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Why I think a lot of the Bible is False


Miss Independent
I'm not Gods PR officer. Your concept of god is directly related to your own findings about him.

Did god say he is vain, or did the guy who wrote that down, have no other linguistic alternative to vain?

Solomon in all his glory called everthing except the dust mites vanity.


Miss Independent
If god is vain and jealous, his no better than the next human. If that be the case, everybody would like him.


Admiral Obvious
If god is vain and jealous, his no better than the next human. If that be the case, everybody would like him.
If it is your position to deny the words of God based upon such sloppy logic, then by all means, be my guest.


Hi Jayell. What could humans have done to upset god so much? Rebel? OK, but god does not have an ego problem, if we didnt want God, why would he have a gripe about letting us go? He doesnt, we have our independence here on earth, but we cant make good with it.

So, god is more concerned to get us back, than getting even.

Dont you think?
If a couple were to build a house and furnish it. Get things inorder because they planned on having a child they would be quite foolishish to let that child grow up under their care and live independent from them.


Miss Independent
LOL I didnt know I needed your permission to have an opinion. But I'm happy that you feel that you needed to give me the thumbs up to have a brain of my own.



Admiral Obvious
I'm not Gods PR officer. Your concept of god is directly related to your own findings about him.
Fair enough.

Did god say he is vain, or did the guy who wrote that down, have no other linguistic alternative to vain?
No other linguistic alternative to vain?
wonder if that is because vain was the word to translate it to?

However, to be fair, most of my discussions in this area are with a KJOnlyist.
So To be honest with you, i do not know.

Solomon in all his glory called everthing except the dust mites vanity.

No wait.
How about we determine if it is even relevant first....


Miss Independent
I'm still of the opinion that most of the bible is actually true. Not talking about the accurate historical accounts. Lets rather say, its truthful.

Just like in the bible, people have differences between them. Differences in opinion, and differences in values and morals.


Admiral Obvious
I'm still of the opinion that most of the bible is actually true. Not talking about the accurate historical accounts. Lets rather say, its truthful.
Seems to me that it is not the bible nor God who make the claim that the Bible is historically true.

Seems to me that it is those who have put the Bible upon a pedestal of higher position than it was intended to be put, who make such claims.

Just like in the bible, people have differences between them. Differences in opinion, and differences in values and morals.
Thus the differences in the Bibles...


Miss Independent
I'm just thinking, if the bible is mans way of having a manual for controlling the masses, completely fabricated and bogus, why include scriptures like:

'Do not fear men, but fear god' and
'You must not call anybody father (RCC), you have one father'

Seems like the controllers of the massas would rather have men fear them, and certainly the RCC have many 'fathers'.


Admiral Obvious
I'm just thinking, if the bible is mans way of having a manual for controlling the masses, completely fabricated and bogus, why include scriptures like:

'Do not fear men, but fear god' and
'You must not call anybody father (RCC), you have one father'

Seems like the controllers of the massas would rather have men fear them, and certainly the RCC have many 'fathers'.
Rather easy actually.
Is it not claimed that the Pope speaks for God?

And what of the likes of David Koresch?
Did not his followers claim that he spoke for God?


Miss Independent
Ok, but if the RCC helped come up with the bogus bible, they ommitted striking from the record the following:

'you must not call anybody father'.

People that speak for god...hmmm, only angels can do that. They are called messengers. And they are on this planet, and speaking.


I have been skimming through a lot of the comments in the In this thread and I think I am going to take a shot at answering your question here.

First off saying that everyone can experience God in their own way is a total lie. It is a lie fabricated by a world that is sick and tired of trying to come up with something other then God. This statement of course can only be backed if the Bible really is the truth. So, I am going to try my best. The fact of the matter is words are a poor form of communication, and only God gives the increase.

Lets start in the garden. God created man and set them in the garden for the purpose of glorifying and worshiping him. I know this sounds a bit egotistical but hopefully by the end of this you will realize that there really is no other way for a bunch of people to survive together unless they are constrained and protected by God.
The Bible says that God made man in the image of Him, and that man is the only creation of His to have a spirit. In other words man is the only creature on the planet with a will, or, the only creature that can choose for himself. The Bible also says that man was made perfect, the biblical term for someone that is perfect is someone who has summited their will, or what they want to do, to God and is constantly seeking to stay in that relationship with him. David was said to be perfect and yet he sinned, so is the bible contradicting itself? NO! Even though David sinned he repented and begged God not to cast him away but to return to that relationship that they had before.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil was Gods way to let man choose if they wanted to stay in that perfect relationship with God or if they want to leave that relationship. Adam and Eve of course eat that fruit and their eyes were opened, they realized they really could place something else at the center of their lives other than God. I believe that is why they realized they were naked.
God said that after man sinned they would die, God also cursed the ground after they sinned and made life hard. Why did he do this? So that men would hate the world and seek after something else. We have already seen what men have done to each other with a limited time here on earth, men are evil. Even if you say you are not evil because you have never killed anyone think of it this way. If you have chosen to disobey God in anyway shape or form you are just as bad as a murderer. Here is the reason for why I say this: God is the ONLY guard against sin, it is by his grace that the world is not already a living hell, when you chose to disobey him you are purposefully removing the same safety feature that that murderer did. The only thing that is separating you from him is that circumstance.

Well I am in high-school so I have to get to work. I know what I have said so far can be picked apart because it really is incomplete and is still resting on the Bible which you still don't believe. I would just like to say that if you don't believe that the OT is correct you are making a logical faulisy thinking that you can believe the NT is correct. The NT is build on the OT.... if you don't believe me study the Bible.

