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Why doesn’t God communicate directly to everyone?


Veteran Member
16 jun 2018 stvdv 011 54
Schizophrenia is a very invasive illness, approximately 10% of the worlds population suffer it

Not just schizophrenia that is a problem here. I did not know 10% suffer from schizophrenia. And maybe reality is higher than 10%. And what is the criteria for being labeled schizophrenia. Maybe 30% or more are close to schizophrenia.

Being rational I think I can safely conclude that the other 90% suffer from an over active mind with a lot of imagination going on. Considering the fact that most people are DATA-junks watching maybe 1 h TV, smartphone, Facebook, WhatsApp, phone on daily basis [I don't use these but I did spend now 2,5 month on RF, so before I also becoming a DATA-junk maybe good to have a sabbatical]. Obviously the human mind is nowadays FULL of messages. And then it is almost impossible to "know which is which".

Psychology knows that such an overactive mind needs sleep to process all. Many people sleep not so well.

When people tell they hear "God" speak, I wonder "are you aware of `inner chatter` going on all day, and how do you filter real message out?". I did see on internet a few and my feeling was "it sounds to me it is their priest talking, or their parents/spouse is talking here or their guilt feeling, fear..."

When I was young we had those radios you needed to find the right frequency. A lot of chatter on those lines.

To create a "chatter-free" mind is not easy. When someone accomplished this, then I am inclined to believe he can hear a pure voice.

But I also believe that "voice is meant for me". Not for others. If voices can speak to me directly they are also perfectly capable of speaking to the other persons [so voice tells me to tell others I tell "tell it yourself"]. I read from @Sunstone a good observation yesterday "In the West they become preachers, and in the East they become enlightened (become silent)". Exactly my thought. Most preachers are "full of chatter" IMHO. I did listen to a few on internet, so can't make a scientific claim, but to me it seems "a lot of chatter is going on".

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
On another forum I said: “One reason God does not communicate to everyone is because everyone does not deserve to know that God exists.” I said that people have to be willing to sincerely search for God using their own innate powers of reasoning in order to be worthy of knowing God exists, rather than just sitting back and doing nothing, waiting for God to communicate to them.

Then this one atheist said that was a lame-*** excuse and he says it is just common sense that God should communicate directly to everyone.

This is what he has been saying to me for over three years. Everyone (all of the 7.4 billion people in the world) should get direct communication from God. God should not use Messengers because not everyone believes in them, especially in the beginning, when they first show up on earth.

What do you think; does everyone on earth deserve direct communication from God or should people be required to search for God themselves?
God dosent exist except in people's minds. It's a mental puppet.

It's no surprise then why people say God only communicates from within the person's psyche.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
16 jun 2018 stvdv 011 54

Not just schizophrenia that is a problem here. I did not know 10% suffer from schizophrenia. And maybe reality is higher than 10%. And what is the criteria for being labeled schizophrenia. Maybe 30% or more are close to schizophrenia.

Being rational I think I can safely conclude that the other 90% suffer from an over active mind with a lot of imagination going on. Considering the fact that most people are DATA-junks watching maybe 1 h TV, smartphone, Facebook, WhatsApp, phone on daily basis [I don't use these but I did spend now 2,5 month on RF, so before I also becoming a DATA-junk maybe good to have a sabbatical]. Obviously the human mind is nowadays FULL of messages. And then it is almost impossible to "know which is which".

Psychology knows that such an overactive mind needs sleep to process all. Many people sleep not so well.

When people tell they hear "God" speak, I wonder "are you aware of `inner chatter` going on all day, and how do you filter real message out?". I did see on internet a few and my feeling was "it sounds to me it is their priest talking, or their parents/spouse is talking here or their guilt feeling, fear..."

When I was young we had those radios you needed to find the right frequency. A lot of chatter on those lines.

To create a "chatter-free" mind is not easy. When someone accomplished this, then I am inclined to believe he can hear a pure voice.

But I also believe that "voice is meant for me". Not for others. If voices can speak to me directly they are also perfectly capable of speaking to the other persons [so voice tells me to tell others I tell "tell it yourself"]. I read from @Sunstone a good observation yesterday "In the West they become preachers, and in the East they become enlightened (become silent)". Exactly my thought. Most preachers are "full of chatter" IMHO. I did listen to a few on internet, so can't make a scientific claim, but to me it seems "a lot of chatter is going on".

