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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


No Robin the problem is not why the young virgins were kept (spared?). That is obvious. Why would God want everyone else killed?

I would love to see your answer to A and E. If factual God never wanted Adam and Eve to walk with Him. He made them knowing what they would do and blaming them when they did what He planned
Dang it. I was all set up for virgins and now I get everything but. Just kidding. I have went into massive detail over and over on why an entire culture was ordered exterminated. I am sure at least six full posts of explanation from me are in this thread alone. I just can't justify posting all that material again. Can you search for them? I thought you were asking why virgins were spared (which to me is not obvious, it is easy to show why others would have been killed, it is harder to show why virgins were the exception). I could justify doing something new like that but not posting a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.

I will give you the briefest of summaries why the Midianite's or the Canaanites would have been ordered put to death.

1. God chose Israel for his revelation conduit.
2. This was a promise to Abraham and a covenant made with his ancestors. God would perform his end of the bargain even if the human side failed.
3. It was through the Hebrews that the word, prophets, and savior were to come.
4. This was a double edged sword. Israel was held to a much higher standard.
5. Israel was promised by God to be the Hebrews home long before they even went into captivity and they lived there. Only during a famine did they leave.
6. When they went back to claim their home land God did not order anyone killed for that purpose alone. It was only after the bible says he had worked with these groups for years but they had refused to stop the human sacrifices and idol worship. It says the cup of iniquity was full. In fact God made the Israelites suffer by waiting in the desert for years until it was.
7. It was because their perverted culture would subvert his conduit and for their direct actions God ordered them killed. I gave much evidence for human sacrifice and their raiding at harvest time to confirm this.
9. To preserve the integrity of his people he had the others killed.
10. The fact they did not do what was asked is proof of the wisdom behind it. Israel suffered for generation by being subverted by hose other cultures. Some sacrificed their kids and worshiped a God who demanded it. God came down like a hammer on the Hebrews because of it. They finally got the message and the effect was the message of three years work in a Roman backwater changed the world more than any other.

That is at least an outline. I gave massive details for each step previously.

The only way to objectively condemn this is to deny the God's existence you hold responsible.


No Robin the problem is not why the young virgins were kept (spared?). That is obvious. Why would God want everyone else killed?

I would love to see your answer to A and E. If factual God never wanted Adam and Eve to walk with Him. He made them knowing what they would do and blaming them when they did what He planned
Adam and Eve is another issue all together. I can do it or the OT wars but not both. Your pick.


Active Member
Dang it. I was all set up for virgins and now I get everything but. Just kidding. I have went into massive detail over and over on why an entire culture was ordered exterminated. I am sure at least six full posts of explanation from me are in this thread alone. I just can't justify posting all that material again. Can you search for them? I thought you were asking why virgins were spared (which to me is not obvious, it is easy to show why others would have been killed, it is harder to show why virgins were the exception). I could justify doing something new like that but not posting a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.

I will give you the briefest of summaries why the Midianite's or the Canaanites would have been ordered put to death.

1. God chose Israel for his revelation conduit.
2. This was a promise to Abraham and a covenant made with his ancestors. God would perform his end of the bargain even if the human side failed.
3. It was through the Hebrews that the word, prophets, and savior were to come.
4. This was a double edged sword. Israel was held to a much higher standard.
5. Israel was promised by God to be the Hebrews home long before they even went into captivity and they lived there. Only during a famine did they leave.
6. When they went back to claim their home land God did not order anyone killed for that purpose alone. It was only after the bible says he had worked with these groups for years but they had refused to stop the human sacrifices and idol worship. It says the cup of iniquity was full. In fact God made the Israelites suffer by waiting in the desert for years until it was.
7. It was because their perverted culture would subvert his conduit and for their direct actions God ordered them killed. I gave much evidence for human sacrifice and their raiding at harvest time to confirm this.
9. To preserve the integrity of his people he had the others killed.
10. The fact they did not do what was asked is proof of the wisdom behind it. Israel suffered for generation by being subverted by hose other cultures. Some sacrificed their kids and worshiped a God who demanded it. God came down like a hammer on the Hebrews because of it. They finally got the message and the effect was the message of three years work in a Roman backwater changed the world more than any other.

That is at least an outline. I gave massive details for each step previously.

