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Why does it seem that God never intervenes in Human Suffering


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
You keep making it a personal attack against YOU. You are free to believe whatever you want. I do not believe the Abrahamic God is God.

I am making it personal because that is exactly what it is. We are both strangers to you yet because I believe in God and she is a scientist then I must be wrong.

No goal posts have been moved. We are talking Science with substance behind it - and an invisible man with no way to prove it.

He is only invisible to you and those of the same ilk as you. To everyone else, which is the majority of the population of the earth, He is real

We can prove love because it is chemical = science, as well as by her mother's observable actions.

Not everyone one is a scientist, so when I put forward an analogy that you cannot readily prove that your mother loves you it shouldn't require a scientific analysis to see what point I am making. Besides, it seems that it is not absolute evidence but an observations of different levels of chemicals that could be attributed to many other sources and most just create euphoria not unconditional love that surpasses physical reasoning.

It doesn't matter how flawed science is at any one point. It works from what is observable and measurable, - and corrects itself with newer observations, better calculations, knowledge, etc.

Yes it does, so what about those things that cannot be observed and measure, like macroevolution, yet we take them as absolute proof that evolution is a reality. Seems like science is selective with its observations.
An invisible man has nothing to observe = no proof.

Read the Bible, there is plenty to observe there, and not everyone need proof to know that which is true, which is fundamentally lacking in atheists.
With no proof to give us, - it is no different then telling us we must believe in the healing power of Flying Pink Unicorn God, because you have felt his presence, and following him makes you a better person, and obviously he exists - just look at the wonders of the universe - it had to have been created by my God.

I am your proof. I have told you that God exists and I am not lying. So what do you intend to do about that truth that I have given you? No one should tell you to do anything. It has to be your choice. Secondly, we are not stupid, we know that there is no Flying Pink Unicorn God. Nobody has ever announced such a ridiculous idea. But if some 2,2 billion people said there was a Flying Pink Unicorn God then it would have to be looked at closer. Whenever I read these silly claims it makes me laugh as the comparison, or straw man, that is built can hardly stand a breeze of wind to come tumbling down.

You may well have tried the Christian lifestyle, however, you must have done something wrong. Anyone who sincerely strives to find God will find him, absolutely guaranteed. I have witnessed it many, many times.It is a promise that I have yet to see fail.

Do these things and you will come to know God as your father in heaven. Do them not and your bitter disbelief will make you miserable for all of your life,

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, thatgiveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know thetruth of all things.


I am making it personal because that is exactly what it is. We are both strangers to you yet because I believe in God and she is a scientist then I must be wrong.

Baloney. It has nothing to do with you being a Christian and her a scientist. When it comes down to it - science is working with real things, and your God is an invisible being. Science trumps invisible nothing - every time. You need real proof for us. Not your beliefs.

He is only invisible to you and those of the same ilk as you. To everyone else, which is the majority of the population of the earth, He is real

Nope, - invisible to everyone. You are telling us your beliefs about this invisible being.

Not everyone one is a scientist, so when I put forward an analogy that you cannot readily prove that your mother loves you it shouldn't require a scientific analysis to see what point I am making. Besides, it seems that it is not absolute evidence but an observations of different levels of chemicals that could be attributed to many other sources and most just create euphoria not unconditional love that surpasses physical reasoning.

Baloney, read the sites.

Yes it does, so what about those things that cannot be observed and measure, like macroevolution, yet we take them as absolute proof that evolution is a reality. Seems like science is selective with its observations.

Again, - science goes on observation, calculations etc. It may change over time, but has substance. You have an invisible man with no proof of his being.

Read the Bible, there is plenty to observe there, and not everyone need proof to know that which is true, which is fundamentally lacking in atheists.

Obviously a book about Gods saying something is true, does not make it true. No proof. As others have asked, do you believe the writings about Zeus? Diana? Of course not. Nor do we automatically believe your God book.

I am your proof. I have told you that God exists and I am not lying. So what do you intend to do about that truth that I have given you? No one should tell you to do anything. It has to be your choice. Secondly, we are not stupid, we know that there is no Flying Pink Unicorn God. Nobody has ever announced such a ridiculous idea. But if some 2,2 billion people said there was a Flying Pink Unicorn God then it would have to be looked at closer. Whenever I read these silly claims it makes me laugh as the comparison, or straw man, that is built can hardly stand a breeze of wind to come tumbling down.

Your belief is not proof, of a God. It is your belief.