I've done some study on schizophrenia over the last 17 years, At anyone time up to 2.5 % of the population are effected. Add to that other more common psychotic illness in which hallucination and delusion are common.

Of course auditory hallucinations are not necessarily schizophrenic. It is estimated that up to 28% of the population have such hallucinations


Why doesn't God speak directly to people? Surprise, he does you are just not capable of listening. Why don't your scientists speak directly to you? They don't, because they have nothing to say. There are large chunks of us hearing God right now; but your prefer your scientists and psychologists so keep listening to them. We'll keep listening to God.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Why doesn't God speak directly to people? Surprise, he does you are just not capable of listening. Why don't your scientists speak directly to you? They don't, because they have nothing to say. There are large chunks of us hearing God right now; but your prefer your scientists and psychologists so keep listening to them. We'll keep listening to God.

Yes we have just discussed schizophrenia. Another aspect of life that science is working towards curing.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
God does not talk directly to anyone, except His chosen Messengers. They are a “Protected Source” of information upon which we can all draw and get the same information. This makes logical sense.

I have seen one or few posters on this forum clamming god speaks to them.

Why doesn't God speak directly to people? Surprise, he does you are just not capable of listening. Why don't your scientists speak directly to you? They don't, because they have nothing to say. There are large chunks of us hearing God right now; but your prefer your scientists and psychologists so keep listening to them. We'll keep listening to God.

Told ya.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Because every human being has inherent value. And Knowledge is freedom, not ignorance. So therefore, every human being deserves credible communication with god as much as any other. If god has anything important to say and cares about us.

Bahai is one of the better versions of Abrahamic religion. Much better than it's Islamic root. But it still suffers from this fundamental logical ethical problem. A benevolent almighty God is not limited to communication with prophets.
That's the sort of thing humans would invent because it makes them feel superior.



Veteran Member
16 jun 2018 stvdv 011 55
Of course auditory hallucinations are not necessarily schizophrenic. It is estimated that up to 28% of the population have such hallucinations

Some auditory (voices) are as real as science is real; that is my own experience. So I don't agree that all are hallucinations(*). But it is a fine line. I have not studied on internet but I prefer "innernet" do Buddhist "witness mind" Meditiation [cleaning the mind].

(*) I do believe that all thoughts are just hallucinations, seen from advaita consciousness concept. But within this illusion called the world we call science real, and in that context some "auditory voices" are as much real as science. Proof is simple. Many scientific discoveries originated in dream state. For my self I know this to be a fact. So many times I am given scientific evidence in "voice".

And it is easy to prove for yourself. Just sit still for a few hours on a chair. Meditate, buddhist way of "witness thoughts". When after some time "thoughts stop" then if it is needed "voice can be heard". But most people are not scientific themselves. They don't do the time "meditate a few hours" but they do have an opinion based on "internet" and not on "innernet". Then of course their arguments make not much sense.

Of course I am humble and scientific enough to admit that most "voices" I hear are just "chatter in the mind". Stuff I heard previously. That's why to have a "clean voice" you need to "silence the mind" and that takes a long time. And I agree we should be very vigilant when "listening" otherwise indeed you just have hallucinations. And as you also said "many bad things came out of that". But only because many people think that they have to impose their voice-instructions on others. I only use it for myself. Others can do some sitting and get their info themselves. That solves "bad things happening when mis-reading voices".

So if others claim "I hear a voice [or voice of God]" I am just happy for them. I don't label it as schizophrenia. If it comes up, I do warn them that there is a fine line between "mental chatter" and "real voice". And it takes a lot of practice to distinguish between them. But if you keep the voice to yourself no harm will be done anyway.

Many times I hear debates "God/voice etc. is true/untrue". People trying to convince each other. So strange to me. Why do that? I could figure out 1 good reason. If the other imposes his view on me, being demeaning then he irritates me and I might try to disprove "his God/voice etc". Not even because I don't believe in what he believes, but more to teach him a lesson that his behavior is "so not done". If people tell "you must go left", I first try all other directions.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Here is something interesting

Our inner voices

"According to a new study, internal speech makes use of a system that is mostly employed for processing externalspeech, which is why we can "hear" our inner voice."