The only way to objectively condemn this is to deny the God's existence you hold responsible.

The virgin girls were property. Seems like man made rules not Gods. Butchering little boys instead of teaching them proper way to live
Sorry killing children and babies seems wrong regardless of reasons


The virgin girls were property. Seems like man made rules not Gods. Butchering little boys instead of teaching them proper way to live
Sorry killing children and babies seems wrong regardless of reasons

Of course it is appalling. What is necessary in a word given to rebellion should be shocking. If God did not exist it would not be shocking. If God did not exist the death of anyone or everyone not in my tribe and competing for resources would be cause for joy not shock. I have never even seen a portrayal of an execution that was not shocking. Shocking has nothing to do with moral justification however.

So far it appears to me that:

1. Something I have explained over and over and others have added to was cited as something which no Christian responds to. Entire books are devoted to these issues.
2. Virgins were the initial issue.
3. Then virgins were said to not be the issue.
4. Now it appears their back to being the issue.

What is it you want explained?

5. It seems you use shock as grounds for condemnation. A moral sense of an objective moral system which can even consider these matters is evidence for God. What it isn't is grounds for is to enable a judgment of God's actions which are under discussion. Any death would be a shock to our moral sensibilities, but to suggest a righteous God is incapable of judging the sins of a race that (practiced human sacrifice even of children is absurd). I would take offense with a God that refused to judge them at least once in a while.

6. In case the issue has now become children exactly what do you think those kids would have grown up to do in a culture that worshiped Molec? God's act placed them in heaven without having to grow up being taught to bury babies in foundation deposits for good luck and then winding up in Hell.

Like I said to have a rational objection (everyone has an emotional regret) you literally have to get rid of the God your trying to hold accountable.
Last edited:


You say you've given your answer on OT wars and I can't see justification. Maybe A and E story will have better results

Okay. Let me clarify your claim. God is at fault because he did what exactly?

1. Because he created them with the capacity to rebel?
2. Because he knows the future?
3. Because he did not create automatons?

Give me the accusation prosecutor and I will see if the defense has a response.


Active Member
Of course it is appalling. What is necessary in a word given to rebellion should be shocking. If God did not exist it would not be shocking. If God did not exist the death of anyone or everyone not in my tribe and competing for resources would be cause for joy not shock. I have never even seen a portrayal of an execution that was not shocking. Shocking has nothing to do with moral justification however.

So far it appears to me that:

1. Something I have explained over and over and others have added to was cited as something which no Christian responds to. Entire books are devoted to these issues.
2. Virgins were the initial issue.
3. Then virgins were said to not be the issue.
4. Now it appears their back to being the issue.

What is it you want explained?

5. It seems you use shock as grounds for condemnation. A moral sense of an objective moral system which can even consider these matters is evidence for God. What it isn't is grounds to enable a judgment of God's actions which are under discussion. Any death would be a shock to our moral sensibilities, but to suggest a righteous God is incapable of judging the sins of a race that (practiced human sacrifice even of children is absurd). I would take offense with a God that refused to judge them at least once in a while.

6. In case the issue has now become children exactly what do you think those kids would have grown up to do in a culture that worshiped Molec? God's act placed them in heaven without having to grow up being taught to bury babies in foundation deposits for good luck and then winding up in Hell.

Like I said to have a rational objection (everyone has an emotional regret) you literally have to get rid of the God your trying to hold accountable.

Just like always. I asked why the babies of both sexes and boys had to be killed. If they would have taken those children into their homes like they did the little girls the children wouldn't have been raised with human sacrifice etc etc.
I am not saying God shouldn't judge. He's God He can do anything. If He wanted all those people dead they would have been dead.

There are all sorts of beliefs out in the world.


Just like always. I asked why the babies of both sexes and boys had to be killed. If they would have taken those children into their homes like they did the little girls the children wouldn't have been raised with human sacrifice etc etc.
I am not saying God shouldn't judge. He's God He can do anything. If He wanted all those people dead they would have been dead.
I can't defend everything. A general once said to defend everything is to actually defend nothing. Your going to have to focus on one group or another. Pick children, women, virgins, or something that isn't a moving target. Everything except virgins I have posted massive explanations of. Have you tried to find them? Even in my brief outline you have not shown a flaw. Your argument seems to be you don't agree or have a better plan. Yet neither are an argument. So far God has not needed much a defense because he has not had much of a challenge.

