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Why I think there is one right religion


I have often heard that why would our religion be wrong if we believe in God.

Well let me start by saying that every person has a religion. Even the one who says I don't belong to any religion.

Assume that you don't follow any religion, I will ask you four questions

If somebody came to kill you, do you think it is okay if you killed him? self defense?

Is it okay to have alcohol?

Is it okay to have drugs?

Is it okay to lie for a good reason?

Now I can make a thousand question in the list. The set of answers you provide for these questions is your religion. They form your beliefs by which you live your life.

Now before you give answers to these questions and adopt them in your life, it is your duty to search and see if God already handed you answers to these questions.

And since religions have major differences, there is only one true religion. Just like 1+1=2 ... You only have once right answer. And let's not forget that there are MAJOR difference between religions in the worshiping aspect. Not only in the do and donts.

So its our duty to search for this true religion that God gave us, and I firmly believe that God didn't leave each one of us to live by his standards.
Actually am unable to grasp your question. What's your question ?


Well-Known Member
Actually am unable to grasp your question. What's your question ?

It is not a question. I am arguing that there is only one right religion.

And even for those who say we have no religion, their religion is the set of beliefs they have.


Well-Known Member

Why do you need a third person to tell you what God says?

Why not just listen directly to God?


So if he did that, how would we have time to communicate to each other? We will all synchronize our time. Like it will be from 5 am till 7 am. We don't do anything at that time, we will be listening to God?

And besides, if that was done, wouldn't others object?

It is just the way God chose it to be.

Sir Doom

Cooler than most of you
If you don't believe in God, than how you explain your existence?

I do believe in God. None of my answers says that I don't. You assume too much.

I even believe that God IS (at least partially) responsible for my existence.

The variables you talked about are the same for everyone.
That's right, more or less. But what I don't believe is that God has ever handed down any moral code to the hands of humanity. I don't even believe that God necessarily intended for humanity to exist, specifically. The only compass that we have for what God 'wants' from me or anyone else is the environment I live in and being that I am.

And since, as you say, the variables are the same for everyone I must accept that I am no more qualified to dictate morality than any other human on this planet.

EDIT: I wanted to add that I do feel compelled to dictate morality to myself, and share my thoughts on it with others. Which I think is healthy for everyone.

We are all living on earth,

and we all do have a one creator.
I'm not so sure about the number. Could be a bunch of gods. I don't really know the details of the form, nor would I expect any particular form to be permanent anyway. I also don't think it matters much.

the question is already formulated.
You mean the existence question? I hope so, because I don't know what the question is otherwise.


Well-Known Member
So if he did that, how would we have time to communicate to each other? We will all synchronize our time. Like it will be from 5 am till 7 am. We don't do anything at that time, we will be listening to God?

You can't listen to God and tie your shoelaces at the same time? I can.

And besides, if that was done, wouldn't others object?

What do you mean? Others would object to me communicating with God?

It is just the way God chose it to be.

What is the way that God chose it to be? What are you talking about?

(And how do you know what God chose? Are you a prophet?)


Well-Known Member
I do believe in God. None of my answers says that I don't. You assume too much.

I even believe that God IS (at least partially) responsible for my existence.

That's right, more or less. But what I don't believe is that God has ever handed down any moral code to the hands of humanity. I don't even believe that God necessarily intended for humanity to exist, specifically. The only compass that we have for what God 'wants' from me or anyone else is the environment I live in and being that I am.

And since, as you say, the variables are the same for everyone I must accept that I am no more qualified to dictate morality than any other human on this planet.

EDIT: I wanted to add that I do feel compelled to dictate morality to myself, and share my thoughts on it with others. Which I think is healthy for everyone.


I'm not so sure about the number. Could be a bunch of gods. I don't really know the details of the form, nor would I expect any particular form to be permanent anyway. I also don't think it matters much.

You mean the existence question? I hope so, because I don't know what the question is otherwise.

Well personally I think you need to refine the word God. If there is more than one God and each one wanted different things, who wins ?

You can't listen to God and tie your shoelaces at the same time? I can.

