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Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God


Admiral Obvious
Hey you guys and girls! There's one thing - a crucial one - you haven't mentioned in these posts: there's one book that has been homogeneous for 14 centuries... billions and billions of copies around the world... but ONE version! Same words... unchanged, unchangeable, emanating from the same... author? No; GOD who tells us everything in His book... about Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, other prophets and Jesus (peace be upon them all)...and everything they did and how they received the Message... Go check it in the last Revelation sent to the last messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) to the whole humanity ! You'll find in this book things (historical, scientific, social...) that could NOT have been written (or said) by a man, DEFINITELY! I strongly challenge anyone to find any contradiction in the Qur'an or any two different versions of it! As simple as this... it is the word of Allah, God, Yahwe... call Him with any name, except Jesus son of Mary! In fact, He has told us how to refer to Him (99 names). He has promised to preserve His Book from corruption and loss when He says: {Indeed, it is We who have sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian} [A-Hidjr, verse 9].
PS: Please don't make the amalgam Islam and those Muslims who give such a bad erroneous picture of Islam... Go straight to the source and see for yourself if you want to discover the Truth!
Interesting that you would interrupt this thread with a commercial for the Koran...
Rather rude don't you think?


I'm sorry Ingledsva, but you're completely wrong as to what the language of the Qur'an is. Apart from some stylistic features which are specific, the Arabic in which it was sent is exactly the same as the Arabic used today in formal education, books, newspapers, and spoken in formal situations, in documentaries, etc... the only written form; and all literate Arabs understand it perfectly well ! You must understand that the structure of this language (phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic) has not changed since pre-Islamic literature and poetry, except for a number of borrowings (from English, French...) for necessity or coining of new words to serve modern purposes (eg: the word [Taa'irah] طائرة did not exist and it is created from the existing verb root [Taara] 'to fly', to mean 'plane'!). Plus, nothing has been added even in translations which, by the way are not considered at all by those who know Arabic >> a great number of scientific facts found in the Qur'an (in Arabic) have always been there, even when the first Muslims and those who followed did not understand them ! Check for example 'embryology in the Qur'an'... type this in Google and you'll see... Peace on you, my dear.


Interesting that you would interrupt this thread with a commercial for the Koran...
Rather rude don't you think?
Sorry, but I'm not commercializing the Qu'ran. It doesn't need that ! It's the Word of God, just like the (true) Bible, the Word of God before... You see, I haven't interrupted your thread ! God is ONE and He sent His prophets with Books, but the essence is its Unity and His last Book is the Qur'an, whether you accept it or not! There's no God but Him !


I'm sorry Ingledsva, but you're completely wrong as to what the language of the Qur'an is. Apart from some stylistic features which are specific, the Arabic in which it was sent is exactly the same as the Arabic used today in formal education, books, newspapers, and spoken in formal situations, in documentaries, etc... the only written form; and all literate Arabs understand it perfectly well ! You must understand that the structure of this language (phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic) has not changed since pre-Islamic literature and poetry, except for a number of borrowings (from English, French...) for necessity or coining of new words to serve modern purposes (eg: the word [Taa'irah] طائرة did not exist and it is created from the existing verb root [Taara] 'to fly', to mean 'plane'!). Plus, nothing has been added even in translations which, by the way are not considered at all by those who know Arabic >> a great number of scientific facts found in the Qur'an (in Arabic) have always been there, even when the first Muslims and those who followed did not understand them ! Check for example 'embryology in the Qur'an'... type this in Google and you'll see... Peace on you, my dear.

Not true.

You would not be able to read an original ancient Qur'an - because language and style changes.

It is the same with the Bible. Most English speakers today can't read the first English Bibles.



Admiral Obvious
Sorry, but I'm not commercializing the Qu'ran. It doesn't need that ! It's the Word of God, just like the (true) Bible, the Word of God before... You see, I haven't interrupted your thread ! God is ONE and He sent His prophets with Books, but the essence is its Unity and His last Book is the Qur'an, whether you accept it or not! There's no God but Him !
Your post about the Koran in a thread about the Bible is indeed a commercial for the Koran.

Well, you obviously feel the Koran needs commercial time or you would not have posted a commercial for the Koran.

And now we have another one of your commercials in the thread for the Koran.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
I learned everything about islam on 9/11 that I needed to know.
I began to study islam and now I'm totally sure everything about islam that happened on 9/11 is still happening only worse than ever.
China BANNED ilsam in predominately islamic areas of China.
Wonder why that is?


