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Why don't ALLAH come down and say I am GOD so that every one will be a Muslim


New Member
This argument seems simplistic in it's form but it's one of the main issues I had that made me leave Islam.

One thing I'd say to other Muslims which is just another of the many issues I had, is that it may feel like Islam is the right way and that all other religions are just intuitively false, but if you apply the same reasoning you apply to other religions to prove them false, you'll find that Islam doesn't stand very well to your own criticism.

I would say another, but... Meow Mix beat me to the next thing I was going to say. Thanks you (@Meow Mix)!


New Member

Probably not, but it does make one feel at ease knowing the liberties we silently bask in in the civilized world.

Besides... Internet ftw!
This argument seems simplistic in it's form but it's one of the main issues I had that made me leave Islam.

One thing I'd say to other Muslims which is just another of the many issues I had, is that it may feel like Islam is the right way and that all other religions are just intuitively false, but if you apply the same reasoning you apply to other religions to prove them false, you'll find that Islam doesn't stand very well to your own criticism.

I would say another, but... Meow Mix beat me to the next thing I was going to say. Thanks you (@Meow Mix)!

YOU left ISLAM ??? may Allah have mercy on your soul .... may i ask where are u from ??

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
YOU left ISLAM ??? may Allah have mercy on your soul .... may i ask where are u from ??

Why is where he/she is from important, and why -- given the dangerous nature of leaving Islam in some parts of the world -- would anyone even think about making that information public?


The Islam Dude
If I told you that, deep down, everyone knows that there is no god, wouldn't you think I'm rather blind?

Surah Hajj 22:46:
"Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts."

I guess so, but that's from a religious perspective.

In one of the cultures that is saturated by the concept of monotheism, they may find it obvious that there is one god. In a culture saturated by polytheism, they may find it obvious that there are many gods. In a fairly secular culture, some may find it obvious that these gods are made up.

Regardless, the soul still knows. If a person goes against the nature of the soul then they will lose the light of guidance bestowed upon them. Peer influence is of course a key factor in this matter. However each person will account for their own decisions and beliefs on the day of judgement.

I've always found the argument, either by Christians or Muslims, that deep down everyone knows they are right, extremely ethnocentric. The truth is, that's not the case. It's an inaccurate statement to make about people. Some people truly believe in one god, some people truly believe in one god that is different from that god, some people truly believe in multiple gods, and some people don't believe in any gods.

So when it comes down to it, the process as described by Muslims really is similar to Meow Mix's multi-button land mine.

The soul knows, not always the heart. So yes people can "truly" believe in anything they want.

Furthermore, the multi-button landmine analogy is flawed by the fact that God did come directly to Man. Adam, and a number of Prophets. It is his descendants who have strayed sue to the influence of Satan's persistent rebellion.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Furthermore, the multi-button landmine analogy is flawed by the fact that God did come directly to Man. Adam, and a number of Prophets. It is his descendants who have strayed sue to the influence of Satan's persistent rebellion.

You haven't explained how it's flawed.

Basically, you believe in a god that expects people to arrive to one belief out of thousands around them without any means to know which one is the right one.

Do you agree?

If that assessment is wrong, then it means you must have evidence that all of us can see and understand. Please by all means share it so that we don't burn in hell.

If your "evidence" is just a book that says it's right, how can we tell it's right over all the other books that say they're right?

Do you see my point yet?


The Islam Dude
So... do you believe that those unfortunate souls on the other side of the planet are going to Hell because the prophet appeared on a different side of the planet than they live on?

[FONT=verdana,arial][SIZE=-1]We would never visit our wrath (chastise any community) until We had sent a Messenger to give warning’. Quran 17:15[/SIZE][/FONT].

If a messenger never came to a people. They're exempt from punishment. That's IF a messenger never came.

I see, so Islam isn't believed through faith but rather reason -- is that what you're saying? If you're saying it's believed through evidence, then it is not faith.

If you assert that believing something because of evidence is "faith," can you please define exactly what you mean by faith? Most of the time "faith" is used to mean a belief without or in spite of evidence. But you seem to be saying that Muslims believe in God because of evidence. Please help me figure out what your definition of "faith" is because I find a contradiction there.