Flying Pink Unicorn God, is just another made-up name for an invisible God belief, with no proof. You don't believe in Flying Pink Unicorn God, or Zeus, or Allah, etc. To us your God's name is just another in the list of God beliefs with no proof. You don't seem to be able to understand that. With no proof, your God is no different to us then Allah, Zeus, or Unicorn God, is to YOU.

You may well have tried the Christian lifestyle, however, you must have done something wrong. Anyone who sincerely strives to find God will find him, absolutely guaranteed. I have witnessed it many, many times.It is a promise that I have yet to see fail.

LOL! You folks always say something like that.. I actually slowed down and read the Bible, looking up the Hebrew and Greek. That proved to me that it could not be from God, or the God of the Bible actually be God. In fact I actually took Comparative Religion, and other courses on religion, mythology, archaeology, and the beliefs and movements of people, - which show the interaction and morphing of ancient Gods and ideas into the newer.

Do these things and you will come to know God as your father in heaven. Do them not and your bitter disbelief will make you miserable for all of your life,

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, thatgiveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know thetruth of all things.

I don't know why you think quoting from a book I consider to be a mix of history and mythology, - is going to change my mind one iota.
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Veteran Member
So you believe Helen Fisher, an anthropologist of Rutgers University , yet you do not believe me when I say that God exists. The only problem here is that I asked this poster if she could prove that she loved her mother, not her lover. I also said that by observing here interacting with her mother that a reasonable conclusion could be made that she does love her mother, but ad hoc she could not prove it, like I cannot prove God exists, but by observing my lifestyle you could conclude that He does, or at least that I believe He does. Now you are desperately giving quotes on serotonin levels of new lovers by some pseudo university researcher, who I do not know from Adam, and expect me to believe her. You are moving the goal post in order to best suite your argument. My initial analogy still stand as it is without changing any premises.

You hold far to much faith in a discipline that is flawed and corrupted by human beings. Have you never heard of the hundred of superseded scientific discoveries, A superseded or obsolete, scientific theory is a scientific theory that was once widely accepted within the mainstream scientific community, like a flat earth, but is no longer considered to be an adequate or complete description of reality, or is considered to be simply false.

It doesn't look like you're being asked to believe the individual person who did the study. It looks like you are being asked to believe the evidence.


Well-Known Member
Well, this is an open forum for all to respond to. You know that so you should post accordingly, as you have said, right here, "Everyone here sees your implication clearly" so everyone will read your unjustified attacks at the same time.

You judge me without a yard stick. It may well have been me, the weasel, who was unable to decipher what was being said. I know that some weasel have a comprehension problem, especially those who take cheap shot jabs at the innocent.

Everyone here sees your implication clearly, My first reaction to this was "So What, I am not playing to an audience I am expressing my opinion." Then I realised that If by my implications you mean that I was demonstrating how helping a fellow poster to see that his post was hard to understand so he should take a second look, then it is good that "everyone" sees my implications, though everyone may be a slight exaggeration. However, I believe that you are wrong in your false and unsubstantiated condemnation of me when you say that I am a spiteful, meanie weasel. Those who judge others, whilst they walk in crooked paths themselves, are incapable of discerning the good intentions in the hearts of those who live a Christ Centred life. Your intervention here is spurred on by your bitter enmity in failing to prove your argument.

And you know that so you can speak for everyone on that? Or is it another anecdotal assertion.

Those are your words, not mine. You misrepresent me whilst trying to discredit me to "everyone."

Well I know that is not true, you would be elated to be able to catch me out in some kind of immorality.

Because you cannot disprove my opinions on here.

Then why treat me with such utter contempt because my opinion is not yours. If your posts reflect your good nature to others on here then how would you treat posters if you were being mean?

Oh, there is a war being fought right now between good and evil. Just today I heard a British politician describe how much more the world is corrupt when compared to the 1970's. Nobody can be trusted was his grievance of the state of affairs, in this devil run world. The frightening thing is that satan, and those who subscribe to his idealisms, are winning right now, demonstrated by the attitude of the hostile atheists on this forum

Well, this is an open forum for all to respond to. You know that so you should post accordingly, as you have said, right here, "Everyone here sees your implication clearly" so everyone will read your unjustified attacks at the same time.

Yes its open for everybody to respond to but many people here happen to think you show a pattern of victimization and a tendency to blame everyone, including all of the "mean" atheists. For some reason its always you getting "attacked" and its never your fault. Most people, including myself, are respectful to Christians and treat them as equal debating opponents. If it weren't for your constant self victimization and constant blaming, you would be a fun debating opponent.

Then why treat me with such utter contempt because my opinion is not yours. If your posts reflect your good nature to others on here then how would you treat posters if you were being mean?

