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Why does it seem that God never intervenes in Human Suffering


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
You're right, it is a stalemate. However, beyond that statement, you delve, once again, into insult. Calling it a 'failure' is at the least presumptive and rude. And the statement that you responded to with this particular post was in no way whatsoever insulting or harsh. Respect is two sided.

Sadly, you judge me, again, without being fully aware of the circumstances surrounding my remarks. I have had many lengthy debates with this poster, who, incidentally, is one of the more aggressive atheists on the forum, so I am very aware of her intolerance to Christian and their beliefs. No response to any question that she asks will ever be accepted as true or even potentially true. Christianity is wrong and that is set in stone.

As far as insults go, she is not innocent of issuing her own. I respect the 14th Dalai Lama but he doesn't even know me so how could respect be two sided. Secondly, if respect is two sided then equally so is disrespect. I do not respect her methods and attitude of delivering her opinions and she does not respect my retorts on my opinions. She disrespects me as much as I do her.

I am presuming nothing, I only know that she failed because that is what she said.

So, you do not believe that to call the God that I worship "IT" is not insulting or harsh. Sorry, but I disagree. It was completely unnecessary. She said:"You can not prove to "us" anything you said about a God, and it creating the universe." The word "IT" was used specifically to offend and the word "US" was used to intimidate me. Why is it that you see the negativity in my post yet you make no comment of the other posters remarks?


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
That is totally unfair sir. What you believe is truth and that is lovely and I respect that. However, you have no right to tell the rest of the world, including those of us here, that what you believe is truth. Truth varies from one person to the next. I believe in God but not how you see that concept. Does that make me wrong or that 'you know no different'? Of course not. It just means we believe different things and neither of us can prove the other wrong. So please be a tad more respectful of other's beliefs here.

Please, I am not worthy of the word "Sir"

Yes, I do have that right to tell the rest of the world, simply because I have freedom of speech. I have even more rights on this forum as the forum is set up to allow opinions to be voiced unimpeded. If, for example, you discovered a cure for AIDS, wouldn't you want to share it to benefit those suffering from it? If you knew that the assassination of President John F Kennedy was a put up job by the CIA, then wouldn't you want the world to know that truth. If you believed that you know that God exists wouldn't you want to shout it from a mountain top. This forum is my mountain top. To me, what I believe is true and I naturally want to share it

Truth is a constant. It never changes, it always remains the same. It is our perception of truth that varies and not the truth itself. It is wrong to take the life of another. That is true, and will always be true, however, that does not stop those who do it from justifying it. The truth is that God exists, ask any Christian, however, there are a minority group of nonbelievers who don't believe it, usually because they have never experienced Him, who try to convince us that it is not true, because that is what they believe. They are wrong, plain and simple. I know they are wrong. Whether they believe they are wrong is another thing though, however, as the truth is a constant, and it is true that God lives, then their perception of the truth is wrong, so, as conscientious individuals, we should be telling them that they are wrong. I have a right to say that.

If there is a difference in the God that I serve and the one that you serve than it is a complete irrelevance. It doesn't matter. we will all find out when we leave this world and know that it doesn't matter. We are here to be tried and tested in the flesh. That is what matters. Who you are matters, and how you live your life, whether Muslim or Christian. That is what we will be judged on, our choices. God will not judge you for where you were born or the influences of the environment that you lived in to make you one religion or another. It is incidental to our journey through mortality. If you help a blind old lady across the road and I do the same do you believe that it is the one who has chosen the right God who will receive the blessing. We both will, irrespective of the God we worship. I do not know if my God is right and your God is wrong, I don't actually care, I care whether I have served humanity to the best of my ability and I know that when I am in the service of my fellow man, then I am in the service of my God . If the whole world thought the same then there would be no religious conflict.
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Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Beliefs are the enemy of truth. Beliefs are like tinted lens on spectacles.

Can you consider the scientist who looked up to the moon, with his rose tinted spectacles on, and said to himself, "I believe that one day we will go to that moon and walk on it. That belief became a reality, a truth. Thank goodness there was no one around to say that beliefs are an enemy of truth. You believe that you will catch the train into mork in the morning, you don't know it for sure, however, that belief turns into a reality when you board the train. It becomes a truth.



Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
So you don't blame God, you blame this other imagined character, "Satan", a ridiculous being created from older myths, such as Hades from Greek mythology. Do you believe in any of the Greek or Roman Gods or Goddesses? And if not, why not? Most of all faith is carved from older myths and stories, such as Christ which can be said to be related to the Eygptian God Horus and his parents. All of which is also built on older stories. The Bible and this character Satan are merely contrived stories meant to kowtow people into doing as they are told.

Hello, my cousin.

My faith rests solely on Genesis through Revelation, the Bible canon accepted by most Christians. And my worship goes to Jehovah / Yahweh (not Jesus).

[..."Satan", a ridiculous being created from older myths, such as Hades from Greek mythology.]

You're basing your assumptions on faulty mainstream Christian theology: please show me one Scripture where Satan controls Hell / Hades (or is even in Hell / Hades). You can't. There aren't.

Much of accepted Christian theology, claiming to have the Bible as its foundation, has incorporated many pagan concepts into its dogma. But not Christ....

[...Christ which can be said to be related to the Eygptian God Horus and his parents.]

The only similarity here (the Egyptian trinity & christendom's Trinity), again, is because of pagan ideas creeping into christendom's theology. Faulty.
Any other similarities?

There are a few references to Jesus from ancient manuscripts (not Josephus'), proving he was a real person:

1. Pliny the Younger,
2. Thallus (through Julius Africanus)'
3. Tacitus

A few others.
Look at the confusion and hatred that permeates this world!. Although most people desire peace, why can't it be achieved?

Because what the Bible really teaches, is true! -- John 12:31; Revelation 12:9; 1 John 5:19.

It's not your fault, but you only know the Bible from what is taught in Christendom.... I wouldn't want to believe it, either.




Your chart needs improvement. Truth is a spectrum going from objective Truth (knowledge), to subjective Truth (beauty/art), with justice and love as a mix of both in between. "Belief" is nothing more than a theory concerning possible knowledge-----down to claiming that something with no rational foundation is true. In your chart, why would Truth not completely overlap knowledge? Yes, as I've presented, there's more to Truth than knowledge; but your chart doesn't account for that, and throws in a side issue, belief, to muddy the waters.


Hello, my cousin.

My faith rests solely on Genesis through Revelation, the Bible canon accepted by most Christians. And my worship goes to Jehovah / Yahweh (not Jesus).

[..."Satan", a ridiculous being created from older myths, such as Hades from Greek mythology.]

You're basing your assumptions on faulty mainstream Christian theology: please show me one Scripture where Satan controls Hell / Hades (or is even in Hell / Hades). You can't. There aren't.

Much of accepted Christian theology, claiming to have the Bible as its foundation, has incorporated many pagan concepts into its dogma. But not Christ....

[...Christ which can be said to be related to the Eygptian God Horus and his parents.]

The only similarity here (the Egyptian trinity & christendom's Trinity), again, is because of pagan ideas creeping into christendom's theology. Faulty.
Any other similarities?

There are a few references to Jesus from ancient manuscripts (not Josephus'), proving he was a real person:

1. Pliny the Younger,
2. Thallus (through Julius Africanus)'
3. Tacitus

A few others.
Look at the confusion and hatred that permeates this world!. Although most people desire peace, why can't it be achieved?

Because what the Bible really teaches, is true! -- John 12:31; Revelation 12:9; 1 John 5:19.

It's not your fault, but you only know the Bible from what is taught in Christendom.... I wouldn't want to believe it, either.

Those guys don't prove Jesus. They are second and third hand questionable info.

I have no problem with Iesous existing, - however, - there is no proof of any of the mythology surrounding him. The "virgin birth" "addition" was from a misreading of Isaiah.

The men you list are second and third hand information concerning Iesous. They were not there.

Pliny wrote his letter in 112 A.D. He talks about Christians worshiping a Christ. Probably meaning Iesous, - but not necessarily, as we are told by the Church that Mithras was a Christos and his followers were also called Christians.

Thallus - through Sextus Julius Africanus (c.160 – c. 240) a Christian, would be third hand info, and coming from a believer (Sextus.) This guy calculated the period between Creation and Jesus as 5500 years! We know that isn't true.

Tacitus - 2nd century A.D. - second or third hand info - possibly from Pliny. http://www.tektonics.org/jesusexist/tacitus.php



Big Queer Chesticles!
I am of the opinion that gods do not intervene in anything which seems to indicate that they do not exist.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I am of the opinion that gods do not intervene in anything which seems to indicate that they do not exist.

