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Why Do White Nationalists Hate Jews And Blame Them For Everything Bad ?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
There are Jews that hate white people but it's just so stupid to think that they control and run everything and that all Jews hate all white people perhaps these white Nationalists are emotionally insecure and just want to blame Jews instead of themselves.
Not all white nationalists hate Jews. Some of them even allow them into the movement, like Jared Taylor from American Renaissance, because many Jews also hate black people and to some of them, hating black people is more important than old school anti-Jewish bigotry. It's caused a split between different groups.


Well-Known Member
Here in the southwest Latinos have extensive restaurants and I note east Indians are moving into the medical fields. so? Individual, family cultural values come into play for such successes..
I am a blue-collar working class white, and I've always admired the attitude of the immigrants I've work with for all these years, in the factory, as many of them seem to be hard working people. This basic and honest work seems to give them self-worth, and I assume they teach their offspring to have the same attitude, if possible. However, my own people tend to look down on me for doing this kind of work, and I've often been told to stop doing this kind of work. I don't really believe them, so I keep doing it.

We tend to gentrify everything, and so to afford property, one needs a 'high-value' job of some kind. This probably stokes resentment among many of those who weren't able to reach that level. And so then, they want to blame other races or groups for their problems, which is wrong to do. Family-wise, I think whites can struggle as well. Many from my family were alcoholics, and so I was raised around their negativity, so there was no way I could reach the higher expectations of my broader gentrified surroundings.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
There are Jews that hate white people but it's just so stupid to think that they control and run everything and that all Jews hate all white people perhaps these white Nationalists are emotionally insecure and just want to blame Jews instead of themselves.
There are peacefull jews.
I think you meant the zionists jews ?
If about USA,sure AIPAC had big influence on USA politics,and media all to serve Israel racist regime.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I believe it deals with paranoia.
Because I speak of bad people within the Vatican walls...but nobody accuses me of thinking all Catholics are bad.
Religions are not a monolith.
So whenever I say "the Vatican" I am not saying all Catholics are responsible for all the evil.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
There are Jews that hate white people but it's just so stupid to think that they control and run everything and that all Jews hate all white people perhaps these white Nationalists are emotionally insecure and just want to blame Jews instead of themselves.
I think your question rather assumes that antisemitism is rational, that there are reasons somewhere out there that would explain it. This is just not the case. No form of racism is rational.

FWIW, White Nationalists also hate Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, Roma, Leftists/Liberals, LGBT, Muslims, people with disabilities, and often Catholics.

But yes, most of the conspiracy theories they hold center around Jews. Jews running the banks. Jews controlling the media. The global Jewish conspiracy. The dual loyalty myth. Cultural subversion. Ethnic Infiltration. It just never stops.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Are white Supremist anything more than glorified gangs? Compared to any other malevolent misanthropic gangs, groups are intrinsically they worse than Antifa, BLM, skinheads , Blood and Crips? All peas in a pod.
Given that in the recent past they killed six million Jews, I wouldn't call them glorified gangs.


Active Member
I think your question rather assumes that antisemitism is rational, that there are reasons somewhere out there that would explain it. This is just not the case. No form of racism is rational.

FWIW, White Nationalists also hate Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians, Roma, Leftists/Liberals, LGBT, Muslims, people with disabilities, and often Catholics.

But yes, most of the conspiracy theories they hold center around Jews. Jews running the banks. Jews controlling the media. The global Jewish conspiracy. The dual loyalty myth. Cultural subversion. Ethnic Infiltration. It just never stops.
all these 'racists' -misanthropes are a small vocal minority, confronting them may sere to empower them, perhaps, just perhaps its best to ignore them?


Active Member
Given that in the recent past they killed six million Jews, I wouldn't call them glorified gangs.
Nazis are no longer in power, except for small groups in northern Idaho and some online, true, a small cancerous cell can grow are they worth the effort? are they a real or potential threat? My late Father, ww2 combat vet killed lots of Nazis, wanted to kill the ones he saw in northern Idaho in 1988 to, as he put it 'finish the job.' He however primarily feared the left.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
But yes, most of the conspiracy theories they hold center around Jews. Jews running the banks. Jews controlling the media. The global Jewish conspiracy. The dual loyalty myth. Cultural subversion. Ethnic Infiltration. It just never stops.
The truth is that I always speak of "very horrific conspiracies" within the Vatican walls. But nobody accuses me of "Catholicophobia" or "anti-Catholicism" because I don't mean to say that all Catholics are bad.