LOL, Nobody is treating you with contempt. Give me one example where someone has said or implied that you, as an individual, are beneath consideration/worthless? Treating you with contempt would be saying it directly or just straight up ignoring you. This is what people don't like--your self victimization and that you call everyone who criticizes you hostile, aggressive, etc. You also make vast generalizations about the atheists on this forum to make matters worse.

You judge me without a yard stick. It may well have been me, the weasel, who was unable to decipher what was being said. I know that some weasel have a comprehension problem, especially those who take cheap shot jabs at the innocent.

What are you talking about? Nobody called you a weasel. I said you were trying to weasel out of what you said. Also the innocent? really? We're not predator drones taking out innocent children here. You're being very dramatic right now.

Everyone here sees your implication clearly, My first reaction to this was "So What, I am not playing to an audience I am expressing my opinion." Then I realised that If by my implications you mean that I was demonstrating how helping a fellow poster to see that his post was hard to understand so he should take a second look, then it is good that "everyone" sees my implications, though everyone may be a slight exaggeration. However, I believe that you are wrong in your false and unsubstantiated condemnation of me when you say that I am a spiteful, meanie weasel. Those who judge others, whilst they walk in crooked paths themselves, are incapable of discerning the good intentions in the hearts of those who live a Christ Centred life. Your intervention here is spurred on by your bitter enmity in failing to prove your argument.

Holy mother of God. I. Remember, I said you were trying to "weasel" out of what you said before, not that you are a weasel. There's a big difference. One is a word suggesting that you're downplaying what you said, and the other is a direct insult. I did the former, not the later. Its unsubstantiated because I never said that. And i did substantiate the spite actually. You thought he insulted you and so you made an implication that he was incomprehensible out of spite. Maybe you didn't intend it that way but its sure what it looks like. Also what's with the nonsense psychology man? I am not so petty that im going to be bitter because I allegedly failed to prove my argument.

And you know that so you can speak for everyone on that? Or is it another anecdotal assertion.

Those are your words, not mine. You misrepresent me whilst trying to discredit me to "everyone."

Well I know that is not true, you would be elated to be able to catch me out in some kind of immorality.

Because you cannot disprove my opinions on here.

1. Its an exaggeration obviously meant to be used as an expression. THe point is that your claim that you're more educated on religion is baseless and unfounded.

2. I never said they were your words. The fact is that you don't have any kind of educational authority to claim you're more educated on religion.

3. Why would I be elated and why are you bringing up immorality?

4. Well opinions by definition couldn't be disproved because opinions aren't based on facts. However, I have disproved your arguments .

Oh, there is a war being fought right now between good and evil. Just today I heard a British politician describe how much more the world is corrupt when compared to the 1970's. Nobody can be trusted was his grievance of the state of affairs, in this devil run world. The frightening thing is that satan, and those who subscribe to his idealisms, are winning right now, demonstrated by the attitude of the hostile atheists on this forum

Wow you're being so dramatic right now. Of course i'm guessing that you have the moral authority to differentiate between good and evil, right? Wrong. Also the world is better than its ever been. Famine, war, murders, and rape have been reduced drastically all over the world. The average wealth of the world is sky rocketing. More women have control over their reproductive lives than ever before and many now have equal rights compared to men.

Also let me guess--atheism subscribes to Satan's ideals, right? I mean never mind the fact that Satan is actually a theist--satan would believe absolutely in the existence of God. And Nevermind the fact that most atheists think satan was invented by the church to scare ignorant peasants and keep them in line. And nevermind the fact that many atheists are humanists and egalitarians. Also you seem to have this false idea that all the atheists are attacking you. However, many have been agnostic ( like myself) or theists and most have been far less hostile than you have been in response. You always make the debate about how mean people are to you. Its just a red herring. I mean many other theists have posted so far and very few people are being "hostile" to them. It really only seems like its happening to you mostly and yet you blame everyone else except yourself.


Jesus in me
So your god is not omnipotent?

There's no logical contradiction in believing that God isn't omnipotent, but it's not a view that's commonly held by Christians, IMO.

I believe there is a lot of silliness about the omnipotence of God. I believe an entity that can created the universe is pretty much able to do what He wants. However it is stupid to think that He will contradict Himself. If He has decided to allow free will then He also has to allow for that free will to oppose Him. If He wants people to come to Him freely then He has to find a way to make that happen. Hence the cross.


Jesus in me
You don't get points added for turning your brain off, but you might get points subtracted.

The only difference between deism and atheism is hope.

