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Why does it seem that God never intervenes in Human Suffering


Rogue Theologian
Good grief! You are going to say we are wrong when science proves us right?

"Helen Fisher of Rutgers University in the States has proposed 3 stages of love – lust, attraction and attachment. Each stage might be driven by different hormones and chemicals."

They are testosterone and oestrogen, adrenalin and cortisol, the neurotransmitter dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin, - and more.


Those last couple are where one becomes addicted.

"A landmark experiment in Pisa, Italy showed that early love (the attraction phase) really changes the way you think.

Dr Donatella Marazziti, a psychiatrist at the University of Pisa advertised for twenty couples who'd been madly in love for less than six months. She wanted to see if the brain mechanisms that cause you to constantly think about your lover, were related to the brain mechanisms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

By analyzing blood samples from the lovers, Dr Marazitti discovered that serotonin levels of new lovers were equivalent to the low serotonin levels of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder patients." http://www.youramazingbrain.org/lovesex/sciencelove.htm


and the will to live fails after the last breath......right?
not a chance....not one in billions....that some of us will continue?


It is real to those who wish it to be real. I was a believer in the Christian god for 11 years, a pagan for 2 and an atheist for 3.

If dreams and wishes were real, the universe would be a cacophony of conflicting "realities". We're not here to see who can have the best wishes, we're here to see who can deal with reality and make the best moral choices from what's available.


and the will to live fails after the last breath......right?
not a chance....not one in billions....that some of us will continue?

Not sure what this has to do with love addiction chemicals?

But as I said, - I am Agnostic, - so obviously that leaves things open to a God or Gods, and some kind of continuation.

But I am tired of religions with no proof, - telling me they are true - because the poster believes it, - with no proof what so ever.

As well as the fact, - as I've said many times - that the writings of the religions of Abraham, - show the evil of man. - Supposedly the God destroys babies for the crimes of others, allows murder for being different, slavery, rape, etc. That is NOT God.



Rogue Theologian
Not sure what this has to do with love addiction chemicals?

But as I said, - I am Agnostic, - so obviously that leaves things open to a God or Gods, and some kind of continuation.

But I am tired of religions with no proof, - telling me they are true - because the poster believes it, - with no proof what so ever.

As well as the fact, - as I've said many times - that the writings of the religions of Abraham, - show the evil of man. - Supposedly the God destroys babies for the crimes of others, allows murder for being different, slavery, rape, etc. That is NOT God.

and I agree....while wondering the frustration on God's part....
He gets blamed for sooooooo much
all the while.....Man has been given dominion


Rogue Theologian
If dreams and wishes were real, the universe would be a cacophony of conflicting "realities". We're not here to see who can have the best wishes, we're here to see who can deal with reality and make the best moral choices from what's available.
and so...after the last breath....
Someone must be in charge

otherwise we stand into chaos


Big Queer Chesticles!
If dreams and wishes were real, the universe would be a cacophony of conflicting "realities". We're not here to see who can have the best wishes, we're here to see who can deal with reality and make the best moral choices from what's available.

No one claims that claims that dreams and wishes are real, that is kind of the point. Science observes the natural world and reports on it. I choose to trust it based on its reliability when done correctly instead of wishful thinking and making connections when there aren't any.


No one claims that claims that dreams and wishes are real, that is kind of the point. Science observes the natural world and reports on it. I choose to trust it based on its reliability when done correctly instead of wishful thinking and making connections when there aren't any.

You said, "It is real to those who wish it to be real."


Yes meaning, they want to believe. They want it to be real. Just like I want magic to be real.
Science is either right or wrong based on the objective Truth. Whether anyone chooses to believe it or not is irrelevant The only point is whether scientific conclusions are justified/proven by the objective facts.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Good grief! You are going to say we are wrong when science proves us right?

"Helen Fisher of Rutgers University in the States has proposed 3 stages of love – lust, attraction and attachment. Each stage might be driven by different hormones and chemicals."

They are testosterone and oestrogen, adrenalin and cortisol, the neurotransmitter dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin, - and more.


Those last couple are where one becomes addicted.

"A landmark experiment in Pisa, Italy showed that early love (the attraction phase) really changes the way you think.

Dr Donatella Marazziti, a psychiatrist at the University of Pisa advertised for twenty couples who'd been madly in love for less than six months. She wanted to see if the brain mechanisms that cause you to constantly think about your lover, were related to the brain mechanisms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

By analyzing blood samples from the lovers, Dr Marazitti discovered that serotonin levels of new lovers were equivalent to the low serotonin levels of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder patients." http://www.youramazingbrain.org/lovesex/sciencelove.htm



So you believe Helen Fisher, an anthropologist of Rutgers University , yet you do not believe me when I say that God exists. The only problem here is that I asked this poster if she could prove that she loved her mother, not her lover. I also said that by observing here interacting with her mother that a reasonable conclusion could be made that she does love her mother, but ad hoc she could not prove it, like I cannot prove God exists, but by observing my lifestyle you could conclude that He does, or at least that I believe He does. Now you are desperately giving quotes on serotonin levels of new lovers by some pseudo university researcher, who I do not know from Adam, and expect me to believe her. You are moving the goal post in order to best suite your argument. My initial analogy still stand as it is without changing any premises.

