Please, I am not worthy of the word "Sir"
Yes, I do have that right to tell the rest of the world, simply because I have freedom of speech. I have even more rights on this forum as the forum is set up to allow opinions to be voiced unimpeded. If, for example, you discovered a cure for AIDS, wouldn't you want to share it to benefit those suffering from it? If you knew that the assassination of President John F Kennedy was a put up job by the CIA, then wouldn't you want the world to know that truth. If you believed that you know that God exists wouldn't you want to shout it from a mountain top. This forum is my mountain top. To me, what I believe is true and I naturally want to share it
I use the word Sir in respect as that is how I believe we treat one another. It is not meant to insult. As for truth, you speak here of what I see as two very different truths. One is provable, at least as far as AIDS or JFK is concerned. When it comes to God, that truth is vastly different and entirely personal. What is truth about God to you is completely different for me. I do not believe in the divine nature of Christ nor that the Bible is God breathed. Does that make me wrong or you right? No. It means that we differ on what we perceive as the truth about God. Yes, you are free to shout this here but do keep in mind that many will find this as proselytizing or as just wrong for them. And you have to accept that.
Truth is a constant. It never changes, it always remains the same. It is our perception of truth that varies and not the truth itself. It is wrong to take the life of another. That is true, and will always be true, however, that does not stop those who do it from justifying it. The truth is that God exists, ask any Christian, however, there are a minority group of nonbelievers who don't believe it, usually because they have never experienced Him, who try to convince us that it is not true, because that is what they believe. They are wrong, plain and simple. I know they are wrong. Whether they believe they are wrong is another thing though, however, as the truth is a constant, and it is true that God lives, then their perception of the truth is wrong, so, as conscientious individuals, we should be telling them that they are wrong. I have a right to say that.
Here again, what you see as truth of God is not what others do. You say that God exists. I agree but I also do not believe in the concept of God as you do. I have experienced God and my experience led me to see God as neither male nor female. So am I 'wrong, plain and simple', as you say here? No, I am not. You are free to tell me you think I'm wrong but I will argue that you cannot know that and I feel YOU are wrong.
If there is a difference in the God that I serve and the one that you serve than it is a complete irrelevance. It doesn't matter. we will all find out when we leave this world and know that it doesn't matter. We are here to be tried and tested in the flesh. That is what matters. Who you are matters, and how you live your life, whether Muslim or Christian. That is what we will be judged on, our choices. God will not judge you for where you were born or the influences of the environment that you lived in to make you one religion or another. It is incidental to our journey through mortality. If you help a blind old lady across the road and I do the same do you believe that it is the one who has chosen the right God who will receive the blessing. We both will, irrespective of the God we worship. I do not know if my God is right and your God is wrong, I don't actually care, I care whether I have served humanity to the best of my ability and I know that when I am in the service of my fellow man, then I am in the service of my God . If the whole world thought the same then there would be no religious conflict.
I don't believe in judgment as you do. As a Buddhist, I do believe we are here to learn, whether from the good we do or the mistakes we make. When we die, we enter what is called the Bardo state, a place to review our lives, both good and bad choices and see what it is we need to continue to learn to achieve enlightenment. Where it pertains to God and acts we do in this life, Buddhists believe in doing no harm, so murder would be a very poor choice, leading to more reincarnated lifetimes. You believe differently and that is fine.