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Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God


If you think 9/11 was fomented by (true) Muslims, then you don't know anything about Islam ! The event was condemned by... a billion people, so-to-say! One of the premises of Islam says that "whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely; and whoever saves one, it is as if he had saved mankind entirely." [Al Maida - Verse 32]

So why were all those Muslim crowds cheering at the news of the attack, and fall of the Towers?



You just reminded me one of the reasons as to why I dismiss Islam: The Quran was written on arabic, and yet it is intended to be universal.
Go figure...
OK... but don't people strive to learn English the world for business, education or for other specific purposes? Aren't there more non-native speakers of English out there than native ones? Then, why not learn Arabic to understand Islam and the Qur'an in its original version, the Word of God? We all know that translations can't be faithful, though they may be helpful...


You can repeat this until you are blue in the face. Qur'an Scholars come up with different translations. We have seen many of them here in our debates.

What do you mean by "Qur'an Scholars come up with different translations" ? We're not talking about 'translations'... nor about interpretations! The debate is about the Qur'an being ONE, the Word of God and whoever does not believe in the last Book and the last Prophet will be among the losers in the Hereafter ! So, you'd better teach yourself right things ! Just type 'converts to Islam' on Google and you'll see ... Praying for your soon discovery of the Truth, aaaaameeeen...


Outstanding Member
OK... but don't people strive to learn English the world for business, education or for other specific purposes? Aren't there more non-native speakers of English out there than native ones? Then, why not learn Arabic to understand Islam and the Qur'an in its original version, the Word of God? We all know that translations can't be faithful, though they may be helpful...

Sure they can learn, but if it is intended to be universal, why stick to arabic? Why not make the original version have multiple official translations sanctioned by the quran itself? Why not reveal the quran across the globe at the same time, for example?

If you think your words written in a book are important enough that everyone should read them, then you don't just expect people to learn arabic to be able to read it. That obviously won't work. It is clear the message wasn't intended to reach everyone.


What do you mean by "Qur'an Scholars come up with different translations" ? We're not talking about 'translations'... nor about interpretations! The debate is about the Qur'an being ONE, the Word of God and whoever does not believe in the last Book and the last Prophet will be among the losers in the Hereafter ! So, you'd better teach yourself right things ! Just type 'converts to Islam' on Google and you'll see ... Praying for your soon discovery of the Truth, aaaaameeeen...

And this is the usual BULL we get from followers of the Qur'an. We debate with you folks all the time. Islamic Scholar's Different interpretations of what the original meant, - are provided in the same thread, all the time.

And we even have people in here with brand new interpretations trying to prove the ancient non-science, was really modern science!

Like I said - until you are blue in the face.



Admiral Obvious
What??? Are you obsessed with the word 'commercial' or what ? Haven't you got anything more instructive to say?
Why is your first post in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with the Koran, Muslims, or even Islam nothing more than a sadly thought out advertisement for the Koran?

You do know what a commercial is, right?
Your very first post in this thread is exactly that, commercial for the advertising of the Koran.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Are you a Hebrew or Greek language expert? If so, please prove which teachings were removed. I would like to know what they are. You can find both the Hebrew and Greek texts online. I look forward to hearing from you.



Evening Katie,

I've been following back and forth with the conversation and thought I'd add my two cents.

Ingledsva is right, though. That doesn't mean scripture is less valid because the Church (Orthodox) decided which books are inspired and which aren't which is a fact not opinion or belief.

Also, the Word of God is not the Bible, it is Christ. God is the spokes piece, and Christ is "His Word".

So, even if the bible was torn into pieces, written in Japanese, and made electronic on a E-tablet, that doesn't make God's Word any less valid than if it were in its original

Pull yourself away from the written w-ords and just look at the message, the W-ord (Christ). Every religion with religious text have been copied, re-edited, and so forth; all have errors.

If you're a Christian, accept that scripture has errors and the Word does not.


Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Are you kidding? You need to Google the Councils of Nicaea.

"The opponents were soon reduced to two, Theonas of Marmarica and Secundus of Ptolemais, who were exiled and anathematized. Arius and his writings were also branded with anathema, his books were cast into the fire, and he was exiled to Illyria."

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: First Council of Nicaea

His Books were the other side of the argument - and showed Jesus was not God!


