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Why does it seem that God never intervenes in Human Suffering


Well-Known Member
Please, I am not worthy of the word "Sir"

Yes, I do have that right to tell the rest of the world, simply because I have freedom of speech. I have even more rights on this forum as the forum is set up to allow opinions to be voiced unimpeded. If, for example, you discovered a cure for AIDS, wouldn't you want to share it to benefit those suffering from it? If you knew that the assassination of President John F Kennedy was a put up job by the CIA, then wouldn't you want the world to know that truth. If you believed that you know that God exists wouldn't you want to shout it from a mountain top. This forum is my mountain top. To me, what I believe is true and I naturally want to share it

I use the word Sir in respect as that is how I believe we treat one another. It is not meant to insult. As for truth, you speak here of what I see as two very different truths. One is provable, at least as far as AIDS or JFK is concerned. When it comes to God, that truth is vastly different and entirely personal. What is truth about God to you is completely different for me. I do not believe in the divine nature of Christ nor that the Bible is God breathed. Does that make me wrong or you right? No. It means that we differ on what we perceive as the truth about God. Yes, you are free to shout this here but do keep in mind that many will find this as proselytizing or as just wrong for them. And you have to accept that.

Truth is a constant. It never changes, it always remains the same. It is our perception of truth that varies and not the truth itself. It is wrong to take the life of another. That is true, and will always be true, however, that does not stop those who do it from justifying it. The truth is that God exists, ask any Christian, however, there are a minority group of nonbelievers who don't believe it, usually because they have never experienced Him, who try to convince us that it is not true, because that is what they believe. They are wrong, plain and simple. I know they are wrong. Whether they believe they are wrong is another thing though, however, as the truth is a constant, and it is true that God lives, then their perception of the truth is wrong, so, as conscientious individuals, we should be telling them that they are wrong. I have a right to say that.

Here again, what you see as truth of God is not what others do. You say that God exists. I agree but I also do not believe in the concept of God as you do. I have experienced God and my experience led me to see God as neither male nor female. So am I 'wrong, plain and simple', as you say here? No, I am not. You are free to tell me you think I'm wrong but I will argue that you cannot know that and I feel YOU are wrong.

If there is a difference in the God that I serve and the one that you serve than it is a complete irrelevance. It doesn't matter. we will all find out when we leave this world and know that it doesn't matter. We are here to be tried and tested in the flesh. That is what matters. Who you are matters, and how you live your life, whether Muslim or Christian. That is what we will be judged on, our choices. God will not judge you for where you were born or the influences of the environment that you lived in to make you one religion or another. It is incidental to our journey through mortality. If you help a blind old lady across the road and I do the same do you believe that it is the one who has chosen the right God who will receive the blessing. We both will, irrespective of the God we worship. I do not know if my God is right and your God is wrong, I don't actually care, I care whether I have served humanity to the best of my ability and I know that when I am in the service of my fellow man, then I am in the service of my God . If the whole world thought the same then there would be no religious conflict.

I don't believe in judgment as you do. As a Buddhist, I do believe we are here to learn, whether from the good we do or the mistakes we make. When we die, we enter what is called the Bardo state, a place to review our lives, both good and bad choices and see what it is we need to continue to learn to achieve enlightenment. Where it pertains to God and acts we do in this life, Buddhists believe in doing no harm, so murder would be a very poor choice, leading to more reincarnated lifetimes. You believe differently and that is fine.


Well-Known Member
Hello, my cousin.

My faith rests solely on Genesis through Revelation, the Bible canon accepted by most Christians. And my worship goes to Jehovah / Yahweh (not Jesus).

[..."Satan", a ridiculous being created from older myths, such as Hades from Greek mythology.]

You're basing your assumptions on faulty mainstream Christian theology: please show me one Scripture where Satan controls Hell / Hades (or is even in Hell / Hades). You can't. There aren't.

Much of accepted Christian theology, claiming to have the Bible as its foundation, has incorporated many pagan concepts into its dogma. But not Christ....

[...Christ which can be said to be related to the Eygptian God Horus and his parents.]