I believe I don't turn my brain off but I turn it over to Jesus and become an observer. I don't need points. I need a life free of sin so it will also be free of death.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I believe there is a lot of silliness about the omnipotence of God. I believe an entity that can created the universe is pretty much able to do what He wants. However it is stupid to think that He will contradict Himself. If He has decided to allow free will then He also has to allow for that free will to oppose Him. If He wants people to come to Him freely then He has to find a way to make that happen. Hence the cross.
What does free will have to do with the cross? I don't see the connection.

It seems like you're saying that if God is going to allow sin, he's going to allow a mechanism to forgive sin. What I'm trying to get at is that even if we take all that as given, why would we assume that torturing Jesus to death is the best way to achieve that forgiveness?

Frankly, I don't see how torturing Jesus to death would be a way to forgiveness at all, let alone the best way.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
1. Its an exaggeration obviously meant to be used as an expression. THe point is that your claim that you're more educated on religion is baseless and unfounded.

2. I never said they were your words. The fact is that you don't have any kind of educational authority to claim you're more educated on religion.

3. Why would I be elated and why are you bringing up immorality?

4. Well opinions by definition couldn't be disproved because opinions aren't based on facts. However, I have disproved your arguments .

Wow you're being so dramatic right now. Of course i'm guessing that you have the moral authority to differentiate between good and evil, right? Wrong. Also the world is better than its ever been. Famine, war, murders, and rape have been reduced drastically all over the world. The average wealth of the world is sky rocketing. More women have control over their reproductive lives than ever before and many now have equal rights compared to men.

Also let me guess--atheism subscribes to Satan's ideals, right? I mean never mind the fact that Satan is actually a theist--satan would believe absolutely in the existence of God. And Nevermind the fact that most atheists think satan was invented by the church to scare ignorant peasants and keep them in line. And nevermind the fact that many atheists are humanists and egalitarians. Also you seem to have this false idea that all the atheists are attacking you. However, many have been agnostic ( like myself) or theists and most have been far less hostile than you have been in response. You always make the debate about how mean people are to you. Its just a red herring. I mean many other theists have posted so far and very few people are being "hostile" to them. It really only seems like its happening to you mostly and yet you blame everyone else except yourself.
Yes its open for everybody to respond to but many people here happen to think you show a pattern of victimization and a tendency to blame everyone, including all of the "mean" atheists. For some reason its always you getting "attacked" and its never your fault. Most people, including myself, are respectful to Christians and treat them as equal debating opponents. If it weren't for your constant self victimization and constant blaming, you would be a fun debating opponent.

LOL, Nobody is treating you with contempt. Give me one example where someone has said or implied that you, as an individual, are beneath consideration/worthless? Treating you with contempt would be saying it directly or just straight up ignoring you. This is what people don't like--your self victimization and that you call everyone who criticizes you hostile, aggressive, etc. You also make vast generalizations about the atheists on this forum to make matters worse.

What are you talking about? Nobody called you a weasel. I said you were trying to weasel out of what you said. Also the innocent? really? We're not predator drones taking out innocent children here. You're being very dramatic right now.

Holy mother of God. I. Remember, I said you were trying to "weasel" out of what you said before, not that you are a weasel. There's a big difference. One is a word suggesting that you're downplaying what you said, and the other is a direct insult. I did the former, not the later. Its unsubstantiated because I never said that. And i did substantiate the spite actually. You thought he insulted you and so you made an implication that he was incomprehensible out of spite. Maybe you didn't intend it that way but its sure what it looks like. Also what's with the nonsense psychology man? I am not so petty that im going to be bitter because I allegedly failed to prove my argument.

1. Its an exaggeration obviously meant to be used as an expression. THe point is that your claim that you're more educated on religion is baseless and unfounded.

2. I never said they were your words. The fact is that you don't have any kind of educational authority to claim you're more educated on religion.

3. Why would I be elated and why are you bringing up immorality?

4. Well opinions by definition couldn't be disproved because opinions aren't based on facts. However, I have disproved your arguments .

Wow you're being so dramatic right now. Of course i'm guessing that you have the moral authority to differentiate between good and evil, right? Wrong. Also the world is better than its ever been. Famine, war, murders, and rape have been reduced drastically all over the world. The average wealth of the world is sky rocketing. More women have control over their reproductive lives than ever before and many now have equal rights compared to men.

Also let me guess--atheism subscribes to Satan's ideals, right? I mean never mind the fact that Satan is actually a theist--satan would believe absolutely in the existence of God. And Nevermind the fact that most atheists think satan was invented by the church to scare ignorant peasants and keep them in line. And nevermind the fact that many atheists are humanists and egalitarians. Also you seem to have this false idea that all the atheists are attacking you. However, many have been agnostic ( like myself) or theists and most have been far less hostile than you have been in response. You always make the debate about how mean people are to you. Its just a red herring. I mean many other theists have posted so far and very few people are being "hostile" to them. It really only seems like its happening to you mostly and yet you blame everyone else except yourself.