You hold far to much faith in a discipline that is flawed and corrupted by human beings. Have you never heard of the hundred of superseded scientific discoveries, A superseded or obsolete, scientific theory is a scientific theory that was once widely accepted within the mainstream scientific community, like a flat earth, but is no longer considered to be an adequate or complete description of reality, or is considered to be simply false.

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Rogue Theologian
Why must someone be in charge? Life occurs naturally as does the entire universe.
I meant on a spiritual level
God is spirit.....the sons of God are spirit

and in the next life, communication is dealt....mind to mind....heart to heart

the chaos we have in this life might carry over....but...
I believe the peace of heaven is guarded
should I be of ill-will and mischief......no entry allowed

I believe we are grouped to those who think and feel as we do.
How else to be happy?
How else to be fair?


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
No one claims that claims that dreams and wishes are real, that is kind of the point. Science observes the natural world and reports on it. I choose to trust it based on its reliability when done correctly instead of wishful thinking and making connections when there aren't any.

But there are connections, you just do not see them because you restrict yourself just to science, which is mans attempt to understand the world we live in. Imagine how much more you could know if you tapped into the powers of heaven. Your choice to trust in the arm of flesh only limits your true potential. Science intermingled with the omnipotence and omniscience of God brings true enlightenment. Science on its own is impeded by the intelligence of man.


But there are connections, you just do not see them because you restrict yourself just to science, which is mans attempt to understand the world we live in. Imagine how much more you could know if you tapped into the powers of heaven.

We can't know anything via "the powers of heaven", the evidence for which is 100% hearsay--most of which is malicious demagoguery, with nothing objective, and it destroys the one thing it might offer if people approached it realistically, hope.

Your choice to trust in the arm of flesh only limits your true potential. Science intermingled with the omnipotence and omniscience of God brings true enlightenment. Science on its own is impeded by the intelligence of man.

Science on it's own is all we got, by divine purpose, if God exists.

You may may now go back to ignoring Truth knocking at your door. It's ironic that when you discount science, you ignore the one path that might actually be a divine revelation of sorts.


So you believe Helen Fisher, an anthropologist of Rutgers University , yet you do not believe me when I say that God exists.

You keep making it a personal attack against YOU. You are free to believe whatever you want. I do not believe the Abrahamic God is God.

The only problem here is that I asked this poster if she could prove that she loved her mother, not her lover. I also said that by observing here interacting with her mother that a reasonable conclusion could be made that she does love her mother, but ad hoc she could not prove it, like I cannot prove God exists, but by observing my lifestyle you could conclude that He does, or at least that I believe He does. Now you are desperately giving quotes on serotonin levels of new lovers by some pseudo university researcher, who I do not know from Adam, and expect me to believe her. You are moving the goal post in order to best suite your argument. My initial analogy still stand as it is without changing any premises.

No goal posts have been moved. We are talking Science with substance behind it - and an invisible man with no way to prove it.

We can prove love because it is chemical = science, as well as by her mother's observable actions.

You hold far to much faith in a discipline that is flawed and corrupted by human beings. Have you never heard of the hundred of superseded scientific discoveries, A superseded or obsolete, scientific theory is a scientific theory that was once widely accepted within the mainstream scientific community, like a flat earth, but is no longer considered to be an adequate or complete description of reality, or is considered to be simply false.

You continue to miss the point.

It doesn't matter how flawed science is at any one point. It works from what is observable and measurable, - and corrects itself with newer observations, better calculations, knowledge, etc.

An invisible man has nothing to observe = no proof.

With no proof to give us, - it is no different then telling us we must believe in the healing power of Flying Pink Unicorn God, because you have felt his presence, and following him makes you a better person, and obviously he exists - just look at the wonders of the universe - it had to have been created by my God.


Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
I don't recall God saying He would intervene in human suffering (except at the Eschaton). He Himself suffered and no one saved Him from it. There's been many thousands of martyrs over the centuries. The point is to persevere, imo.


Big Queer Chesticles!
Yes, and we are left to our own devices to determine who are the heads, and who are the walls. In the end, the walls usually end up disintegrating because their bricks are made of sand.

If a brick is made of sand, it does not mean it would disintegrate like sand. There are plenty of poisons that have oxygen in them, but it doesn't mean we can breathe it.


