You left out some of the details that are in the A and E story
You put the drugs in a place where your son could find them
You allowed the thug to be around but didn't talk to your son about him
When your son took the drugs you put an armed guard around the antidote so he would die
With these details added to the story it does look like at least a share of the blame is yours
Like I said it doesn't make sense
The story of Little Adam and the Thug:
Backstory- the expulsion of Thug from Father's house: Dad- "Get out of my house. You are evil and will never amount to anything. You are banished from my house, go live in the playground.
Dad- "Okay son, listen to me. These drugs are bad for you. They will ruin your life and, eventually, kill you. I'm putting them right here in the middle of the playground. I'm going away now. Have a good time."
Little innocent Adam- "Hi, Evie. Do you want to play?"
Evie- "Sure."
An hour later Little Adam takes a nap.
Thug- "Hey Evie, come over here. Do you want to get high?"
After some resistance, she gives in.
Evie- "Wow, this is far out. Look at all the pretty colors."
Little Adam- "Evie, what have you done? Drugs are bad for us. My Dad put them here in the middle of the playground and forbid me to use them."
Evie- "Don't be a lame-o. Try them and taste them and see that they are good."
Little Adam- "Okay."
Dad- "Oh Adam, where are you?" He sees Adam hiding. "Adam, get out here right now." He looks at Adam's bloodshot eyes. "I told you not to do drugs."
Little Adam- "Hey, the chick made me do it. What was I supposed to do? Look like a dweeb and not try them?"
Evie- "Hey, the Thug that you banished to the playground deceived me. But, wait a minute, all the other kids have their parents here watching them, where were you?"
Dad- "Aah? What? Don't you try a put the blame on me. I told Adam not to do it. That should have sufficed."
Thug- "Liar, you have a time machine and went to the future and saw what was going to happen. You choose to let me trick them. You wanted them to fail."
Dad- "Yes, so what... what are you going to do about it? Evie, stand on his head while I curse him." After cursing the Thug, Evie, and Little Adam the Dad says, "Hey, why don't you invite all you hoodlum, evil friends over next Saturday to a pool party where they can all drown... I mean swim."
Little Adam- "I thought you hated them all?" And isn't that kind of dangerous? None of my friends know how to swim. Won't they drown?"
Dad- "No, it'll be fine. Invite their parents too. And all their little brothers and sisters... and their pets."