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Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?


Well-Known Member
Someone who would analyze depression in another over a post on the internet has a very high opinion of theirself

To kjw. No quick cure from your feelings but know that you don't have to face it alone. Talk to your wife or friend in real life

Life sucks and none of us will get out alive. Good luck

The thing about depression is for all, not just 1 individual.

Life usally sucks if one has no hope---Gods kingdom is a hope for every heart if they are true followers of God and his son. If one actually listened to Jesus, they would already have this hope deep into their hearts, because I know for a fact--Jesus' teachers make sure each one has this hope firmly in place in ones heart. Jesus taught seeking that kingdom must be first in ones life along with seeking Jehovahs righteousness first as well.( Matt 6:33) When Jesus said first on both counts, meant it was vitally important for each one to do every day of their life. Hope brings( some) happiness in this world of this age of critical times hard to deal with---don't live for this world( Matt 16:24)--live for entrance into Gods kingdom.
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Get me off of this planet
The various church parties conditioned people into a dependance on the God/s. It wasn't always like that
and the old teaching gave people a sense of Independence from God as well as a sense of respect. The
Gods were the archetypes of kingship and heroic stoic. Not dependance and demeaning obedience.

People are preposterous and it's hard to determine whether they should be judged for not expanding their
knowledge or pitied. The church has been sadist and never seems to take a look back with people for their
brutality and wrong doing on Mankind.


Ingledsva said:
Except that we were talking about YHVH murdering the innocent for no reason - which would be interfering with our free will, and straight out murder when it is the innocent.
To which I would respond - without knowing exactly and factually - to what you refer, as being something that has happened throughout the history of every kind of life here upon earth.

Again, I would posit that life on Earth is to live through "The valley of the shadow of death", and I personally cannot wait for my life to end soon enough. There has been very little mental or physical peace for me in this life - nor enjoyment.

I have attempted suicide before, and the only reason that I do not see that through now, is because I have been brainwashed into believing that I would be causing my wife and children irreparable harm (psychologically) through my need to stop suffering in this world.

The fact that one of the reasons I wish to die is to spare my family the pain of seeing me the way I am - and that, had I succeeded in my goal so many years ago, they would have had the opportunity to replace me with someone far better equipped to give them all a happy and productive life.

Add to that the fact that I believe that taking my own life would have been a sin - but that I was prepared to suffer the consequences for the sake of those I love left behind I would have thought was further evidence of my motive not being one of cowardice as has been described my wish to end my life.

We were discussing verses that say YHVH specifically HIMSELF murdered the innocent.

David's baby.

Firstborn of the Egyptians.

Children in the flood, etc.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
We were discussing verses that say YHVH specifically HIMSELF murdered the innocent.

David's baby.

Firstborn of the Egyptians.

Children in the flood, etc.


God is my judge - as a Christian. I would certainly never consider myself to be a judge of his actions. Whilst I have no hope of understanding his reasons and motives, I have to accept that these horrific events occurred - why? I haven't a clue. I do, however believe (because that is a innate part of my faith) that God, ultimately, is just.


Well-Known Member
And if He would have left the flaming sword alone death wouldn't have started

Death started when rebellion came in the garden of Eden. God created all to know only good--the rebels chose for all to know good and bad.


Well-Known Member
We were discussing verses that say YHVH specifically HIMSELF murdered the innocent.

David's baby.

Firstborn of the Egyptians.

Children in the flood, etc.


All are born with sin within--- all of those children who died--their own parents would have handed down false god worship-pagan practices so each would have lived a life of total wickedness--at judgement it wouldn't have looked to good for them if they lived those lives--but now at the resurrection into Gods kingdom, they wont be judged for such wicked lives--they will be taught truth and if they apply-receive eternal life in Gods kingdom. One could only wish that was their reality. I say God did them a big favor missing out on those wicked lives they would have had.
Even the ones living and think they are living right, many are being mislead-Matt 7:21-23.


Active Member
Death started when rebellion came in the garden of Eden. God created all to know only good--the rebels chose for all to know good and bad.

And (according to the story) if God would have let us keep choosing we would have knowledge of good and evil AND live forever

Btw when was the first death?again according to the story


Well-Known Member
And (according to the story) if God would have let us keep choosing we would have knowledge of good and evil AND live forever

Btw when was the first death?again according to the story

We do have knowledge of good and evil, Eternal life is only within Gods kingdom.
Cain killed Abel.