He (the inquirer[Angel Gabriel]) said: Inform me about Iman (faith). He (the Holy Prophet) replied: That you affirm your faith in Allah, in His angels, in His Books, in His Apostles, in the Day of Judgment, and you affirm your faith in the Divine Decree about good and evil. He (the inquirer) said: You have told the truth.

While we're at it, can you share some of the evidence that Islam and only Islam is the correct religion so that I might be convinced by the evidence and escape hell (i.e., push the correct button on my land mine)?

It is in my greatest hopes that you do escape hell. However Evidence always has a scope of credibility depending on an individual's belief system.

For example, if a Christian asked me the same question, their belief system entailing faith in God already leaves me with naught else but proving to them that Islam is the correct way to follow him. And I have tons of evidence for that, providing they believe in their own scriptures.

You however, I assume do not believe in God (forgive me if I'm wrong). That leaves me with having to prove that first. It's like trying to prove the possibility of a quark star forming in the universe without a person first knowing what a hadron is yet or believing it exists.

Can you describe colours to a person who was blind from birth? I will first have to provide you with that sight, i.e. one step at a time. The first being, proving the existence of God which would require a whole topic of its own and far longer posts than we already have now.

But I don't "know deep inside" that Islam is correct. When I look at what I know about Islam it looks very incorrect. Why would that be if what you're saying is true?

Surah Hajj 22:46:
"Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts."

That's why.

Isn't it a bit asinine to assert that someone you're discussing with knows deep down inside that you're right? What if I said you know deep inside that Islam is false? Wouldn't that be just as baseless as what you said?

I didn't say that you know deep down. I said it's known by nature of the soul. External influences can corrupt your thoughts and deliberation before you even become in tune with that nature.

So, are you saying God is satisfied with most people going to Hell because they have no evidence or basis to believe in Islam? Because that's the case with me. If God is sending me to Hell because I don't believe in Islam because he failed to give me evidence for it, doesn't Allah share some of the responsibility for that?

[FONT=verdana,arial][SIZE=-1]We would never visit our wrath (chastise any community) until We had sent a Messenger to give warning’. Quran 17:15[/SIZE][/FONT].

Not according to Him. Right now, I'm a simple messenger, giving you a warning. If you are to believe in future, it will only happen in due time.

In fact, it does indeed still appear to be the case that Allah hands us a land mine with 50 buttons. You haven't really argued effectively for how it isn't that way in your belief system.

Yes I have. God gave man clear proof of his existence and Kingdom and then left us with free will to do as we want. That also includes corrupting others to the point where it seems like a landmine with 50 buttons.

Besides, Abrahamic faith makes up for around 60-65% of the world currently. The odds right now seem above 50/50 as opposed to your 1/50.

How lucky for those who were able to see that direct evidence -- that doesn't help me, a Hellbound soul over here in America. Why has Allah forsaken me?

I'm sorry to hear that. Besides, I doubt he's forsaken you. Generally no one's forsaken till they're dead.

Free will is worthless if I can't make an informed decision.

All free will is worth to me, is my ticket to heaven or hell. If heaven and hell is nothing to you, which I assume they are. Then yes it is worth nothing.

As for making an informed decision. For some people, seeing is believing. For others, feeling. For some absolutely nothing is enough. To what degree of evidence do you need? That will be nice to know.
Again, you're saying God handed me a land mine with 50 buttons and I don't know which one to push.

Uh... no am not.

You're also saying that God at times shows some people which button to push.

Hmm... so how often do you suppose he should come? Every year? Month? Week?

But that's not helping me. Why don't I know which button to push to save myself? Why hasn't God helped me out like he helped other people out with direct evidence?

Am I not cool enough for Allah?

You don't know, but if truth is indeed what you want and you do turn to God, then you will.

Do you think it's fair that I have this land mine and I don't know which button to push?

I'm sorry you feel that way, and no I don't think it's fair.

Is God a good and just god for doing that to me?

Well if you never turn to him, it's gonna seem like that. Guidance follows from belief and truth to the self.

Again you've argued that God has shown some people which button to push (those who saw direct evidence of God and direct evidence of his prophets) but that isn't helping me and billions of other people.

It's helped billions for as far as I've been informed.

