Didn´t they liked to kill them on spot?
Nothing about that in the Bible either.
sounds like a good way to make them stay in their biblical closets.
There was no Bible back then (no closets either
That, and the thing that just because they weren´t written, doesn´t mean they didn´t exist.
That's exactly my point: If we don't hear anything about any homosexuals in Genesis, what are the possible explanations for this? That there weren't any seems like the least likely explanation, and once again: if there weren't any, why did they need to come up with a law against it? And if there were, why don't we hear about them?
See what I'm getting at?
If we agree that the idea that homosexuality was unheard of in Abraham's time (outside of Sodom) is, at best, extremely unlikely, then it would follow that there actually were at least a few gay people involved here and there, some of them must have figured in some of the stories in one way or another, and it seems likely that a few of them would have been members of the Patriarchs clans themselves.
So if we don't hear about them, at least one possible explanation is that nobody cared.
What I mean is, as far as the people of the Patriarchs clans were concerned, homosexuality was neither here nor there. If we don't see any verses saying "And So-and-So was a lover of men", one possible explanation is that it was a non-issue for them.