The only similarity here (the Egyptian trinity & christendom's Trinity), again, is because of pagan ideas creeping into christendom's theology. Faulty.
Any other similarities?

There are a few references to Jesus from ancient manuscripts (not Josephus'), proving he was a real person:

1. Pliny the Younger,
2. Thallus (through Julius Africanus)'
3. Tacitus

A few others.
Look at the confusion and hatred that permeates this world!. Although most people desire peace, why can't it be achieved?

Because what the Bible really teaches, is true! -- John 12:31; Revelation 12:9; 1 John 5:19.

It's not your fault, but you only know the Bible from what is taught in Christendom.... I wouldn't want to believe it, either.

Not my fault? I have studied the Bible and all other faiths for decades. I did this to achieve my PhD in theology. So I think I know it fairly well sir. As for Jesus, most theologians do agree a man similar to him did exist. But none will agree to the divinity of same unless they are Christian theologians, which, IMO, are very biased. Yes, there are some references to Christ in some documents. I don't disagree on that. What I do disagree on is that much of the Bible is built on the backs on older myths. The flood, for example, taken straight from the Epic of Gilgamesh. There are many more examples, such as from Mithras, but I am not about to argue about this at 6am before coffee.


The Arabic message of the Qur'an has been made very clear and easy to understand, whether you're an Arab or a non-Arab. The differences in theology in different sects come from outside sources that have nothing to do with Islam, such as hadith and sunnah. Muslims love using these sources to further elaborate their versions of Islam, but what they are actually doing is twisting it and turning it into something that reflects nothing of the message or nature of the Qur'an.

The Qur'an states that it is the only source of law to be followed, and nothing else.

Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed?

These are God's revelations that We recite to you truthfully. In which hadith other than God and His revelations do they believe?

The Qur'an has been made easy to understand for everyone. The verses that are regarding a person's salvation and duty are not made ambiguous with a million different translations.

We have made it easy to understand and in your own tongue may they take heed.

That first sentence that I have highlighted, - shows they are translations - "made clear," - and translations are often wrong, - or twisted for political/religious reasons.

I agree they should not be following manmade ideas written around the Qur'an, - but unfortunately they are.

PS - Just so you know. The translations into English aren't that easy to follow or understand without the cultural background, as many here have noted. :)



But Pliny never mentioned Pontius Pilate, as Tacitus did:
"To dispel the rumor, Nero substituted as culprits, and treated with the most extreme punishments, some people, popularly known as Christians, whose disgraceful activities were notorious. The originator of that name, Christus, had been executed when Tiberius was emperor, by order of the procurator Pontius Pilatus. But the deadly cult, though checked for a time, was now breaking out again not only in Judea, the birthplace of this evil, but even throughout Rome, where all the nasty and disgusting ideas from all over the world pour in and find a ready following."

Plus, mentioning Judea (not Persia) rules out the Mithras theory.

Archaeology always seems to eventually support the accuracy of the Bible, much to the chagrin of its detractors. Love it.

It is still second and third hand info with no way of corroborating it.

Actually Roman soldiers in Judea worshiped Mithras.

And we are told by several church figures that the Mithras sacraments were the same as Christian, and he was anointed and called Christos.

And Mithras worship was earlier then Christianity.
The First Apology of Justin
Chapter LXVI.-Of the Eucharist.

"And this food is called among us Eu0xaristi/a [the Eucharist], of which no one is allowed to partake but the man who believes that the things which we teach are true, and who has been washed with the washing that is for the remission of sins, and unto regeneration, and who is so living as Christ has enjoined. For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but in like manner as Jesus Christ our Saviour, having been made flesh by the Word of God, had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so likewise have we been taught that the food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, and from which our blood and flesh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh. For the apostles, in the memoirs composed by them, which are called Gospels, have thus delivered unto us what was enjoined upon them; that Jesus took bread, and when He had given thanks, said, "This do ye in remembrance of Me,this is My body; "and that, after the same manner, having taken the cup and given thanks, He said, "This is My blood; "and gave it to them alone. Which the wicked devils have imitated in the mysteries of Mithras, commanding the same thing to be done. For, that bread and a cup of water are placed with certain incantations in the mystic rites of one who is being initiated, you either know or can learn."