You haven't really answered the land mine analogy... it still seems to apply. And it still seems to make Allah look like a jerk for condemning so many people to eternal anguish over a childish game he wants to play.

Your landmine analogy is flawed. God doesn't need to pop up every 10 minutes to say "Hey am still here lol". That, is more jerk like imo.

God gave man Prophets, as well as the Holy Quran. Man's corrupt ways and Satan's rebellious influence is what makes things so difficult. However we still have eaqual opportunity.

If you turn to God, seeking guidance in truth. You will be guided. Not matter what religion you fall upon, as long as you stay true to yourself and God, you will find salvation and the true way in the end. And even if you're confused as heck and have no idea which way to follow God. He says the only sin he will not forgive for is idolatry. You do not have a 50 button landmine in your hands. Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Your landmine analogy is flawed. God doesn't need to pop up every 10 minutes to say "Hey am still here lol". That, is more jerk like imo.

God gave man Prophets, as well as the Holy Quran. Man's corrupt ways and Satan's rebellious influence is what makes things so difficult. However we still have eaqual opportunity.
How do we have equal opportunity to find the truth when the truth is distorted by people who has their own agenda?

If you turn to God, seeking guidance in truth. You will be guided. Not matter what religion you fall upon, as long as you stay true to yourself and God, you will find salvation and the true way in the end. And even if you're confused as heck and have no idea which way to follow God. He says the only sin he will not forgive for is idolatry. You do not have a 50 button landmine in your hands. Nuff said.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Surah Hajj 22:46:
"Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts."

I guess so, but that's from a religious perspective.

Regardless, the soul still knows. If a person goes against the nature of the soul then they will lose the light of guidance bestowed upon them. Peer influence is of course a key factor in this matter. However each person will account for their own decisions and beliefs on the day of judgement.

The soul knows, not always the heart. So yes people can "truly" believe in anything they want.
So basically it comes down to one culture shouting to the rest of the world that everyone in the world, in their soul, knows that this culture is right about stuff more than them. Out of all the thouands of gods invented by humanity, everyone truly knows that your god is the only real one.

Furthermore, the multi-button landmine analogy is flawed by the fact that God did come directly to Man. Adam, and a number of Prophets. It is his descendants who have strayed sue to the influence of Satan's persistent rebellion.
That's not a fact. The idea that your god came to man is an aspect of your religion rather than a fact that humanity has to work with.

Try, for a minute, to take a step back and view this from a place outside of your own culture. Many Muslims I talk to seem to consistently make assumptions that may seem normal within their own culture, but are rejected as false religious stuff by certain other regions in the world.

Imagine, for instance, that you're me. So, you don't believe in any gods. From my perspective, your deity has no more validity than Athena from the Greek pantheon. So, as me, you've got Buddhists telling you stuff, Hindus telling you stuff, Muslims telling you stuff, Christians telling you stuff, atheists telling you stuff, New Agers telling you stuff, and so forth. How do you determine which of them, if any, are even remotely accurate about what they say?

That's the landmine analogy.


The Islam Dude
How do we have equal opportunity to find the truth when the truth is distorted by people who has their own agenda?

Well if anyone has any more or less free will than another, then it isn't equal. And therefore I'd be wrong.

He made heaven and hell. And only ONE thing that gives you eternal damnation.

Why, you ask?

I'm not sure.


The Islam Dude
So basically it comes down to one culture shouting to the rest of the world that everyone in the world, in their soul, knows that this culture is right about stuff more than them. Out of all the thouands of gods invented by humanity, everyone truly knows that your god is the only real one.

Not as simple as that. Man's corrupt ways, due to the influence of the Devil has made things all the more difficult to find the right path due to God giving free will. Yet many still do find him.

That's not a fact. The idea that your god came to man is an aspect of your religion rather than a fact that humanity has to work with.

Ok fine, not to you it isn't.

Try, for a minute, to take a step back and view this from a place outside of your own culture. Many Muslims I talk to seem to consistently make assumptions that may seem normal within their own culture, but are rejected as false religious stuff by certain other regions in the world.