What on earth are you whining on about by making all sort of false accusation against me based on shoddy suppositions. Have you conducted a poll on the forum members about how they feel about serenity? You seem to have some kind of inside knowledge on anyone who debates with me, or you are trying to intimidate me by using bullying techniques, like inferring that everyone is in opposition to me and I stand a lone gun against the authority of truth. Let me just say that.I have been reassured to the contrary. You are not as popular as you may think you are. Why are you so obsessed with me? Hardly anything in this post is remotely accurate let alone true. Your making a desperate attempt to try and blacken my name and taint my character because you cannot defeat my opinions. If you cannot say anything nice about a person, then don't say anything at all that way no one will be able to retaliate.
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Well-Known Member

There are some form of Buddhism which worship gods due to influence from other relgions.

But classical Buddhism is atheistic.

The earliest form of Buddhism as found in the Nikayas do testify to the existence of various deities like King Vessavana, the regent of the heaven immediately above the human realm, or of the "King of Kings" Sakka Indo Devanam, the king of the heaven immediately above Vessavana's; or, of Maha-Brahma, etc.

However, deities are neither infinite, eternal, omnipotent, nor omniscient - although some of them delusionally believe they are, and preach such to those lesser than them.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
It doesn't look like you're being asked to believe the individual person who did the study. It looks like you are being asked to believe the evidence.

What evidence is that? I have seen no evidence. I only have the words Ingledsva on here telling me what she believes about love, remembering that she is a research scientist. But I have not rejected her claim either. If you were not so bias you would know exactly what I am referring to.

My initial statement was to ask the poster if she could prove that her mother loves her. I was trying to demonstrate that God is not the only thing we believe in but have no proof of. Judging by her response I don't think that she is qualified to take blood samples from her mother or herself and analyze them to see how much Serotonin and dopamine is present, however, a little common sense would do the trick in connecting love with Serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.

I initially asked if she could prove that her mother loved her. This relationship is important to recognise in my analogy here. Ingledsva then said that she could prove it, not knowing if the poster was qualified to, or if she even knew what levels to expect by the increased presence of various happy chemicals in her blood. Ingledsva the revealed that she had changed my goal post from love between parent and child to love between a boy and a girl. If I had asked her to prove that her newly found boyfriend loved her then you and Ingledsva would be partially right in your response, depending how much the increase in Serotonin and dopamine relate to lust and love, however, I didn't ask that.

It is only newly found love/lust that produces a significant increase in euphoric chemicals, however, only for a short period, until the relationship becomes stable. In a long term relationship with your mother there is rarely any increase of chemicals that are related to the happiness of love and I assume that there is no increase caused by lust. Though these chemicals can cause you to be overwhelmingly happy, they are only released when you actually fall in love, or lust after that person, that means that love is not induced by Serotonin and dopamine, but the chemical increase is the result of falling in love. Love itself is spiritual in nature.

In conclusion my analogy of love, between a child and her mother, being impossible to prove on face value, was correct and perfectly acceptable. That unique bond cannot be proven, yet we know that a strong bond is created between a mother and her child at birth. We cannot see that love, yet we know it exists, so why is it that we do not believe that God exists, even though we cannot see Him, yet like love, we feel Him.
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Veteran Member
What evidence is that? I have seen no evidence. I only have the words Ingledsva on here telling me what she believes about love, remembering that she is a research scientist. But I have not rejected her claim either. If you were not so bias you would know exactly what I am referring to.

You never seem to see the evidence that is literally placed right in front of you. I wonder why that is.

But that’s besides the point of what I was trying to draw your attention to. Nobody asked you to put your faith in one particular researcher that you’ve never heard of and just take her word for it that what she said was true. Rather, you were asked to consider the evidence that has been produced by scientific research on the subject you were discussing. That’s the difference I was trying to point out to you.

My initial statement was to ask the poster if she could prove that her mother loves her. I was trying to demonstrate that God is not the only thing we believe in but have no proof of. Judging by her response I don't think that she is qualified to take blood samples from her mother or herself and analyze them to see how much Serotonin and dopamine is present, however, a little common sense would do the trick in connecting love with Serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.