There are all sorts of beliefs out in the world.
That is not an argument.


Active Member
Okay. Let me clarify your claim. God is at fault because he did what exactly?

1. Because he created them with the capacity to rebel?
2. Because he knows the future?
3. Because he did not create automatons?

Give me the accusation prosecutor and I will see if the defense has a response.

No reason to get snippy with me.
I never claimed God is at fault for anything. I am saying the story doesn't make sense
God created Adam and Eve with freewill. He put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden. God allowed the serpent into the garden. God told them to leave the tree alone. The serpent convinced Eve it was ok to eat it (pretty easy to convince when she didn't know it was wrong). Adam and eve eat and get kicked out. God puts guards around tree of life to stop them from getting to it

God could have guarded the tree of knowledge if He had wanted to. He didn't. He knew how this would all play out. Therefor it is the way He planned it so why were they punished?


No reason to get snippy with me.
I did not intend to. I'm am in a big hurry and perhaps I was too blunt.

I never claimed God is at fault for anything. I am saying the story doesn't make sense
There are two objections to violence. One it is that it is emotionally unpleasant. No one can do anything about this one. The other is about the lack or moral justification for it. I think I have at least pointed in the direction n of God having it. I really wish you would search for my in depth posts.

God created Adam and Eve with freewill. He put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden. God allowed the serpent into the garden. God told them to leave the tree alone. The serpent convinced Eve it was ok to eat it (pretty easy to convince when she didn't know it was wrong). Adam and eve eat and get kicked out. God puts guards around tree of life to stop them from getting to it
I gave up trying to determine if the story was literal or allegory but it does not matter. Freewill without the capacity to use it wrongly isn't free. Only if we have the capacity to hate can we love, and only that kind of love is of value to God. If he overwhelmed us with proof, made us unable to rebel, or built a world which no one would choose to rebel then we would not be free. Maybe it is the issue of his knowing the future you take issue with. I gave up trying to think what knowing the future would mean. The one thing I did determine is knowing what I will choose still leaves it subject to my choice.

God could have guarded the tree of knowledge if He had wanted to. He didn't. He knew how this would all play out. Therefor it is the way He planned it so why were they punished?
Of course God could have made a world which we lacked the capacity to rebel. The method is irrelevant. He could not do so and leave freewill in tact. Think of the tree as a metaphor for choice. If I can't rebel is my allegiance valuable? Again sorry, but I have a lab full of science stuff that isn't working and am in a hurry.


Dang it. I was all set up for virgins and now I get everything but. Just kidding. I have went into massive detail over and over on why an entire culture was ordered exterminated. I am sure at least six full posts of explanation from me are in this thread alone. I just can't justify posting all that material again. Can you search for them? I thought you were asking why virgins were spared (which to me is not obvious, it is easy to show why others would have been killed, it is harder to show why virgins were the exception). I could justify doing something new like that but not posting a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.

I will give you the briefest of summaries why the Midianite's or the Canaanites would have been ordered put to death.

1. God chose Israel for his revelation conduit.
2. This was a promise to Abraham and a covenant made with his ancestors. God would perform his end of the bargain even if the human side failed.
3. It was through the Hebrews that the word, prophets, and savior were to come.
4. This was a double edged sword. Israel was held to a much higher standard.
5. Israel was promised by God to be the Hebrews home long before they even went into captivity and they lived there. Only during a famine did they leave.
6. When they went back to claim their home land God did not order anyone killed for that purpose alone. It was only after the bible says he had worked with these groups for years but they had refused to stop the human sacrifices and idol worship. It says the cup of iniquity was full. In fact God made the Israelites suffer by waiting in the desert for years until it was.
7. It was because their perverted culture would subvert his conduit and for their direct actions God ordered them killed. I gave much evidence for human sacrifice and their raiding at harvest time to confirm this.
9. To preserve the integrity of his people he had the others killed.
10. The fact they did not do what was asked is proof of the wisdom behind it. Israel suffered for generation by being subverted by hose other cultures. Some sacrificed their kids and worshiped a God who demanded it. God came down like a hammer on the Hebrews because of it. They finally got the message and the effect was the message of three years work in a Roman backwater changed the world more than any other.

