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Why Does Being Diverse Make you Special?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Whats wrong with a Black History Month, or Gay Pride parade? They are reflections of groups that have made progress in society, but yet they are still oppressed in many ways. America has been dominated, for good or ill, often times ill, by white people. Our history has been shaped by white people, legislation is by white people, businesses are run by white people, and there is such a strong degree of white privilege that why do we even need a month to celebrate that we are white? Just being white alone in our society puts you in a much better position than if you were black, Asian, Hispanic, etc.
And why should diversity not be celebrated? After all people are very diverse, in both culture, appearance, and behavior. We are all homo sapien, so why should are differences be embraced and celebrated? It's much better than killing each other over them, which has been much of human history.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
So "white pride" does this, but "black pride" does not? I think sum's point is about double standards. If we're truly striving for equality, shouldn't race and sexuality be entirely irrelevant?
Philosopher David Ingram argues that "affirming 'black pride' is not equivalent to affirming 'white pride,' since the former—unlike the latter—is a defensive strategy aimed at rectifying a negative stereotype". By contrast, then, "affirmations of white pride—however thinly cloaked as affirmations of ethnic pride—serve to mask and perpetuate white privilege".

Critics have argued that ideas such as white pride exist merely to provide a clean public face for white supremacy. They claim that the unstated goal of the white nationalist movement is to appeal to a larger audience, and that most white nationalist groups promote white separatism and racial violence.

There is a difference between taking pride in what you've accomplished despite being marginalized and taking pride in what you've accomplished in part by marginalizing others.


Sugar and Spice
So "white pride" does this, but "black pride" does not? I think sum's point is about double standards. If we're truly striving for equality, shouldn't race and sexuality be entirely irrelevant?
Yes it should be. But until we reach the point that people are not discriminated against because of their colour or sexuality what should we do? Should we do nothing? Should we pretend it doesn't happen?
The pride movement in race, colour and sexuality is part of a process of normalisation.
I hope a day will come when a person's race, colour or sexuality really will be irrelevant in terms of their security and possibilities in life. Sadly we are not there yet.


Premium Member
I bet if a straight guy walks into a room full of liberal humanists they will all be greeting him and being nice, small talking him, and if a gay guy walks into that room they will all be kissing his ***.

I never understood celebrating diversity or the black pride or gay pride thing, especially considering that us white, straight folks don't get any pride parades and a white history month.

Sure I respect blacks, gays, and women. I'm not racist, homophobic, or sexist. But that doesn't mean I think a black lesbian woman is a god.

I honestly believe that a lot of people have good hearts. They see a group of people victimized and they want to help those people. It isn't so much they see the person as a "god" but as someone they can help. (there are those who also want to look like heroes, but they aren't as common).

I could be wrong, though. My husband tells me I look at the world through rose colored glasses. ;)


I bet if a straight guy walks into a room full of liberal humanists they will all be greeting him and being nice, small talking him, and if a gay guy walks into that room they will all be kissing his ***.

I never understood celebrating diversity or the black pride or gay pride thing, especially considering that us white, straight folks don't get any pride parades and a white history month.

Sure I respect blacks, gays, and women. I'm not racist, homophobic, or sexist. But that doesn't mean I think a black lesbian woman is a god.

Every day is white, straight pride day in a society that institutionally discriminates against homosexuals and non-white people.


Every day is white, straight pride day in a society that institutionally discriminates against homosexuals and non-white people.
Then it would be a sign of continued exclusivism to continue the practices of setting aside holidays for the "non-normals", wouldn't it?


I will tell you why I, as a straight white woman, tend to dig for a bit of extra kindness, civility and compassion when I meet someone of a marginalized group. It is because I am aware that, in all likelihood, their lives so far have entailed a great deal of casual, thoughtless abuse by other straight, white people, as well as institutional discrimination by the state. If I want to connect with people in a meaningful way, it is necessary to demonstrate right off the bat that I will not abuse them.

