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Why is Homosexuality EVIL?


Active Member
Curious question for all who oppose homosexuality. Why do you? why is it bad, or evil, or immoral, or a sin, or whatever negative description you wish to assign it?

because god said so? because you were raised that way? try to dig deeper. what is it really that bothers you about homosexuality? what gets your blood boiling?


New Member
Near as I can tell it is a cultural convention descended from the desire for the tribe to survive. A non-producing member does little to continue the lineage in a world where your village can be annihalated the next day. Of course modern civilization and all the wonderful scientific advancements heavily circumvent this to the point where we are simply overpopulating. A type of old instinctual thinking from a far harsher time period that has survived to this day dressed up in all sorts of manners in an attempt to continue justifying it with the complete lack of either social or scientific reasons anymore.

My guess.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Curious question for all who oppose homosexuality. Why do you? why is it bad, or evil, or immoral, or a sin, or whatever negative description you wish to assign it?

because god said so? because you were raised that way? try to dig deeper. what is it really that bothers you about homosexuality? what gets your blood boiling?

It comes from religious texts which were written by human beings with irrational fears thousands of years ago. Many of these groups believe doubt and change are some of the most evil things you can do, and therefore their beliefs have not evolved from old men, thousands of years ago, writing an inspired but fictional account of something that may not have happened from memory 40 years after the fact. I am not surprised that homosexuality was look at as evil, same as slavery was acceptable and such. Luckily we grew out of that one, and we will hopefully grow out of this homophobia.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
It's not Christian. It's not Jewish. If it's acceptable to you, so be it.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
what is not christian or jewish? homosexuality? there are many christian and jewish homosexuals out there.

There are Christians and Jews that do many things they're not supposed to. Some don't realize, understand, or control their certain shortcomings, and as a result it doesn't get resolved.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Curious question for all who oppose homosexuality. Why do you? why is it bad, or evil, or immoral, or a sin, or whatever negative description you wish to assign it?

because god said so? because you were raised that way? try to dig deeper. what is it really that bothers you about homosexuality? what gets your blood boiling?

It isn't evil, it's "icky". The opponents just call it evil because they can't very well stand on the street corners yelling at people to "change their icky ways!!"

That would be silly. :D


Active Member
There are Christians and Jews that do many things they're not supposed to. Some don't realize, understand, or control their certain shortcomings, and as a result it doesn't get resolved.

Although i am frankly indifferent on homosexuality i actually agree that scriptures make its homophobia abundantly clear. And homosexual christians and jews are false in their belief that christianity and judaism somehow allow for homosexuality.

Having said that, i will play devil's advocate and say that you can not make an absolute statement that homosexuality is not part of christianity or judaism because many christian and jewish organizations interpred scriptures to allow for homosexuality. So you cant deny those people their christianity or judaism over a simple disagreement. Therefore i will say that homosexuality is christian and jewish
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Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
Although i am frankly indifferent on homosexuality i actually agree that scriptures make its homophobia abundantly clear. And homosexual christians and jews are false in their belief that christianity and judaism somehow allow for homosexuality.

Having said that, i will play devil's advocate and say that you can not make an absolute statement that homosexuality is not part of christianity or judaism because many christian and jewish organizations interpred scriptures to allow for homosexuality. So you cant deny those people their christianity or judaism over a simple disagreement. Therefore i will say that homosexuality is christian and jewish

That's up to you, and them. I don't consider it a Christian or Jewish practice, though.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I think he means paul

No, I meant Abraham. All of this stems from the culture of Abraham. They were slave owners who considered all women property. Their God was angry and jealous with priests and prophets who sought to control every aspect of their peoples lives. That sort of environment is bound to foster prejudice and bigotry.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
No, I meant Abraham. All of this stems from the culture of Abraham. They were slave owners who considered all women property. Their God was angry and jealous with priests and prophets who sought to control every aspect of their peoples lives. That sort of environment is bound to foster prejudice and bigotry.

I think you're giving Abraham's clan a bad rap here. It's been a long time since I read Genesis all the way through, but I don't remember much being said about Abraham, or the God of Abraham, being particularly bugged by the existence of foreign God's. In fact, one of the last things that Rachel, Abraham's Grand daughter in Law, did before joining the clan was to steal her father's household gods and bring them back with her into the clan. God didn't seem to have a problem with this.

As far as being "angry with priests and prophets who sought to control every aspect of their peoples lives", I thought this is what the major modern gripe against religion was all about. :D

Me Myself

Back to my username
Christ never specificaly condemned homosexuality, and he did contradict more than one jewish text, so, at least as a christian one can very well take all OT with two pillars of salt.

Also, it was the "jewish" thing to do to stone your kids if they were being disobedient according to OT. I would guess most jews that don´t do that today would still call themselves jew.

Of course I know very very little of jews anyways :D


Active Member
I don't understand why homosexuals of whatever religion get bent out of shape that the god of their religion condemns them for the way he made them. Time to find a new god, one who accepts that it was him who made you that way and it wasn't a mistake. Just saying.