CG Didymus
Veteran Member
Well isn't that special. Isn't it time you decide? Is it literal or symbolic? Like I said, all those verses that say God ordered the Hebrews to kill women and children, I think, were only an ancient warrior people killing and conquering their neighbors and then saying their God told them to do it. So the real God, whoever that is, is off the hook.You argument necessarily assumed it did happen. You can't condemn an event that never occurred. My view is I have no idea whether the story is literal or symbolic but it is logically coherent either way.
You need to decide if you want to condemn God given the story or condemn the story.
Your problem is: Where does the Bible start telling the real truth? If Genesis is only based on legends and traditions of men, then you can't use it to build your doctrines of God, Satan, Jesus, salvation, heaven and hell, moral depravity and so on. Humans have a dark side. They can choose to do good. Most people would rather give up some of their freedoms to live in peace with their neighbors. A good rule, that people could have easily come up with is... Do unto others what you'd like them to do unto you.
So instead of the complicated mess that is the Christian religion, what if that's all it was? In the beginning the leaders devised a way to get people to try and do good and invented God? "God said do these things. Do them and all we be well. Don't do them and things will go bad." Then they added, "God said that if you don't do these things we have to stone you to death." "God said that those people that live in the land we want are evil. We are to kill all of them lest they pollute us." Since bad things happen to good people, they added, "Once there was a man that was blessed by God, but an adversary asked to test him to see if he will still praise God even when things go bad."
Who knows with Jesus. There's too many things that sound fishy, like walking on water, his virgin birth, him being God. The point I always try and make is... in practice, believing in Jesus still doesn't make people behave any better or any worse than people in other religions. So, if those other religions aren't real... if they are only made up from myths and legends that people invented, then, why not Christianity? It doesn't mean it doesn't feel real. It doesn't mean there isn't some things that make seem real. It doesn't mean that, if you take some selected verses from the "OT", you can't build a seemingly coherent story.
Trouble is, this thread assumes the Bible is literal. If literal, God purposely let Adam fail. Who was the serpent? Christians centuries later say it was Satan. Christians, centuries later, say that we all, even babies, inherited a sin nature. Some Christians devised the doctrine of "original sin". Some Christians said that parents have to baptize their children to, I guess, wash away that sin? You say, no problem, no need for infant baptism, God doesn't hold them accountable anyway.
How do you know this? A few verses pulled together. How do you know we are born morally depraved? A few verses pulled together from various places. How do you know Jesus is God? It says he forgave a persons sin. But, Jesus said only his Father is good? So what is he? Christians came up with fully man and fully God.
So how does the story go?
"How do we know any of this is true?"
"Because the Bible says so, and it's the literal, inerrant, infallible Word of God."
"Who says so?"
"It does. It says "all Scripture" was inspired."
"But wasn't that talking about the Hebrew Bible?"
"Yes, but the NT says that Paul's words were from God also, so all of the NT is the Word of God also."
"Even though things in it contradict?"
"If you study it as a whole, and disregard things that seem to contradict, it doesn't contradict. It is totally coherent throughout."
"So God created everything in 6 literal days."
"I don't know. That could be symbolic. It doesn't matter. Jesus rose from the dead to save sinners just like the Bible says."
"But how do we know that's true?"
"Because the Bible says so."
"But then why do so many Jews reject Jesus?"
"They're interpreting the Bible wrong. The Bible prophesied about Jesus. Hundreds of prophecies that all came true."
"But didn't the Bible prophecy the Messiah was going to usher in a time of peace?"
"Yes, that's when Jesus comes back a second time."
"Where in the Bible does it say the Messiah will come twice?"
"Jesus said he was coming back and then told John in Revelation."
"Which John wrote Revelation?"
"I believe it was John the apostle."
"How do you know that? I read that the writing style was different in Revelation to his other writings?"
"So, he was old and forgot how to spell."
"But wasn't it an angel or Jesus telling him the story?"
"Yes, on part of it, but the rest of it was a vision."
"No, no, wait. Listen, you ask too many questions. Just ask me one or two things and I'll be glad to give you my answer."
"Okay, what is the truth about salvation?"
"Jesus, is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through him."
"How do you know that?"
"That's it. I told you. Now read the Bible for yourself. It's all there. It is all one coherent story."
"Okay, okay, just one more question. Where does it say babies are born depraved?"