I've been slow in getting back to you, but others have perceived the same contradictions that I have. You seem to be going through some rather agile mental gymnastics to keep yourself from acknowledging them. That is, you don't claim to know the mind of God directly, but you claim to know that the Bible reveals it to you. So you can speak with confidence about what is in God's mind by relying on the Bible as the source of your knowledge. Somehow, you think it not as presumptuous to claim that the Bible is an accurate reflection of what is in God's mind, despite your complete lack of any support for that claim. You do not speculate what the Bible says, but you do speculate that it is God's revealed word as you interpret the Bible.
Right here I think is where you attempt to have it both ways--declaring that you do not presume to know what is in God's mind, yet you do presume gratuitously that the Bible reveals it. Hence, you can go ahead and express what is in God's mind on the basis of your interpretation of the Bible.
I wouldn't know about that, but I do know that the majority of religious people in the world disagree with your judgment that the Christian Bible is the revealed word of God. Others have pointed this out to you, and I have not seen you attempt to refute it. I and others have asked how you could reject other religious scripture over that which you've chosen to take as 'evidence' of God's intentions. I have yet to see you to try to answer that question. What sets your judgment above that of a Hindu's, a Muslim's, a Buddhist's, or an atheist's?
You have a right to argue from your own standpoint. You have people addressing it in this thread. This is not about whether I reject your beliefs, but I certainly have a right to ask what sets your judgment about the significance of the Bible over mine or anyone else's, don't I? Most of us have not been questioning your faith in God, but your faith in the Bible, which was compiled, edited, and recorded by men. On what basis do you accept it as anything but what some very ordinary human beings claimed?
Again I know my God from his revealed word ,of which I believe is indeed his Word to men."Faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of God" How do I have faith the Bible is indeed from God? Well That is actually unanswerable beyond circular reasoning.God uses his word to bring Us to him, He Gives us the ability to be sure It is his word and it is his word that Saves us. It is definitely an Act of God, supernatural and unexplained. how I know without a doubt the Bible written over 1800 years inspired by God yet written by men is truly God's words revealed in order that they can come to the knowledge of Christ and be saved, comes from Faith and Faith alone.
About other scriptures in other religions, why mine and not theirs? Well again that is originally a Gift of Faith from God and from that faith I have studied some other scriptures and seen only contradictions to what the Bible says and I can know it is not the same God of my scriptures.But really my beginning is all Faith given by God and not my own understanding.God gave me a desire to seek him and study his word, by this I am grounded in it and cannot be moved. The questions and doubts you as an unbeliever have may never be answered to your liking. But my faith sustains me through the defeat of those same unanswerables.
Is it arrogant to perceive I have the truth and other religions do not? Yes perhaps in an unbelievers mind, but should I downplay the truth I have so I don't offend? I think not, for If you are sure the road your fellow men are traveling on has no destination but hell, we should indeed be there to stop the traffic and turn them around, some will not turn around, they just wont, their hearts are hardened, None has foreknowledge of who will turn and who will not.But there are many who will.
You may see predestination as predestined failure,I do not. I see it as a prevalent doctrine in Scripture, I see the 5 points in all scripture, old test. And new. I am not sure why other believers even differ, But Calvanism is not a new trend, It is the beginning beliefs dating back to the 5th century and has been defended throughout history in the church. Most Christians believe in monergism and theocentricism though they don't know they do. Most believers believe faith comes from God and not the autonomous free will of man. Most believe the scriptures that no man will choose God, that the will of men is an enemy of God and that God must intercede or none will come to him. Yet there are some who believe in synergism, that God's will can only be accomplished with participation of mans will to choose him. They use John 3:16 ,but this verse cannot be separated, the first part, God So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Cannot stand alone without the second part. That whosoever believeth in him shall have eternal life. So If God gave his son for all, why do some men not get saved? Why would God add any stipulations such as ' them that believe?' If Christ's sacrifice was to save all and none will see hell, It is kind of a failure right? If Christ died so that some could be saved, still seems like an iffy prospect, But if Christ died so those he came to save were indeed saved, sucessss!
I know this post is too long, I would like to continue on if you will allow, because These things were brought up, I would also like to give scripture, even realizing it will mean nothing to the unbeliever, but to those who are truly curious how predestination is a real doctrine in the Bible, I should give support even If it only for my beliefs, my religion,my God.
At any rate if you are tired of hearing my side, I will concede...