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Why doesnt god kill Satan?


Well-Known Member
When a light goes out/burns out...
to it's non existence.

Do you think that darkness is the default natural state? I think light can be a natural default, because it exists. Ofcourse, the energy and matter that make up light can change into something else, something that may not give any light but still be there. So while we could perceive that space occupied by this energy and matter as darkness, it could nevertheless be filled with something. Darkness and light, I think, have more to do with the senses of vision than they do actual reality. But, with regards to good and evil - why couldn't good exist without evil? Personally, it is my hope that all of existence will one day be free of evil, with one possible exception. That evil would be controlled and used responsibly in a way which would promote the positive development of beings. So, say, if the only way for a being to develop a useful perspective is by experiencing some kind of evil, then this would ultimately be a good thing. But, perhaps there is no truly good use for evil, and equally as effective options are available through the use of good or neutral processes - in which case, good ridance.


Left Hand Path
Void is definately not "no'thing".

It is the primal/primary state
from which all potential things
are concieved (or not)...
given rise to form (or not)...

even "nothing" is a concept we can
concieve of, label and discuss.
That is HARDLY nothing. ;)

By means of void, (empty, nothing, vacant, not occupied), void is definately nothing. However, the Universe is not a void, for it is something :D

But I understand, darkness is omnipotent. All things convieved are of the blackness which gives birth to itself.

When something is concieved from a void however, it is no longer a void just consistant darkness.

Darkness can most DEFINATELY exist without light.

Hardly, it wouldn't be darkness without light.

It would just be nothing, which consists of neither darkness nor light.
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The abscence of light is darkness.

The abscence of darkness
is certainly not light.

You close your eyes in darkness...
and dreams rise up.


Well-Known Member
But I understand, darkness is omnipotent. All things convieved are of the blackness which gives birth to itself.

Hmmm, do you mean darkness in the sense of empty space? If thats the case, then sure. Although, all kinds of words could be assigned to give it the meaning we would like it to. Artists, for instance, could say that it is the canvas upon which reality is painted. It no longer seems like an evil thing, because many people associate darkness with evil, although this context isn't necessarily the way in which darkness could be used. As a sense of visual perception, darkness is neither good nor bad.


Left Hand Path
The abscence of light is darkness.

The abscence of darkness
is certainly not light.

You close your eyes in darkness...
and dreams rise up.

If you look at it so.

But what darkness isn't light is, therefore light is the absence of darkness.

Simply because darkness is only so, because of light.

You could close your eyes in light and dreams could still rise up. Even so, dreams consist of a light, that lets you witness your very own thoughts.

In darkness you cannot see, in light you are blinded.


Left Hand Path
It would still be exactly what it is.

It would.

But darkness is something, nothing is not :D

Most of the time when you try and picture nothing you just imagine blackness, nothingness. But that is not so, because you could not possibly know what it is to be and see, nothing.


Well-Known Member
The abscence of light is darkness.

The abscence of darkness
is certainly not light.

You close your eyes in darkness...
and dreams rise up.

When I close my eyes, I see a little of both darkness and light kind of flickering back and forth between each other. Dreams have nothing to do with visual perception, but the imagination.


Rogue Theologian
It would.

But darkness is something, nothing is not :D

Most of the time when you try and picture nothing you just imagine blackness, nothingness. But that is not so, because you could not possibly know what it is to be and see, nothing.

The opportunity was first offered in Genesis.
If you didn't get it...go back and try again.


Left Hand Path
When I close my eyes, I see a little of both darkness and light kind of flickering back and forth between each other. Dreams have nothing to do with visual perception, but the imagination.

I disagree, dreams have all to do with visual perception, stimulation, and imagination.

For things you see in reality, can appear in your dreams.

However, we are getting off topic :D


"God and Satan" have nothing (in particular) to do with Good or Evil or Lightness or Darkness anyway.

Unless that is your own particular illumination of the unknown/mystery... etc etc....


Left Hand Path
I disagree 100%. This is because the words have different contexts.

To you maybe, but Lucifer is the Roman God of Light.

But light is light, darkness is darkness, not light is God and darkness is Satan.

Simple analogies are taken to literally by some people :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
I disagree, dreams have all to do with visual perception, stimulation, and imagination.

For things you see in reality, can appear in your dreams.

However, we are getting off topic :D

The images you imagine are not imagined through the optical senses, but through the mind. You may imagine them because of what you have visually seen in life, but they do not form through the optical senses.


Well-Known Member
To you maybe, but Lucifer is the Roman God of Light.

But light is light, darkness is darkness, not light is God and darkness is Satan.

Simple analogies are taken to literally by some people :rolleyes:

Agreed, it is often the case that people assume too much from what is said.


Left Hand Path
The images you imagine are not imagined through the optical senses, but through the mind. You may imagine them because of what you have visually seen in life, but they do not form through the optical senses.

It refers to images. I never said they form through optical senses, I said they form through visual perception, imagination, and sensual stimulation. You can choose to look at that as optical senses, however perception has more than one form.

But I understand what you mean, blind people can still 'see' their dreams.