Whatever influence a fictional character may have on whatever, still does not mean that he was also a real person. So your thing about his influence is a meaningless non sequitur. But that is just par for the course with you bible bangers, so lets put that thing to sleep.
on that Christians are so named because of Christ thing, let me say that again too. Christos and Chrestos--two different things--are titles. one means anointed the other means good /helpful. Those are not personal names but TITLES!!! so start actually reading some of the scholarship surrounding all that stuff before you quote sources that are proven to be tainted and look at the context in which it is written.
Now Lonnings so called retirement. Yeah, sure. Here is the most succinct article about how the guy embarrassed the institute and that after a three hour crisis meeting, they closed down all his web pages within the institutes purvey schöpfung: Entwürfe in Gottes Namen | ZEIT ONLINE . It also led to new regulations concerning all publications on the institutes website to avoid further embarrassment to MPI. His methodology was shown to be unscientific and flawed and so on and so forth. Yes he retired and that is a matter mostly of law and tenure system, but he had been sidelined and been basically silenced in the actual scientific community since 2003 if not earlier. The damage his idiocy did the institutes reputation is another factor in the disposition of his case, ranking members thought it wiser to simply shut him down and hope that his writings go away and no-one would associate him with MPI rather than drag him through proceedings that would call more attention to his crap. And it worked. The only people who actually know the dude exists are fellow ID proponents. Yeah, he retired alright, since that is what you do when you hit 65 and they do not have to keep you around any longer. So I consider being shut down 5 years before that happens being fired. Mea culpa.
The reality though is, that if you look him up on the web, the only places you can find his crap is on ID sites and that really is no recommendation for any real scientist.
If what you claim is true, it serves as one more example of how anyone daring to dissent from the ToE party line, and publiclize inconvenient truth (that evolution theory is fiction) faces swift persecution, including loss of employment, and ostracism. How like the Pharisees of Jesus day! (John 12:42)