What do you mean? Others would object to me communicating with God?

What is the way that God chose it to be? What are you talking about?

(And how do you know what God chose? Are you a prophet?)

Well the massage is for everyone and not only for you. If you can tie a shoelaces, listen, and understand,, others can't. Beside tell me, don't you better understand something you hear or listen when it is put into practice? Prophets were living the massages they were delivering.

I meant that no matter what was the way God sent us his massage, there will still be someone who says well I think that would have been a better way.

By the way God chose it to be, I mean the way God chose to tell us how to live. I mean by sending prophets.

I know what God chose by putting the scripture into the test.


Truth Seeker
Religion is just a label, a private club which you can attain a membership for. Each private club has it's rules and bylaws. If you abide by those rules, you gain a sense of belonging within your private club of choice. If you question or violate those rules, the leaders (clergy) of your group will revoke your membership. Religion is a private club with worldly (not spiritual) benefits and rules and has little to do with God. Moses never set out to create a new "religion" called Judaism. He preached monotheism. Jesus never set out to create a new "religion" called Christianity. He preached Monotheism. Muhammad never set out to create a new "religion" called Islam. He preached Monotheism. For those who claim to be Muslim... "Muslim" is just a word. Definition: One who submits his/her will to the ONE God, the creator of everything we know. Islam is a "deen" according to the Quran. The word "deen" is usually mistranslated as "religion". In actuality, it means something closer to "system". So Islam is not a religion at all. It's a system which God has prescribed. This system is detailed in the Quran. This is of significance if you believe that the Quran is the word of God. If not, sorry for wasting your time. Peace!


Well when I say I think there is one right religion and my profile says my religion is Islam. This means I think the true religion is Islam :confused::confused:
So, finally your question is.. Islam is the one and only right religion (According to you), Am I right ? or you will tell/argue that later, as for the time being you think you are new at RF ? :)


Well-Known Member
Religion is just a label, a private club which you can attain a membership for. Each private club has it's rules and bylaws. If you abide by those rules, you gain a sense of belonging within your private club of choice. If you question or violate those rules, the leaders (clergy) of your group will revoke your membership. Religion is a private club with worldly (not spiritual) benefits and rules and has little to do with God. Moses never set out to create a new "religion" called Judaism. He preached monotheism. Jesus never set out to create a new "religion" called Christianity. He preached Monotheism. Muhammad never set out to create a new "religion" called Islam. He preached Monotheism. For those who claim to be Muslim... "Muslim" is just a word. Definition: One who submits his/her will to the ONE God, the creator of everything we know. Islam is a "deen" according to the Quran. The word "deen" is usually mistranslated as "religion". In actuality, it means something closer to "system". So Islam is not a religion at all. It's a system which God has prescribed. This system is detailed in the Quran. This is of significance if you believe that the Quran is the word of God. If not, sorry for wasting your time. Peace!

Wow ... I think this is why I am not being understood. That surely benefited me a lot. I found it hard way translating from Arabic to English. Peace brother. And thank you for your valuable information.


Truth Seeker
Well when I say I think there is one right religion and my profile says my religion is Islam. This means I think the true religion is Islam :confused::confused:

So are you saying that Islam is a private club or system prescribed by God? And I know what Islam means. But I think you are referring to the modern day interpretation of Islam. I apologize if I'm wrong in my assumption. But if I'm correct, then which Islam are you referring to? Sunni "Islam"? Shi'ite "Islam"? Sufi "Islam"? Salafi "Islam"? Shaafi "Islam"? Hanafi "Islam"? So many options... tell me which is the right "Islam"? Let's establish that before we decide if "Islam" is the right "religion"!


Well-Known Member
So, finally your question is.. Islam is the one and only right religion (According to you), Am I right ? or you will tell/argue that later, as for the time being you think you are new at RF ? :)

Well actually this is what I believe but that was not what I wanted to discuss in this thread. But I certainly want to discuss that later as now I am going to "Friday prayer" and than I have to study for my midterms.

But we will surely discuss that if you want.