Just because He does not intervene does not mean that He does not commune with us via His Holy Ghost. I know He exists, as do many billions of Christians worldwide. Just like you cannot prove that you love ❤ your mother, I cannot prove that God exists, however, if we watched you interact with your mother then your love ❤ for her would become evident, even though there is no evidence to support your claim.


Big Queer Chesticles!
Just because He does not intervene does not mean that He does not commune with us via His Holy Ghost. I know He exists, as do many billions of Christians worldwide. Just like you cannot prove that you love ❤ your mother, I cannot prove that God exists, however, if we watched you interact with your mother then your love ❤ for her would become evident, even though there is no evidence to support your claim.

Actually love can be evident via brain scans I believe. Love can also be proven via action and treatment.

A belief in a god is just that, a belief. Therefore I am entitled to my own belief that there are no gods.


Actually love can be evident via brain scans I believe. Love can also be proven via action and treatment.

A belief in a god is just that, a belief. Therefore I am entitled to my own belief that there are no gods.

You're entitled to your beliefs as long as they stand up to reason and the evidence. But if your beliefs can't stand up to explaining how the universe came to be, for or against God, you can only lay your belief down for all to see without any evidence, and therefor, without any support for your beliefs. I wholeheartedly agree with your idea that God does not intervene in the universe. That not only fits perfectly with the evidence, but fits with the reason why God wouldn't intervene--in order to maintain our moral free will. Of course God may still not exist, but that's just the doubt we're forced to live with.


Well, I would expect you to say that, you are wrong, however, I still expect you to say it. Unless you have received the testimony of the Holy Ghost, testifying of that which is true, then it is inevitable that you will think that your unbelief is justfied. Sadly, you know no different.

Isn't that convenient - I have to receive something that has not been proven to exist - to believe.

My unbelief in the Christian God is justified by the fact that Christians, a "holy Ghost, etc., have not proven to the rest of us that any of the God and miracle stuff of Christianity is true, or happened.

You cannot prove to me that He didn't, stalemate.

Stalemate? NOT! That is like saying one's belief in the Green Bean God's existence, obviously with no proof, is equal to science.

The thing is, I am not trying to prove anything to you. It is you who are trying to discredit the beliefs of Christians here, all because you couldn't cut it your self, therefore, your failure means that it is all baloney and you don't mind saying so in the harshest of ways, offend or please.

I do not make these threads. I join in when the texts are being twisted, or people are being told they have to believe in the Christian God above all others, because you believe in such, or think you have had a God experience, - that you can't prove to the rest of us.

How is stating facts - putting down your religion?

"As said - Science starts with actual substance and tries to figure it all out. Religions just have a belief they cannot prove. Big difference."

That is a fact - not a putdown.

Sorry, but that is the impression you give, not the impression that I want to take. I am proof that God exists, without sighting the other evidences in the universe. You just cannot see it. Why would anyone lie about it?

You are not proof to the rest of us that a God, let alone the Abrahamic one, exists. That is your belief. It has not been proven.

Do you think that is what I am trying to do, trump science? I have been formally educated in science. I spent my life working in science. University was my greatest testimony builder to finally see God's hand ✋ in our world, and all demonstrated by science. Atheists try to use science to disprove religion, however, it does the polar opposite. It is the atheists that are surreptitious in what they do and not science.

That is not technically correct. Atheists don't have to do anything, - since you cannot prove the existence of an invisible being that created the universe.

And as I said, you portray yourself as an atheist without the slightest indication that you are skeptical of the whole institution of religion. You talk like and atheist, discredit Christians like an atheist, and you are overly critical of christianity, like an atheist. Therefore, it is fair for me to address you as what you appear to be, an atheist. Besides, there is a very thin line between the two as well, with both being defined as non-believers. The difference is insignificant and your objections unnecessary. I see no cynicism in your rhetoric on God here. I just see your predictable argravated and unfriendly disbelief.

Actually, - calling me an Atheist, as I have said multiple times I am Agnostic, - would just make you a liar. I have no problem with there being a God.

The religions of Abraham have source problems, translation problems, changing words to suit their ideas problems, texts with magic, and dead people walking around, animals without larynxes talking, and no proof of this God at all to give to us. You just expect us to believe you, and accept your verses as from God. Anyone such as myself, challenging those verses and assumptions, are considered - BY YOU - to be against a God. That is ridiculous. I am for truth and accuracy. For instance - If rape took place - you can not twist the texts, and claim it didn't, etc. If there is no proof that can be given to others to prove your Gods existence, - than there just isn't. It is a fact.