Veteran Member
So you are a nonbeliever than. You don't believe that the God, that I know exists, actually exists. You actually believe that he does not exists and that I, and all others who make the same claim as me, are in fact liars or mentally challenged.

I have not seen or heard any evidence compelling enough to lead me to believe that the god you believe in exists.

I never said believers are liars or mentally challenged people. Do not put words in my mouth.

So you also believe that you lack in belief in that God.

No. You are taking my lack of belief and trying to make it a belief.

So you also have trust issues because you think that everything needs to be proven for you to believe it. That must make you very indecisive.

Yes I do think that there needs to be compelling reasons and evidence present in order for a belief to be justified and/or considered a fact of reality. If you don’t agree, then do you also believe in dragons, fairies, garden gnomes, aliens and every other thing that anybody has ever claimed the existence of?

Like I said, if we don’t rely on evidence in order to verify the existence of things, then we have to just believe in everything until somebody can prove that it’s wrong or doesn’t exist.

Not at all.

Really? Okay then would it be safe to assume that you believe in fairies, alien abductions, Zeus, Thor, Osiris, Allah, ghosts, the flying spaghetti monster, the mothman, and the chupacabra?

When my wife tells me it is raining outside I never ask her for a video tape of the rain and then check the date just in case it is yesterdays date and she is trying to deceive me.

You have a history with your wife. You probably know that she doesn’t usually say it’s raining if it’s not raining. You know she’s generally not much of a liar. You know that rain exists and that it rains from time to time. You have all kinds of evidence available to you that you don’t even really think about because rain is such a mundane thing. But what if your wife told you that it was raining chocolate chip cookies or puppy dogs? You’d probably go take a look to check it out if she told you that. You might initially think she was pulling your leg or that she had lost her mind. The type of claim being made is important. Saying that it’s raining outside isn’t an extraordinary claim in the same way that claiming that there is an invisible deity that created everything in the universe is an extraordinary claim.

When I heard, on the news, that Princess Diana had died in a car crash I did not jump on a plane to France and demand to see her body as evidence. None of us did. Did you want to? When ever we are told anything we always determine for ourselves if it is likely or unlikely to be true by examining the circumstances.

There were photos of her mangled car and the crash site on every news station. There was a funeral in which her family was all in attendance. There were compelling reasons to believe that she had in fact died that day. Now, if instead the news did not show the mangled car and crash site or showed a photo of her car without a dent on it, and there was no funeral or burial and several people had snapped photos of Diana walking around London the next day, I might have reason to question whether she had really died at all. As it was, there was enough compelling evidence for me to believe that she had died without having to fly to England to see her body.

You would surely ask why would decent and respectable citizens tell you that God exists when they know that He doesn't, before you would ask for scientific evidence, wouldn't you?
There are a number of problems with such god claims. You tell me that the god you believe in exists. A Muslim tells me that the god he believes in exists. A Hindu tells me that the gods he believes in exist. All throughout mankind’s existence, people have claimed the existence of thousands of different gods, most of which have since been dumped into the trash heap of history. Why would decent and respectable people such as those tell anybody that god exists when they know “he” doesn’t? Because they don’t know that. I haven’t claimed that people who believe god(s) exist actually know that they don’t exist so I don’t’ know why you’re going there.

People are not normally given to telling lies, unless they are lacking in moral values, that is.

Some are, some aren’t. But people are normally given to simply being mistaken, to misinterpreting various stimuli and/or data, to believing things based on supposition and preconceived ideas, to confirmation bias and other psychological influences that are part of our human nature. And sometimes people are just mistaken.

There was a time within the last few decades where reports of alien abductions were everywhere. Now we hardly hear a thing about them. Did aliens just stop abducting people? Maybe. Or maybe the claims were bogus and subject to the cultural phenomenon of the times.

Yes, that is what normal trusting people do.

Normal trusting people believe everything claimed to exist actually exists until proven otherwise? Normal trusting people believe in things without compelling evidence? I hope that’s not true.

Why, don't you believe me? Why would I lie about such a triviality

Why don’t I believe what? I asked you to point out what claim(s) you think I am making rather than just trying to tell me what I believe.

How many variations are there in a disbelief of God.



That wasn’t really my question though. I asked if are you under the impression that all atheists share the same beliefs and views? If so, why? I guess the answer is yes?

Sadly, time and computer memory would restrict me

Okay so you prefer the cop out answer.

The all do not believe in a God, which is all I have shared an opinion on.

Right. Whatever beliefs individual atheists may have about anything are not shared by all atheists. It’s just the nonbelief in god(s) that we all share.

A more accurate definition of assertion is a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief, however, it is generally used to express an opinion or a speculation. A claim is much different. It is to state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

So please explain how lacking a belief in something is akin to making a claim or assertion.

That is where the difference between your perception of what you think you do and reality.

Again, you should be able to easily prove me wrong and yet you refuse anyway?
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