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Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

Are all Ten commandments binding?

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Active Member
but, doesn't that include those who worship on Sunday?

Taken from post #293
Originally Posted by rocka21
Irvin, lets get to the chase.

What do you think will happen to me if i don't worship on the sabbath?
** You should only be concerned with what the Bible has to say, not what I think
John 12:48
He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.

**God winks at your ignorance. Paul said,
1 Timothy 1:13
although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.
i am a christian that goes to church on sunday. ( and wednesday also). i spend most saturdays at the mall or relaxing.

can you tell me my fate please?

Only you can answer that question? If you didn't know the Sabbath Truth before these posts you know now. Sunday worship -is a commandment of men!


Active Member
Oh ok, then I guess we do go to hell. Thanks for giving me the runaround.

Runaround ? What does the Bible say?, Concerning anyone who does not obey His commands, not any Church or denomination has to say. What does God say?

You see the reason I call my self an SDA, is because when I take a look at ALL the other Protestant religions, the only group that follows all of the Ten Commandments of the Bible is the Seventh-Day Adventist. ALL other Protestant religions follow after Rome.

Now based on that one fact, or principle alone - the Bible specially warns about "obeying the commands or doctrine of men. That's it. Obey God or Obey man

The scripture is very clear on this, where is the discrepancy?


Runaround ? What does the Bible say?, Concerning anyone who does not obey His commands, not any Church or denomination has to say. What does God say?

You see the reason I call my self an SDA, is because when I take a look at ALL the other Protestant religions, the only group that follows all of the Ten Commandments of the Bible is the Seventh-Day Adventist. ALL other Protestant religions follow after Rome.

Now based on that one fact, or principle alone - the Bible specially warns about "obeying the commands or doctrine of men. That's it. Obey God or Obey man

The scripture is very clear on this, where is the discrepancy?
None of the ten commandments are in effect anymore, they were given to Israel. That was the Old Testament. The New Testament God made with his people is salvation through faith. In Romans 4 Paul specifically states that if you say the promise [of salvation] is only for those who obey the law [of Moses], then you are saying that faith is meaningless. It just so happens that 9 of the ten commandments overlap into the the love God and love your neighbor category, so we still obey them, but we don't follow the ceremonial law anymore, so we don't observe the sabbath.


Why thank you! I shall respond to them individually. :)

Well, I don't really have anything to say. I guess if I were to only follow the Bible I would probably have to conceed the point to you. In the Doctrine and Covenants, though, (those being LDS scriptures) Christ says that it doesn't really matter to him which day one decides to call sacred, so he said we could worship on Sundays since that's basically the way the entire western way does it.


Veteran Member

The scripture is very clear on this, where is the discrepancy?
You could have told me earlier when I brought up the point about SDA's and hell that it was true instead of just apologizing for no reason.

I have zero interest in worshipping a God who would send me to hell because my heartfelt and genuine worship was always on a Tuesday afternoon instead of Saturday. That is simply ludicrous and doesn't even deserve further debate from me.


Active Member
None of the ten commandments are in effect anymore, they were given to Israel. That was the Old Testament. The New Testament God made with his people is salvation through faith. In Romans 4 Paul specifically states that if you say the promise [of salvation] is only for those who obey the law [of Moses], then you are saying that faith is meaningless. It just so happens that 9 of the ten commandments overlap into the the love God and love your neighbor category, so we still obey them, but we don't follow the ceremonial law anymore, so we don't observe the sabbath.
There is No Scriptural evidence For the Change of, or Doing away with the Seventh -day Sabbath from Genesis to Revelation


Active Member
You could have told me earlier when I brought up the point about SDA's and hell that it was true instead of just apologizing for no reason.
What are you talking about? You must think that I am trying to convert you, and that is not the case. That is the work of the Holy Spirit.
I am merely echoing the scriptures- your beef is with God, not me, SDA's or anyone else for that matter

I have zero interest in worshipping a God who would send me to hell because my heartfelt and genuine worship was always on a Tuesday afternoon instead of Saturday. That is simply ludicrous and doesn't even deserve further debate from me.
Thats fine you have free will, though you should only have interest in doing Gods will - whatever that may be



Active Member
Well, I don't really have anything to say. I guess if I were to only follow the Bible I would probably have to conceed the point to you. In the Doctrine and Covenants, though, (those being LDS scriptures) Christ says that it doesn't really matter to him which day one decides to call sacred, so he said we could worship on Sundays since that's basically the way the entire western way does it.
Aqualung, Your Honesty is refreshing! and the exact point that I have been trying to make. "If we were to follow the Bible", my only point. If we were to follow the Bible- all Christians, we would not even be having a discussion about the Sabbath. All Christians would follow Christs example.

Not the example of Men, the "Men" in this topic happen to be papist. Their doctrine is not of the Bible- but of Men. Now because I bring this up for discussion I'm a Liar and a Hater?

That means I Hate papists? -or believe in the Bible?



Well-Known Member
That means I Hate papists?
Just FYI... I don't appreciate being called a "papist".... it is offensive to me.... it hurts my feelings. I would appreciate if you would stop using this term and stick to something more respectful like Catholic or Christian.



Veteran Member
Aqualung, Your Honesty is refreshing!
Shouldn't you reword that to say....your honesty is refreshing because you agree with me? :rolleyes:

You won't find too many Christians who agree the only day to worship the Lord is on Saturdays. Or, that say you go to hell if you worship on another day besides Saturday.