P.S. The bible was carried orally by the jewish people for years. This would seem totally ludicrous to us because we are so dependent on written documents. The Torah was and Is everything to them.

I will try to finish this later... pick it apart, let me know what you think.


Where in the Bible is this stated?
The wicked are estranged from the WOMB, they go astray as soon as they are BORN speaking lies (Psalm 58:3)
The imaginations of our hearts is evil from YOUTH (Gen 8:21)
How then can man be justified with God? or how then he be clean that is BORN of a women? (Job 25:4). Do you need more? The bible is very clear on that subject. It also says, "By nature we are children of wrath and we have the nature of our father Adam. That's the reason Jesus (who is described as the 2nd Adam) had to come is to redeem us from our own fallen nature.
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Intentionally Blank
Adam and Eve disobeyed their parent.
If they ever existed. (highly doubtful)

Taking life is taking life. The cold fact is, we need to kill in order to survive. Killing needlessly is the moral wrong. And trust me, what Joshua did was kill needlessly.
Well, most of us make a distinction between killing people and other creatures. Otherwise we'd all be vegetarian.

If you think Yeh'vah was a bad God, just look at what Zeus did, or even Chronos. And don't forget Ares. He'd charge into any battlefield, not caring whose side he's on as long as there's lots of blood, but when he gets a small scratch, he goes crying home to daddy. Or even Eros. Trust me, Eros isn't an affectionate cupid in any way; he shoots his arrows of desire into people, not to spread love or peace, but so he can laugh and jest at the two people as they make loveless love, not really knowing why. Aphrodite provoked a terrible war just so that some foreign prince would call her beautiful.
I agree. All Gods are bad.


Intentionally Blank
I have been skimming through a lot of the comments in the In this thread and I think I am going to take a shot at answering your question here.

First off saying that everyone can experience God in their own way is a total lie. It is a lie fabricated by a world that is sick and tired of trying to come up with something other then God. This statement of course can only be backed if the Bible really is the truth. So, I am going to try my best. The fact of the matter is words are a poor form of communication, and only God gives the increase.

Lets start in the garden. God created man and set them in the garden for the purpose of glorifying and worshiping him. I know this sounds a bit egotistical but hopefully by the end of this you will realize that there really is no other way for a bunch of people to survive together unless they are constrained and protected by God.
The Bible says that God made man in the image of Him, and that man is the only creation of His to have a spirit. In other words man is the only creature on the planet with a will, or, the only creature that can choose for himself. The Bible also says that man was made perfect, the biblical term for someone that is perfect is someone who has summited their will, or what they want to do, to God and is constantly seeking to stay in that relationship with him. David was said to be perfect and yet he sinned, so is the bible contradicting itself? NO! Even though David sinned he repented and begged God not to cast him away but to return to that relationship that they had before.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil was Gods way to let man choose if they wanted to stay in that perfect relationship with God or if they want to leave that relationship. Adam and Eve of course eat that fruit and their eyes were opened, they realized they really could place something else at the center of their lives other than God. I believe that is why they realized they were naked.
God said that after man sinned they would die, God also cursed the ground after they sinned and made life hard. Why did he do this? So that men would hate the world and seek after something else. We have already seen what men have done to each other with a limited time here on earth, men are evil. Even if you say you are not evil because you have never killed anyone think of it this way. If you have chosen to disobey God in anyway shape or form you are just as bad as a murderer. Here is the reason for why I say this: God is the ONLY guard against sin, it is by his grace that the world is not already a living hell, when you chose to disobey him you are purposefully removing the same safety feature that that murderer did. The only thing that is separating you from him is that circumstance.

Well I am in high-school so I have to get to work. I know what I have said so far can be picked apart because it really is incomplete and is still resting on the Bible which you still don't believe. I would just like to say that if you don't believe that the OT is correct you are making a logical faulisy thinking that you can believe the NT is correct. The NT is build on the OT.... if you don't believe me study the Bible.

P.S. The bible was carried orally by the jewish people for years. This would seem totally ludicrous to us because we are so dependent on written documents. The Torah was and Is everything to them.

I will try to finish this later... pick it apart, let me know what you think.

Where's the part where you were going to try to convince us that the Bible is true? Don't you need to do that before it makes any difference what it says?


Well-Known Member
Please define "sin",is it what you think is wrong, what someone else thinks is wrong, and who has the authority to pronounce what "sin" is?


Admiral Obvious
Ok, but if the RCC helped come up with the bogus bible, they ommitted striking from the record the following:

'you must not call anybody father'.

People that speak for god...hmmm, only angels can do that. They are called messengers. And they are on this planet, and speaking.
Yet you have still not actually addressed the fact that many people believe that some HUMAN here on Earth speaks for God.

If you are looking for a debate about the Bible being written to soley to control the masses, you will needs look elsewhere.
I could care less one way or the other.


Miss Independent
Yet you have still not actually addressed the fact that many people believe that some HUMAN here on Earth speaks for God.

If you are looking for a debate about the Bible being written to soley to control the masses, you will needs look elsewhere.
I could care less one way or the other.

Im not trying to address the fact that some people try to speak on gods behalf. :cover: I was trying to stay on topic. If the bible was written by humans, who wanted to actually control the massas, they would NOT have included...

'fear no man' and
'dont call anybody father'

hence, my conclusion is that the bible was not completely inspired by humans and can therefore not be completely false.