I remember some time ago on RF where a person associated proof of god by the unexplained phenomena of our inner thoughts and thats the means of how god communicates. Also, I read that same area in the brain that thoughts occur (based on MRIs) are where are inner thoughts are produced Another source and also where voices as part of a mental condition originate.

Probably another reason god doesnt communicate to all is because our brains are varied in what meaning we get from information either in our brains already or new info. Maybe some are more empathetic to info even if we cant tell the difference between our thoughts in prayer versus god. Gods voice or ours some cant tell by themselves do they use other forms to confirm whether what "they" are thinking is from god.

Those who god "hasnt communicated with" probably have a thick skin of trusting their own voice, not gulible spiritually, or cant find confirmation thereby skipping it altogether. Many have preconcieved notions of what they should think how god sounds like instead of trusting themselves to know without outside affirmation.
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Here is something interesting

Our inner voices

"According to a new study, internal speech makes use of a system that is mostly employed for processing externalspeech, which is why we can "hear" our inner voice."

I remember some time ago on RF where a person associated proof of god by the unexplained phenomena of our inner thoughts and thats the means of how god communicates. Also, I read that same area in the brain that thoughts occur (based on MRIs) are where are inner thoughts are produced Another source and also where voices as part of a mental condition originate.

Probably another reason god doesnt communicate to all is because our brains are varied in what meaning we get from information either in our brains already or new info. Maybe some are more empathetic to info even if we cant tell the difference between our thoughts in prayer versus god. Gods voice our ours some cant tell by themselves do they use other forms to confirm whether what "they" are thinking is from god.

Those who god "hasnt communicated with" probably have a thick skin of trusting their own voice, not gulible spiritually, or cant find confirmation thereby skipping it altogether. Many have preconcieved notions of what they should think how god sounds like instead of trusting themselves to know without outside affirmation.

I heard this about schizophrenia a few yeas ago, schizophrenics actually do hear their voices. Which explains why the have such a hard time differentiating reality from delusion


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
If people make attempts to communicate with God they should not expect to get anything back, because God does not communicate directly with anyone except His Messengers.

Or it could be that God doesn't communicate with anyone directly at all. Those who claim to be "His Messengers" could very well be lying.

God does not speak to anyone directly. That is simply not God’s Method of communicating, it never has been. You might not “feel” bound or required to follow the words of any messenger or holy book, but that does not mean that you won’t suffer the consequences of being unwilling to do so. All human actions and in-actions have consequences. There are rewards and punishments in this life and the next.

“He who shall accept and believe, shall receive his reward; and he who shall turn away, shall receive none other than his own punishment.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 339

This is common to all religions. They always claim that they have the "true message" and the "true word of God," while also claiming that other religions are false and that punishment awaits them for turning away from the "true word."

I feel that as long as one remains true to oneself and stays true to one's own personal beliefs, regardless of whether they come from a messenger or a holy book, then that should be sufficient. It doesn't really matter what one believes, as long as one is sincere. If someone chooses to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Great Pumpkin, that should be considered just as valid as any belief, as long as they remain true to that belief.

It's the hypocrites and liars you have to watch out for. Those who say one thing and do something different. Those who don't fulfill their oaths or fail to live up to their own stated principles, regardless of what they might be.

As an agnostic, I say "I don't know if there's a God," and that's a true and honest statement to make from my point of view. I don't know if some messenger or holy book is really true - and I can't really see how anyone else can claim to know either.

Even if it's true that God only speaks to His Messengers, then if *I* don't get to speak directly to any of the "messengers," then how can I trust the messengers of the messengers? How can I trust any holy book which is rewritten and revised, not by the actual "messengers," but by their followers after their death?

Is God truly going to fault me for being leery and skeptical of some snake-oil salesman and not taking a leap of faith? As long as I stay true to my own beliefs and remain honest with myself, then how can God fault me, even if you think it's the "wrong" belief?

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
What do you think; does everyone on earth deserve direct communication from God or should people be required to search for God themselves?
Yes, everyone deserves it. However, imagine a radio that only picks up AM signals. An FM message ain't gonna hit and it's not the radio's fault. Given that there is some neural anatomy that seems necessary to "feel the divine presence" or whatever, even if you think it's just a sensation and not "real", the thing is that it still seems to be necessary to be born with the proper equipment to feel that way.

