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Why I am a good proof that there is a God


Jesus in me
You keep saying this, but I have prayed, taken part in religious rituals, meditated, even taken the shahada. Nothing. Not a flicker.
For these things to "work", you need to already have belief in the thing you are looking for. It ism were confirmation bias.

And then what about all the religious people who lose belief? People who were once devout and pious but now reject the concept of god. What happened there? Why did god take it away from them?

I believe your experience is evidence that it didn't work for you but it is not evidence that it didn't work for me.

I believe that is true and one may wish to believe but wishing doesn't make it so.

I believe it is impossible if a person believes for him to stop believing. I believe what happens is that the person thinks he believes but when a lie comes along he is easily bamboozled because the person did not really believe.

I believe God is not the one doing that.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I believe it is evidence and better than a lot of scientific evidence which so often fails to be true.

Scientific evidence consists of observations or experimental results that are repeatable. I think you're confusing the evidence with the theories or hypotheses that are derived from it.

You're also just assuming that your evidence-free assertions are true. Anybody can make a list of claims like you did in your opening post about pretty much anything, including endless and contradictory gods. Do you really not get that?


Active Member
I'm always perplexed by the need people have to prove God exists. I'm not sure whom they are trying to convince of his existence... themselves or others. Conversely it perplexes me why people need to disprove the existence of the [form of] God someone else believes in, in favor of their own. :shrug:
Why do people think they have a right to subjectively define God to begin with ?

Our attempts to define a theory that can't be observed can only lead to vivid imaginations .


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I believe I have stated facts that are true.

Let's put it this way. Unless there is some objective test that somebody else can do (regardless of their beliefs) that could potentially falsify your beliefs (prove them to be wrong), then you cannot have any evidence for them because they would compatible with literally any facts about the world at all.


Jesus in me
So it is a special ability you have to be able to hear god, rather than god's word being audible to everyone.
Why do you think other religionists are unable to hear him, despite them being even more pious and devout than you?[/QUOTE]
I believe it is not an ability but it partially is a gift. I would not be able to hear God speak to me if He were not willing to speak to me. At age thirteen I was naive. I had childlike faith. I believed if I called upon God that He would answer me. Now having Jesus as Lord and Savior, I expect God to be in me and talk to me since that is what Jesus promised.

I believe He never said that He would speak to everyone and other than Jesus it is very rare for God to speak audibly.

I believe it is possible for people of other religions to hear God. However just as there were false prophets in the Bible who said they heard God but didn't there are also people of other religions who also fall into that category. I believe piety and devotion are works not gifts.
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Jesus in me
Let's put it this way. Unless there is some objective test that somebody else can do (regardless of their beliefs) that could potentially falsify your beliefs (prove them to be wrong), then you cannot have any evidence for them because they would compatible with literally any facts about the world at all.

I am having trouble understanding what you are saying but if you are questioning how one knows what is true or not, that is a problem. My belief is that the proof is in the pudding. For instance Jesus said if you can't believe my words then believe my deeds. Usually in the Bible the way a prophet is deemed true is if his prophecies come to pass.


Jesus in me
If your "evidence" requires belief to be seen, then it is not evidence.

I had this happen to me the other day. My son asked me to remove two packages of meat from the freezer. I believed they were not there but when he got home he showed me the packages. I had seen them and thought they were something different but the proof is in the pudding.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I am having trouble understanding what you are saying but if you are questioning how one knows what is true or not, that is a problem.

I'm talking about evidence. That means objective facts about the world that support your claims. If there is no objective fact at all that could possibly contradict your claim, and prove it wrong, then there can't be any facts that support it either because the very fact that no fact could possibly disprove it, shows that it is compatible with any possible fact. If your claim is unfalsifiable, it is also unevidenced.


Well-Known Member
I believe first and foremost God is real because He abides in me.

My testimony to that affect should be enough but people need to know there are discernable affects that indicate god is present.

1. God speaks to me.
2. God gives me dreams and visons.
3. God heals my diseases.
4. God keeps me from sin.
5. God helps me to understand scripture
6. God speaks through me.

God bless. As it says in Psalm 102 (LXX):

"Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his praises: who forgives all thy transgressions, who heals all thy diseases; who redeems thy life from corruption; who crowns thee with mercy and compassion; who satisfies thy desire with good things: so that thy youth shall be renewed like that of the eagle."

May you continue to "live and recount the works of the Lord" as it says in Psalm 117 (LXX).


Jesus in me
God bless. As it says in Psalm 102 (LXX):

"Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his praises: who forgives all thy transgressions, who heals all thy diseases; who redeems thy life from corruption; who crowns thee with mercy and compassion; who satisfies thy desire with good things: so that thy youth shall be renewed like that of the eagle."

May you continue to "live and recount the works of the Lord" as it says in Psalm 117 (LXX).

Ps:119:99 I have more understanding than all my teachers,
for your testimonies are my meditation

Meditation didn't work for me. I attended Quaker meeting for a while but for all that time God did not speak to me there. I attended a Four Square church for many years and God spoke to me many times there but they discovered I was a heretic and an Iconoclastic one at that and muffled me which I was not pleased with so I left.


Jesus in me
They are only appear to be fiction if you don't believe them to be real.
So, if someone believes them to be non-fiction, are they proof of wizards?

I believe there are myths about wizards. My belief is that it is a possibility. As far as I know there is nothing current to verify it.


Veteran Member
KWED said:
If your "evidence" requires belief to be seen, then it is not evidence.
I had this happen to me the other day. My son asked me to remove two packages of meat from the freezer. I believed they were not there but when he got home he showed me the packages. I had seen them and thought they were something different but the proof is in the pudding.

That's not "belief to be seen" as it was demonstrated to you by your son, dear oh dear.


Scratching head, scratching knee
I had this happen to me the other day. My son asked me to remove two packages of meat from the freezer. I believed they were not there but when he got home he showed me the packages. I had seen them and thought they were something different
All this shows is that your son was aware of something that you weren't aware of.

My point was that is something requires belief in it in order for it to be observable, then it cannot be called "evidence", because only people who believe in it can see it.


Jesus in me
So if a child is brought up to think that 2+2=5, then 2+2 does indeed = 5 and if someone later tried to explain to them that 2+2 actually = 4, they would be wrong and the child right?

I believe the mind processes information so every piece of information is subjective because the mind processes it. I see things differently .If the mind generated the information then it is subjective but if the mind receives i then it is objective. My exoeriences are not mind generated but are mind reeived.

So if i were taught that there were no gods added to five mythological gods making five gods and you believed that but then your experience is that you knew of no god it would not be the same thing as 2+2. I can experience 2+2=4 but I can't experience 2=2 = 5 because it doesn't exist. However I can experience God so the concept that there is not a God can't be experienced because it doesn't exist.