Good grief. I have been trying to make sure you were going to launch into a word fit and give me a thousand questions in a row again and in your two line agreement to that you asked 4 questions.
To reduce this kind of thing we will go one verse at a time but I will first answer these questions.
1. God could not give instructions for every single detail anyone would ever encounter. That would produce a book not even a library could contain. It was intended to give us essential answers and a very exhaustive frame work to make conclusions from and a mind with the capacity to do so correctly if our heart is right with him. BTW no one has to know this. This is God's business alone. I can make a very rational deduction but I have no need for one. What would I do with it.
2. What it is, is a deduction from a sufficiency of evidence.
3. Even if no one believed it it's rightness or wrongness is an absolute objective fact, given God. What anyone thinks is irrelevant to what is true.
4. I never said I can prove it. I can demonstrate the it is the best conclusion from scripture on the issue. They are as much my scriptures as theirs they hold no advantage over me as to a conclusion and I do not even know if they in general disagree, but that is irrelevant.
New International Version
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
1. So Jesus has some random kids here and makes a distinct claim about what is theirs.
2. What is that claim? That the kingdom belongs to them. Not exclusive as countless verses contradict that absurdity but absolutely. They all have the kingdom.
3. However not all adults have the kingdom. Many verses emphatically state this. So between being children and being an adult we lose our automatic initial provision of being in the kingdom by default and must seek to get it back through Christ. I do not need an age here as this is God's business. I only need to show that a difference between adults and children occurs at some point and that it concerns the kingdom.
4. What is the kingdom? Many things, but one of the primary meanings is a spiritual connection and harmony with God.
5. A spiritual harmony and connection for every adult is called salvation. Salvation is the guaranty of heaven.
6. Children have the kingdom, the kingdom among many things is a unique spiritual connection with God, that unique spiritual connection is salvation as many verses dictate, salvation gets us into heaven. There for from just one verse alone all children go to heaven.
This is why Christians are charged to be as innocent as children. Not that anyone would suggest they do not make mistakes but that their mistakes are not capable of separating them from God because they are not held eternally accountable for them. Children by the virtue of lacking sufficient knowledge to be held accountable and Christians because through Christ taking our sins from us we are no longer accountable.
Round one bell. Ding!!!!
"Good grief"? Who are you Charlie Brown? No, I'm sorry. I don't want to make this like a political debate where I make personal attacks on your character. Charlie Brown is a good person to emulate. And, I don't want to point out all your flip flops on key issues. Like how one minute you say babies are disgusting burping, pooping little selfish, morally depraved sinners, but then, through a miracle of God, become pure, innocent examples of what the kingdom of God is made up of. Then, one day, at some uncertain age, they become examples of dirty filthy sinners that need to accept Jesus into their hearts to become pure. And nothing else will do. Jesus is the only way to heaven. And all those that never heard of Jesus? Not an excuse.. All of creation points to the truth of God, so nobody is exempt. All have failed and come short of the glory of God and are doomed to hell unless they do one thing... believe on Jesus... and get baptized... and repent. So all three are part of it, but only the Jesus part is really necessary, but it is recommended, if you can, and have time, find some water and get baptized. Then, as you go through your walk with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit living inside you, it would be nice to throw God a bone now and again and try to repent from your evil ways, but, in truth, you're already, once and for all saved. But, it really looks bad when you continually sin. So, if it's not too difficult, at least try not to sin in public.
Accept, there is one problem. If we look at the facts, adulterers don't go to heaven. That's not good news for Christians, or anybody for that matter. Because, as I've pointed out several times, Jesus has defined adultery as looking upon a woman with lust in your heart. I'm not sure but that is probably every man alive and probably even some woman. Thank God that the Bible is so patriarchal and didn't say that woman reading romance novels or lusting after Brad Pitt or Adam Levine was the same as committing adultery! Or else, who would qualify for heaven? So praise God, woman that convert to Christianity are in. Jews before the coming of Jesus are in. After? No. No matter how well they try and keep the Law, they can't keep it perfect, so sorry, you don't pass go... and get into heaven. You're going straight to a hell that you don't necessarily believe in, but it is real, because by deducing all of Scripture, your part and the amendment to it, the NT, there is a devil and a hell and you can't earn your way to heaven, anymore, actually it was always by faith, but you didn't realize it, you thought God actually wanted you to obey all those silly rules, but no, he just wanted you to believe that someday he would send a Messiah that didn't appear like he told you, but that is your fault for not deducing the Scriptures correctly... so no, Jews after the coming of Jesus are hereby to be treated as any other people that is following a false religion. No heaven for you... you all go to hell.
So in heaven we have those few Jews prior to the coming of Jesus. Women who have never lusted after other women, those women are definitely out because they have the double whammy of adultery and homosexuality. Maybe the apostles are in heaven. I guess they never lusted, but I don't know? In all the Bible movies, Mary Magdalene was pretty hot... but let's give the apostles the benefit of the doubt and include them in heaven. I think maybe Origen should be in. Anybody that would smash his nuts off probably could be considered to have repented of lusting after woman. But who else? I think God needs more inhabitants. So yeah, let the children in, all of them. You are right. God needed to make a special provision or else nobody would qualify for heaven.
So you win the debate. All kids everywhere are beyond a shadow of a doubt declared innocent. Why? Because some Christians say that the Bible, indirectly, with a little bit of fudging, say so, therefore, it is the absolute truth of God. And I concede. That one verse of yours proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I can't believe I missed it, but I never read that one verse like that before. You explained it and made it so perfectly clear. How could anybody ever think differently. Maybe a few crazy, on the fringe Christians still do, like I guess, R.C. Sproul, but he's way out there in his theology. So why would anybody care what he has to say.
Now, I'd like to add to the truth. I'd like to include myself into the fold. I have done as the Lord commanded and have become, or I'm in the process of becoming, more and more like a child everyday. Someday, I hope to loose all my reasoning powers and have to wear a diaper, thus completing my transformation back into a time of innocence. Actually, I've been in a second childhood since... well really, I don't think I've ever grown up. So, technically, I've never reached the age of accountability. So even though, I sin constantly, praise God, it's not held against me. God has made a special provision for all children. All of us kids, that refuse to grow up, are automatic, we go to heaven. Tough break for all you grown up people.
So again, congratulations for winning the debate. Your comments were a piece... what's the word I'm looking for? Oh, your comments are a great shepherd of hermeneutical work and a tremendous exeJesusical interpretation. But, you know me, I've got one question, maybe two... When did this age of accountability first become a doctrine? And, who was the first Christian that "deduced" it. Okay, one more question, what are all the verses used to show that it is a "Biblical" fact?