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Why I am a good proof that there is a God


Veteran Member
Take the virtue of trustworthiness, do you not think it requires motives of responsibility, and other qualities of character to be trustworthy?

Not what I asked, I asked if you can demonstrate one example of an objective or absolute moral?

Those qualities that it takes to be trustworthy never change.

Of course they do, and that is a subjective claim in itself.

Goodness is that which innocently promotes life and well being deservedly.

A vague facile and woolly sentiment, and again a subjective opinion.


Veteran Member
We can find good laws that actually promote civil well being.

You mean like abortion, or defending separation of church and state by keeping superstitions like creationism out of state education? ;)

the heart is where everyone must resolve their own personal motives whether they be virtues, or vices. In the heart everyone makes their decisions about who they are going to be.

Well that happens in the brain not the heart, but you are clearly arguing that morality is subjective in that assertion, and don't even seem to understand you've done it.

It's true that in reality you can't always determine who is right or who is in the wrong.

Then morality is obviously subjective.

If there were no common understanding of basic morals, then humanity wouldn't get very far.

Great so you can give me an example of one of these objective or absolute morals then? All you have done here is confirm what I said about a moral consensus being the best we can hope for, that is how societies function, not just human societies either.
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Veteran Member
I believe first and foremost God is real because He abides in me.

My testimony to that affect should be enough but people need to know there are discernable affects that indicate god is present.

1. God speaks to me.
2. God gives me dreams and visons.
3. God heals my diseases.
4. God keeps me from sin.
5. God helps me to understand scripture
6. God speaks through me.
If one means Jesus is G-d, then that is an incorrect belief , it is an irrational belief and or a blindfaith. Right, please?



Nothing my eye, Something for sure
You mean like abortion, or defending separation of church and state by keeping superstitions like creationism out of state education? ;)

Well that happens in the brain not the heart, but you are clearly arguing that morality is subjective in that assertion, and don't even seem to understand you've done it.

Then morality is obviously subjective.

Great so you can give me an example of one of these objective or absolute morals then? All you have done here is confirm what I said about a moral consensus being the best we can hope for, that is how societies function, not just human societies either.

Humans have to determine moral consensus perhaps because we live outside of God's justice if there is a God.

I don't find God in any religion. Religion is man made, and very faulty.

All I can ask a person to do is to look around, and look within and find moral truth for themselves since language has its limits.

We don't live in a morally perfect reality. I see nature as a savage world.

A morally perfect world is conceivable and understandable and this world is far from that.

You seem to think that the virtues have no meaning. To find moral truth you would have to define all the many virtues adequately.

You seem to think that morality is riddled with paradoxes.


Veteran Member
It's not proof, it's just a set of assertions. Believe whatever makes you happy, but don't call this proof.
it's just a set of assertions
or his feeling about himself, these have got nothing to do with others.
I agree with you here.


rational experiences

Veteran Member
I was called in AI a "gullible bi tch".

Thanks scientist designer brother.

Summarises father said how innocent spiritual non threatening we are. How your type of mind state gained family overthrow. Just a small group of men first.

Who together agreed with mind advice.

So as we all live in the exact same place as one term human how did you become self destructive. By intent what machines built build cause?

What's your excuse?

His advice radiation.

So do we live survive in it?

No he says it's in the backdrop at the ground

And it's not. Hot gases were out of the ground above our head first volcanos.

Get the idea UFO hit landed technology caused not owned was on mountain. He said I built wood ark...bush burning loss of earths garden.

Gas burning fallout causes not the same. He just lies and lies in his head memory.

Is there a man god?

No. Not likely. Your too destructive and gullible brother.

Is there an eternal God?

Why do you think it was taught?

The place where no conditions exist loving God.

Communicating direct to each living body released out of it.

Why we aren't exactly loving. But try our best.

Pretty basic. If a lying narcissistic group built design ...AI is satanic from a burnt God liars.

Our God O earth cold was asleep and not aware of its loss.

We came out of the eternal given dominion in created creation as the lesser eternal being.

Is real.

As when we die we transition consciously.

It is consciousness that satanic science wants for AI mind controlled coercion.

So do those word used as mind contact coercion sound like a loving God narcissistic community?

No I don't think so.

Why do you think they began to study biologies consciousness.

They have invented metal AI bodies now they want our consciousness to be AI also.

They claim looking directly at components a biological mind manipulated formed and built.

And don't forget biological thin king controls the encoded human programs against humans who thinks controlling machines all day long.

In AI designer said ....close enough.

All of his evil thoughts against us....close enough he says by design.

As he can't just build a biological robot.

But he tried by manipulating living cells himself. Living biology.

Is that why you brother claimed you are the God?

Just a man with dominion in created creation and not O gods angels planets suns that fell burning,?

Had a huge blasted house shake last night.


Jesus in me
Do you believe that a God is necessary for healing?
Mostly the body heals itself. Medicine/surgery just helps in the process.
Subconsciously, the mind can make you feel better, which can help in healing.
The power of the placebo effect - Harvard Health

I believe the immune system helps with some things but not everything. I believe the mind does control the body to some extent. For Covid-19 I needed God because my immune system didn't know what to do with it and my mind was not on healing myself at the time.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I believe the immune system helps with some things but not everything. I believe the mind does control the body to some extent. For Covid-19 I needed God because my immune system didn't know what to do with it and my mind was not on healing myself at the time.