Actually love can be evident via brain scans I believe. Love can also be proven via action and treatment.

A belief in a god is just that, a belief. Therefore I am entitled to my own belief that there are no gods.

Yep, love is a chemical addiction.

And that chemical addiction is why so many people stay in abusive relationships, - they are addicted to the person.



Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Can i just ask why you exclude Jesus from your worship?

Hello, Serenity!

Jesus always directed attention to His Father. He said that He was "taught" by His Father (John 8:26-29); that all authority had been "given" Him (Matthew 28:18); and many other statements -- and prayers -- He made, showing deference to His Father, even saying that He had a "God" he worshipped (John 20:17), the same God that Martha worshipped. Now Martha was a Jew, who worshipped Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 6:4)

And that makes sense: if the Christian God was different than the Hebrew / Jewish / Israelite God, why do we as Christians accept the Hebrew Scriptures (OT)? No, I'm convinced (through many other lines of reasoning).... God didn't change, only the way to worship Him did. No longer through sacrifices at the Temple, as the Jews did, but through faith in Jesus' sacrifice, as our Saviour, the Messiah.

And we're told to "follow (Jesus') steps closely." (1 Peter 2:21-23) This would include both how we act, and what we teach.

I would be glad to discuss my views further.

Peace to you. And Take care!


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Those guys don't prove Jesus. They are second and third hand questionable info.

I have no problem with Iesous existing, - however, - there is no proof of any of the mythology surrounding him. The "virgin birth" "addition" was from a misreading of Isaiah.

The men you list are second and third hand information concerning Iesous. They were not there.

Pliny wrote his letter in 112 A.D. He talks about Christians worshiping a Christ. Probably meaning Iesous, - but not necessarily, as we are told by the Church that Mithras was a Christos and his followers were also called Christians.

Thallus - through Sextus Julius Africanus (c.160 – c. 240) a Christian, would be third hand info, and coming from a believer (Sextus.) This guy calculated the period between Creation and Jesus as 5500 years! We know that isn't true.

Tacitus - 2nd century A.D. - second or third hand info - possibly from Pliny. http://www.tektonics.org/jesusexist/tacitus.php


Tacitus - 2nd century A.D. - second or third hand info - possibly from Pliny.

But Pliny never mentioned Pontius Pilate, as Tacitus did:
"To dispel the rumor, Nero substituted as culprits, and treated with the most extreme punishments, some people, popularly known as Christians, whose disgraceful activities were notorious. The originator of that name, Christus, had been executed when Tiberius was emperor, by order of the procurator Pontius Pilatus. But the deadly cult, though checked for a time, was now breaking out again not only in Judea, the birthplace of this evil, but even throughout Rome, where all the nasty and disgusting ideas from all over the world pour in and find a ready following."

Plus, mentioning Judea (not Persia) rules out the Mithras theory.

Archaeology always seems to eventually support the accuracy of the Bible, much to the chagrin of its detractors. Love it.


There is no God but Allah
So then, given the 1300 years, a temporary anything should now be null and void. You bring the Quran and I'll bring the Bible and marshmallows. What a glorious night that would be.

It's obvious the vast majority of Muslims don't see things your way. And besides, I thought the Quran was temporary and no longer in effect. Or is it temporary and still in effect? I'm seeing this elsewhere on the board, but there's just no way you can have it both ways.

So then, given the 1300 years, a temporary anything should now be null and void. You bring the Quran and I'll bring the Bible and marshmallows. What a glorious night that would be.

What does the age of its revelation have anything to do with it? I never used the age of the Bible to say it is temporary. The Bible itself states words from Jesus that he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. The Qur'an itself states it is for all of mankind.

Matthew 15;24
And answering He (Jesus) said, "I was sent only to those being the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

It's obvious the vast majority of Muslims don't see things your way. And besides, I thought the Quran was temporary and no longer in effect. Or is it temporary and still in effect? I'm seeing this elsewhere on the board, but there's just no way you can have it both ways.

It's not my way, it's what the Qur'an says. Second, I already told you, the Qur'an isn't temporary, it is forever.


Verily, We Ourselves have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian.

No replicas

Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support."

For all of mankind and nations

Blessed is He who sent down the criterion [the Noble Qur'an] to His servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures [Mankind].

And no reward dost thou ask of them for this: it is no less than a message for all creatures.

We have explained in detail in this Qur'an, for the benefit of mankind, every kind of similitude: but man is, in most things, argumentative.

