NO! We are not BORN sinners - that is ridiculous.
Apparently this is an attempt to assert something into existence. Since me or you actually know this or can prove it let me move on to something that is known. We have a epidemic problem with evil that is getting worse. We have in our march toward the uberman or super secularism now have the capacity to kill everything on Earth and almost have twice. We are going the wrong direction and regardless of what we are born with or not we are heading towards a self imposed Armageddon, but the worst part is we are insane enough to think things are getting better. You can't fix what we are to stupid or corrupt to admit is broken.
More brain power - more choice.
That is a bizarre quantity claim in a quality discussion. Why? It is not how many ways we can be inhumane it is our willingness to do so. What is infinitely worse is our lack of ability to even know which way we are headed or at least a refusal to admit it.
What part of "WE CAN" do you not understand? CHOICE!
A jelly fish is just a jelly fish - no evil intent. A dolphin with the bigger brain can think - and make choices.
First of all you have apparently drawn an arbitrary line based on an amount of intelligence you do not know to indicate what being can do evil without informing the rest of humanity. How do you know what the intent or lack there of a jelly fish is. I am not discussing whether rocks or ASROCS are used to kill. I am discussing our willingness to use whatever is available to do things never seen in the animal kingdom. I am discussing Hitler's willingness to exterminate an entire race not necessarily the methods used not to mention a nation of people who cheered him for doing it. The stuff your side invents to explain away inconvenient facts never ceases to amaze.
First - one only needs enough thinking capacity to make a an informed choice to do good or evil.
That is my point and contrary to yours. A pride of lions could at the very least kill all other animals in it's range yet has never been known to even attempt it. We have attempted to wipe out even ourselves no matter what method was available many times.
Secondly - Actually every article or study I've ever seen suggest both Hitler and Stalin had above average IQs.
How do you give a person who you do not have access to a test? What can be known is what Hitler did. He cancelled the most successful assault rifle design in history. He turned the first Jet fighter in history into a bomber that did not work. He repeated what lost WW1 without any necessity and lost again. He cancelled the orders of actually genius military experts and substituted the worst military decisions known. I am no expert on IQ tests that can't be administered but am very competent with military history. He made every mistake possible to make. It was his doing more than anything that lost him the war. If he was smart he exhibited nothing to recommend it. Stalin is no better but enough is enough.
BULL! But you obviously will! Stick to the debate!
My point was there are as many evolutionary theories as evolutionists. Every one of you claim something mutually exclusive to the other. There is no common ground to debate evolution on and the irreconcilability of the range of theories makes even the attempt Ludacris.