except those who were on the Ark.

21 Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. 22 Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.

There are also misconceptions about the animals.Many think it was two of every animal because of cartoons and bible stories in books and on t.v. This is incorrect.It was actually two of every unclean animal and 7 pairs of every clean animal.

2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,

Genesis 6:9-9:17


pro scapegoat
According to the holy scripture not one soul lived except those who were on the Ark.

21 Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. 22 Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.

There are also misconceptions about the animals.Many think it was two of every animal because of cartoons and bible stories in books and on t.v. This is incorrect.It was actually two of every unclean animal and 7 pairs of every clean animal.

2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,

Genesis 6:9-9:17

In that case would you interpret that to suggest that they were talking about domestic livestock rather than all animal life? That would make sense to me - you know, 7 pairs of chocks, ducks, rabbits, cows etc.
In that case would you interpret that to suggest that they were talking about domestic livestock rather than all animal life? That would make sense to me - you know, 7 pairs of chocks, ducks, rabbits, cows etc.
No.It says, " Every living thing that moved on land perished"


pro scapegoat
No.It says, " Every living thing that moved on land perished"

So that would be a boat that would be incomprehensibly huge and complicated. You could not do it. Not to mention getting the animals together. Why I ask is - wouldn't it be more likely that people are just translating the text wrong, and that they meant farm animals and then it all makes sense? Wouldn't it better explain something impossible in the bible if we attribute it to our mistake in translation, as opposed to sustaining belief in the impossible?
So that would be a boat that would be incomprehensibly huge and complicated. You could not do it. Not to mention getting the animals together. Why I ask is - wouldn't it be more likely that people are just translating the text wrong, and that they meant farm animals and then it all makes sense? Wouldn't it better explain something impossible in the bible if we attribute it to our mistake in translation, as opposed to sustaining belief in the impossible?
Nothing is huge and complicated with Gods assistance.It might seem a bit unbelievable to some, but once you come to understand how God works, its not as unbelievable.


Most of the holy scriptures is literal.Some of it is symbolic.There are parables and metaphoric language in it.For instance Jesus literally was killed.In the gospels Jesus used parables to describe things to people in an easy way.In the book of Revelation it speaks of the beast.This is obviously symbolic.There is no beast that is an animal in the book of Revelation.

The beast is a government in opposition to God.Mountains can also mean governments.Like the one that is described in the book of Daniel being thrown at the statue and breaking its feet.Islands can mean far away lands or distant kingdoms.Many waters can refer to many peoples for instance in Revelation 17:15 Then the angel said to me, "The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.

When it speaks of wings carrying off Gods people this is actually describing Gods holy spirit assisting the people to safety.Not that they were literally flown away.Once we learn the symbolic language in the holy scriptures,it becomes easier to decipher it.

What is the symbolic significance of god creating the earth, plants, sun and moon in the wrong order?