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Why do people make children?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I will never understand lesbians, honestly.
Because I am into men, and I like anything in a man.

If they dislike men, why do they want to conceive children in their own womb putting men's genetic material?
It's beyond me.
Live and let live, since no one's being harmed, I'd say.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I will never understand lesbians, honestly.
Because I am into men, and I like anything in a man.

I suppose truly understanding the drives and interests of other people is simply not always easy or even possible.

If they dislike men, why do they want to conceive children in their own womb putting men's genetic material?
It's beyond me.
Lesbians don't necessarily dislike men. That is not what makes them lesbians.

Being interested in other women does.

Willingness to conceive is, of course, a separate disposition. It may be connected and it may not be (I would not know).

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Live and let live, since no one's being harmed, I'd say.

No one's being harmed.
Well...I think that procreation is an act of love, it's not a selfish act.
Which means "I want a child" sounds like "I want a puppy"...

because there is the I pronoun...


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
That's why I advise people not to make children. Children cannot live in this nightmarish, overpopulated world.
And clearly it's working. I'm guessing you started this around the time you were born, because the population growth rate has more than halved since you were born.

Nicely done! Thank you for your hard work!


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
And clearly it's working. I'm guessing you started this around the time you were born, because the population growth rate has more than halved since you were born.
In Europe, yes.
In Africa the birth rates have tripled.
Nicely done! Thank you for your hard work!

Honestly...I think that 400 thousand births a year in a country of 60 million people is too much.
Because the mortality rate is basically zero here, so we need to reduce the birth rate to zero, as well. It must be zeroed.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
In Europe, yes.
In Africa the birth rates have tripled.
In the world.

Honestly...I think that 400 thousand births a year in a country of 60 million people is too much.
Because the mortality rate is basically zero here, so we need to reduce the birth rate to zero, as well. It must be zeroed.
You don't take compliments well.

But it appears you have a great deal more work to do. Best get to it and stop wasting your time complaining about it here.


Outstanding Member
Because i did the work myself.

Comprehending that living processes intend to continue, is by natural observation not references. i consider it basic common sense, to observer natures processes.

your problem is, you do not see that I could be observing nature as it is and capable to contribute without scientific approval.

Or maybe, just maybe, because your contribution is nothing more than a misunderstanding of biological processes. ;)

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Or maybe, just maybe, because your contribution is nothing more than a misunderstanding of biological processes. ;)

I already told him that my best friend has had sex with the most handsome and moneyed people I know...and never got pregnant.

So...I am really shocked by how people cannot see the point. That having sex doesn't mean procreating.


Well-Known Member
I mean....if we exclude the millionaires or the billionaires, well, they can assure a future to their children.
What about the rest? ;)
Proletariat, Middle class. Why do they make them?
They procreate, making children who will have to undergo the parents' impositions, who will basically have no freedom, and once adults they will have to succumb in shark-infested waters. Because there are voracious sharks, that is wicked people who victimize the weakest. Only the fittest survive in capitalistic economies.

Well...I have discovered Anti-Natalism, lately...but I identify as a overpopulation believer and I am 100% convinced that all the problems we have on Earth are caused by too many people on Earth.
So I would like to understand why people do anything to have children.

It's something absolutely avoidable. There is contraception. :)

Please...only serious replies, merci beaucoup. ;)
There is survival of the individual and there is survival of the species. Having children is connected to survival of the species. The joy of sex is like a carrot on the string, that allows the species to survive, in spite of the will and choice of the individual; ego. We may be concerned about world overpopulation, our own means to support children, etc. But when the urge to procreate appears, people generate offspring in spite of themselves. This primal urge is why there is so much abortion. Many women do not want children; their ego talking. However, so many still end up pregnant, due to the call of the wild.

Procreation is the one of the prime directives, with sex the carrot on the string that leads that horse; urge, to water. This dynamics is similar to eating, which is also a prime directive. The wonderful taste of food is the carrot on the string, that brings the horse; urge, to water so we eat and body is nourished. Often the carrot is more conscious, than the primal urge, such that the carrot is seen as the prime directive. This is a relative reference illusion generated by the ego and super ego of culture.

In the case of food, one may over eat or eat the wrong things that are not good of you; greasy junk food. This can exceed the integrated nature of the prime directive; healthy eating for the body. In the case of this topic, making the carrot on the string the prime direction; sex first, can upset the natural balance of procreation. Then we get overpopulation and then disease to help thin the herd. Medicine inhibits this natural thinning process, so we can all complain about overpopulation, as we go back to the carrot loop and do the wild thing.

If we took away all medications for STD, nature would naturally thin the herd, and the ego would gradually learn not to put the cart before the horse. But we have lost our natural instincts, so we find ways cheat nature and go back to the carrot loops and complain.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No one's being harmed.
Well...I think that procreation is an act of love, it's not a selfish act.
Which means "I want a child" sounds like "I want a puppy"...

because there is the I pronoun...
We had three. They were each of them a great idea. So are grandchildren of course.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
There is survival of the individual and there is survival of the species. Having children is connected to survival of the species. The joy of sex is like a carrot on the string, that allows the species to survive, in spite of the will and choice of the individual; ego. We may be concerned about world overpopulation, our own means to support children, etc. But when the urge to procreate appears, people generate offspring in spite of themselves. This primal urge is why there is so much abortion. Many women do not want children; their ego talking. However, so many still end up pregnant, due to the call of the wild.
I don't understand this, really.
Abortion is much more expensive than a box of hormonal pills...
yet they prefer to spend more on the medical bill.

My best friend has had sex with so many males in her life. Never got pregnant. Never had abortions.
Procreation is the one of the prime directives, with sex the carrot on the string that leads that horse; urge, to water. This dynamics is similar to eating, which is also a prime directive. The wonderful taste of food is the carrot on the string, that brings the horse; urge, to water so we eat and body is nourished. Often the carrot is more conscious, than the primal urge, such that the carrot is seen as the prime directive. This is a relative reference illusion generated by the ego and super ego of culture.
Why do you take it for granted?
It's very difficult that a man and a woman like each other so intensively that they start a vivacious sex life, together.
It's easy to find a partner to have occasional sex with. Like, once a month?
But a constant sex life is very, very, very difficult.
Because men have higher and higher standards these days. Their target is Miss Universe.
They can have some sexual fun with you for a week or two...then they flee.



"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
But it is once you realize that your existence comes at the cost of the destruction of other existences.
So you would prefer a universe in which all life existed only on energy from stars and the inanimate material around them? And also never died? (And for that reason, should also never reproduce?)

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
So you would prefer a universe in which all life existed only on energy from stars and the inanimate material around them? And also never died? (And for that reason, should also never reproduce?)
Honestly I would prefer a world where there are no wicked people who victimize and enslave other people.
But since there are these people...I think it's wrong to produce children that will become victims of these people.