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Why is Erotic Dance Wrong or Immoral?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
It may be, if it encourages wrong behavior.

Which is of course difficult to gauge unless the conditions are very well controlled.

Then again, sometimes that is the point. Some dances are used as a social substitute and even gateway of sorts for casual sex. People feel awkward about stating outright that they want to do the nasty, so they go for lambada or something instead.


Its only a Label
Friend Ss,

Since am poor in language could you state what EROTIC means????
Why is a dance not a dance but called an erotic dance??
Is it that because by watching them few men have *HARD ONS*??

Love & rgds


Why is erotic dance wrong or immoral? Please explain.

if we start to ask why erotic dance,public nudity etc are considered immoral,we can expand the list to many things..like why do we wear dress? why do we follow a family structure,why should i do good ,and i think the questions are endless.The answer is that morality comes from inside,from something we call soul or heart.It can be felt but no reason can explain them.And this individual phenomena in a society becomes social conscience.So it comes from soul and knowing that soul is all about spirituality or religion.That's what Raja-Yoga does, to explore our inner nature.

There is always a 'social conscience' developed among the people. It represents the morality, sexual conduct, good manners etc... And it is universal. Almost All the nations agree upon freedom, peace, justice, and human rights. It is true that some group of people like terrorists always disagree with this. But such people are a small minority. Otherwise the world would not have existed.

Sometimes we may doubt about the basis of all these things like morality and do bad things. It is like a ball thrown into the air, how long can it go? There is always a limit and by the gravitational force it falls down. So we cannot become too bad, there is something inside, a soul or heart which pulls us back to the good. And this soul is responsible for the social conscience.

So gravitation is a phenomenon, it just happens .like that morality or social conscience is also a phenomenon. And I think that both atheists and theists agree upon the existence of such a phenomenon and debate over its cause.

First we should accept the goodness, appreciate it and make it part of our life, then only we can even think of finding its source.
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As in lap dancing? Or something less than that?

I don't see why women would like to dance like that for strangers - but that's their prerogative. I hate it when society dictates how others should think, if it's out of general public view - who is going to be offended?!
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RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
In and of itself it isn't wrong. Context is always at the core of whether an act is moral or immoral. If the intention is to cause some sort of harm then it is immoral. If it directly results in causing harm then it is immoral.


godless wonder
We still carry animal instincts. Many animals in nature perform "dances" to attract mates. And who are the ones mostly doing the "erotic" dances...........it's either the horny or the young who are physically ready to have sexual encounter.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
What Demi Moore did in Striptease could reverse homosexuality in men. It was just that awesome.

This is the kind of thing I worry about enjoying too much.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
It's only wrong or immoral if we consider sexual expression immoral, as that's really all it is.

Personally, I think it's one of those things that needs to be considered on an individual basis. Those who don't like it shouldn't judge or persecute those who like it.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
As an ex-dancer myself, I can tell you that absolutely nothing is wrong with it. It gets girls through undergrad without any debt :)