Those were the (prophets) who received God's guidance: Copy the guidance they received; Say: 'No reward for this do I ask of you: This [Qur'an] is no less than a message for the nations.'

For all places

This is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds.

Verily this is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds.


There is no God but Allah
Which Bible followers could also say.

However people of the Qur'an, and Bible, are following those translations. There are obviously different Muslim groups.

Also if that is the case? Why not throw out all the surrounding interpretations made by man, including Sharia law? And stick to just the Qur'an?

EDIT - Raphael Patai, in The Arab Mind, writes that the difficulty in understanding the Qur'an extends not only to the non-Arab Muslims, but to Arabs themselves:

The unschooled, who form the majority in most Arab countries, speak a local, colloquial dialect which is so different from literary Arabic as to make it appear almost a foreign language...They have their own language, which is adequate for all their needs and which is the only tongue they know, apart from a few verses from the Koran which are in literary Arabic, and which make them aware of the existence of a literary language that is greatly different from their own idiom (p.196)As far as the educated Arabs who can understand the classical Arabic of the Qur'an:

Even among the educated Arabs, the knowledge of the literary language is primarily a passive one. they know it well enough to understand it, enjoy it, come under its magnetic influence; but they do not know it well enough to speak it with any degree of fluency.


The Arabic message of the Qur'an has been made very clear and easy to understand, whether you're an Arab or a non-Arab. The differences in theology in different sects come from outside sources that have nothing to do with Islam, such as hadith and sunnah. Muslims love using these sources to further elaborate their versions of Islam, but what they are actually doing is twisting it and turning it into something that reflects nothing of the message or nature of the Qur'an.

The Qur'an states that it is the only source of law to be followed, and nothing else.

Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed?

These are God's revelations that We recite to you truthfully. In which hadith other than God and His revelations do they believe?

The Qur'an has been made easy to understand for everyone. The verses that are regarding a person's salvation and duty are not made ambiguous with a million different translations.

We have made it easy to understand and in your own tongue may they take heed.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Actually love can be evident via brain scans I believe. Love can also be proven via action and treatment.

A belief in a god is just that, a belief. Therefore I am entitled to my own belief that there are no gods.

Firstly, of course you are entitled to your own beliefs, as we all are.

Secondly, the euphoria felt when experiencing the love ❤ of God can also be picked up by brain waves. Gods existence can also be proven by the actions and treatments of Christians, 2.2 billion of them.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Yeah, and why didn't God intervene in the UK EU referendum? Now we will have to put up with a load of right-wing eccentrics and become "Little Britain". Pah! God is an absentee landlord!


Well-Known Member
Sadly, you judge me, again, without being fully aware of the circumstances surrounding my remarks. I have had many lengthy debates with this poster, who, incidentally, is one of the more aggressive atheists on the forum, so I am very aware of her intolerance to Christian and their beliefs. No response to any question that she asks will ever be accepted as true or even potentially true. Christianity is wrong and that is set in stone.

As far as insults go, she is not innocent of issuing her own. I respect the 14th Dalai Lama but he doesn't even know me so how could respect be two sided. Secondly, if respect is two sided then equally so is disrespect. I do not respect her methods and attitude of delivering her opinions and she does not respect my retorts on my opinions. She disrespects me as much as I do her.

I am presuming nothing, I only know that she failed because that is what she said.

So, you do not believe that to call the God that I worship "IT" is not insulting or harsh. Sorry, but I disagree. It was completely unnecessary. She said:"You can not prove to "us" anything you said about a God, and it creating the universe." The word "IT" was used specifically to offend and the word "US" was used to intimidate me. Why is it that you see the negativity in my post yet you make no comment of the other posters remarks?
First, thank you for the enlarged font, that was very kind. Second, I do agree that that particular poster can be abrasive. I do see that and understand how frustrating that must be for you. That said, however, I don't agree that being abrasive in kind is the answer to anything. As a Buddhist, I find that kindness is generally returned to one in every instance. And lastly, about using the word "It" to refer to God, I am sorry friend but I do that as well and do not see it as insulting in any way. You believe that God should be referred to as "He" but you cannot know that conclusively. Using the word It is no different than using the word He. Or even the word She as many Hindu people hold to many female deities, such as Kali. Would you tell a Hindu to stop using She on your say so simply because your faith holds to a "He"? Do you see how unfair that might be? So on that, sir, we shall have to agree to disagree.