I initially asked if she could prove that her mother loved her. This relationship is important to recognise in my analogy here. Ingledsva then said that she could prove it, not knowing if the poster was qualified to, or if she even knew what levels to expect by the increased presence of various happy chemicals in her blood. Ingledsva the revealed that she had changed my goal post from love between parent and child to love between a boy and a girl. If I had asked her to prove that her newly found boyfriend loved her then you and Ingledsva would be partially right in your response, depending how much the increase in Serotonin and dopamine relate to lust and love, however, I didn't ask that.

It is only newly found love/lust that produces a significant increase in euphoric chemicals, however, only for a short period, until the relationship becomes stable. In a long term relationship with your mother there is rarely any increase of chemicals that are related to the happiness of love and I assume that there is no increase caused by lust. Though these chemicals can cause you to be overwhelmingly happy, they are only released when you actually fall in love, or lust after that person, that means that love is not induced by Serotonin and dopamine, but the chemical increase is the result of falling in love. Love itself is spiritual in nature.

So your assertion is that there is only one specific type of love (“lust”) that can be measured in the human brain and that the type of love felt between mother and child is not detectable in the brain because it is spiritual?

In conclusion my analogy of love, between a child and her mother, being impossible to prove on face value, was correct and perfectly acceptable. That unique bond cannot be proven, yet we know that a strong bond is created between a mother and her child at birth. We cannot see that love, yet we know it exists, so why is it that we do not believe that God exists, even though we cannot see Him, yet like love, we feel Him.

Oxytocin. I've discussed it before with you.


Maybe you could respond to post #920 when you have a minute.


Giovanni Pico & Della Barba Devotee
That questions original purpose was likely to install critical thinking into the minds of believers, to note inconsistencies in their logic.
Of course that argument and it's counter get made daily, so it's lost a good bit of weight.

Atheists tend to follow humanism, more often than not, and these questions can sort of be traced back to that.
The reason they are asked in the first place is because whatever god might to exist, it's obviously not humane.

Well in the Triune (Biblically speaking) it makes Him a universal consciousness (or genderless omnipresent awareness) and both a Malachim (angel) and human (Yeshua seed of woman). There is no confusion once you study it, years on end, and even studying the counterintuitive of other belief systems helps because it can either strengthen one's argument or make it collapse on itself, to which hopefully one never succumbs to stop searching out the truth. No one will ever know everything which is why each will be judged to what they have come to learn and seek out. Psalms has the most prose concerning the humanity or love Yahweh has for His creation, the up and downs get a more complex explanation that would only be understandable after getting into the Bible, apart from it the notion of generational sin, curses, and grafted Hydra alters in the psychis of people would be a head-scratcher and not an answer in of itself.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
You never seem to see the evidence that is literally placed right in front of you. I wonder why that is.

Wonder no more. I do not see the evidence simply because there has been no viable evidence submitted here in response to my claim.

But that’s besides the point of what I was trying to draw your attention to. Nobody asked you to put your faith in one particular researcher that you’ve never heard of and just take her word for it that what she said was true.

Well that is not true. That is exactly what was expected of me otherwise she would not have been mentioned her.

Rather, you were asked to consider the evidence that has been produced by scientific research on the subject you were discussing. That’s the difference I was trying to point out to you.

Why? It has no connection to my question, it is a straw man that has been built to discredit a completely different argument. The question that asked was a non-scientific question posed to someone who had not shown an interest in science. In intervention of science was not required to understand the analogy. The conflict between science and Scripture comes when science steps outside the realm of that which is observable and reproducible and speculates on origins, values, emotions and destinies. Science then becomes a religious viewpoint

So your assertion is that there is only one specific type of love (“lust”) that can be measured in the human brain and that the type of love felt between mother and child is not detectable in the brain because it is spiritual?

You, once again, have not comprehendeded a basic statement of mine.You do that a lot, is it intentional? Lust and love are two very distinct and different emotions. One is based on love of the body and the other is love for the person. I also did not say that love felt between mother and child is not detectable in the brain because it is spiritual? You will have to explain what you mean by that. First love , IMO, is a function of the spirit to which the body responds by the release of happy hormones. If one had a kit in their car to test your blood one might be able to conclude, by the levels of hormones, that one reason could be as a result of falling in love , however, it could also be that you have just won the lottery or found out that you have an all clear for cancer. This is all irrelevant as I asked an adult if she could prove that she loves her mother, or visa versa, not what hormones are doing in the womb or during in fancy, and certainly not for those who have just found love. You seem to be kicking the ball at an overly stretched goal mouth getting them all in, but you cannot get the "game ball", that represents truth, into the back of the net. One thing that is a scientific given is that my example was entirely sound, as most of us are aware that, like you cannot prove God existence, you also could not proven your love for your mother, so if the animals do it then why not humans. Or, if we accept that love exists without evidence then why not God?