Clauss, M. The Roman Cult of Mithras, p.72 continues: "Apart from the cult-meal, the water-miracle offers the clearest parallel with Christianity, spreading through the Empire at the same period as the mysteries of Mithras. The thinking that underlies these features of each cult is naturally rooted in the same traditions. The water-miracle is one of the wide-spread myths that originate from regions plagued by drought, and where the prosperity of humans and nature depends upon rain. Each in his own manner, Mithras and Christ embody water, initially as a concrete necessity, and then, very soon, as a symbol. Christ is referred to in the New Testament as the water of life. Many Christian sarcophagi depict the miracle of Moses striking the rock with his staff and causing water to flow (Exodus 17.3-6), as a symbol of immortality."

Tertullian –Praescr, ch 40 - says that the followers of Mithra practiced baptism by water, and made a sign on the forehead of the baptized person.



There is no God but Allah
That first sentence that I have highlighted, - shows they are translations - "made clear," - and translations are often wrong, - or twisted for political/religious reasons.

I agree they should not be following manmade ideas written around the Qur'an, - but unfortunately they are.

PS - Just so you know. The translations into English aren't that easy to follow or understand without the cultural background, as many here have noted. :)


That's why it is wise to have multiple translations, and with the internet today, such a task is made simpler. People are still translating the Qur'an today as well, providing us with better translations than ones of old.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Isn't that convenient - I have to receive something that has not been proven to exist - to believe.


My unbelief in the Christian God is justified by the fact that Christians, a "holy Ghost, etc., have not proven to the rest of us that any of the God and miracle stuff of Christianity is true, or happened.

But I have told you that He exists. For what concievable reason would I lie about it when I can confidently say that if you try it then you to will recieve it? Why would 2.2 billion Christians lie or 2 billion Muslims? Please don't say mass histerior or some other cop out. Do you have a trust issue, have you been lied to on a grand scale? Do you need proof that you will rise in the morning before you prepare your packed lunch and work cloths. Do you place a call to the local TV station to make sure that your favourite program will be airing at 8.00pm just in case your TV guide is a lie? If I were lying what would be my motive? what would I benefit from lying. God lives, I know He does because I have rationally and logically recieved the testimony of his on Holy Spirit. I am not on my own in that claim either. We all know that God exists because we have recieved a personal witness. You have not recieved that personal witness, and I get the impression that you do not want it, so we cannot expect you to be able to testify of a truth that you just don't know, but let me assure youthat it exists.

Stalemate? NOT! That is like saying one's belief in the Green Bean God's existence, obviously with no proof, is equal to science.

That is absurd. There are not 2.2 billion people claiming that a green bean god exists, indeed, such a belief would not be accepted on the grounds that it is a ludicrously ridiculus claim to make, the existence of a God is equally as tenable as science is. "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" yet that is exactly what you are saying.

I do not make these threads. I join in when the texts are being twisted, or people are being told they have to believe in the Christian God above all others, because you believe in such, or think you have had a God experience, - that you can't prove to the rest of us.

What you consider as twisted words is logical truth and objective reasoning to those who speak them because those who speak them do so from experience whereas your response is based on complete ignorance of the reality of deity. One thing in your favour is that you cannot be judged on a law you do not know.

How is stating facts - putting down your religion?

Because your facts are not baased on truth that has been verified by the source of it. That is, the horses mouth.

"As said - Science starts with actual substance and tries to figure it all out. Religions just have a belief they cannot prove. Big difference."

Science is discovering what God already knows. It is discovering what I and all of Christianity knows. For example, The big bang is a theory, however, I know it to be a fact through the Holy Ghost that testifies of that which is true.I am not aware of the mechanism that set it in motion but I do know that God is responsible for it, however, you cannot comprehend that as you have not felt the truth through the Holy Ghost.

That is a fact - not a putdown.

As I said, your facts are not based on all of the evidence. You selectively omit the most important part, a designer.