That is at least an outline. I gave massive details for each step previously.

The only way to objectively condemn this is to deny the God's existence you hold responsible.

And not a single thing said there - or in your long-long posts, makes it OK to kill innocent children, or others! It is just an excuse for murder and land grabs.

As we have shown many times the Israelites also had child sacrifice.



The virgin girls were property. Seems like man made rules not Gods. Butchering little boys instead of teaching them proper way to live
Sorry killing children and babies seems wrong regardless of reasons

Yep! Keeping the females to rape, - shows what these Christians are claiming, is false.

And as I said earlier, - ISIS is using these very Abrahamic Laws to kidnap, rape, and sell women, while massacring the males.

Perhaps if we keep pointing out this, - ISIS - FACT, - these folks will stop the bull they come up with, trying to make their religion look better.

ISIS is showing us exactly what these laws were, and were used for! ISIS isn't kidnaping, selling, raping little girls, and murdering the males - so they go to heaven! That idea is just bull!

The Hebrew enslaved and raped little girls, because they considered them war booty! Just as ISIS!



And not a single thing said there - or in your long-long posts, makes it OK to kill innocent children, or others! It is just an excuse for murder and land grabs.

As we have shown many times the Israelites also had child sacrifice.


Your own claims are evidence for what I have explained. God wanted to wipe out every vestige of Molec worship. Molec demanded human sacrifice. The Israelites did not do as God had commanded and even intermarried with the Canaanites and adopted their practices. This was proof that what God was attempting to prevent literally occurred because they did not carry out his instructions. You have no criteria by which to judge God at all but if we can see that exactly what he was trying to stop (but was disobeyed) literally spread human sacrifice to his own people I can't even think of a better justification for divine judgment. If the perpetual generation after generation, killing of children is not cause for judgment, what is?


Yep! Keeping the females to rape, - shows what these Christians are claiming, is false.

And as I said earlier, - ISIS is using these very Abrahamic Laws to kidnap, rape, and sell women, while massacring the males.

Perhaps if we keep pointing out this, - ISIS - FACT, - these folks will stop the bull they come up with, trying to make their religion look better.

ISIS is showing us exactly what these laws were, and were used for! ISIS isn't kidnaping, selling, raping little girls, and murdering the males - so they go to heaven! That idea is just bull!

The Hebrew enslaved and raped little girls, because they considered them war booty! Just as ISIS!

I offer to explain the virgins then I am told that is not the issue. I refer to my explanations about the non-virgins and I am told virgins are the issue. I ask if virgins are now what the problem is and I am told it is Adam and Eve. I offer a brief explanation of that now you go back to virgins. Do you actually have a problem, or do you have a preference in search of an excuse?


Active Member
I offer to explain the virgins then I am told that is not the issue. I refer to my explanations about the non-virgins and I am told virgins are the issue. I ask if virgins are now what the problem is and I am told it is Adam and Eve. I offer a brief explanation of that now you go back to virgins. Do you actually have a problem, or do you have a preference in search of an excuse?

You are answering two different posters. You said pick one. If you read back a few posts I chose A and E story. You seemed to be busy so I thought you would wait until you weren't so busy.
Are you busy today?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Most did not die from a bad mutations. They died because of random circumstances. I see we have the obligatory "The Christian just does not get it" retreat. I know at least in general exactly how evolution works. I don't care if the mistakes are fatal within a year of birth we ought to find piles of fossils of them. I once considered taking the beneficial mutation rate, the neutral mutation rate, and the fatal mutation rates, plus the rates at which fossils are left behind and model a predictive system. I realized that every single step would involve an assumption so that any result would be meaningless. Anyway I know how mutation and selection works but I do not find what they predict. At least I am not aware of anyone finding it.

I am not addressing Christianity in particular. I know atheists who do not understand or believe that, either.

I am afraid, you will have to fight your boredom and read specialized literature if you want to understand all these things. I don't think that just listening to debates will suffice.

By right I mean functional. In the range of possible lenses only a narrow band would be right.

How would the genetic anomaly be present in his reproductive material?

