Just a little side note there Terrywoodenpic....."church" is actually the congregated people, rather than the building they congregate in.
So denominational separation should never have taken place in Christianity. All of the Christians that met together in the first century were taught by the apostles in congregations spread out in the various cities. They relied on being united in their beliefs, (1 Cor 1:10) not departing from the teachings of the Christ, yet Jesus himself foretold that such division would take place. "Weeds" of false Christianity were to be sown by the devil, according to Jesus, in the same "field" as the true Christians were 'planted'. This did not take place recently, but was "already at work" in the days of the apostles. (Matt 13:36-43; 2 Thess 2:6-8)
Only in "the time of the harvest" would a clear separation between the two take place. We believe that we are living in that time period right now. We also believe that being tangled up in the weeds of Christendom is causing mass confusion and indecision on the part of many truth seekers.
People need the truth today, as never before. We are on the brink of a major change on the world scene. Many people are acutely aware of this, but still do not know where to turn. We hope they will accept our message because this separation that is taking place now, will affect the lives of every person living when the "day of Jehovah" comes like a thief. (Matt 24:43, 44) We believe it could come any day now. The world is falling apart, financially, politically, morally and socially. Man has no solutions. God has the only solution....his kingdom in the capable hands of his trusted son.
This is not the time for "interfaith" but a time for separation.....for decisive action on our part. (Rev 18:3, 4) :sad: