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Why do you believe?

Why do you believe?

  • Because I was raised in a religious context

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Because I'm afraid to go to Hell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Because I need to believe in something

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Because I'm afraid there's nothing after death

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Because I don't think that we owe our existence to random events

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • I don't believe

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Because it fits in with my own life experiences which has shaped ny philosophical outlook

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • Because it fits with my philosophical outlook (but no 'experiences' to speak of)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
The most logical explanation, supported by evidence.

Just like before Copernicus, the most logical explanation, supported by evidence, for the day-night transitions was that the sun circled the earth.


Well-Known Member
I believe in some form of spirituality because I feel a need to believe. I don't know if I believe in any deities or not but I do have a form of spirituality.


Wonder Woman
jmn, you're being rude. You don't know the people you are talking to well enough to be questioning their state of mind or reasoning abilities. Flat out, just because you cant personally fathom something it doesn't mean it impossible, nor any person who can fathom or believe in such things in some way mentally deficient.
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Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
jmn, you're being rude. You don't know the people you are talking to well enough to be questioning their state of mind or reasoning abilities. Flat out, just because you cant personally fathom something it doesn't mean it impossible, nor any person who can fathon or believe in such things in some way mentally deficient.



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Lots of evidence to support what i am saying.

Lots of evidence to support the geocentric model without the aid of relatively modern mathematics and technology.

All the evidence you have is just stuff that says it's been this way in tests that have been conducted. That does not absolutely indicate that they will be so in every single instance without possibility of failure. It is logically fallacious to say so. Sure it might be a pretty good bet, but a good bet is still nothing more than a bet.

This isn't something universally experienced and understood such as falling or inability to breath underwater, which instincts alone indicate to us, and are known even by my pets.


jmn, you're being rude. You don't know the people you are talking to well enough to be questioning their state of mind or reasoning abilities. Flat out, just because you cant personally fathom something it doesn't mean it impossible, nor any person who can fathon or believe in such things in some way mentally deficient.

Absolutely not speaking of mental deficiency
. That thought never entered my mind, and i apologize for my blunt delivery.
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Perceive is an understanding of something. I am not making any kind of assertion, outside of whats evident.
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رسول الآلهة

Because I see no evidence to prove there is no god followed by a few mystical experiences and the inert nature to believe in one. God is without a doubt the most basic human social function next to conversing. This inert behavior applies for all including non-theist as god is essentially becomes a replaceable object and found elsewhere. To Worship God is my inert nature, to live is my purpose, rational knowledge is my lord and finding the meaning in my own life is my faith.
I also find atheism detrimental as a whole as it automatically leads to militantism. I accept it as highly hypocritical and to the greater extent just a form of independent non-theistic religion.



Because I see no evidence to prove there is no god followed by a few mystical experiences and the inert nature to believe in one.

If God is the claim, than burden of proof is on you.

I also find atheism detrimental as a whole as it automatically leads to militantism. I accept it as highly hypocritical and to the greater extent just a form of independent non-theistic religion.

No evidence for what your saying
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رسول الآلهة
No evidence for what your saying

But I never said I was providing any.
You did that since you had the compulsive desire to respond to this post and try to refute a theist. Thus proving your militant desires :D.
Atheism can lead to extreme violence no different then theism. Or have you not forgot about communism and the effects of Stalin, Mao, Pol-pot and Kim-il Sung and their desire to stamp out religion and create secular anthropolotry.
Atheism is fine but like all things it will have a couple of bad eggs and bad eggs with no sense of restriction is all the more worse. Religious extremist never demand worship, unguided strife and boundaryless deeds.


Wonder Woman
Perceive is an understanding of something. I am not making any kind of assertion, outside of whats evident.

The only thing evident here is that you are making assumptions about others that you cannot possibly have any real knowledge about. You assume you do, but that is yet another assumption.


Premium Member
There is something strangely wrong about denying another person's experience. It reminds me of the odd parent who tells their child "You're not sad," when the kid is bawling their head off.

If I say, "In meditation, I saw 'this', and then you tell me, "Well, that couldn't possibly be," then it's just ridiculously presumptuous. You have the right to believe I didn't have that experience, or think I'm lying for some ego thing, but when I know I'm not, well ... sorry, but that ends the discussion.


Premium Member
My reason for belief is not on the list. I believe because I believe. I starting believing in God before I found any religion. I became a theist first then later found a faith/religion to follow. It might be different if I was asked why I follow my religion. And as Quintessence said in post #2, I concur:

Other: I believe what I believe for the exact same reason any human believes what they believe. It's consistent with my past experiences and knowledge. And, the beliefs serve me well.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
Rapid brain fluctuations, and there are many explainable causes.

Can I ask what you mean by "Rapid brain fluctuations?"

And can I ask why you would ask others to elaborate on what they mean by "experiences," then come back with what really sounds like a dismissing judgment on the first description of "experiences" that you got in response to your request?