It really isn't. The Council of Trent got together and decided what the Bible is. No God was involved.
They got rid of all the Christian teachings that were inconvenient to the political powers, and we got the leftovers.

Then they claimed that it was The Holy Ghost who decided.
Are you a Hebrew or Greek language expert? If so, please prove which teachings were removed. I would like to know what they are. You can find both the Hebrew and Greek texts online. I look forward to hearing from you.




Not true.

You would not be able to read an original ancient Qur'an - because language and style changes.

It is the same with the Bible. Most English speakers today can't read the first English Bibles.

What? You don't believe what I said? I myself have easily read a poem of the 5th Century , and the Qur'an was written in the 7th C ! Just read about it anywhere and you'll see. The first compilation was made while the Prophet was still alive, and after his death, there were so many cross-checkings for the writing down of the version. That was checked by close friends of the prophet who had learned the Holy Book by heart....and there were many. Result: the copy we have today is exactly the same as the Divine Revelation... God Himself said he would preserve the Qur'an from corruption and erroneous forms: He said : "Verily, we have sent down the Reminder, and, verily, we will guard it. Q15:9. إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ - and here's another translation of the same verse: "Surely, We have sent down the reminder, and We will most surely be its guardian". (Qur’an, 15:9). The 'Reminder' here means the Qur'an. As for the written form, it has indeed changed a bit, in the use of diacritics (dots and dashes over and under consonants) for the sake of avoiding mispronunciation by non-Arabs who converted to Islam in the first century (Hegira) and even when the Prophet was still alive (Peace be upon him and upon all God's prophets). Here's a picture of two pages from a Qur'an written by Ali, a companion and cousin of Muhammad (ص) and the fourth Calif... I (in the 21st century) can read it.!!!


That's like saying you learned everything you needed to know about Christianity by attending a WBC picket session.
Your post about the Koran in a thread about the Bible is indeed a commercial for the Koran.

Well, you obviously feel the Koran needs commercial time or you would not have posted a commercial for the Koran.

And now we have another one of your commercials in the thread for the Koran.
What??? Are you obsessed with the word 'commercial' or what ? Haven't you got anything more instructive to say ?


I learned everything about islam on 9/11 that I needed to know.
I began to study islam and now I'm totally sure everything about islam that happened on 9/11 is still happening only worse than ever.
China BANNED ilsam in predominately islamic areas of China.
Wonder why that is?
If you think 9/11 was fomented by (true) Muslims, then you don't know anything about Islam ! The event was condemned by... a billion people, so-to-say! One of the premises of Islam says that "whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely; and whoever saves one, it is as if he had saved mankind entirely." [Al Maida - Verse 32]


Your post about the Koran in a thread about the Bible is indeed a commercial for the Koran.

Well, you obviously feel the Koran needs commercial time or you would not have posted a commercial for the Koran.

And now we have another one of your commercials in the thread for the Koran.
What??? Are you obsessed with the word 'commercial' or what ? Haven't you got anything more instructive to say?


Outstanding Member
Just wanna remind you that the translations of the Qur'an are just considered as translations or interpretations, but definitely NOT the Holy Book ! You can only perform the canonic prayers in Arabic. That wasn't the case for the Bible which was first conveyed in Aramaic...

You just reminded me one of the reasons as to why I dismiss Islam: The Quran was written on arabic, and yet it is intended to be universal.
Go figure...

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Sorry Dude, we have had this discussion many times here. There are just as many problems with the Qur'an. It has definitely been changed in translation, by people trying to prove things it said that were obviously not provable, as written.

I was asked this question in another thread. My answer below is not written to convince anyone of anything.

My belief that the Bible is the word of God comes from my belief in God, Himself. I was born into a catholic family and was educated in a parochial school. My Mother became a catholic when she married my Father, however, she really never bought into the catholic religion. (I never did either). She sent her kids to catholic school because she wanted us to get a good education. My Father did work for the church, which paid for our tuition. My Father never went to church, except maybe on Christmas or Easter. So there was really never any talk about church doctrine in the house. Most conversation about religion was centered on God. My Mom was a strong believer in God, and she was a good christian woman, always doing things for others. She talked about God a lot when I was a kid, about His wonderful creation, and the beauty she saw all around us. She had a lot of faith in God, but most of all, I remember that she had tremendous faith in the power of prayer. Regardless of any problems I may have ever encountered as a child, when I would go to her and tell her about them, the answer was always the same. She would always say, "Have you talked to God about it? Have you prayed?" My Mom never talked about the church at home, but she made sure she and her kids were there every Sunday. As I grew older, I stopped going to church, but I never lost my love for or my faith in God. It turned out that my Mother was right about prayer. I cannot begin to count the many times in my life that I have prayed to God for one thing or another, and He answered me. Not just answered me, but profoundly answered me. My answered prayers of a lifetime is proof enough for me that God exists. My belief in God has since translated into my belief in the Bible.