In Eden--They were naked--Why? They had absolutely no knowledge of evil, and didn't realize they were naked until they rebelled and started knowing evil. God was absolutely right about it is best for mortals to know only good. Its being proven right now in front of all creation.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
All are born with sin within--- all of those children who died--their own parents would have handed down false god worship-pagan practices so each would have lived a life of total wickedness--at judgement it wouldn't have looked to good for them if they lived those lives--but now at the resurrection into Gods kingdom, they wont be judged for such wicked lives--they will be taught truth and if they apply-receive eternal life in Gods kingdom. One could only wish that was their reality. I say God did them a big favor missing out on those wicked lives they would have had.
Even the ones living and think they are living right, many are being mislead-Matt 7:21-23.
Adam and Eve didn't have sin within but chose wrong and caused God to curse their offspring by putting sin within them?

All the children of the wicked are "saved" from going to hell because God had them killed? But wait, they have sin within? Or, is that sin withing forgiven because they are too young to be held accountable? But the ignorant adults they are accountable?

Many are mislead and think they are right, but they are wrong? Where did those "wrong" ideas about God come from? From man's mind? From an evil spirit being deceiving humans? Or, is it all from the mind of man? How do you know the difference? By what the Bible says? But what about those that follow the Bible and are still wrong? Like all Jews and almost all other Christians except JW's?


Active Member
We do have knowledge of good and evil, Eternal life is only within Gods kingdom.
Cain killed Abel.

In Eden--They were naked--Why? They had absolutely no knowledge of evil, and didn't realize they were naked until they rebelled and started knowing evil. God was absolutely right about it is best for mortals to know only good. Its being proven right now in front of all creation.

Do you really believe being naked with your spouse is evil?

Just a couple verses after the tree of G and E there is another tree talked about. God supressed our free will with a flaming sword. He could have done that earlier and we would still be in the garden

The first death? Check what Adam and Eve wore. Given to them by God. I guess he could have skinned the animal without killing it but that seems a little cruel


optimistic skeptic
Here is my premise,
this is my belief based upon my scriptures.
God not only allows children to die, He has pre-ordained them to die. Hard for us to fathom, granted, but True nevertheless in Scripture. If we say he did not cause it and only allowed it to happen then God would be reacting to free will of man to accomplish their own destruction, thus putting too much power in men and essentially tying God's hands. God ordained for this latest tragedy for his own purposes, we cannot know them, we are not our creator, so The bible tells us we must accept that their is a divine plan and God is in control completely.
If you truly believe that God is all powerful, all knowing, and omnipotent, then you must also believe that every child that dies on this planet dies because God chooses to let it die.
Whether it be by lunatic gunman or by tornado or by "crib death".
God kills children, or at least lets children die when he/she could prevent it.

I say that if the only way God can convey the message, or the only way God can make his/her point, is by killing children, then he/she really isn't that powerful of a God.
In fact, I would make him/her appear to be weak or stupid or both.

So you have asked, where is the comfort in that? Why do religious peoples comfort families of these tragedies with this premise of a God in control? Well let me ask you Atheists would you attempt to comfort these mothers with your precept that there is no God? No heaven and no hell? That their children are reduced to dust as they came? That the man who murdered them who took his life is also Dust and there is no justice for them either? Both parties cease to exist, one guilty, one innocent, both have the same fate in the end.
How do you comfort a parent who has just lost his/her child to a disease? Or to a hurricane? Or to a car wreck? Or to a fall down the stairs?

There is no comfort.

People die and that is the only certain truth.

Or could it be more comforting that a God in control is with their babies now, that they know no suffering,feel no pain have no more tears and the man that took their life will be punished by a Just and perfect God.
Parents can choose to believe a lie if they wish, but no one can honestly say with any certainty what happens to dead children.

And what if God himself/herself killed the children (tornado, tsunami, disease)?
Will God be punished?

Where is the evil in my premise and the lack of evil in yours? I find evil in evildoing going unpunished.I find evil in a life given for no purpose but to die and cease to exist.
What say you?
There can be no other conclusion:
God kills children, or allows children to be killed, which is evil.
Or God cannot control such things, which makes him/her less than a God.


optimistic skeptic
As for the Book of Genesis...

If God did not want Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, why did he create the tree of knowledge?

And why did he create the serpent?

And why did he allow the serpent to speak?

And why did he allow the serpent in to Eden?

Why would a just and loving God tempt his creations so?

And why would a just and loving God even instill hunger and desire in his creations?

And why would a just and loving God want to keep his creations ignorant of their nakedness?

Why would a just and loving God NOT want his creations to eat from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life?


Get me off of this planet
As for the Book of Genesis...

If God did not want Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, why did he create the tree of knowledge?

And why did he create the serpent?

And why did he allow the serpent to speak?

And why did he allow the serpent in to Eden?

Why would a just and loving God tempt his creations so?

And why would a just and loving God even instill hunger and desire in his creations?

And why would a just and loving God want to keep his creations ignorant of their nakedness?

Why would a just and loving God NOT want his creations to eat from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life?

Lucifer created the serpent. ect