Oxytocin. I've discussed it before with you.

You have quoted Wiki before, however, your searching of the Internet is a waste of your time as it is not relevant to this argument.


Jesus in me
What does free will have to do with the cross? I don't see the connection.

It seems like you're saying that if God is going to allow sin, he's going to allow a mechanism to forgive sin. What I'm trying to get at is that even if we take all that as given, why would we assume that torturing Jesus to death is the best way to achieve that forgiveness?

Frankly, I don't see how torturing Jesus to death would be a way to forgiveness at all, let alone the best way.

People don't believe God will forgive them because they don't believe He loves them. A willingness to die for people shows that His love for them is the ultimate love that can be expressed.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
People don't believe God will forgive them because they don't believe He loves them. A willingness to die for people shows that His love for them is the ultimate love that can be expressed.
I don't think that masochism demonstrates love.

BTW: you think that Jesus is dead? That's news to me.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I have not seen or heard any evidence compelling enough to lead me to believe that the god you believe in exists.

What is compelling to one, is oft times hear-say to another, It all depends on how much you want to believe in my God and how much you have tried to discredit Him, and those who believe in Him, which is going to impede any attempt to have another commitment go this time, as you will have to lower your pride and eat your words. Everyone is capable of answering that knock on the door that Jesus gives to everyone. You either want to know who is there or you don't. Maybe you just don't? Maybe you do not have room to invite Him in?
I never said believers are liars or mentally challenged people. Do not put words in my mouth.

I am not putting words in your mouth. I am tarring you with the atheist brush.
So you do believe that God exists then. If you do not think that believers are liars, intentional or unintentional, then you must believe that they are telling the truth.

It is not unusuals for a dedicated atheist to accuse a Christian of being mentally deranged for believing in someone who they believe doesn't exist.
No. You are taking my lack of belief and trying to make it a belief.

No, I just said "So you also believe that you lack in belief in that God." No word play just and explanation of what you believe is true and not true. You don't believe in God, that is your belief.
Yes I do think that there needs to be compelling reasons and evidence present in order for a belief to be justified and/or considered a fact of reality. If you don’t agree, then do you also believe in dragons, fairies, garden gnomes, aliens and every other thing that anybody has ever claimed the existence of?

If there was the same numbers involved in those pretty unlikely representations of deity than I would take a closer look, as I did with Christianity, to determine the validity of these claimed entities, however, none of your examples meet with that criteria.

Like I said, if we don’t rely on evidence in order to verify the existence of things, then we have to just believe in everything until somebody can prove that it’s wrong or doesn’t exist.

No, we can exercise faith, as we all do, everyday. Our lives are full of events that we endure without any knowledge of the outcome of our actions. Indeed, we are in the realms of supposition far more than we are in a world of evidentiary reasoning and facts. Like you said "we don’t rely on evidence in order to verify the existence of things" we don't, much of what we believe the world to be never requires evidence. The next time that you lose your way and have to ask for directions will you ask the person helping you for evidence that what they are telling you is true, because sometimes, intentionally or unintentionally, it is wrong. By the way, do you thoroughly check your change at a supermarket,
Really? Okay then would it be safe to assume that you believe in fairies, alien abductions, Zeus, Thor, Osiris, Allah, ghosts, the flying spaghetti monster, the mothman, and the chupacabra?

Not really a question that you should be asking when claiming that you are intellectually astute. Just ask yourself what likelihood is there that fairies, alien abductions, Zeus, Thor, Osiris, Allah, ghosts, the flying spaghetti monster, the mothman, and the chupacabra exist. Do they all have 2.2 billion followers as Christians do? Do they have a plan of redemption? It is not hard to dismiss fantasies. That is why Christianity has remain steadfast and resilient to attack by the heathen.
You have a history with your wife. You probably know that she doesn’t usually say it’s raining if it’s not raining. You know she’s generally not much of a liar. You know that rain exists and that it rains from time to time. You have all kinds of evidence available to you that you don’t even really think about because rain is such a mundane thing.

I still have to apply faith in her words. We are very close but we are not the same person, and we are getting older, so our memory is not as it was. Maybe she has confused today and yesterday, when it was raining, and she has unintentionally mis-informed me. If there is any familiarity evidence to be had then it is not on a par with the scientific evidence you refer to.
But what if your wife told you that it was raining chocolate chip cookies or puppy dogs? You’d probably go take a look to check it out if she told you that. You might initially think she was pulling your leg or that she had lost her mind. The type of claim being made is important. Saying that it’s raining outside isn’t an extraordinary claim in the same way that claiming that there is an invisible deity that created everything in the universe is an extraordinary claim.