The other day, when I needed change for a parking meter, I passed by an airport full of white people and asked a rough looking native guy if he could break a dollar. Was I kissing ***? No, I was just treating him the same way I would treat anybody else, and I approached him specifically because I thought he might particularly appreciate being treated the same way I would treat anybody else for a change, since there was a pretty wide berth of nervous white people around him and his family.

Mr. Skittles

Active Member
I bet if a straight guy walks into a room full of liberal humanists they will all be greeting him and being nice, small talking him, and if a gay guy walks into that room they will all be kissing his ***.

I never understood celebrating diversity or the black pride or gay pride thing, especially considering that us white, straight folks don't get any pride parades and a white history month.

Sure I respect blacks, gays, and women. I'm not racist, homophobic, or sexist. But that doesn't mean I think a black lesbian woman is a god.

Because whites are the majority. Whites have (no offense) historically annihilated the history of minorities. During slavery blacks couldn't celebrate, nor read, nor vote. Japanese were held in American concentration camps during WW2.

White pride? Like Chris Rock said "White folks shouldn't be depressed, what are you depressed for, your white, smile!"

As funny as that is its true. In America whites dont have to worry about racial profiling or stereotypes. Foreigners in other countries have positive outlooks on whites and negative outlooks on people of color and your talking about white pride? LOL

At the very least people of color deserve a holiday dedicated to them for all the tyranny their ancestors endured. Shall I educate you more?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I bet if a straight guy walks into a room full of liberal humanists they will all be greeting him and being nice, small talking him, and if a gay guy walks into that room they will all be kissing his ***.

Obviously, you don't hang out with the liberal humanists I hang out with.


Obviously, you don't hang out with the liberal humanists I hang out with.

No doubt if we went to a party together we'd spend all night kissing each other's ***** no matter how many black people and homosexuals were in the room. :D


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Straight people have been able to be proud for thousands of years without being stoned, shot, hung, burned at the stake, or sent to gas chambers.

And White history month is the other 11 months of the year (excluding febuary).
A difference though, is that whites may not openly take pride in being white without being criticized as racist..


Well-Known Member
A difference though, is that whites may not openly take pride in being white without being criticized as racist..

This is disingenuous. Why would we need to make a point of pride in being white ?

You may retort, "Then why take pride in being black, or queer ?"

The obvious answer is, because those people were made to feel inferior by a majority. So the concept of "pride" in that context means recovering a damaged sense of self-worth.

When were whites in America made to feel inferior by a majority ? Hmmm ?

For an intelligent man, you seem to want to miss the in-your-face-obvious point on this occasion Revoltingest.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I bet if a straight guy walks into a room full of liberal humanists they will all be greeting him and being nice, small talking him, and if a gay guy walks into that room they will all be kissing his ***.

I never understood celebrating diversity or the black pride or gay pride thing, especially considering that us white, straight folks don't get any pride parades and a white history month.

Sure I respect blacks, gays, and women. I'm not racist, homophobic, or sexist. But that doesn't mean I think a black lesbian woman is a god.

Where in the world do you get these assumptions?

Are you actually wishing for the kind of attention that queer, non-white, and/or female people get?

Okay.....try this:

If you're not white, the kind of attention you get is that law enforcement follows you around in your car, in and out of stores, and in parks. You also will get attention for looking like a "thug" just because you're wearing a hoodie. You'll get attention when you're denied housing, and when your hairstyle is "too ethnic" for the workplace. Oh, and let's not forget that you will be ignored when the question comes up about your ancestry and how far back you can trace your lineages as well as discussions about how much land did your grandparents own.....

If you're not gay, the kind of attention you get is that you'll be fired, beaten, harassed, if you're lesbian you can be threatened of rape therapy to "set you straight", if you're transgendered you can be killed if discovered. You'll be denied housing.