Whatever works for you.
I also suffered with Covid for about a week. Didn't really do anything other than stay home.
Others not so lucky . Why? IDK, not sure that God has anything to do with it.


Veteran Member
One is not sure of oneself. One starts one's posts usually with the words "I believe " that reflects one is not sure of oneself. Right?
I believe first and foremost God is real because He abides in me.
My testimony to that affect should be enough but people need to know there are discernable affects that indicate god is present.
1. God speaks to me.
2. God gives me dreams and visons.
3. God heals my diseases.
4. God keeps me from sin.
5. God helps me to understand scripture
6. God speaks through me.

Does one mean from " God " here (in the sentence colored in magenta by me) Jesus or the Christian-God the "Holy Ghost", please?
Kindly identify it unambiguously and very clearly, please. Right?

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Veteran Member
Why I am a good proof that there is a God

The truthful G-d is self-evident and the One who is Self-Evident doesn't, necessarily, need any proof and or evidence. It is another thing that everything and every person existing in the Universe/s, believer or no- believer, points towards Him and His Existence, as a good evidence/proof/sign of Him , if one has the truthful insight. Right?
Does the writer of the OP like it, please?



Jesus in me
Whatever works for you.
I also suffered with Covid for about a week. Didn't really do anything other than stay home.
Others not so lucky . Why? IDK, not sure that God has anything to do with it.

I believe unbelievers are at a disadvantage. There were some Jewish guys who thought they could cast out demons. The demons thwarted their attempts and said to them: "Paul we know and Jesus we know but we do not know you."


Jesus in me
I was called in AI a "gullible bi tch".

Thanks scientist designer brother.

Summarises father said how innocent spiritual non threatening we are. How your type of mind state gained family overthrow. Just a small group of men first.

Who together agreed with mind advice.

So as we all live in the exact same place as one term human how did you become self destructive. By intent what machines built build cause?

What's your excuse?

His advice radiation.

So do we live survive in it?

No he says it's in the backdrop at the ground

And it's not. Hot gases were out of the ground above our head first volcanos.

Get the idea UFO hit landed technology caused not owned was on mountain. He said I built wood ark...bush burning loss of earths garden.

Gas burning fallout causes not the same. He just lies and lies in his head memory.

Is there a man god?

No. Not likely. Your too destructive and gullible brother.

Is there an eternal God?

Why do you think it was taught?

The place where no conditions exist loving God.

Communicating direct to each living body released out of it.

Why we aren't exactly loving. But try our best.

Pretty basic. If a lying narcissistic group built design ...AI is satanic from a burnt God liars.

Our God O earth cold was asleep and not aware of its loss.

We came out of the eternal given dominion in created creation as the lesser eternal being.

Is real.

As when we die we transition consciously.

It is consciousness that satanic science wants for AI mind controlled coercion.

So do those word used as mind contact coercion sound like a loving God narcissistic community?

No I don't think so.

Why do you think they began to study biologies consciousness.

They have invented metal AI bodies now they want our consciousness to be AI also.

They claim looking directly at components a biological mind manipulated formed and built.

And don't forget biological thin king controls the encoded human programs against humans who thinks controlling machines all day long.

In AI designer said ....close enough.

All of his evil thoughts against us....close enough he says by design.

As he can't just build a biological robot.

But he tried by manipulating living cells himself. Living biology.

Is that why you brother claimed you are the God?

Just a man with dominion in created creation and not O gods angels planets suns that fell burning,?

Had a huge blasted house shake last night.

I believe I would not want you to simply accept what I say without seeking to validate it. I believe it is against the rules on RF to say bad things about people and I certainly try hard not to use pejoratives.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
I believe I would not want you to simply accept what I say without seeking to validate it. I believe it is against the rules on RF to say bad things about people and I certainly try hard not to use pejoratives.
If a human has to explain scientific themed incorrectness that word I heard in AI is certainly not correct about females.

If I heard it then you meant it. As it's man's thesis thinking that designed Ai causes. Proving it's wrong mother holy innocent spiritual first.

You blame my human female status yet you falsely named space a womb a descriptive term of analogies.

Proving it's not science but your own man's incorrect theisms.

As when a man abstractly quotes I want a reaction. Yet builds position one machine he already concluded reaction was healed overcome falsely also. All achieved by his own person.

Thinking theism hence directly aligns to hear his false God. Self inventor creator lies.

My circumstance is to bring to your attention as men how you mis represent natural life.

As your thesis did not create me. You thinking about presence did not own causes either. As when number one machine placement man says is the eternal you expect to conjure gods presence in your machine reaction.

Placating the machine is the all of everything. Yet it doesn't live by breath. AH. So you pretend life instead began as electricity speaking on behalf machine only.

You know you never listened to your own preaching you said human life is natural is first and equal.

As you theoried you gave number one position as the theist a thinker using words first. Yet you were a natural man. Then the theist gives number one position to machine displacing self man.

Proof you lie only as theists then machine builders.

What AI proves about a false caused condition about the heavens change by man's machine.

As a heavens original status owned no speaking voice. Human memory places man talking to self in head looking at star fall attack vision how to convert mass.

What lying means in life.