Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
No, I don't believe an "invisible sky-daddy" exists, in the way pop religion presents the belief. But I'm interested to know what the irrefutable evidence is that there is no Deity?But in fact there is lots of evidence that there is no God, at least, not your God, who clearly does not exist.
Further, it not reasonable to behave as if a myriad of possible imaginary entities existed, on the off chance that one of them does. Rather the burden is on the assertion that something does exist to provide evidence that it does. Otherwise no one could get out of bed in the morning, for fear you might be trampling invisible baby kittens hiding under your bed.
To define Deity as "your God" is dicey, because everyone has a slightly different concept. At least for me, I don't behave "as if an imaginary entity exists." I behave in accordance with a world view that perceives creation in theological terms. For me, God isn't a matter of "real" or "imaginary," "existent" or "non-existent."
That being said, it is reasonable to operate from a standpoint of theology, if that's how I'm geared to understand the universe. Since we cannot fully grasp God, the language and images we use to talk about God are, necessarily, limited.