Because, if I am not completely wrong, the genetic anomaly is part of the information used to build the phenotipe and it is duplicated all over the place, blindly, until it lands necessarily in the reproductive material. The error occurs before the embryo is built, not afterwards. It is transmission error followed by blind duplication (of the same error).

What you have not done is explain what I asked about. You have attempted to modulate it's emphatic impact. Even if I granted everything you say in every case it does not explain the "paradox'" I mentioned.

Well, a complete explanation would require a book. But the basic idea is still there, I think. Good anomalies remain and are transmitted until everyone has it. At least, that should suffice to see how small "improvements" can arise spontaneously and remain. Until the next small improvement, and so on.

Of course, the central ingredient is the blind duplication of the anomaly and its transmission to the progeny. Its selection follows naturally from the fact that resources are finite and every little advantage can be exploited to actually increase the odds of reproduction (of the anomaly).

This reminds me of a quote from a NASA scientist. He said when the scientists finally cross the last peak and scramble to the top of the mountain of knowledge he will probably find a bunch of theists who have been there the whole time. What about my constant complaints of boredom suggest I am going to pick up a tomb on genetics.

It is your problem, I think. It would be like trying to understand differential geometry while being bored by mathematics. Either you fight your boredom or you will have to leave it to the professionals. Basically.

Again, this is hard work. Debates will not help a lot.

Didn't you say Isaac Quantum replaced Isaac Newton?

That is why I used the attribute "classical". Newton is still a good approximation in this restricted field of mechanics.

Honest maybe but clever is stretching things a bit.

Everybody is clever in something.

There is probably truth to that but my bias seems to be random. I remember many things that are not convenient for my views. Regardless, bias, filters, preference or not I did not make them say what they said. It may be that I was watching theological debates which for reasons that defy atheistic claims are always sponsored by theological societies. They may have only used scientists that had relevant positions which would have been a challenge to Darwinism. But my bias plus their bias would not explain the sheer volume of secular people I have seen support a non-slow evolutionary model.

The sheer volume? I don't think they are so many. But nevertheless, fast or slow, it does not really matter. They still both expect common descent. And a fully naturalistic explnation of life. The question is if you find it more agreeable for your views to come from a fish in few fast jumps or slow motion.

Punctuated equilibrium is like war. Vast stretches of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror. Where did I heard that?

Hey let me give you a "problem" my PhD boss always mentions. How could a (probiotic) cell reproduce at all. I don't think that is the right word and my boss is buried in code. The idea is that whatever was first was simplistic and any procreation even division is a complicated issue. How did the first extremely simple whatever make a new one. How does lightening and sea water produce a thing that can both create a copy of it's self and harness energy to create complexity? Looking at evolution from a distance it is uncontestable. Looking at many of it's events in detail is often pathetically absurd.

First, you beg the question by assuming that it was a cell. Second, why would a Phd. ask a question that nobody in the scientific community can answer, yet? Unless, he is a Phd in humanities, of course.

By the way. That has nothing to do with evolution which deals mainly with the development of life, once life has started. Which further strengthens the plusibility of the Phd in humanities scenario.


- viole


You are answering two different posters. You said pick one. If you read back a few posts I chose A and E story. You seemed to be busy so I thought you would wait until you weren't so busy.
Are you busy today?
I am aware there are two different posts but originally I think you both agreed that Christians will not answer questions about why virgins were spared. It has been impossible to resolve if that is what you wanted explained or not. You did later on select Adam and Eve but I was refereeing to the moving target from the conversation in general.


Active Member
I am aware there are two different posts but originally I think you both agreed that Christians will not answer questions about why virgins were spared. It has been impossible to resolve if that is what you wanted explained or not. You did later on select Adam and Eve but I was refereeing to the moving target from the conversation in general.

I asked why not save all the children. Killing children so they won't grow up bad makes no sense. Saving them and raising them to do good/believe in the right God seems like the better moral choice


I am not addressing Christianity in particular. I know atheists who do not understand or believe that, either.
Either case would not apply to me.

I am afraid, you will have to fight your boredom and read specialized literature if you want to understand all these things. I don't think that just listening to debates will suffice.
My entry point into what eventually became an obsession with debate was about evolution. I became very familiar with all the general vagaries of the theory. I listen to scholars from each branch of the spectrum for hundreds of hours. I however went on to become interested in more of a philosophical debate and left evolution behind years ago. You might find I have forgotten something or have misremembered some detail but I have the general function of natural selection and mutation pretty much down pat.