I don't understand all this mechanism... about considering all Jews bad if some of them are bad.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
That's interesting.

By the way, I think you can ignore the 2% part because it's not believable. I have done DNA test too and for a few years it said I had 2% Nigerian which was just bizarre (there is not just one Nigerian ethnicity and Nigeria became independent in the 1960s). Recently I saw that part has been corrected by the DNA test company. All other percentage are high enough to be believable.
What it means is that you have a marker that is common in that area where Nigeria now is. DNA is often not specific to certain ethnicities. For example, all Native Americans share common DNA, even though there are over 500 tribes across two continents.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The truth is that I always speak of "very horrific conspiracies" within the Vatican walls. But nobody accuses me of "Catholicophobia" or "anti-Catholicism" because I don't mean to say that all Catholics are bad.
I've known antisemites that have Jewish friends. The fact that there are Catholics you like doesn't mean you aren't anti-Catholic. The "horrific conspiracies within the Vatican" are imagined and mark you as anti-Catholic.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I've known antisemites that have Jewish friends. The fact that there are Catholics you like doesn't mean you aren't anti-Catholic. The "horrific conspiracies within the Vatican" are imagined and mark you as anti-Catholic.
What I meant is that Catholics aren't a monolith. There are the wicked and the just, bad Catholics and good Catholics.
This is my theological belief. Speaking of how bad wicked Catholics are makes me a true Catholic. :)


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
What I meant is that Catholics aren't a monolith. There are the wicked and the just, bad Catholics and good Catholics.
This is my theological belief. Speaking of how bad wicked Catholics are makes me a true Catholic. :)
Again, not necessarily. A person can see with their own eyes that there are Jews that are poor, and still believe that the Rothschilds run the banks. You cannot divorce "Catholics" from "The Vatican."


Active Member
Ignoring them is what led to the holocaust.
True, are they a potential threat or a real threat? My Dying Father , ww2 vet wanted to go go kill them in Idaho, the logic being by the time they tried to prosecute him he would be dead, and his rationale was 'he was just finishing the job"

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Again, not necessarily. A person can see with their own eyes that there are Jews that are poor, and still believe that the Rothschilds run the banks. You cannot divorce "Catholics" from "The Vatican."
I am not understanding what wealth has to do with being good or bad. :)

I mean... the Pope in 1978 was killed by people who were within Vatican walls. They were bad.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
True, are they a potential threat or a real threat?
They are always a real threat.

It's also the case that antisemitism comes in waves. Antisemitism can go underground. Things can be pretty good for Jews for a while, and then it swings back to dangerous again. I think anyone would have to be blind not to realize that things have become very dangerous recently for Jews.

In my neck of the woods, we've had the Poway shooting, the and the riot in front of the synagogue in the Pico Robertson area. Individual Jews have been accosted and even physically assaulted. Vandalization of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries has become a thing again. The Goyim Defense League and other white supremacist groups have increased their activity. We have had antisemitic vandalism at my own apartment complex -- someone carving swastikas into the elevator doors. And these are just things that have happened near me.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I am not understanding what wealth has to do with being good or bad. :)
One antisemitic trope is that by controlling the banks, Jews suck the blood out of people with high interest loans. The belief that Jews are rich is connected with conspiracy theories about the kind of power that comes with wealth, such as the ability to control the media or government.
I mean... the Pope in 1978 was killed by people who were within Vatican walls. They were bad.
There is no evidence that John Paul I was murdered.


Well-Known Member
There are Jews that hate white people but it's just so stupid to think that they control and run everything and that all Jews hate all white people perhaps these white Nationalists are emotionally insecure and just want to blame Jews instead of themselves.
In current times it is half the DNC that hates Jews. This group defaced monuments in Washington and was then forgiven by the injustice system with nobody going to jail. That means the leaders feel the same way. This is an example of the DNC coverup up its own kind by bringing up ancient history to distract from current events.

A better question would be why do Liberals hate all religions including the Jews, unless they are violent?