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Why do you think the Jews rejected Jesus?


Active Member
Why do you think the Jews rejected Jesus? The new testament seems to suggest the jews who rejected Jesus were just arrogant but i'm not sure I buy that.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I don't understand this question. If all the Jews accepted Jesus there wouldn't be anymore Jews. Now, obviously its unrealistic to think that all of a group will believe in the same thing, so that's why there are still Jews.

I know I know, you can be ethically Jewish but like, I think if your ancestprs accepted Christanity on that early they probably got involved in the Greek Churches or left a lot of their jewish roots centuries ago to where you yourself probably dont even know you could trace it back 2,000 years. But I'm no expert on the subject so maybe I'm totally off base here.

Edit: Also a lot of the NT contradicts the OT in the Jewish view, and Jesus just generally doesn't fit well with a traditional interpretation of the Jewish scriptures. It's only by retconning those books that Jesus fits in there. So from a Jewish perspective Jesus can't be what the Christians claim he was.


Active Member
I don't understand this question. If all the Jews accepted Jesus there wouldn't be anymore Jews. Now, obviously its unrealistic to think that all of a group will believe in the same thing, so that's why there are still Jews.

I know I know, you can be ethically Jewish but like, I think if your ancestprs accepted Christanity on that early they probably got involved in the Greek Churches or left a lot of their jewish roots centuries ago to where you yourself probably dont even know you could trace it back 2,000 years. But I'm no expert on the subject so maybe I'm totally off base here.

Edit: Also a lot of the NT contradicts the OT in the Jewish view, and Jesus just generally doesn't fit well with a traditional interpretation of the Jewish scriptures. It's only by retconning those books that Jesus fits in there. So from a Jewish perspective Jesus can't be what the Christians claim he was.
I'd like to point out that like roughly 83% of this answer seemed to be really confused and then just kinda made sense at the end.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'd like to point out that like roughly 83% of this answer seemed to be really confused and then just kinda made sense at the end.

I've not been able to sleep in a day or so and it's 4 AM so I might not be my usually witty or well-articulated self. Been tryin to fix my sleep schedule


Oldest Heretic
Not every one accepts anything or any one.

Hence the multitude of religions sects and denominations.

Jews were no different.
Nor are we today.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Why do you think the Jews rejected Jesus?
The modern day Jews is possibly due to the false texts made up after it, as they're purposely meant to put the Jews off (John, Paul and Simon)....

Earlier Jews would have denied him for a couple of reasons, he claimed to be YHVH son of the Most High, and they don't accept that Theology since the Babylonian Exile...

He accused the Pharisees of murdering the prophets as atoning sacrifices, and thus divorced the whole nation, so they're no longer a chosen people.

Yeshua didn't match what they expected their Messiah to do, regardless of what the text stipulated, and the Rabbinic teachers are still lying to the people, which is why the Tribulation is to happen to the whole world, as the Jews still deny him.

Many are still waiting for some fictional version of the Messianic age, and think any of it prophesied is optional. :innocent:


Active Member
Why do you think the Jews rejected Jesus? The new testament seems to suggest the jews who rejected Jesus were just arrogant but i'm not sure I buy that.
We know it is taught that they rejected the corner stone because the number of Gentiles had to be added.
But I believe the reason today, some still reject Jesus is the false teaching that God came in the flesh rather than Jesus Came in the flesh.
Jesus was the Son of God and like his Father he had no sin in him. When we look at the Jesus of the bible we see the nature of God in man. A man without sin who loved God with all his heart
and his neighbour as himself. I believe many who are not Jews would have rejected Jesus had he not taught the law and teachings of the Prophets summed up in two commandments.
The first and most important commandment was that we are to LOVE GOD first with all our heart not Jesus. Jesus defining his answer to Satan in the temptation.

King James Bible
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Whatever man taught about Jesus, the teachings of Jesus show us a saviour and Jew who puts God first and tells us all ONLY to serve God.
So the Jews who recognise their Messiah, believe in a Triune God rather than the Trinity. It is taught that Christ and God are one but not one and the same.
Jesus asked God to make us all one as he and the Father are one. Jesus was given power and the Holy Spirit and God was with him.
The bible shows that men of God who spoke Gods words were all given the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, " My words are Spirit and they are life". Jesus made God known to us.

To be one in Christ and the Father does not make us God but it makes us Gods Children by the presence of Gods Holy Spirit according to the many teachings of the disciples and Jesus.
The Jews have a covenant but they will one day realise who Christ is. I think it was 09Adrian who said they believed the gospel had been preached all over the world, now.

God has always revealed his truth to those who love him. Since time and memorial he has taken men into his confidence who are true to him and love him.
I think Daniels friends and even Daniel were clearly men of such faith. Daniel had truths revealed unto him by God and the visits from Angels.

I do not believe for one moment God has forgotten the Jews or those who love him. But the Jews had a history of turning to other false gods, even after they saw him part the waters for their escape and lead them in the fire. Hard hearts were the original reason and God knew they would. But today Jews are coming to the LORD God in vast numbers.

So they rejected Jesus because they had their own views on what the Messiah would be. I don't think many people know this but Barabbas and Jesus Christ both had the first name Jesus?