Imagine, for instance, that you're me. So, you don't believe in any gods. From my perspective, your deity has no more validity than Athena from the Greek pantheon. So, as me, you've got Buddhists telling you stuff, Hindus telling you stuff, Muslims telling you stuff, Christians telling you stuff, atheists telling you stuff, New Agers telling you stuff, and so forth. How do you determine which of them, if any, are even remotely accurate about what they say?

Simple, if anything their God says doesn't add up. I.e their God got something wrong. Then they can't be correct can they?

If their God got everything right... then what are the chances... hmm...?

That's the landmine analogy.

Which is flawed.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
[FONT=verdana,arial][SIZE=-1]We would never visit our wrath (chastise any community) until We had sent a Messenger to give warning’. Quran 17:15[/SIZE][/FONT].

If a messenger never came to a people. They're exempt from punishment. That's IF a messenger never came.

So... wouldn't the best strategy be to ensure messengers never get places? That would ensure a 100% entry rate into heaven would it not?

Let's take a fictional island called Island. There's a community of people there who've never heard of Islam or any Abrahamic faith. Are they therefore all heavenbound by fiat?

Is it not true that sending a messenger there would reduce the rate of heavenbound souls from 100% to 1% (if your 99/100 statement is accurate)?

If someone on Island is a serial murderer, does he still get to heaven since he hasn't been warned by a prophet?

You however, I assume do not believe in God (forgive me if I'm wrong). That leaves me with having to prove that first. It's like trying to prove the possibility of a quark star forming in the universe without a person first knowing what a hadron is yet or believing it exists.

Can you describe colours to a person who was blind from birth? I will first have to provide you with that sight, i.e. one step at a time. The first being, proving the existence of God which would require a whole topic of its own and far longer posts than we already have now.

Why on earth would Allah make it so difficult for us atheists to understand it? Why not simple proof so that we can make an informed choice? Do you agree that when eternity is on the line, playing games with "who comes to the right belief or not" is a little sick and twisted without providing good, solid evidence to everyone?

Yes I have. God gave man clear proof of his existence and Kingdom and then left us with free will to do as we want. That also includes corrupting others to the point where it seems like a landmine with 50 buttons.

What clear proof of his existence? I don't see it. Please point it out to me.

As for making an informed decision. For some people, seeing is believing. For others, feeling. For some absolutely nothing is enough. To what degree of evidence do you need? That will be nice to know.

I just require evidence to believe something before I adopt the belief. That evidence can be empirical, it can be metaphysical, it can be epistemic or ontological -- just something that indicates that a statement in question is true beyond a rational doubt. It must be internally consistent (not contain contradictions) and externally consistent (not contradict other knowledge that's known to be true).

A book that says "This book is true" is not, in itself, evidence. Particularly when there are many such books that contradict each other and all claim to be true.

Hmm... so how often do you suppose he should come? Every year? Month? Week?

It really isn't that much of a bother for a being with infinite power to provide solid evidence to each and every individual at some point in their lives; and a being with infinite knowledge would know exactly what it takes to convince them.

A being which does not give people an informed choice (such as I'm experiencing right now -- if Allah exists, I am not informed) is nothing short of the most evil, malevolent, grotesque demon in existence that even Satan pales in comparison to if it punishes people eternally (or allows them to be punished) for a choice that they had to make blindly.

Your landmine analogy is flawed. God doesn't need to pop up every 10 minutes to say "Hey am still here lol". That, is more jerk like imo.

God gave man Prophets, as well as the Holy Quran. Man's corrupt ways and Satan's rebellious influence is what makes things so difficult. However we still have eaqual opportunity.

Let's say that your parents believe in leprechauns. One day you decide to ask them why. They say they believe in leprechauns because their great, great, great grandparents saw one.

Should you believe it without questioning its authenticity even a little? Or is it prudent to question whether or not that was actually the case?

If you say that you should question it, then you realize exactly why only appearing a few times through history and sending sporratic prophets is a failure of a mechanism for providing reason to believe. If you agree that great-great-grandparents claiming to see a leprechaun isn't a good reason for YOU to believe it, then you are agreeing that God using prophets is a very inefficient system; and you shouldn't be surprised that atheists exist who doubt the authenticity of all the contradicting stories people tell about gods.

If you say that you should NOT question it, then... well... you must believe in all legends everywhere, right?