We don't get our beliefs from a group of church thinkers, you continually make this error. The teachings and beliefs are even outside Scripture, though Scripture is sacred and valuable to real Xians. You can't "prove" your declarations from Scripture by the way, in the NT Jesus is repeatedly called god and divine, the most you can do is think of Him as another Deity, but even then it's problematic because Jesus is called god so many times you really have to be changing words, ideas, tradition, explanation, logic etc. out of your figuring.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Evening Katie,

I've been following back and forth with the conversation and thought I'd add my two cents.

Ingledsva is right, though. That doesn't mean scripture is less valid because the Church (Orthodox) decided which books are inspired and which aren't which is a fact not opinion or belief.

Also, the Word of God is not the Bible, it is Christ. God is the spokes piece, and Christ is "His Word".

So, even if the bible was torn into pieces, written in Japanese, and made electronic on a E-tablet, that doesn't make God's Word any less valid than if it were in its original

Pull yourself away from the written w-ords and just look at the message, the W-ord (Christ). Every religion with religious text have been copied, re-edited, and so forth; all have errors.

If you're a Christian, accept that scripture has errors and the Word does not.

the Scripture has very little 'wrong' with it, if you are a real follower of Jeshua. It's sacred text, just because you don't think so doesn't mean you have the authority to be telling others your incorrect opinion as if it's fact.
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We don't get our beliefs from a group of church thinkers, you continually make this error. The teachings and beliefs are even outside Scripture, though Scripture is sacred and valuable to real Xians. You can't "prove" your declarations from Scripture by the way, in the NT Jesus is repeatedly called god and divine, the most you can do is think of Him as another Deity, but even then it's problematic because Jesus is called god so many times you really have to be changing words, ideas, tradition, explanation, logic etc. out of your figuring.

Actually he is never called God. All such verses are mistranslated, as has been shown by numerous people, - over and over.

You need to go back and read the OP.

KatieMyGirl - "There are so many reasons I believe the Bible is God's word. Besides my faith, and my own experiences, one thing that has always impressed me is the fact that the Bible was written by about forty men, in three different languages, from different parts of the world, over a span of hundreds and hundreds of years, yet it is unified in theme. That amazes me. I've asked myself how that could be. It wasn't like they had the internet back then."

She thinks the books just flowed together. That of course is not the reality. They had many scriptures - and picked and chose which would go into the Bible, - and even changed their minds later - and dropped some! That shows it is not God whom chose or sanctioned the Bible scriptures.

They fought over Jesus being just a Human Messiah, or God. Obviously, Christians do NOT need to believe Jesus is God, or part of a trinity.



Evening Katie,

I've been following back and forth with the conversation and thought I'd add my two cents.

Ingledsva is right, though. That doesn't mean scripture is less valid because the Church (Orthodox) decided which books are inspired and which aren't which is a fact not opinion or belief.

Also, the Word of God is not the Bible, it is Christ. God is the spokes piece, and Christ is "His Word".

So, even if the bible was torn into pieces, written in Japanese, and made electronic on a E-tablet, that doesn't make God's Word any less valid than if it were in its original

Pull yourself away from the written w-ords and just look at the message, the W-ord (Christ). Every religion with religious text have been copied, re-edited, and so forth; all have errors.

If you're a Christian, accept that scripture has errors and the Word does not.

Hi Carlita,

Thank you for your $0.02 worth. :)

Yes, Jesus is the word.

But let me remind you that Jesus referred to the Scriptures as the word of God.
  • Matt 15:6, "he is not to honor his father or his mother. And thus you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition."
  • Mark 7:13, "thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that.”
  • John 10:35 “If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken)."
3056 (logos)from 3004 /légō, "speaking to a conclusion") – a word, being the expression of a thought; a saying.

3056/lógos ("word") is preeminently used ofChrist (Jn 1:1), expressing the thoughts of the Father through the Spirit.

3056 (logos)is a common term (used 330 times in the NT) with regards to a person sharing a message (discourse, "communication-speech"). 3056 (lógos) is a broad term meaning "reasoning expressed by words."


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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Is the Bhagavad Gita "the word of God"? If one believes it's not, please provide some objective evidence.


What would you do if you wanted to have your book to be understood by pretty much everyone across the globe without forcing everyone to learn the same language?