Jesus once said:
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.

Two Jesus ... Barabbas name meant son (bar) of the father (abba) we know from his actions that God was not his Father in he was a murderer and a liar.
Jesus was the Son of God, the true God. Even then the Jews chose what they considered the right way without thought for the fact Christ had served and healed many of the
people from the families who shouted, "Crucify him".

It is about recognition and the heart of a person will decide which truth and path they choose.

They chose the wrong way because the truth was not in him them. They missed their Messiah because they decided as they do today to seek their own definition to the truth rather
than seeking God to reveal his truth.

Jesus fits over 40 different major Messianic truths about the Messiah. God himself taught

Proverbs 29:18
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

King James Bible Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

When the time comes the Jews will acknowledge Christ to be the Messiah. At the moment it is all part of Gods plans.

Every person needs a personal relationship with God born of Spirit and Truth according to the bible.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Many are still waiting for some fictional version of the Messianic age, and think any of it prophesied is optional. :innocent:
If one expects a messiah to be their personal superman they will be waiting forever for the messiah to appear


Active Member
The modern day Jews is possibly due to the false texts made up after it, as they're purposely meant to put the Jews off (John, Paul and Simon)....

Earlier Jews would have denied him for a couple of reasons, he claimed to be YHVH son of the Most High, and they don't accept that Theology since the Babylonian Exile...

So Adam and the Angels are not the Sons of God?

King James Bible
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. (note lower casing for 'sons'.

Do you mean they change their beliefs to suit the times?

Why in Jude do they now become 6.And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

Are they no longer 'sons of God' because they sinned? Now just Angels?

He accused the Pharisees of murdering the prophets as atoning sacrifices, and thus divorced the whole nation, so they're no longer a chosen people.
Not really clear or straightforward this statement. You need elaborate and give the meaning with the scriptures.

Yeshua didn't match what they expected their Messiah to do, regardless of what the text stipulated, and the Rabbinic teachers are still lying to the people, which is why the Tribulation is to happen to the whole world, as the Jews still deny him.
You mean Jesus was not born in Bethlehem? The truth is the Messiah was to give them the final word of truth from God. Hence clearing the differences between Pharisee and Sadducee beliefs. The Jews had no final truth and they had not understood the teachings of the Prophets about Christ. They kept a man made knowledge and belief rather than a God defined and righteous way forward.

Many are still waiting for some fictional version of the Messianic age, and think any of it prophesied is optional. :innocent:

So you have a fictional view of the Messianic age. Please share. :)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Why do you think the Jews rejected Jesus? The new testament seems to suggest the jews who rejected Jesus were just arrogant but i'm not sure I buy that.

The New Testament says God blinded them so they would reject Jesus. So that Jesus had a viable reason to graft in the non-Jews fulfilling the prophecy that he would be a "blessing to all nations', not just the Jews. Had all the Jews accepted Jesus they wouldn't have crucified him, therefore no blood and no payment for sin, etc. So the Jews rejecting Jesus is just one of the pieces of God's plan of the redemption of mankind.

John 12:39-

Belief and Unbelief
…For this reason they were unable to believe. For again, Isaiah says: “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so that they cannot see with their eyes, and understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.”Isaiah said these things because he saw Jesus’ glory and spoke about Him.…


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Are they no longer 'sons of God' because they sinned? Now just Angels?
We're all Elohim (Psalms 82:6)...

Yet take into account Elohim is a plural, and are physically seen in human/angelic form in the Bible....

'Sons of the Gods' is 'Bene HaElohim', 'sons of the angels'.

So the beings at the beginning of the Bible, makes more sense to me, if they''re viewed that these are representations of the divine in a form.

To me the ultimate God Most High (El Elyon) is without form, and doesn't ever appear in a physical state.
Not really clear or straightforward this statement. You need elaborate and give the meaning with the scriptures.
Yeshua challenged the Pharisees for murdering the prophets as atoning sacrifices in Matthew 23:27-38, Mark 7:1-13, and the Parable of the Wicked Husbandman (Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12, and Luke 20:9-19).
You mean Jesus was not born in Bethlehem?
Not sure why that was even a question, the text says it, so that is what is commonly accepted.
Hence clearing the differences between Pharisee and Sadducee beliefs.
These differences exists, as Pharisees have lots of made up oral traditions, which the Sadducees didn't have.
So you have a fictional view of the Messianic age.
Mine is based on first hand knowledge, and then systematically questioning all religions globally to see if it adds up. :innocent:
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Well-Known Member
Why do you think the Jews rejected Jesus? The new testament seems to suggest the jews who rejected Jesus were just arrogant but i'm not sure I buy that.

The religious leaders rejected Him out of envy and was afraid if he was accepted as the Messiah, they would lose their position as the religious leaders of the Jews. The people rejected Him because the religious leaders rejected them. The Jews today reject Him because He did not fulfill some of the Messianic prophecies.


Well-Known Member
Because he fulfilled none of the messianic prophecies in the Tanach. Simple.

What is simple is to accept the NT doctrine of the second coming. Then He will fulfill the rest of them. It is statistically impossible for Him to have fulfilled dozens of Messianic prophecies and not be the Messiah.