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Why doesn't the Bible mention.............


Well-Known Member
In that case why did god stop the bible 2000yrs ago?

The Bible is not an all or nothing book, which seems to be the point in this thread. God does not communicate with just Bible. It includes thinking /inspiration/ whatever.

The bible just stopped 2000yrs ago....................just stop.

Hmm, Daniel 12:4 "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase." True or false?

Bible isn't always about what's going to happen in the future. But a "guide".


Well-Known Member
But there's quite a bit in the Bible that's like that: predictions about future events that hadn't yet occurred,

The problem is we don't have that foreknowledge on when a particular "prediction" is going to occur and we do not know if it's a one time event or a gradual process. We do not know how exactly God thinks. Even the writers of the Bible doesn't have perfect knowledge on that.

weird commands with no apparent reason behind them, etc.

So, apparently, it's okay to kill, since there's no "apparent reason" why God commanded it.. I see...

Apparently, God doesn't really care if people understand him perfectly all the time.

The prob is, it's written in a different time. 2000+ years ago..


Well-Known Member
I do not believe such things at all.

Your loss.

IPredictions are easy when you know the result.

And this statement is PURE NONSENSE!

Many of the time prophecies in question were written nearly two milenia before they were fulfilled--some earlier than that!

So I will be most interested in hearing how figures like Daniel and John "knew the result" when they wrote down these prophecies!



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The problem is we don't have that foreknowledge on when a particular "prediction" is going to occur and we do not know if it's a one time event or a gradual process. We do not know how exactly God thinks. Even the writers of the Bible doesn't have perfect knowledge on that.

So, apparently, it's okay to kill, since there's no "apparent reason" why God commanded it.. I see...

The prob is, it's written in a different time. 2000+ years ago..
My point about prediction was just to point out that because the Bible does make predictions about fantastic, bewildering future events, it doesn't make sense to say that God didn't make mention if anything recognizable as from the last 2000 years because the people writing it down would have found it fantastic and bewildering. I mean, it's the Bible! It's full of prophecies and strange miracles!

I wasn't thinking of "you shall not kill", more "do not boil a baby goat in its mother's milk" or "don't practice crop rotation".

And I'm not saying that God was wrong about these things, just that he didn't seem too concerned with people understanding his commands as long as they were followed.


Veteran Member
its not important.

because....it shows that the bible was written at a time when people were ignorant of the things we know now?

it can be argued that if we were as knowledgeable about our bodies and the cosmos then as we are now we wouldn't come up with the idea of god who is so ignorant of the things we know now...

the tower of babel for example...
why cause confusion so as to keep man from achieving anything....?
where was god when the vaccination of polio was discovered, or when the atom bomb was invented?

maybe he was too busy answering the prayers of believers....


Dr. Greenthumb
Why doesn't the bible mention, aeroplanes, electricity, gunpowder, Nuclear fission, Space Shuttle. Space Stations, motorcars, aircraft carriers, vaccines, skyscrapers, cruiseliners, mosques, machine guns, nuclear weapons or billions of other things that have occurred since it was written, if it has so many prophecies in it and god knows all? Why didn't god mention any of this stuff when telling the authors what to write? Is it because god didn't know all this stuff, or he didn't tell anyone what to write, or he just doesn't exist and these are really the stories of bronze age goatherds?:confused:

Was it important for one nation in the world to know of these things you listed? Would it have helped?

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Yeah, cause there is no way in hell it could simply be because the people who wrote the Bible did not need that information....:rolleyes:


No, but we now do... how the hell can my soul be saved when the bible doesn't have any varification and god left out things that would convince us modern humans


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Taken about as seriously as Sodom and Gomorrah were the results of a nuclear reaction.
So not seriously at all? :D

Was it important for one nation in the world to know of these things you listed? Would it have helped?
Vaccines and medicines, certainly.

Imagine how much human suffering could've been avoided if, while God was giving detailed instructions on animal husbandry and crop management, he pointed to bread mould, cowpox, and animal pancreas as sources for antibiotics, smallpox vaccine, and insulin, respectively?


Dr. Greenthumb
So not seriously at all? :D

Vaccines and medicines, certainly.

Imagine how much human suffering could've been avoided if, while God was giving detailed instructions on animal husbandry and crop management, he pointed to bread mould, cowpox, and animal pancreas as sources for antibiotics, smallpox vaccine, and insulin, respectively?

And, they had the science to engineer such?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
And, they had the science to engineer such?
"With God, all things are possible." ;)

But yes, even in the first century, they would've had the technology to handle some of those things.

And certainly other things... I mean, while God was listing out all the things that made a person ritually "clean" and "unclean", wouldn't it have been good if he had said something like "after you touch raw meat, you're 'unclean' until you wash your hands"?


Dr. Greenthumb
"With God, all things are possible." ;)

But yes, even in the first century, they would've had the technology to handle some of those things.

And certainly other things... I mean, while God was listing out all the things that made a person ritually "clean" and "unclean", wouldn't it have been good if he had said something like "after you touch raw meat, you're 'unclean' until you wash your hands"?

Did he list everything?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Did he list everything?
No, he only listed the things he considered important, apparently. But all of his advice fell into only two categories:

- things that were recognized as good ideas when the books were written.
- things that haven't been recognized as good ideas yet.

None of it fell into the third category:

- things that weren't recognized as good ideas when the books were written but have been recognized as good ideas since then.

Doesn't this strike you as odd at all?


Dr. Greenthumb
No, he only listed the things he considered important, apparently. But all of his advice fell into only two categories:

- things that were recognized as good ideas when the books were written.
- things that haven't been recognized as good ideas yet.

None of it fell into the third category:

- things that weren't recognized as good ideas when the books were written but have been recognized as good ideas since then.

Doesn't this strike you as odd at all?

I find it odd that you would say "No, he only listed...."

Who is he?

I don't know. I don't think its all written by a deity.

But, I do think that its context is more important. It was written by men in the bronze age(right?) Therefore there is no possibility there would be scientific discoveries in it that parallel your list. I do think there is spiritual value, and there is historical value. Historical value as in, the way the country was ran, the way the people conducted themselves, etc. As well as spiritual value as in how to worship God.


Active Member
So not seriously at all? :D

Vaccines and medicines, certainly.

Imagine how much human suffering could've been avoided if, while God was giving detailed instructions on animal husbandry and crop management, he pointed to bread mould, cowpox, and animal pancreas as sources for antibiotics, smallpox vaccine, and insulin, respectively?
My hero :bow: :bow: :bow:


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I find it odd that you would say "No, he only listed...."

Who is he?

I don't know. I don't think its all written by a deity.
Then how do you tell what parts were written by God and which ones weren't?

But, I do think that its context is more important. It was written by men in the bronze age(right?) Therefore there is no possibility there would be scientific discoveries in it that parallel your list. I do think there is spiritual value, and there is historical value. Historical value as in, the way the country was ran, the way the people conducted themselves, etc. As well as spiritual value as in how to worship God.
If you mean historical value in the sense that it's an account by a people (or a succession of peoples, I guess) that can give a glimse into their understanding of the world, then okay... but what do you mean by "spiritual value"?