Why not?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Whats up with the flying spaghetti monster? I keep reading that online by people. :p

Yeah, I know. I see it, too. But if that's what they believe, then so be it. Just as long they don't try to persecute those who believe in the Flying Rigatoni Monster. Some are broad-minded and open, while others can be very rigid and dogmatic.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Whats up with the flying spaghetti monster? I keep reading that online by people. :p

The FSM s the deity of the pastafarianism. A true religion in some countries, however in America a christian judge has declared it is not a religion.

Im sure you must have been touched by His Noodly Appendage


Veteran Member
16 jun 2018 stvdv 011 56
Everyone on Earth deserves direct communication with God.

Of course all is hypothetically speaking: If God exists and if God Loves unconditionally and Human is made in His image and all are his children

1): We know that humans can't stop chatting. If God is a little like humans He might be quite chatty. That one hints communication might be possible
2): Unconditionally Love is obvious, that one takes out "need to deserve"
3): All are his Children is obvious, that one includes "everyone on Earth"

[Of course I am quite biased on this one. My guru, Sai Baba, has explicitly stated "God wants direct communications with you, no intermediate"]
[Of course when in another discourse He goes all Vedanta He will tell you "You are God"; so then we have a totally different story]
[Of course in another discourse He will tell you "Only God exists, this whole world is maya, 1 big illusion"; so God talking to God kind of silly isn't it]

In short "I am very careful to believe anything". And especially when some call them messengers of God. And most careful I am with Sai Baba. Because His Goal is to lead you to Self Realization ... non duality ... This whole idea "God, deserving, 1 person more special than other person" is full blown duality. So as long as I am still talking, I am fully in delusion. But at least I am aware of this, and ready to admit.
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Well-Known Member
God wants but does not expect everyone to believe that He exists.

God cares, but not enough to override human free will by revealing Himself directly to everyone. Belief has to be a choice people make. If God forces Himself upon people it is no longer a choice.

An Almighty God is not bartering with humans on His Method of communication. It is what it is and always has been. Those who are unwilling to look at the Messenger God sends will just slip through the cracks.

That's silly. IF there is some all knowing creator god then this god KNOWS that it created me with a brain that requires verifiable evidence for belief. IF this god WANTS me to believe in it then god should never have created me with a skeptical rational thinking mind. That's like claiming that god WANTS me to be able to breath under water as if I had gills, but then he went and created me with lungs instead. Any god with half a brain would know that I am never going to be able to breath under water as if I had gills.

And how exactly is providing verifiable evidence for something 'overriding human free will'? If I claim that I can run a mile in less than 4 minutes and then provide you with verifiable evidence that I can, have I somehow 'overridden your free will'? If you think so, then you really don't have a clue what free will is.


ALL in all
Premium Member
On another forum I said: “One reason God does not communicate to everyone is because everyone does not deserve to know that God exists.” I said that people have to be willing to sincerely search for God using their own innate powers of reasoning in order to be worthy of knowing God exists, rather than just sitting back and doing nothing, waiting for God to communicate to them.

Then this one atheist said that was a lame-*** excuse and he says it is just common sense that God should communicate directly to everyone.

This is what he has been saying to me for over three years. Everyone (all of the 7.4 billion people in the world) should get direct communication from God. God should not use Messengers because not everyone believes in them, especially in the beginning, when they first show up on earth.

What do you think; does everyone on earth deserve direct communication from God or should people be required to search for God themselves?
jesus said the kingdom of god comes from within you; if then this is true, is everyone listening to their conscience?


Veteran Member
I'm sure there are many out there who disagree with you. On another forum I know of a thief who claims god tells him he is forgiven.

I have seen one or few posters on this forum clamming god speaks to them.
People are free to believe whatever they want to.
I am not required to agree with them.
I have my own beliefs and nobody is required to agree with me. :)


yawn <ignore> yawn
It was humans who cut themselves off from God, not the other way around.
I most certainly did not.

I realize that according to the primitive ethics of the Bible's authors punishing large groups, like families or cities, for displeasing a king was accepted morality. Fortunately, we have moved beyond the primitive morality of their day even if Scripture hasn't.

I honestly believe that the primary reason for Creationism, the ability to disregard the mountains of evidence for evolution, is for this reason. The evidence demonstrates clearly that we were made just as we are, and continue to be born so. The unfortunate results of human nature aren't because some ancient people chose it somehow. It's because we are shaped that way, whether by Jehovah or evolution.