PANSEXUAL: One who identifies as gender-blind, and feels that gender and sex are insignificant in determining attraction.
I guess that sorta fits me also.
My recovery sponsor is openly gay. He's white, his "partner" is openly gay and black.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what?????
My Dolores and I have lunch with them and adore them both.
What's wrong with that?
My recovery sponsor helps keep me ALIVE.
I've nearly died from alcoholism. Family genetic trait evidently as the disease killed
both mom and dad and my only sibling suffers still. If she is still alive?
Perhaps I'm "gender non specific" or I just don't give a damn about such trivial stuff?
Get this! My gay sponsor LOVES me and I LOVE him. Agape love, the love of one
suffering person for another. Love of one human for another.
What in 'ell do I care what sexual preference people have?
Oh, yeah. I'm also a devout Christian. Likely I'll end up in hell for my open mind.