You are not proof to the rest of us that a God, let alone the Abrahamic one, exists. That is your belief. It has not been proven.

It has been proven suffiently enough to me in order for me to tesify of its authenticity. Just the fact that I, a rational and reasonably intelligent human being, have said it should be enough for you to believe me, especially when considering the lack of motive in me telling a lie. Why else would I and 2.2 billion others lie? It is not my fault that you are overly skeptical so do not believe me.

That is not technically correct. Atheists don't have to do anything, - since you cannot prove the existence of an invisible being that created the universe.

You must have noticed that Christians do not use this forum as a venue to preach to the unconverted. Christian do not have to prove anything as they are not claiming anything. It is the likes of you who are claiming that Christians have it all wrong, OK, then prove it. There is enough circumstantial evidence, that when it is all brought together,proves that there is a God. You do not want to acept that very real proof

Actually, - calling me an Atheist, as I have said multiple times I am Agnostic, - would just make you a liar. I have no problem with there being a God.

then why not try to find him instead of fervantly trying to disprove His eistence?

The religions of Abraham have source problems, translation problems, changing words to suit their ideas problems, texts with magic, and dead people walking around, animals without larynxes talking, and no proof of this God at all to give to us. You just expect us to believe you, and accept your verses as from God. Anyone such as myself, challenging those verses and assumptions, are considered - BY YOU - to be against a God. That is ridiculous. I am for truth and accuracy. For instance - If rape took place - you can not twist the texts, and claim it didn't, etc. If there is no proof that can be given to others to prove your Gods existence, - than there just isn't. It is a fact.

The information that you have has been passed onto you by man. I am sure that an in depth look at it will show that your source is less then accurate. Men, after all, are infallible. The evidence that I possess comes from God via the Holy Ghost. I know which of the two is more likely to be erroneous. The fact is that I, like the majority of Christians, have recieved an unmistakable witness from an intellegent and tangible source saying that God lives. That you do not believe me is your loss.

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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Of course God intervenes in human suffering. Just a while ago, a vice president of Focus on the Family stated that he prays to God to help him get convienent street parking places for his car, thus saving him from the suffering of having to walk an extra block or so to his destination. Of course, according to the UN. several hundred people starve to death worldwide during the time he saves by getting a parking place close to his destination.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Of course God intervenes in human suffering. Just a while ago, a vice president of Focus on the Family stated that he prays to God to help him get convienent street parking places for his car, thus saving him from the suffering of having to walk an extra block or so to his destination. Of course, according to the UN. several hundred people starve to death worldwide during the time he saves by getting a parking place close to his destination.

Surely you don't judge the whole of Christianity by the actions of just one Christian. I know of a man who has so much money that he could feed all of the starving people in our world and would still be considered as rich beyond his needs. He is an atheist, so, does that mean that all atheists live their lives with the same values and ethics as he has? It would be absolutely absurd to make such a ridiculus assertions.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Hello, Serenity!

Jesus always directed attention to His Father. He said that He was "taught" by His Father (John 8:26-29); that all authority had been "given" Him (Matthew 28:18); and many other statements -- and prayers -- He made, showing deference to His Father, even saying that He had a "God" he worshipped (John 20:17), the same God that Martha worshipped. Now Martha was a Jew, who worshipped Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 6:4)

And that makes sense: if the Christian God was different than the Hebrew / Jewish / Israelite God, why do we as Christians accept the Hebrew Scriptures (OT)? No, I'm convinced (through many other lines of reasoning).... God didn't change, only the way to worship Him did. No longer through sacrifices at the Temple, as the Jews did, but through faith in Jesus' sacrifice, as our Saviour, the Messiah.

And we're told to "follow (Jesus') steps closely." (1 Peter 2:21-23) This would include both how we act, and what we teach.

I would be glad to discuss my views further.

Peace to you. And Take care!

Sorry for taking so long to reply. I had to let you know that your reasoning is sound. Jesus wanted any glory that he deserved to be used to glorify God. We all know this but fail to comprehend what is being said so very clearly. Yes, you are right and i have had the eyes of my understanding opened to knew knowledge, thank you.


