This is completely wrong. Your not talking about justice your talking about revenge. Justice involves the guilty act being sufficiently punished based on the requirements of the judge. God who exceeds all other judges decreed that he alone could pay the debt for the sins of the world. He did so in a form we recognize more than any other with love. Self sacrifice is the greatest possible act of love. We build museums to commemorate them, give medals to reward them, tell the tales to inspire them and have for our entire history. Your suspending the most basic fact only for God is Ludacris. No one can merit heaven, no one can pay for his sin. Only God could and did. Exactly what would you do to make up for taking a life if you stood before God and Christ had never came. Nothing you have or could do would ever make up for what you took. The life you deprived had infinite value, do you have infinite compensation available? God is who the debt is to, he knew you can't repay it so he did. Only he can. Only his demands determine what justice requires and he paid every last bit of it. Justice served. If you don't think so then justice is not what your talking about to begin with and even if it was you have no way to carry it out anyway.So the main premise on why you are a Christian is for Justice and a good after-life story? Firstly, Christianity is one of the few religions without justice. All the murderer of your babies has to do is ask for forgiveness and accept Jesus on his death bed and will live in eternal bliss with his victim. So no justice there.
Heaven is not just having the best of things it is lacking the appetite for the worst of things. Every preacher I talk to says the most depraved and depressed people they council are rich kids. They are not miserable because they lack things, they are utterly depressed and hopeless because they have everything and none of it satisfied them.Secondly, does Christianity really have the best after-life story in regards to comfort? I would imagine you wouldn't be able to do things in heaven that are sins in life and I like those things. Personally I like the Viking afterlife story. You get to drink with friends everyday, fight, have sex with warrior women and wake up the next day, everyday, with no hangover. Ha top that!
No you say Joe is in heaven with infinitely greater things than sex and alcohol. If they are your idea of fulfillment even here on earth I don't envy you. I tried to get as much of each as I could and never achieved anything but a temporary distraction from misery. I never felt true peace and contentment until I experienced God. You will constantly be in need of even these half measures you mention where as a Christian will permanently have infinite access to greater rewards without end. In your view you can say little of comfort about Joe at all. The best you can do "is oh well, the rest of us are going to die in eventual heat death anyway, who cares lets get some beer".Think about that for comfort. Say my cousin Joe dies. What do I say to his loved ones. " Well Joe is in heaven remaining celibate" or "Joe is having a blast drinking with his friends, forever" .... "Good for Joe!" "Yeah"
God is not evil but evil cannot exist unless God does. You must climb in his lap to slap his face. Evil is not choosing God. God is love, God is morality, God is contentment, God is peace. By not choosing God you reject true love, true morality, have little peace, and true contentment and have to fill the void with these half measures and abuses of good things. Evil is rarely a new thing it is the abuse or over evaluation of something that has a good purpose. Alcohol is not evil, it's abuse is, sex is not evil it's abuse is, morality is not evil rejecting it is and they all lead to suffering. You value alcohol, fighting, and sex. Find anyone who has an overabundance of any one of them and they will be quick to tell you they are empty and destructive tools of the weak. You deny God and so try to fill the void with the things God meant for good, but not to replace him with, and doing that will always result in evil and misery and eventually annihilation. You deny the creator but worship the creation.Is God (Yahweh) evil, yes. Your always going to arrive at this moral wall when you believe in a monotheistic religion since there is only one supreme entity to take the wrap for the bad stuff.
I don't know what your arguing against but it is not the biblical God. Maybe reason is what your rejecting.
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