Again we come to probabilities. Is it likely to rain chocolate chip cookies or puppy dogs. We would have streets full of melted chocolate and dead puppies. It would be an obvious joke or intentional lie. But like my lack in a need for evidence to corroborate my wife's claim about the rain, so the need for evidence on the likelihood of God existing is unnecessary as It is more likely than not.

There were photos of her mangled car and the crash site on every news station. There was a funeral in which her family was all in attendance. There were compelling reasons to believe that she had in fact died that day. Now, if instead the news did not show the mangled car and crash site or showed a photo of her car without a dent on it, and there was no funeral or burial and several people had snapped photos of Diana walking around London the next day, I might have reason to question whether she had really died at all. As it was, there was enough compelling evidence for me to believe that she had died without having to fly to England to see her body.

I cannot add anything further then, "When I heard, on the news, that Princess Diana had died in a car crash I did not jump on a plane to France and demand to see her body as evidence. None of us did. Did you want to? When ever we are told anything we always determine for ourselves if it is likely or unlikely to be true by examining the circumstances." I do not require any further evidence to confirm her death. I was making a point that evidence is not always necessary. Whether it was a put up job or not is a completely different question.

There are a number of problems with such god claims. You tell me that the god you believe in exists. A Muslim tells me that the god he believes in exists. A Hindu tells me that the gods he believes in exist. All throughout mankind’s existence, people have claimed the existence of thousands of different gods, most of which have since been dumped into the trash heap of history. Why would decent and respectable people such as those tell anybody that god exists when they know “he” doesn’t? Because they don’t know that. I haven’t claimed that people who believe god(s) exist actually know that they don’t exist so I don’t’ know why you’re going there.

I am sure that you are aware that evolution is a theory. Darwin said there would be change of KIND over many years, however, there has never been any evidence that it has happened. Indeed, because of the time required fr one kind to change into another it cannot be tested using the scientific method. We have absolutely no evidence to show that one kind changes into another kind. The whole theory is based on conjecture, suppositions and circumstantial evidence, yet our children are taught that evolution is a fact, a potential lie. Science treats it as if it is a proven fact yet there is no evidence to verify it, but they expect us to believe in something for which there is no evidence. Hang on, that rings a bell. Christianity is not a proven fact, there is no single piece of evidence to corroborate Gods existence. It is all based on conjecture, supposition and circumstantial evidence. Exactly the same as evolution, however, religion has been ostracized and removed from our schools, those who believe are treated with scepticism and there is a law to prevent any public religious display. In fact christianity recieves the polar opposite treatment to science under the same criteria. Why do you think that is. Why is it alright for science to treat an idea as a fact but 2.2 billion people are wrong when they do exactly the same? Sound very ominous to me.

There is only one God. I worship the same God as everyone else worships.

There was a time within the last few decades where reports of alien abductions were everywhere. Now we hardly hear a thing about them. Did aliens just stop abducting people? Maybe. Or maybe the claims were bogus and subject to the cultural phenomenon of the times.

My mind is open to the existence of aliens. I think it arrogant to think that in a universe, as vast as it is, that we are the only life that exists. Again, there is a good probability that there are aliens and that they do visit this earth, for some reason, however, I would not bet on it.
Normal trusting people believe everything claimed to exist actually exists until proven otherwise? Normal trusting people believe in things without compelling evidence? I hope that’s not true.

That you do not recognise that it is a reality is disconcerting.

Why don’t I believe what?

That God exists
I asked you to point out what claim(s) you think I am making rather than just trying to tell me what I believe.

I don't beleieve that to be the case

Okay so you prefer the cop out answer.

Right. Whatever beliefs individual atheists may have about anything are not shared by all atheists. It’s just the nonbelief in god(s) that we all share.

It is my belief that the label of "atheist" is for those who do not believe in God.

An "Atheist" is a non-believer, non-theist, disbeliever, unbeliever, heretic,sceptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, agnostic, infidel, irreligious person, heathen, pagan, freethinker, libertine, nihilist

So please explain how lacking a belief in something is akin to making a claim or assertion.

You are arguing with a dictionary, which proves my next point.

Again, you should be able to easily prove me wrong and yet you refuse anyway

And here in lies the problem. You do not accept being wrong on anything. You do not even concede to reality, you just move the goal post or construct a straw man to knock down in place of my argument. You will not agree with anyone unless they give in rather than enter the world of huge posts.[/QUOTE]
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