Because, if I am not completely wrong, the genetic anomaly is part of the information used to build the phenotipe and it is duplicated all over the place, blindly, until it lands necessarily in the reproductive material. The error occurs before the embryo is built, not afterwards. It is transmission error followed by blind duplication (of the same error).
This is a detail I myself am not well versed in. I however have heard so often the problem of the mutation being duplicated not only in the functionality of the new creature but also in the sexual transmission mechanisms and material to conclude it is a real question or paradox. Apparently the sexual transmission material is created in a way that does not necessarily include whatever mutation the creature its self has. Like I said I left off on evolution years ago so maybe they have a recent explanation but it is a legitimate issue in need of resolution. I hate genetics and the quantum primarily because most laymen in a forum don't have the level of education to get highly detailed about it or at least I suspect it.

Well, a complete explanation would require a book. But the basic idea is still there, I think. Good anomalies remain and are transmitted until everyone has it. At least, that should suffice to see how small "improvements" can arise spontaneously and remain. Until the next small improvement, and so on.
I have so many debates going on I can't even remember the original problem your attempting to answer.

Of course, the central ingredient is the blind duplication of the anomaly and its transmission to the progeny. Its selection follows naturally from the fact that resources are finite and every little advantage can be exploited to actually increase the odds of reproduction (of the anomaly).
This might explain something I mentioned but not anything I recall mentioning. Having eyes appear in independent branches is like having 6 trillion slot roulette wheels all land on the same number in a small time frame.

It is your problem, I think. It would be like trying to understand differential geometry while being bored by mathematics. Either you fight your boredom or you will have to leave it to the professionals. Basically.

Again, this is hard work. Debates will not help a lot.
That is precisely what I did. I listened to hundreds of hours of the experts debate points about evolution. I even read a few books on the issues. Besides boredom I kept being frustrated by the fact the problems always had theoretical solutions and no actual evidence. They were practical theories but not proven ones. The more I studied the more questions I had and the less answers. I finally determined that no answers were even likely. For example it is so slow no one will ever observe a new species being created. It is just it's nature to be reluctant to give up proof.

That is why I used the attribute "classical". Newton is still a good approximation in this restricted field of mechanics.
Oh, I read it completely wrong then.

Everybody is clever in something.
I am good at military history. Everything else is simply accumulating the wisdom of others and I forget most of that. If I could retain just 10% of what I have been exposed to I would never feel challenged in a debate.

The sheer volume? I don't think they are so many. But nevertheless, fast or slow, it does not really matter. They still both expect common descent. And a fully naturalistic explnation of life. The question is if you find it more agreeable for your views to come from a fish in few fast jumps or slow motion.
You have no access to the volume of what I have been exposed to. The model I mentioned but can't find is not conducive to common descent but I have never heard a non-theist be as bold as to actually point that out. At least I can remember none that did.

Punctuated equilibrium is like war. Vast stretches of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror. Where did I heard that?
That is a common reference made by vets since at least WW1. I have no idea who originated it.

First, you beg the question by assuming that it was a cell. Second, why would a Phd. ask a question that nobody in the scientific community can answer, yet? Unless, he is a Phd in humanities, of course.
I have no idea whether anyone could answer it or not. Neither did he, that is why he was interested. Anyone with a Phd in a technical field would be a naturally curious person interested in the mechanics of systems. BTW I used the wrong word. Probiotic is not right. It was supposed to be prokaryote cell. One which doe snot have a nucleus.

By the way. That has nothing to do with evolution which deals mainly with the development of life, once life has started. Which further strengthens the plusibility of the Phd in humanities scenario.
I have no interest in what the theory is bound by. The only relevancy is what the reality it intends to describe is dependent on. For it to have any application in a theological context there must be a reasonable nothing to everything process. He is a Phd in information theory.


I asked why not save all the children. Killing children so they won't grow up bad makes no sense. Saving them and raising them to do good/believe in the right God seems like the better moral choice

Which occurrence of this are you challenging? Each one had unique factors to it.