Veteran Member


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Surely you don't judge the whole of Christianity by the actions of just one Christian. I know of a man who has so much money that he could feed all of the starving people in our world and would still be considered as rich beyond his needs. He is an atheist, so, does that mean that all atheists live their lives with the same values and ethics as he has? It would be absolutely absurd to make such a ridiculus assertions.

Really? You really, honestly think that was the point of my post? To criticize Christians or Christianity? Did you actually read my post before launching forth on your irrelevant and insipid response?


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Really? You really, honestly think that was the point of my post? To criticize Christians or Christianity? Did you actually read my post before launching forth on your irrelevant and insipid response?

Maybe you should check the comprehensibility of your post before calling me unnecessary names. It very much sounds like you were highlighting a triviality and comparing it with a real life disaster, thus saying that if a God existed He would be more concerned about the starving children then He would the parking of a car. I have asked for second opinions to insure that I have not misunderstood and, as I thought, I have not, so, really, honestly I, and others, think that is what your post is about because the way you have worded it gives that impression, however, even if you are right and I have made a mistake the tone of your response is positively reprehensible and unkind. So your offensive remark suggesting that my post is irrelevant, in your opinion, and then calling my response insipid, which you must know is provocative and argumentative, is not conducive to an amicable debate.

You have very carefully hidden that personal insult among the subject of your post, however, it can be seen by the more astute of us.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I don't believe that god(s) exist. I don't believe that in the same way I don't believe the Loch Ness monster exists. I could be convinced that god(s) or Nessie exist, if I were ever given evidence that convinced me that they actually exist. I don't speak for all atheists, but I speak for some.


From off the top of my head, without the need to quote a dictionary, You believe that God does not exist. That is as plane and simple as it gets, needing no reason to use a dictionary to bolster your argument, however, here is a quote from the Free Online Dictionary, that is as viable as the Oxford Dictionary.

(ˈeiθiizəm) noun
the belief that there is no God. ateísmo
ˈatheist noun
a person who does not believe in God. ateo
ˌatheˈistic adjective

Incidentally, there was a response left to your quote that shows that your quote is outdated.

This said, I agree that this definition (especially in our post-Richard Dawkins era) does need revision - but not the specific revision you propose. Rather, I would suggest that it needs to be revised to reflect the fact that atheists actively oppose the idea that God exists - often with surprising vehemence, considering that they are, in essence, defending a NON-belief or absence of religious faith.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should check the comprehensibility of your post before calling me unnecessary names. It very much sounds like you were highlighting a triviality and comparing it with a real life disaster, thus saying that if a God existed He would be more concerned about the starving children then He would the parking of a car. I have asked for second opinions to insure that I have not misunderstood and, as I thought, I have not, so, really, honestly I, and others, think that is what your post is about because the way you have worded it gives that impression, however, even if you are right and I have made a mistake the tone of your response is positively reprehensible and unkind. So your offensive remark suggesting that my post is irrelevant, in your opinion, and then calling my response insipid, which you must know is provocative and argumentative, is not conducive to an amicable debate.

You have very carefully hidden that personal insult among the subject of your post, however, it can be seen by the more astute of us.

In no way did Sunstone call you any names whatsoever. Furthermore, I have encountered Christians such as Sunstone describes and he/she is correct. There are many Christians who use prayer in the most heinous and self-serving manners. His/her remarks were dead on and whether you care to admit it or not, that is the reality for many of the members of your faith, This is not to say that ALL members of your faith are so hedonistic with prayer. Many, such as my mother, are devout people who use prayer to ask God for help with illness, or other world issues and never ever for herself. But to deny that Sunstone had a very valid point is also denying the facts. There were NO insults contained in either post. You may have wished to read one into them but they were not there.


Well-Known Member
In no way did Sunstone call you any names whatsoever. Furthermore, I have encountered Christians such as Sunstone describes and he/she is correct. There are many Christians who use prayer in the most heinous and self-serving manners. His/her remarks were dead on and whether you care to admit it or not, that is the reality for many of the members of your faith, This is not to say that ALL members of your faith are so hedonistic with prayer. Many, such as my mother, are devout people who use prayer to ask God for help with illness, or other world issues and never ever for herself. But to deny that Sunstone had a very valid point is also denying the facts. There were NO insults contained in either post. You may have wished to read one into them but they were not there.

