Way I see it, feminism is a movement that was needed to ignite crucial social transformation into contemporary past-modern age, but also one that has not only overstayed its welcome but also turned in part into the monster it originally opposed. Allow me to explain.
Prior to feminist awakening, quite honestly a lot of brilliant women were wasted in the confines of their socio-cultural prisons, i.e at home. If they were not wasted in the way of being confined to house, they were wasted as mere servants to men. This needed to change, very much so.
But I would argue, that by the beginning of this millennia, it in my country had already changed. Female president served two terms, successful female politicians leading political parties, high number of well-educated women entering the world in the fields of psychology, medicine and culture. At the same time, correlating to the rise of women, men showed strong decline - decline in education, failing in school and in other areas of life. I refuse to believe that men simply stopped being effective by random, something happened: many things have been claimed responsible, but no one knows what it is. One of the most often mentioned is, that the educational system is done by women, with female mindset, to girl students - needs of boys, who develop very differently and far more violently, are ignored and probably not even understood. Who knows, maybe even because now both parents are largely removed from the house and replaced with freedom and the company of peers? In the case of boys, this rarely leads into good ideas. Most of the socially excluded people are young men.
And yet, feminists claim that a lot of work is needed to be done in order to improve women's rights in Finland, even though it always should be which ever is at worse position any given time. And this brings me to my main point.
In my country, at least, feminism has become the very thing it initially opposed: gender-centric, disconnected to opposing sex, ignoring the needs and issues of opposing sex in politics and education, determined to only pursue the cause of their own gender and the belittling of the opposite gender. Does that not sound like men treated women prior late 50s? Having met some feminist women, some come across outright egoist and gender-supremacists. Not all though, many are quite likeable.
I guess whenever some movement, however good its intentions initially are, is politicised, it loses its loyalty to the cause and replaces it with loyalty to money and power. Its not women's rights that interests so-called 'feminist' politicians and influential women these days - feminism is the platform they ran on, if women's rights are doing well, their agenda is unneeded as so would be their presence: they will not allow for that. In large part same has happened to gay rights movement. Happened to communists of korea. All wanted initially simple things to improve their conditions, all evolved to transform into their very enemies.
Male chauvinism and feminism are quite trivial ideologies for me, I don't see how neither could benefit humankind as both are tied into some sort of egoism in modern developed countries. Obviously, only humanism can benefit humankind as a whole, which is far superior to either one as philosophy...it kinda is readable from the word itself.