As I grew older, I began to be curious about the Bible. I had never seen one in our home as a child, and come to think of it, I didn't see one at school or church either. When I had the opportunity to study the Bible, I jumped at it. From the beginning, I was hooked, and had a great desire to learn more and more about it. The more I studied, the more I believed the words to be true. Eventually, I renounced the catholic religion, as did my Mother, and became a christian. I obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ in 1977 and haven't looked back.

There are so many reasons I believe the Bible is God's word. Besides my faith, and my own experiences, one thing that has always impressed me is the fact that the Bible was written by about forty men, in three different languages, from different parts of the world, over a span of hundreds and hundreds of years, yet it is unified in theme. That amazes me. I've asked myself how that could be. It wasn't like they had the internet back then. The Bible has also stood the test of time, regardless of how many have tried to destroy it. Roman emperors, communists, atheists, politicians, psychologists and more have attacked and discredited it. Some have called it a myth. Yet it has influenced more people than any other book in history. It has transformed many lives throughout thousands of years. There are numerous evidences for the Bible being the word of God: history, science, archaeology, and more support it's validity. These evidences can be found all over the internet if one has a desire to seek them out.



Problems start in light of inception and compilation of the written works which is where imo the manipulation began. Nicene/Trent for starters. It's easy to compile and redact writings to fit any givin means to an end.

Authorship in the Bible is attributed, yet not established by any means which opens up it's credibility towards speculation as to it's actual inception and dates for each book.

3) There are many contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies prevalent throughout the Bible which as a result, necessitated the field of apologetics for each respective denomination and sect, whereas it's "unified" theme is contrasted sharply in light of 36,000 plus existing denominations indicating its lack of unity by establishment.

4) A lot of archeological resources (University and academic institutions) have little or none to go on as far as verifying divine events and such. It establishes the historical institution of early Christianity but not its divinity.


Doubting Thomas
You just reminded me one of the reasons as to why I dismiss Islam: The Quran was written on arabic, and yet it is intended to be universal.
Go figure...
That seems a silly reason. What language could it be written in to make it universal?


Outstanding Member
That seems a silly reason. What language could it be written in to make it universal?

What would you do if you wanted to have your book to be understood by pretty much everyone across the globe without forcing everyone to learn the same language?

You would have your book written in multiple languages. And yet, here we have the Quran written only in arabic.


Are you a Hebrew or Greek language expert? If so, please prove which teachings were removed. I would like to know what they are. You can find both the Hebrew and Greek texts online. I look forward to hearing from you.



Are you kidding? You need to Google the Councils of Nicaea.

"The opponents were soon reduced to two, Theonas of Marmarica and Secundus of Ptolemais, who were exiled and anathematized. Arius and his writings were also branded with anathema, his books were cast into the fire, and he was exiled to Illyria."

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: First Council of Nicaea

His Books were the other side of the argument - and showed Jesus was not God!



What? You don't believe what I said? I myself have easily read a poem of the 5th Century , and the Qur'an was written in the 7th C ! Just read about it anywhere and you'll see. The first compilation was made while the Prophet was still alive, and after his death, there were so many cross-checkings for the writing down of the version. That was checked by close friends of the prophet who had learned the Holy Book by heart....and there were many. Result: the copy we have today is exactly the same as the Divine Revelation... God Himself said he would preserve the Qur'an from corruption and erroneous forms: He said : "Verily, we have sent down the Reminder, and, verily, we will guard it. Q15:9. إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ - and here's another translation of the same verse: "Surely, We have sent down the reminder, and We will most surely be its guardian". (Qur’an, 15:9). The 'Reminder' here means the Qur'an. As for the written form, it has indeed changed a bit, in the use of diacritics (dots and dashes over and under consonants) for the sake of avoiding mispronunciation by non-Arabs who converted to Islam in the first century (Hegira) and even when the Prophet was still alive (Peace be upon him and upon all God's prophets). Here's a picture of two pages from a Qur'an written by Ali, a companion and cousin of Muhammad (ص) and the fourth Calif... I (in the 21st century) can read it.!!!

You can repeat this until you are blue in the face. Qur'an Scholars come up with different translations. We have seen many of them here in our debates.