You would have your book written in multiple languages. And yet, here we have the Quran written only in arabic.
To you all ! I don't see why you find it unquestionable that the Torah was in Hebrew and the (original) Gospel in Aramaic... but abnormal that the Qur'an was sent in Arabic ! God's decisions ! It was the language spoken by the Prophet that God chose to send His last book to his people first, but the message is meant to the whole humanity. No other prophet will come and no other book will be sent ! Allah says: "And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the worlds." (Quran 21:107). By the way, the three languages are 'sisters', Semitic languages which are, to a certain extent, mutually intelligible, particularly Aramaic/Hebrew. Of course, you're going to speak of hundreds, perhaps thousands of versions in modern languages.. But these are only interpretations with so many contradictions and weaknesses... and you know this !


You can repeat this until you are blue in the face. Qur'an Scholars come up with different translations. We have seen many of them here in our debates.

Not yet "blue in the face", Ingledsva... To you all ! I don't see why you find it unquestionable that the Torah was in Hebrew and the (original) Gospel in Aramaic... but abnormal that the Qur'an was sent in Arabic ! God's decisions ! It was the language spoken by the Prophet that God chose to send His last book to his people first, but the message is meant to the whole humanity. No other prophet will come and no other book will be sent ! Allah says: "And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the worlds." (Quran 21:107). By the way, the three languages are 'sisters', Semitic languages which are, to a certain extent, mutually intelligible, particularly Aramaic/Hebrew. Of course, you're going to speak of hundreds, perhaps thousands of versions in modern languages.. But these are only interpretations with so many contradictions and weaknesses... and you know this !


Doubting Thomas
Hi Carlita,

Thank you for your $0.02 worth. :)

Yes, Jesus is the word.

But let me remind you that Jesus referred to the Scriptures as the word of God.
  • Matt 15:6, "he is not to honor his father or his mother. And thus you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition."
  • Mark 7:13, "thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that.”
  • John 10:35 “If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken)."
3056 (logos)from 3004 /légō, "speaking to a conclusion") – a word, being the expression of a thought; a saying.

3056/lógos ("word") is preeminently used ofChrist (Jn 1:1), expressing the thoughts of the Father through the Spirit.

3056 (logos)is a common term (used 330 times in the NT) with regards to a person sharing a message (discourse, "communication-speech"). 3056 (lógos) is a broad term meaning "reasoning expressed by words."


are you just going to ignore all those places where "word of god" obviously cannot mean the bible? are you going to ignore the fact that the christian bible did not even exist when Jesus reportedly said those things?


Outstanding Member
To you all ! I don't see why you find it unquestionable that the Torah was in Hebrew...

It was not intended for everyone. Just for jews.

and the (original) Gospel in Aramaic...

Which is more like a hadith.

but abnormal that the Qur'an was sent in Arabic !


God's decisions ! It was the language spoken by the Prophet that God chose to send His last book to his people first, but the message is meant to the whole humanity. No other prophet will come and no other book will be sent ! Allah says: "And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the worlds." (Quran 21:107). By the way, the three languages are 'sisters', Semitic languages which are, to a certain extent, mutually intelligible, particularly Aramaic/Hebrew. Of course, you're going to speak of hundreds, perhaps thousands of versions in modern languages.. But these are only interpretations with so many contradictions and weaknesses... and you know this !

A decision that makes no sense as I have explained.


are you just going to ignore all those places where "word of god" obviously cannot mean the bible? are you going to ignore the fact that the christian bible did not even exist when Jesus reportedly said those things?
Are you going to ignore the definition of logos that I posted? Even if I took the time and made the effort to provide Scripture that proves the NT is also the inspired word of God, it wouldn't change your mind. So what would be the point? You won't even agree with the basic definition of logos.


Problems start in light of inception and compilation of the written works which is where imo the manipulation began. Nicene/Trent for starters. It's easy to compile and redact writings to fit any givin means to an end.

Authorship in the Bible is attributed, yet not established by any means which opens up it's credibility towards speculation as to it's actual inception and dates for each book.

3) There are many contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies prevalent throughout the Bible which as a result, necessitated the field of apologetics for each respective denomination and sect, whereas it's "unified" theme is contrasted sharply in light of 36,000 plus existing denominations indicating its lack of unity by establishment.

4) A lot of archeological resources (University and academic institutions) have little or none to go on as far as verifying divine events and such. It establishes the historical institution of early Christianity but not its divinity.
I didn't post the thread to prove anything. I answered the question I was asked. I stated why I believe the Bible is the word of God. I'm not trying to convert anyone here to my way of thinking. What you or others believe is your choice. As for me, I'm happy with the choice I've made to follow Jesus and live my life according to His word to the best of my ability.