Cooking is unnatural. Rape is natural.
Why do people keep talking about natural, animalistic, behavior as if it better than unnatural behavior?
I don't understand the relation.
I don't think I can compare cooking as unnatural or not unless there is criteria to which I can judge that by?
Rape is unnatural given what the rapist forcefully does to his or her victim's body. It's an unhealthy form of physical sexual contact. Motives have nothing to do with it.
Natural animistic behavior? Natural just means, for example:
Food nurishes the body. Toxic chemicals does not. Food is natural. Chemicals or not. (Organic)
If I'm trying to kill myself, that's unnatural. Our bodies are made to be born, life, age, and pass on. To cut off that process of life is unnatural. (For lack of a better term).
In my view, male/male intercourse is unnatural. Like the rapist, it doesn't have to do with the motives involved-love or lust. Has nothing to do with the ethics-commitment or abuse. It's just action itself. Nothing to do with the people involved.
I think ya making it personal.
I'll flip this around. I believe it is unnatural for me to be intimate with my wife by taking a role as a guy or she as a guy in the intimacy. Paint a picture, though. I'd rather not explain it. I rather buy kid toys at Toys R Us not the market down the street.
Has nothing to do with the people. I'm just ol' fashion in that respect (my side). As for male/male, we do things that our bodies are not shaped for in many ways. Watch the Olympics or Gynast stretch their legs over their heads. Some call that natural others say it's not.
It's an opinion. Nothing special.