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Why is Satan bad?


Why is Satan bad?

Because he spends all of his time trying to appease greedy children,
with nothing but lists and lists of things people want,
ad nauseam......no gratitude...........year after year....
century after century without end!
Frankly it's a tired run.

oh. that would be Santa :sorry1:
my mistake.

Or was that God? :sarcastic


RF Addict
I believe in Satan and I still do good things for people. Why is it a Christian man more trust worthy than a man who believes in Satan. Please tell my why this is?

Because of the smear campaigns against Satan by Christians.

Nick Soapdish

Secret Agent
I wouldn't say that Christians are automatically more trustworthy than non-Christians. Christians still have not shed their sinful nature.

In Christianity, Satan is considered "bad" because he is the father of lies and promotes self-ego and the separation from God. Satan represents deception and the opposite of truth, which I think most people would consider bad.

Basically, he is the biggest con-artist of all.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Lets say I am a general of an army of 2,000 men.
I train them to fight to win.
Problem is, is that in peace time, there is no enemy to fight to test the effectiveness of my fighting men.
OK, I say, I will have war games, and I will make me an army of men that will be the opposition.

Now I have become a friend to my regular army and a friend to the opposing army, of which I am both their general.

Satan is an Adversary, the opposer, or everything God is not.

Satan said, according to the bible:
Gen 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Now that we know the game plan, let the game start.

But to answer your question, evil is not something we don't want to do or be associated with, so Satan gets a bad rap.
If you can exercises love, compassion and no regard to condemning anyone, then I'd say truck on.
I understand that the world and all its lusts is Satan, rather than an entity.
The world is our present domain, and if we allow it, it will destroy us.
So, we need something to help us out against that which is the norm, which would destroy us.
But the whole institution of the Adversary, has God for its general.
Religion can be evil as it has shown to be, but not all religion is.
Similarly, Satanist can also be evil, but not all are.
Its your choice.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In Christianity, Satan is considered "bad" because he is the father of lies and promotes self-ego and the separation from God. Satan represents deception and the opposite of truth, which I think most people would consider bad.
The bolded part I find to be a good thing, rather than bad.
And asides from the story of Job, name an instance where the Bible claims Satan is directly responsible for lies and deception. Satan was being honest in the garden of Eden, for the fruit did indeed open the eyes of mankind.


Jar of Clay
The bolded part I find to be a good thing, rather than bad.
And asides from the story of Job, name an instance where the Bible claims Satan is directly responsible for lies and deception. Satan was being honest in the garden of Eden, for the fruit did indeed open the eyes of mankind.

The bible tells us that Satan is full of lies and deceit and seeks to destroy those who do good. Based on that, do you really need examples of Satan's involvement in the dispicable activities that have happened throughout history?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The bible tells us that Satan is full of lies and deceit and seeks to destroy those who do good. Based on that, do you really need examples of Satan's involvement in the dispicable activities that have happened throughout history?
Yes, actually I do.
God flooded the earth, destroyed two cities, confused the tongues, demanded entire tribes down to the children be destroyed, has killed innocent children, cursed many, and killed thousands more and sent them to hell. If I believed in your God, I would blame Hitler on him as punishment for the Jews disobedience. I would also blame Nagasaki and Hiroshima on him, since it's no secret the Japan has always believed in it's "false" gods and idols. Who knows, maybe he did send HIV/AIDs to punish the sexually immoral.

In the Bible, Satan killed a mere 7 people on a gamble. And had it not been for Satan, we would all be mindless, amoral drones right now.

To me, that does not sound like a loving and merciful God. In my mind, that sounds like a God that if you do what he says, your OK, but if you disobey him, your royally screwed. Satan sounds more like someone who cared enough about man to give us a powerful and great gift that can be used for our salvation or damnation.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Yes, actually I do.
God flooded the earth, destroyed two cities, confused the tongues, demanded entire tribes down to the children be destroyed, has killed innocent children, cursed many, and killed thousands more and sent them to hell. If I believed in your God, I would blame Hitler on him as punishment for the Jews disobedience. I would also blame Nagasaki and Hiroshima on him, since it's no secret the Japan has always believed in it's "false" gods and idols. Who knows, maybe he did send HIV/AIDs to punish the sexually immoral.

In the Bible, Satan killed a mere 7 people on a gamble. And had it not been for Satan, we would all be mindless, amoral drones right now.

To me, that does not sound like a loving and merciful God. In my mind, that sounds like a God that if you do what he says, your OK, but if you disobey him, your royally screwed. Satan sounds more like someone who cared enough about man to give us a powerful and great gift that can be used for our salvation or damnation.

Frubals:bow:. I agree. That's one thing I never quite understood about the bible and Christianity in general. God is supposed to be all-loving and yet has comitted so many atrocities while Satan is supposed to be the prince of lies yet has comitted only a few murders and meanwhile has given us at least what I consider to be the greatest gift of all, the knowledge of good and evil.


Active Member
Self distructive and antisocial behavior activity are underlying symptoms of trauma. ( overwhelming circumstances suffered as children). These disorders are not caused by "Satan". Bad; is the unmeditated evil , is when be blame Satan instead of seeking proper help for the tramautized.


Jar of Clay
Frubals:bow:. I agree. That's one thing I never quite understood about the bible and Christianity in general. God is supposed to be all-loving and yet has comitted so many atrocities while Satan is supposed to be the prince of lies yet has comitted only a few murders and meanwhile has given us at least what I consider to be the greatest gift of all, the knowledge of good and evil.