This guy pretty much always pulls the ad hominem card on anyone he's arguing with. He's just trying to distract you from sunstone's very valid argument. Its ironically a red herring fallacy. If you look at his posts you'll see that his arguments almost always deteriorate into insult allegations.

I mean look at the spite and hypocrisy:

Maybe you should check the comprehensibility of your post before calling me unnecessary names.

He's implying that the post is incomprehensible and that sunstone wasn't smart enough to check it, which is ridiculous because his post seems quite clear to me.


Well-Known Member
This guy pretty much always pulls the ad hominem card on anyone he's arguing with. He's just trying to distract you from sunstone's very valid argument. Its ironically a red herring fallacy. If you look at his posts you'll see that his arguments almost always deteriorate into insult allegations.

I mean look at the spite and hypocrisy:

He's implying that your post is incomprehensible and you weren't smart enough to check it, which is ridiculous because your post seems quite clear to me.
Agreed. Having read his posts for some time now, he does often devolve into saying that all here are calling him names or insulting him in some way which is why I pointed out that Sunstone did not in any way insult anyone. He/she made a very valid and true point. I fail to see why devolving into these tendencies to whine about being insulted has anymore of a point than proving him to be little more than a child. Frankly speaking, grow the hell up.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
This guy pretty much always pulls the ad hominem card on anyone he's arguing with. He's just trying to distract you from sunstone's very valid argument. Its ironically a red herring fallacy. If you look at his posts you'll see that his arguments almost always deteriorate into insult allegations.

Whenever you make an accusation of a logical fallacy it is incumbent upon you to demonstrate how you have determined it to be a fallacy. How does anything I have said pertains to a red herring. If your sensibilities are not equal to rigorous debate then maybe this is not the best place for you to frequent.

I only pull the ad hominem card if there is ad hominem levied against me. As I am a consummate defender of my God many atheists resort to ad hominem when it appears inevitable that they are losing ground, like you have done on numerous occasions, and like you are doing here.by misrepresenting me.

"Sunstones very valid argument?" Now, if you believe that then you are as mislead as he is. I cannot understand how anyone could not see the triviality of his story. A man decides to ask for Gods help to insure that he gets the best parking space for him whilst people are dying of starvation whilst he is asking for His help. If that man wants to waste his time asking God for a parking place that best suits him, then that is his right, it is not a reflection on Christianity as a whole, as he appears to suggest, and in comparison to the real atrocities of this world it is a triviality that is not worthy of the post it occupies. That is not the kind of argument that logical thinkers would consider, however, having conversed with you on this forum, it is what I would expect.

I mean look at the spite and hypocrisy:

You suggest that these polite words of concern are full of spite and hypocrisy. "Maybe you should check the comprehensibility of your post before calling me unnecessary names." Where? Where is the spite you claim to see. Where is the hypocrisy you indict me with? Words are empty without corroboration and I see no corroboration here. If you want to see offence then read what he said to me first. "Did you actually read my post before launching forth on your irrelevant and insipid response?" suggesting that I respond to posts without actually reading them which would make me a fool. Also, the hypocrisy of being told that my post is irrelevant and insipid when his post is ambiguous and vague. You do a very good job of demonstrating that you are being personally instead of keeping to the argument. It is clear that you see me as your enemy rather than one who is better educated in religion than you.

He's implying that the post is incomprehensible and that sunstone wasn't smart enough to check it, which is ridiculous because his post seems quite clear to me.

No, that is how you have interpreted it. I said "Maybe you should check the comprehensibility of your post before calling me unnecessary names." That is not an implication that his post is incomprehensible it is friendly advice for him to check what he has written to see if he has inadvertently worded it incorrectly. Of course you will see something completely different, after all, I am a Christian.

If his post seems quite clear to you why haven't you provided an explanation to demonstrate that you know what you are talking about. Maybe you are unsure of what he is saying as well