If you're not a woman, the kind of attention you get is a hostility when a group of you is together campaigning for your reproductive rights, you'll be viewed with suspicion if you discuss the problem of rape against women, when protesting against patriarchy you'll be viewed as a man-hater and a ball-buster and never in a positive light. A man - who was once a woman - discussed the vast difference in how he is treated as a man if people didn't know he is transgendered.....nobody interrupts him when he talks....and he is treated with MUCH more respect all around than when he was a woman.....oh sure, you'll get a lot of attention.




Why do we celebrate diversity? Because we ALL matter. We ALL are important. And we ALL deserve the same rights, liberties, opportunities, and protections as our fellow tax-paying adult citizens.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
This is disingenuous.
No need to be bi***y about it.

Why would we need to make a point of pride in being white ?
You'd have to ask those who do take pride in being the race they are.
But my point was only about disparate treatment in acceptance of racial pride.

You may retort, "Then why take pride in being black, or queer ?"
The obvious answer is, because those people were made to feel inferior by a majority. So the concept of "pride" in that context means recovering a damaged sense of self-worth.
When were whites in America made to feel inferior by a majority ? Hmmm ?
And many whites are made to feel undeservedly guilty for the plight of minorities.

For an intelligent man, you seem to want to miss the in-your-face-obvious point on this occasion Revoltingest.
The argument of obviousness is not convincing.
Perhaps I'm not the one misunderstanding the situation.
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Sugar and Spice
Why do we celebrate diversity? Because we ALL matter. We ALL are important. And we ALL deserve the same rights, liberties, opportunities, and protections as our fellow tax-paying adult citizens.
And until this happens the pride movement is part of the process of bringing it about.

And many whites are made to feel undeservedly guilty for the plight of minorities.
Which whites are made to feel that way?
I am white. I don't feel guilty about the plight of minorities. However, I do accept that white people have often been the cause of minority suffering and that it is our responsibility as citizens to try and ensure the wrongs of the past are not repeated.


Left Hand Path
I bet if a straight guy walks into a room full of liberal humanists they will all be greeting him and being nice, small talking him, and if a gay guy walks into that room they will all be kissing his ***.

I never understood celebrating diversity or the black pride or gay pride thing, especially considering that us white, straight folks don't get any pride parades and a white history month.

Sure I respect blacks, gays, and women. I'm not racist, homophobic, or sexist. But that doesn't mean I think a black lesbian woman is a god.

This is fairly systematic, not diverse, and nor is it special.

Individuals are diverse, individuals are special.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by apophenia
When were whites in America made to feel inferior by a majority ? Hmmm ?


Intriguing. But possibly I've missed the point or we have crossed wires, or maybe just I have crossed wires :areyoucra (wouldn't be the first time).
I know you have a dry sense of humor, and without knowing the context of that vid sample it's hard for me to interpret it one way or another.

It could be a poke at the insecurities and fears of a long-term-dominant white culture feeling threatened by the perceived incursion of other ethnicities and cultural values.

It could be a kind of facepalm to me, for not seeing that either (a) White American culture is in fact feeling vilified by ideologies of political correctness, and compelled to support a positive bias toward minorities at their cost, or (b) that mainstream white American's feel that they are feeling treated as inferior by a majority - perhaps global public opinion, for reasons not presently defined.

It could be a sci-fi joke - with the impending (or even current) domination and rule of earth by an alien race, white America is now an insignificant minority. :eek:

( :eek: !!! )

I'll go with the sci-fi option, since it is a vid-bite from a manga...

OK, it's about half an hour since I typed the previous line.:beach:
I've just done my homework.

From - Serial Experiments Lain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Producer Ueda had to answer repeated queries about a statement made in an Animerica interview.[6][10][11] The controversial statement said Lain was "a sort of cultural war against American culture and the American sense of values we [Japan] adopted after World War II".[12] He later explained in numerous interviews that he created Lain with a set of values he took as distinctly Japanese; he hoped Americans would not understand the series as the Japanese would. This would lead to a "war of ideas" over the meaning of the anime, hopefully culminating in new communication between the two cultures. When he discovered that the American audience held the same views on the series as the Japanese, he was disappointed.[11]

I guess that clears it up.:D