These types of stances just show a great ignorance about the bible and God's character. I really believe that if people really cared to study the bible with an honest heart they wouldn't come to these conclusions. God never acts unjustly so to say that he has ordered genocide or committed atrocities I believe is many people's way to justify their reasoning for not accepting the gospel message. Making Satan into the good guy is laughable since if you really used reason and had true knowledge of what's good and evil, Satan wouldn't be anyone's choice. Every account in the OT (which is what I'm assuming you and probably Luke are getting these accounts from) has an explanation and reasoning behind it. It's when you bring your prejudices to the table and lack of intentions of really understanding them that will lead to this continued ignorance.

Nick Soapdish

Secret Agent
The bolded part I find to be a good thing, rather than bad.
And asides from the story of Job, name an instance where the Bible claims Satan is directly responsible for lies and deception. Satan was being honest in the garden of Eden, for the fruit did indeed open the eyes of mankind.

I'm not sure where you are getting your interpretation of the Bible. Satan was not honest in the garden of Eden. In fact, this was the most severe and important of his lies. He is responsible for leading man to his fallen state. God warned Adam that death would result from eating from the tree, but Satan told Eve, "you will surely not die". From that time forward man took on his sinful nature, which would lead to his eternal destruction; "For you are dust and to dust you shall return". If not for Christ, we would have no hope for life.

I do not understand why you think separation from God is a good thing. If you suppose that God exists, and He is the creator of all things, why would you suppose it is better to be apart from Him rather than with Him?

Nick Soapdish

Secret Agent
Yes, actually I do.
God flooded the earth, destroyed two cities, confused the tongues, demanded entire tribes down to the children be destroyed, has killed innocent children, cursed many, and killed thousands more and sent them to hell. If I believed in your God, I would blame Hitler on him as punishment for the Jews disobedience. I would also blame Nagasaki and Hiroshima on him, since it's no secret the Japan has always believed in it's "false" gods and idols. Who knows, maybe he did send HIV/AIDs to punish the sexually immoral.

In the Bible, Satan killed a mere 7 people on a gamble. And had it not been for Satan, we would all be mindless, amoral drones right now.

To me, that does not sound like a loving and merciful God. In my mind, that sounds like a God that if you do what he says, your OK, but if you disobey him, your royally screwed. Satan sounds more like someone who cared enough about man to give us a powerful and great gift that can be used for our salvation or damnation.

God has a bit different responsibility as the creator and sustainer of the Universe than we do. We cannot possibly see things from His perspective and we must trust in two things:

1) The story of humanity depends on terrible events
2) All things are reconciled after death

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
These types of stances just show a great ignorance about the bible and God's character.
I know the Bible quite well, thank you. Actually, much better than more than half of the Christian population.
I see God as being the biggest advocate of "do as I say, not as I do." If all sins are either forgiven or punished after death, then why punish people while they live? To take a life that may not even see 70 years for misbehaving and sending it to hell forever is rather harsh.

I do not understand why you think separation from God is a good thing. If you suppose that God exists, and He is the creator of all things, why would you suppose it is better to be apart from Him rather than with Him?
In a nut shell, I do not view your God as being worthy of my praise and worship. If his hands were less bloody, then I would consider it again.

God has a bit different responsibility as the creator and sustainer of the Universe than we do. We cannot possibly see things from His perspective...
Why is this? We were made in God's "likeness and image." If we were made like God, then why can we not see things from his perspective?

mostly harmless

Endlessly amused

If I were to find Lucifer to be real, I would be first in line to hug him and thank him for the gift of knowledge and the freedom to be myself. I would love him and befriend him. (not worship, ect..)


Jar of Clay
I know the Bible quite well, thank you. Actually, much better than more than half of the Christian population.

Based on some of these answers, I find it hard to believe. Maybe you things factually but the bible needs to be read with a different lens.

I see God as being the biggest advocate of "do as I say, not as I do."
Any specific examples of this?

If all sins are either forgiven or punished after death, then why punish people while they live?

Probably because it's human nature that we don't learn from your mistakes unless we are punished for them. I can only imagine if a parent took this stance with their kids.

To take a life that may not even see 70 years for misbehaving and sending it to hell forever is rather harsh.

Who said people are sent to Hell for misbehaving? I believe the bible teaches they are if they knowingly reject the offer for eternal life and enter into a relationship with Jesus.

In a nut shell, I do not view your God as being worthy of my praise and worship. If his hands were less bloody, then I would consider it again.

Finally! At least something I can understand you having an issue over. But again, I think if people understood the background to these scenarios it makes them easier understand and accept. As I said before, probably easier to defuse your argument on a case by case basis. Generally speaking though, it would be out of God's character to do anything unjust and has not been filtered through his loving will. While I might not understand every situation, I've found for the most part that when God has ordered people or groups of people to death, 99% they were evil and wicked people that have knowingly rejected orders to repent from their actions and make themselves right again. I can only speculate but had these people took after those in Nineveh, they probably would have been spared.

Why is this? We were made in God's "likeness and image." If we were made like God, then why can we not see things from his perspective?

Our character reflects God's likeness and image. We weren't created to be clones of a supernatural being. We were born with an inherent sense of right and wrong, how to love, show compassion, sense of justice, etc. That is why we are called to rely on God and his providence.


Sataniel who was called Sotona from the beginning became one adverse to good by means of his intelligence- he rebelled in his mind against that which was set before him
HIs evil however is not initially destructive- it simply circumvents good with quasi-good- a trick and a double trick- infact this is all he is - A TRICKSTER- this HERMES , This toth this Adonis- this Tammuz this Balder