The SDA laws are stricter than the old laws before Christ came!


Active Member
Just FYI... I don't appreciate being called a "papist".... it is offensive to me.... it hurts my feelings. I would appreciate if you would stop using this term and stick to something more respectful like Catholic or Christian.


Please accept my most humble apology
I aim not to offend- and here I thought by using the term Catholic- I would be offensive - go figure....I was not aware that the "other term" was offensive.
Again -I offer my apology


Active Member
Shouldn't you reword that to say....your honesty is refreshing because you agree with me? :rolleyes:

You won't find too many Christians who agree the only day to worship the Lord is on Saturdays.
And you won't find one of my posts that says so - But what you will find, is underline theme of my posts -is that the true day of worship has been changed -and that God is calling us back to worship him the way He asks- in these Last Days
Or, that say you go to hell if you worship on another day besides Saturday.
I can't figure out why you keep saying that? I have no opinions or judgments on any person in the world -as it pertains to the matter of Salvation.
The SDA laws are stricter than the old laws before Christ came!
What SDA Laws? the 10 Commandments are for everyone aren't they


Active Member
[/color][/size]Christ's example can be seen in this: "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath."

Let those who have ears, hear.

I meant Christ and the Apostles worshiped on the Seventh -Day of the week according to the Bible.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I keep the 10 Commandment Law of Love which happens to incorporate the Seventh-Day Sabbath as the day God Sanctioned and made Holy- I was no where when God cerated the world.
The "10 Comandment Law of Love" is an abysmal interpretation of both the decalogue and Christ's summary of the Levitican Law.
Jesus showed time and again by his actions and words- that he being, "LORD OF THE SABBATH" was incapable of Sabbath breaking -and that he was NOT doing work on the Sabbath. He was only doing "work" on the Sabbath - according to their (interpretation) their made up standards - "doctrines of men".
Hmm..."Then God spoke all these words:...Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God; you shall not do any work...seems to me like God set the standard -- not men -- according to your interpretation. Healing is work. Picking grain is work. God said it was not to be done, but Jesus did it anyway. These examples are given in the Gospels to show that love for God and fellow is more important than love for the letter of the Law. Your interpretation, once again...abysmal.
-[FONT=&quot]For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.[/FONT]
Yes, the practice of love is the whole point of all the law -- not that we should love the Law as an end in itself, but as an expression of love. If our keeping the Law causes us to love the Law more than God or fellow, then the Law is being idolized and should be broken.
Paul says,

For All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God [and] By the law is the knowledge of sin [For] The wages of sin is death.
[Therefore] God sending his own Son ... condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law(10 Commands) might be fulfilled(completed, accomplished) in us.
Do we then make void the law through faith?
God forbid: yea, we establish the law(10 Commands) Therefore love is the fulfilling(completing) of the law.

[So] What then? Shall we sin (break God's law), because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid Romans 3,6,8, &13
Paul never mentions the "10 Commands" as the scope of the Law he was talking about. That's your particular interpretation of it, and that interpretation is wrong. Once again, Romans says, "Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law." In other words, our righteousness comes to us by faith -- not by law. Faith does not nullify the law, rather, faith fulfills the law. Once again, your interpretation is abysmal.
The key word here is " one " - One people that "keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus"
Your quote "that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus" is not part of the scriptural reference you quoted. That's your interpolation. This is an excellent example of how eisegesis can really skew Biblical interpretation.
I don't have an interpretation!
Baloney! Your posts are full of your interpretations.
Scripture speaks for itself- Christians follow Christ - Protestants protest the teachings of the papacy. Sunday worship is a teaching of the papacy - I've presented many posts giving undeniable proof of the Bible warning of this, (1260 prophecy etc.) and Papal proof by their own admission - Not one word came from me - or my own opinions or interpretations.
And must be interpreted by the reader. Yes. Christians follow Christ. Protestants have nothing really new to add to the mix and are not cogent to the issue at hand. Most Protestants worship...on Sunday! (Hence, following the"teachings of the Papacy," as you put it.) As I've said before, Sunday worship predates the Papacy. The Papacy claims responsibility for it, only because the Papacy is in the apostolic succession. What the apostles set in place, therefore, the Papacy, by extension, set in place, for the Papacy is part of the apostolic authority. Your interpretation of prophecy means nothing to anyone but yourself. If you think you're not speaking from your own opinion and interpretation, you're fooling yourself.
We have baptism to celebrate Christs resurrection.
Read your Bible again. Baptism celebrates the remission of sin. The Eucharist celebrates the resurrection. That's what most Protestants believe, anyway...since you seem eager to hold them up as an example...


Admiral Obvious
But what you will find, is underline theme of my posts -is that the true day of worship has been changed -and that God is calling us back to worship him the way He asks- in these Last Days
You keep claiming that Saturday is the "True Day of the Sabbath" yet you have not shown beyond reasonable doubt that it is Saturday and not Sunday or Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday even.

Seems to me that your very argument can used to prove that any of the days is the sabbath.

Which makes you argument not very good.


Oldest Heretic
Most Christians have difficulty keeping most of the commandments for most of the time.
If I could keep 9 of them all my life I would be well pleased. Amazed more like.